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i to je to..poslije stieže još slikica..

1. Poljubac u ruku - PRIJATELJSTVO
2. Poljubac u obraz - POŠTOVANJE
3. Poljubac u čelo - ČEŽNJA
4. Poljubac u rame - POHLEPA
5. Poljubac u vrat - STRAST
6. Poljubac u usta - LJUBAV
7. Tuče li djevojka mladića - IMA JU PRAVO POLJUBITI
8. Ugasi li djevojka mladiću šibicu - ŽELI BITI VOLJENA
9. Baci li djevojka nešto mladiću - KAZNA OD 10 PUSICA
10. Prije ljubljenja - ZABRANJENO PUŠENJE
13. Tapšanje na rastanku - SANJAJ ME
14. Poljubac zatvorenih očiju - ISKRENA LJUBAV
15. Stisak ruke - ŽELIM BITI SAMO S TOBOM
16. Stati na nogu - IZJAVA LJUBAVI
17. Čeprkati po kosi - NE MOGU BEZ TEBE
18. Nakašljucati se - VOLIM TE
19. Staviti kažiprst u suta - ZAGRLI ME
21. Staviti palac u usta - POLJUBI ME
22. Igrati se prstenom - SANJALA SAM TE
23. Gledati u oči - VOLIM TE, VOLIM TE
24. Šaka kao odgovor - DA
25. Čelo kao odgovor - NE
26. Pucketati prstima - DANAS DOBRO IZGLEDAŠ
27. Uzme li djevojka nešto mladiću - NA RASPOLAGANJU
28. Grickati usne - LJUBOMORA
29. Štipanje - ŽELIM TI NEŠTO REĆI
31. Stati na pete - VOLIM SAMO TEBE
32. Tuče li mladić djevojku - ŽELI DA BUDE NJEGOVA
33. Plaziti jezikom - POLJUBI ME ODMAH
34. Poljubac od 60 pusica - NIJE DOZVOLJEN
35. Lagani poljubac - PRIJATELJSTVO
36. Prije ljubljenja - GLEDAJ U OČI
37. Ne smije se iskorištavati - LJUBAV DJEVOJKE
38. Djevojku ne pitaj za poljubac - ODMAH POSTUPAJ
39. Milovanje tijela djevojke - SAMO UZ DOZVOLU
40. Mladić ima pravo poljubiti - DJEVOJKU OD 13 GODINA
41. Poljubac jezikom - DOZVOLJEN
42. Gleda li mladić djevojku duže od 3 minute - LJUBOMORA
43. Puhne li mladić djevojci dim u lice - ŽELI SEX
44. Pokloni li djevojka mladiću zakon mladih - LJUBAV
45. Pokloni li mladić djevojci zakon mladih - LJUBAV
46. Tko posjeduje zakon mladih- DAJE GA DRUGIMA


Eh...da imam zlatan nož,
da rasjećem srce svoje,
sa svakom bi kapi krvi,
napisala ime tvoje!!!

Pusti me da te prebolim,
pusti me da drugog volim,
pusti me da te preživim,
pusti me pusti me,idi sa
Kasno je da mi se kuneš,
kasno je da zamnom da
kasno je s tobom da živim,
kasno je pusti me idi sa

Ako drugo budeš volio,
onako kao sam ja tebe
voljela,pazi da je ne
izgubiš onako kako sam
ja izgubila tebe. A ako
je izgubiš nemoj plakati
onako kako sam ja plakala
jer te suzama nisam

Ako me bude tražio,
recite mu da sam umrla...
Ako bude tražio moje tijelo,
recite mu da je izgorjelo...
Ako bude tražio moj grob,
recite mu da je na dnu mora...
Ako kaže da me je volio,
nevjerujte mu jer on me ubio!!!

Recite mu da ga mrzim,
Recite mu da ga više nevolim...
Al nemojte mu reći da mi je
suza tekla,
kad sam vam sve to rekla...

Jedne tihe noći kad
čuješ zvono,
znat ćeš da mene više
A kad svi odu s groti se tiho pomoli,
jer tu leži srce,
koje te i mrtvo voli...

Ja neznam što je život
i zašto ga s vi cijene?!
Meni moj život ne znači
ništa,bez tebe...

Voljela sam jedne oči,
jedne oči plave boje...
Voljela ih i mislila da će
nekad biti moje...
Ali jednog kišnog dana,
daljina nas rastavila,
odnijela mi smeđe oči,a
tugu mi ostavila...
Mnogo puta kad ga se
u mislima mu poletim i
duša me moja boli,
jer ga stvarno,stvarno

Noćas su zvijezde zasjale
samo zbog tebe i mene...
Noćas mi je vjetar tvoje ime
bol u srcu probudio...
Zbog tebe sam noćas
zaplakala i stare uspomene
Noćas sam shvatila da te
nisam preboljela...

Teško je biti nitko
i ništa,u srcu onoga
tko je tebi sve,
ali život ide dalje i
nepita boli li ili ne?!

Nevjeruj ljudima,
kad ti kažu da sam te
znaš da lažu...

Da li da te volim
ili zaboravim?!
Opet mi je danas srce
zaplakalo i niz lice potekla
je suza...
Oprosti što mi se sviđa
taj predivan osmjeh tvoj..

Jednog dana plakat ćeš
zbog mene,
kao što sam ja plakala
zbog tebe,
jednog dana nedostajat ću ti,
kao što si ti nedostajao meni,
jednog dana voljet ćeš me,ali
ja neću voljeti tebe...

Kad se poklope kazaljke
na satu,
ti zatvori oči i stisni ih
i sjeti se onog tko zbog tebe

Zvijezde mogu pasti,
sunce može nestati,
ali te voljeti,
nikad neću prestati.
Mogu pasti planine,
i stati rijeke,
ali ce te moje srce,
voljeti u vjeke!!!

Znaš li koliko oči peku,
znaš li koliko suze teku,
kad gubiš onog kog ljubiš,
i kad moliš onog kog voliš!!!

Zašto sam baš tebe srela,
zašto kad to nisam smejla,
zašto me zanio poled oka tvog,
i zašto sad moram patit zbog tog?!

VOLI ME-voljet ću te,
LJUBI ME-ljubit ću te,
VARAJ ME-ubit ću te!!!

Svi su mi rekli,
da te zaboravim,
ali mi nitko nije,
rekao kako?!

VOLIM TE-kao skitnica daljine,
VOLIM TE-kao sanjar snove,
VOLIM TE-kao zora sunce,
VOLIM TE-kao pjesnik kiše,
reci jel te netko volio više?!

Ne želim ti biti
prva koje ćeš se sjetiti,
već zadnja,
koju ćeš zaboraviti!!

Pogledom pratit ću te,
dodirom hrabrit ću te,
zagrljajom branit ću te,
poljupcima hranit ću te,
suzama tješit ću te,
zauvijek VOLJET ĆU TE!!!!

Sama sam i nemam gdje,
čekam te ali nema te,
vrati se VOLIM TEE!!!!

Ako te gnjavim zovi 92,
ako te prestrašim zovi 93,
ako te povrijedim zovi 94,
ako me želiš nazovi moj broj!!!!

Eh...da imam zlatan nož,
da rasjećem srce svoje,
sa svakom bi kapi krvi,
napisala ime tvoje!!!

Ljubav je kada srce prestane,
kucati i drhtati,
a to moje čini,
kada si ti u blizini!!!

Znam da sam pogriješila,
i kajat ću se do kraja života,
jer ti si bio i ostao moj
najveći grijeh i moja
najveća sramota,
ali svaki tvoj udarac ja
podnjet ću sa smješkom,
jer doći će dani kad ću i ja tebe
zvati greškom...

Život je prilika - iskusi je
Život je ljepota - divi joj se
Život je san - učini ga stvarnim
Život je izazov - suoči se s njim
Život je zadatak - izvršavaj ga
Život je igra - izvršavaj ga
Život je dragocjen - njeguj ga
Život je bogatstvo - čuvaj ga
Život je ljubav - uživaj je
Život je tajna - pronikni je
Život je obečanje - ispuni ga
Život je tuga - nadiđi je
Život je himna - pjevaj je
Život je borba - prihvati je
Život je tragedija - uhvati se s njom u koštac
Život je avantura - usudi se
Život je sreća - zasluži je
Život je život - brani ga
Majka Tereza

Voljela sam jedne oči,
jedne oči plave boje...
Voljela ih i mislila da će
nekad biti moje...
Ali jednog kišnog dana,
daljina nas rastavila,
odnijela mi smeđe oči,a
tugu mi ostavila...
Mnogo puta kad ga se
u mislima mu poletim i
duša me moja boli,
jer ga stvarno,stvarno

Noćas su zvijezde zasjale
samo zbog tebe i mene...
Noćas mi je vjetar tvoje ime
bol u srcu probudio...
Zbog tebe sam noćas
zaplakala i stare uspomene
Noćas sam shvatila da te
nisam preboljela...

Teško je biti u nitko
i ništa,u srcu onoga
tko je tebi sve,
ali život ide dalje i
nepita boli li ili ne?!

Nevjeruj ljudima,
kad ti kažu da sam te
znaš da lažu...

Da li da te volim
ili zaboravim?!
Opet mi je danas srce
zaplakalo i niz lice potekla
je suza...
Oprosti što mi se sviđa
taj predivan osmjeh tvoj..

Moja ljubav je moja
dar koji često poklonim
a ne dobijem ni hvala...

Shvati da ne odlazim
zbog tebe,
ja odlazim zbog sebe
Jer neželim da mi srce
za tobom pati,ja
neželim tebe uzalud zvati...
Dosta mi je proplakanih noći,
dosta mi je uzalud misliti
da ćeš ipka doći...
Zato bolje idem što dalje
od svega...

Jednog dana plakat ćeš
zbog mene,
kao što sam ja plakala
zbog tebe,
jednog dana nedostajat ću ti,
kao što si ti nedostajao meni,
jednog dana voljet ćeš me,ali
ja neću voljeti tebe...

Kad se poklope kazaljke
na satu,
ti zatvori oči i stisni ih
i sjeti se onog tko zbog tebe

Zvijezde mogu pasti,
sunce može nestati,
ali te voljeti,
nikad neću prestati.
Mogu pasti planine,
i stati rijeke,
ali ce te moje srce,
voljeti u vjeke!!!

Znaš li koliko oči peku,
znaš li koliko suze teku,
kad gubiš onog kog ljubiš,
i kad moliš onog kog voliš!!!

Zašto sam baš tebe srela,
zašto kad to nisam smejla,
zašto me zanio poled oka tvog,
i zašto sad moram patit zbog tog?!

Pepa & Lavca

Emin novi blogek

Moj stari blogić

Emin i moj blog

Crazy girl








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.....neke riječi pjesama...

Srećko Savović-godina nova

Tacno u ponoc kad kazaljke se spoje
umjesto amin reci cu ime tvoje
hiljadu milja da si ti daleko
znaces da voli i da te ceka neko

Godina nova, svi nesto zele
ja molim Boga, da mi tebe
samo za mene cuva
godina nova, svima donese srecu
u novo ljeto ja bez tebe necu
tacno u ponoc iskreno i od srca
zelim da tvoje srce za mene kuca

Tacno u ponoc kad radost svijetom krene
ti jednu zelju pozeli za mene
kako mi trebas, jako i neizmjerno
kol'ko te volim, neka ti kaze nebo

Samo za Emči!

ako nisam na tekmi,
ziher gledam na telki
jer volim ovaj klub
kaj god ljudi rekli
zna se kad si lud,
onda kad je derbi
na lijevoj strani grb
s bojom neba na sebi
svi kaj nas gledaju
ko na divljake,
nek bjeze kad se
skupe nase šake

Bleeding a love

Closed off from love
I didn’t need the pain
Once or twice was enough
And it was all in vain
Time starts to pass
Before you know it you’re frozen

But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melted into the ground
Found something true
And everyone’s looking round
Thinking I’m going crazy

They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open

Trying hard not to hear
But they talk so loud
Their piercing sounds fill my ears
Try to fill me with doubt
Yet I know that the goal
Is to keep me from falling

But nothing’s greater
Than the rush that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness
I see your face
Yet everyone around me
Thinks that I’m going crazy, maybe, maybe

But I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open

And it’s draining all of me
Oh they find it hard to believe
I’ll be wearing these scars
For everyone to see

I don’t care what they say
I’m in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don’t know the truth
My heart’s crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding
I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open and I
Keep bleeding
Keep, keep bleeding love

Rihanna Don't Stop The Music

Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music

It's getting late
I'm making my way over to my favourite place
I gotta get my body moving
Shake the stress away
I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way
Possible candidate, yeah
Who knew
That you'd be up in here looking like you do
You make and staying over here, impossible
Baby, I'm a say your aura is incredible
If you don't have to go, don't

Do you know what you started?
I just came here to party
But now we're rocking on the dance floor, actin' naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand, chest to chest and now we're face to face

I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music, DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music, DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

Baby are you ready cause it's getting close
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode?
What goes on between us no-one has to know
This is a private show

Do you know what you started?
I just came here to party
But now we're rocking on the dance floor, actin' naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand, chest to chest and now we're face to face


Please don't stop the music


Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music

Britney Spears Gimme More

It's Britney Bitch
I see you,
And i just wanna dance with you

Everytime they turn the lights down
Just wanna go that extra mile for you
You got my display of affection
Feels like no one else in the room (the room)

We can get down like there's no one around
We keep on rockin, we keep on rockin'
Cameras are flashin while we're dirty dancer
They keep watchin, keep watchin'
Feels like the the crowd was sayin

Gimme Gimme more
Gimme more
Gimme gimme more [x4]

Center of attention, even when you're up against the wall
You got me in a crazy position (uh huh)
If you're on a mission (ooh)
You got my permission ooohhh


[Chorus (x4)]

I just can't control myself, more
They want more?
Well I'll give them more (ow!)

[Chorus (x4)]

Gimme more gimme more
Gimme more gimme more babe
I just want more

Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme [x4]

Britney Spears Piece Of Me

I'm Miss American Dream since I was 17
Don't matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They're still gonna take pictures of my derriere in the magazine
You want a piece of me?
You want a piece of me...

I'm Miss bad media karma
Another day another drama
Guess I can't see the harm
In working and being a mama
And with a kid on my arm
I'm still an exceptional earner
And you want a piece of me

I'm Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. Oh my God that Britney's Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. she's too big now she's too thin
(You want a piece of me)

I'm Mrs. 'You want a piece of me?'
Tryin' and pissin' me off
Well get in line with the paparazzi
Who's flippin' me off
Hopin' I'll resort to some havoc
And end up settlin' in court
Now are you sure you want a piece of me? (you want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. 'Most likely to get on the TV for slippin' on the streets'
When getting the groceries, no, for real..
Are you kidding me?
No wonder there's panic in this industry
I mean please...
Do you want a piece of me?

I'm Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. Oh my God that Britney's Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. she's too big now she's too thin
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Miss American Dream since I was 17
Don't matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They're still gonna take pictures of my derriere in the magazine
You want a piece of me?
You want a piece of me...
You want a piece of me?
I'm Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. Oh my God that Britney's Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. she's too big now she's too thin
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. Oh my God that Britney's Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. she's too big now she's too thin
(You want a piece of me)
Oh yeah
You want a piece of me


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01. Nikad se ne zaljubi do ušiju
02. Ne moli ga jer ćeš ga moliti cijeli život
03. Cijeni ga al prvo cijeni sebe
04. Budi nježna ali nikad onoliko koliko osjećaš
05. Ne zovi ga poslije svađe
06. Na sastanak zakasni bar 15 min
07. Pusti ga nek se izmuči dok te prvi put poljubi
08. Učini ga malo ljubomornim
09. Nikad ne dopusti da ti on da nogu
10. I kad dođe kraj te velike ljubavi i ako on želi kraj
prihvati ga sa osmijehom na licu

13 ženskih pravila

1.Cure uvijek stvaraju PRAVILA
2.PRAVILA se mogu mijenjati bez ikakve najave
3.Ni jedan muškarac ne može znati sva PRAVILA
4.Ako cura posumnja da neki dečko
zna sva PRAVILA,ona mora odmah
promijeniti barem jedno PRAVILO
5.Cura je uvijek u pravu
6.Ako se pokaže da cura nije u pravu,
razlog je sigurno u nesporazumu koji je
prouzročio dečko nečim što je napravio ili rekao :/
7.Ako se dogodi pravilo broj 6,dečko se mora
odmah ispričati zato što je prouzročio nesporazum
8.Cura se može predomisliti u svakom trenutku
9.Dečko se ne može predomisliti bez
izričitog pismenog dopuštenja cure
10.Očekuje se da dečko stalno čita misli cure
11.U svakom trenutku važno je ono što
je djevojka mislila,a ne ono što je rekla
12.Ako se dečko ne pridržava pravila,
to je zato što ne može podnijeti obaveze
,nema kičmu i papak je
13.Ako dečko,u bilo kojem trenutku,
pomisli da je on u pravu,mora se vratiti na pravilo broj 5!

najslađi dečki na svijetu!!!

richie stringini

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chris watrin

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wentworth miller

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...još slikica...

zovem se Tihana-
iako mi se to ime nesviđa,
ali ok,... imam 13,7 god
rođena sam 11.07.94
imam sis Laviniju, mamu
i tatu, imam kornjače
psa nemam jer mi je uginuo, ali
ču dobit novoga
imam puno frendica:
Tea, Boba, Sara, Ema H. i G.,
Jules, Kar...
neki frendovi: Greda,
Romek, Šime,
Toni, Niđo,Davor:)...
volim jednog slatkog dečka,
sve i svašta,
nevolim;umišljene ljude,
i takve sve....
i da to bi bilo to,
u postovima ćete još toga saznati

nekoliko slikica!!!


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Obožavam starke!!!

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Riječi nekih pjesama:

BEAUTIFUL LIAR- (Beyonce feat Shakira)

Ay, Ay, Ay
Nobady likes beging played
Beyonce, Beyonce
Shakira, Shakira (Hey)

( beyonce) He said i `m worth it, his one desire
(shakira) I know things about ` em
that you wouldun`t wanna read about
he kissed me, his one and only, ( yes)
beautiful liar
tell me how you tolerate the things
that you just found out about

you never know
why are we the ones who suffer
i have to let go
he won`t be the one to cry

(ay) let`s not kill the karma
(ay) let`s not start a fight
(ay) it`s not worth the drama
for a beautiful liar
(oh) did he laught about it
(oh) it`s not worth our time
(oh) we can live without`em
just a beautiful liar

i ttrusted him, but when i followed
you, i saw you together
i didn`t know about you then`till i
saw you with him again
i walked in on your scene, slow
you stole everything, how can you
say i did you wrong

you never know
when the pain and heartbreak`s over
i have to let go
the innocence is gone
(ay) let`s not kill the karma
(ay) let`s not start a fight
(ay) it`s not worth the drama
for a beautiful liar
(oh) did he laught about it
(oh) it`s not worth our time
(oh) we can live without`em
just a beautiful liar

tell me how to forgive you
when it`s me who`s ashamed
and i wish could free you
of the hurt and the pain
but the answer is simple
he`s the one to blame

"Behind These Hazel Eyes" (Kelly Clarkson)

Seems like just yesterday
You were a part of me
I used to stand so tall
I used to be so strong
Your arms around me tight
Everything, it felt so right
Unbreakable, like nothin' could go wrong
Now I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright
For once in my life
Now all that's left of me
Is what I pretend to be
So together, but so broken up inside
'Cause I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hangin' on

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

Swallow me then spit me out
For hating you, I blame myself
Seeing you it kills me now
No, I don't cry on the outside

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

Lana Jurčević - (Na Pola, 2002) - Odlaziš

Moj je poraz vrijedan kao pobjeda,
bolje i propala ljubav nego nijedna,
i spusti karte na stol jer ja sam spremna,
i meni jasno je ničeg više nema...

Odlaziš, ja znam da sutra odlaziš,
i ako već me ne voliš,
obriši suze ove,
srušio si zadnje moje snove...
Da li znaš
da zauvijek mi pripadaš,
jer ti si bio moje prvo svitanje u dvoje,
nosit ću te ispod kože svoje...

I spusti zastore i ugasi svijeće,
jer ova noć meni nikad proci neće,
zavedi me pogledom,
rastopi me dodirom,
učini noćas da zaplačem od sreće,
jednom za kraj-
sebe mi daj...
Moj je poraz vrijedan kao pobjeda,
i na mom prozoru nije bijela zastava,
jer mi smo imali ono što je sveto,
i nismo trajali samo jedno ljeto...
Refren x 1
Pripjev x 1
Refren x 1
Pripjev x 1 jednom, bar jednom, bar jednom...da zaplačem od sreće, bar jednom da, bar jednom da, bar jednom da, bar jednom za kraj...sebe mi jednom...

Toše Proeski
Ko ti to grize obraze

Opet se vračaš na mjesto radnje
al' svakom je lopovu to djelo zadnje
sama padaš u svoju zamku
makar mi na glas priznaj to
i ne hvataj se za slamku

Lako je skrenut' tako sa puta
al' ljubav je igra sa bezbroj aduta
ko vara na duge staze on gubi
ja sam ti svjedok živi, al' znaj
tebi ne mogu da sudim

Ko ti to grize obraze
čiji to trag na vratu krijes
kom' ti to ruke odlaze
varaš me, mila, ma kako smiješ
kom' si se to obećala
od mene krala, njemu dala
mila, za kol'ko si me prodala

Lako je skrenut' tako sa puta
al' ljubav je igra sa bezbroj aduta
ko vara na duge staze on gubi
ja sam ti svjedok živi, al' znaj
tebi ne mogu da sudim

Ref. 2x

Ref. 2x

Mila, za kol'ko si me prodala


Ahuh Ahuh (Yea Rihanna)
Ahuh Ahuh (Good girl gone bad)
Ahuh Ahuh (Take three... Action)
Ahuh Ahuh

No clouds in my storms
Let it rain, I hydroplane in the bank
Coming down with the Dow Jones
When the clouds come we gone, we Rocafella
She fly higher than weather
And G5’s are better, You know me,
an anticipation, for precipitation. Stacked chips for the rainy day
Jay, Rain Man is back with little Ms. Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?

You have my heart
And we'll never be worlds apart
May be in magazines
But you'll still be my star
Baby cause in the dark
You can't see shiny cars
And that's when you need me there
With you I'll always share

When there’s sunshine, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)

These fancy things, will never come in between
You're part of my entity, here for Infinity
When the war has took it's part
When the world has dealt it's cards
If the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart

When there’s sunshine, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)

You can run into my arms
It's okay don't be alarmed
Come into me
There's no distance in between our love
So go on and let the rain pour
I'll be all you need and more

When there’s sunshine, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)

It's raining
Ooh baby it's raining
Baby come into me
Come into me
It's raining
Oh baby it's raining

Smack that

(feat. Eminem)

Slim Shady

I see the one, because she be that lady! Hey!
I feel you creeping, I can see it from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like TaeBo
And possibly bend you over look back and watch me

[Chorus (2X):]
Smack that all on the floor
Smack that give me some more
Smack that 'till you get sore
Smack that oh-oooh!

Upfront style ready to attack now
Pull in the parking lot slow with the lac down
Convicts got the whole thing packed now
Step in the club now and wardrobe intact now!
I feel it down and cracked now (ooh)
I see it dull and backed now
I'm gonna call her, than I pull the mack down
Money no problem, pocket full of that now!

I feel you creeping, I can see it from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like TaeBo
And possibly bend you over look back and watch me

[Chorus (2X):]
Smack that all on the floor
Smack that give me some more
Smack that 'till you get sore
Smack that oh-oooh!


Ooh...Looks like another club banger
They better hang on when they throw this thing on
Get a lil drink on
They gonna flip for this Akon shit
You can bank on it!
Pedicure, manicure kitty-cat claws
The way she climbs up and down them poles
Looking like one of them putty-cat dolls
Trying to hold my woodie back through my draws
Steps upstage didn't think I saw
Creeps up behind me, she's like "You're!"
I'm like ya I know lets cut to the chase
No time to waste back to my place
Plus from the club to the crib it's like a mile away
Or more like a palace, shall I say
Plus I got pal if your gal is game
In fact he is the one singing the song that's playing

I feel you creeping, I can see it from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like TaeBo
And possibly bend you over look back and watch me

[Chorus (2X):]
Smack that all on the floor
Smack that give me some more
Smack that 'till you get sore
Smack that oh-oooh!

Eminem is rollin', d and em rollin' bo
And all marvelous them rolling
Women just holding big booty rolling'
Soon I'll be on Eminem throwing "D!"
Hitting no less than "Three!"
Block wheel style like "Whee!"
Girl I can tell you want me because lately

I feel you creeping, I can see it from my shadow
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo
Maybe go to my place and just kick it like TaeBo
And possibly bend you over look back and watch me

[Chorus (2X):]
Smack that all on the floor
Smack that give me some more
Smack that 'till you get sore
Smack that oh-oooh!

Ring the alarm

Ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm

Don't you ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm

She gon be rockin' chinchilla coats
If I let you go
Bitch in the house off the coast
If I let you go
She gon take everything I own
If I let you go
I can't let you go
Damned if I let you go

She gon rock them VVS stones
She gon rock them VVS stones

If I let you go
Cruise in the 'Bach or the Rolls
If I let you go
She gon profit everything I taught
If I let you go
I can't let you go
Damned if I let you go

Tell me how should I feel
When I know what I know
And my female intuition
Telling me you a dog
People told me bout the flames
I couldn't see through the smoke
When I need answers, accusations
What you mean you gone choke?

You can't stay, you gotta go
Ain't no other chick spending your dough
This is taking a toll
The way the story unfolds
Not the picture perfect movie everyone would assume

She gon be rockin' chinchilla coats
If I let you go
Bitch in the house off the coast
If I let you go
She gon take everything I own
If I let you go
I can't let you go
Damned if I let you go

She gon rock them VVS stones

If I let you go
Cruise in the 'Bach or the Rolls
If I let you go
She gon profit everything I taught
If I let you go
I can't let you go
Damned if let you go

Ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm

Don't you ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm

Tell me how should I feel
When you made me belong
And the thought of you just touching her
Is what I hate most?
I don't want you but I want it and I can't let it go
To know you give it to her like you gave it to me, come on

He's so arrogant and bold
She gon love that shit I know
I done put in a call
Time to ring the alarm
Cause you ain't never seen a fire like the one imma cause

She gon be rockin' chinchilla coats
If I let you go
Bitch in the house off the coast
If I let you go
She gon take everything I own
If I let you go
I can't let you go
Damned if I let you go

She gon rock them VVS stones

If I let you go
Cruise in the 'Bach or the Rolls
If I let you go
She gon profit everything I taught
If I let you go
I can't let you go
Damned if I let you go

How can you look at me
And not see all the things that I kept only just for you?
Why would you risk it baby? Is that the price I had to pay?
But this is my show and I won't let you go
All its been paid for, and it's mine
How could you look at me
And not see all the things?

She gon be rockin' chinchilla coats
If I let you go
Bitch in the house off the coast
If I let you go
She gon take everything I own
If I let you go
I can't let you go
Damned if I let you go

She gon rock them VVS stones

If I let you go
Cruise in the 'Bach or the Rolls
If I let you go
She gon profit everything I taught
If I let you go
I can't let you go
Damned if I let you go

Las de la intucion

No me preguntes mas por mi
Si ya sabes cual es la respuesta
Desde el momento en que te vi
Se a lo que voy
Yo me propongo ser de ti
una victima casi perfecta
Yo me propongo ser de ti

Y asi como ves estoy VIVA AÚN
Sera cuestion de suerte

Chorus: Y creo que empiezo a entender (despacio, despacio, COMIENZAS A ENTENDER)
Nos deseabamos desde antes de nacer (te siento, te siento, DESDE ANTES DE NACER)
Tengo el presentimiento de que empieza la accion (ADENTRO, ADENTRO TE VAS QUEDANDO)
Y las mujeres somos las de la intuicion
Asi estoy dispuesta a todo amor

Yo te propongo un desliz
Un error convertido en acierto
Yo me propongo ser de ti un VOLCAN HOY
Y asi como ves estoy VIVA AÚN
Sera cuestion de suerte
Chorus (x2)
Las de la intuicion

Nekoliko slikica

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subota, 19.01.2008.

Za Emu

partySretan rođendan Emči!!!! Pusa od tvoje b.f.!!!!! i da želim ti da nađeš dečkacerek, i da budemo BEST FRIEND FOREVER!!!!!!zubosretanPuseko!kiss

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- 12:57 - Komentari (69) - - printaj - §

petak, 18.01.2008.

prokleta škola! :(

ah, evo novi post, ema me je nagovorila! počela je škola, a nemožeš vjerovat kak vrijeme brzo leti! al se zato nadam da će brzo 3 mjeasec i 7, kad mi je rođkas i kad idem na more, i bazen i uglavnom ljetni praznici!!!!! u školi nikaj novoga, mučim emu, naravno, mislim kaj bi drugo radila?! u škkoli zajebavamo se i neslušamo glupe profe! nek nam plate pa ćemo ih slušat! e da u pon sam malo markirala, tj. bila sma na 1 i 2 satu al sam onda otišla jer me glava boljela, a i nije mi se dalo slušat glupu poličku!!! onda sam doma ležala pa sam išla doktoru, pa mije dao neke tabletice, da pijem, al dobro kaj! sljedeči dan nisam trebala ići u školu, al sam išla, zahvaljujući svojim starcima!!!! danas sam emu zajebavala, pa smo se smijale i tukle na hodniku, i pod nastavom, i onda me nosila pinke lonke ema po hodniku, i tak je prošo dan, pa sam onda išla do tate da me vozi doma, jest i da se spremim za emin rođkas, e al nisam naravno odmah išla doma nego sam ga 1,5 morala čekat u njegovom uredu!!! joj poludila sam i glava me počela boljet! al dobro, kaj! i to je za ljude! e da nije emi danas rođkas nego u nedjelju, al ga danas slavi tj. idemo na pizzu!!!!!! jel tak kravo??? nije važnoi na koga se ovo odnosi, al skužit će taj na koga se misli!!!??? i tak, bezveze sam sad pisala post, al okič, novi ču u 3 mjesecu kad dobijem psa, malog štenca da ga slikam pa stavim na blog, jedva čekam!!! jeejjjjjj!! a evo idem ja opet naravno ljenčarit, nego kaj drugo??! mislim ono dddddddd!!!!!??? ajde kisssssss emči-tako zvanoj kravi!, tei, bobi, klari, jules, kar, ema g., ma znate kaj svima pozzz i točka!!!! bye!

- 14:57 - Komentari (0) - - printaj - §

petak, 04.01.2008.

Sretna Nova godina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ejjjj, sretna nova! eto nisam pisala post al mislim da se za novu godinu mora napisati post! u ponedjeljak mi je ema došla u 4, pa smo se onda malo zajebavale, i tako, ona je mene mučila a i ja nju! al nema veze! bilo je dosadno jer nije nikoga ni bilo vani da si nekog komada upeca i to! ja već jesam pa mi netreba! al nikoga živog vani osim psa kojeg smo se uplašile tamo u zavoju ema se sječaš i bakice i djedeki! ah i oni imaju pravo na život! poslije togasmo jele, ja sam pećenicu a ema sarmu,i da zmazala mi je cijeli stol,mislim ono ema! hehehe!!!! onda smo išli na korzo, zj. spremili smo se i doma se svi izljubili naravno malo popili, to se odnosi na mene i emu! e da mene je više šupilo jer sam ja pila čistog vina,i onda taj šampanjac, divno, i išla sam emi točiti još i prolila sam, malo mi se mutilo, joj vau big dil! ema znači da čemo cijelu ovu godinu piti, wow, jej!!!!!!!!!! šala! išli smo onda gledat vatromet, bilo je ok, iako mene to nezanima, pa sam ja samo gledala jel gdje ima kakvih dečki, al jbt nikoga, i malo se pucalo! trebale smo ema i ja strojnicom, a ema!?? e da malo smo bili na koncertu i onda doma pa smo gledale na max-tv-u, neki kao ''horor'' i ne! trebale smo onaj gdje se vrišti, što je pisalo u zadržaju, al je i ovaj bio dosta strašan! onda smo pričale pa zajebavale tj. ema zajebavala ljude na msn-u u 4 sata ujutro, da munjene smo a šta! onda smo još malo pričale pa se ema bacala po krevetu, skoro je propo! al dobro, nije fala bogu! onda smo zaspale u 5 ujutro, jako nam se ajalo, jer smo bile umorne! i da ema me je probudila, nešt je izvodila i to u 20 do deset mislim ono, a nju je probudio telefon! mene nije a da je zveknula bi ga u zid! onda sam ležala pa emu zajebavala još malo, i onda sam jela 0na nije htjela, pa sam se obukla i umila i složila rep i onda smo malo još pričale i tako, i onda je ona išla u koprivnicu!!!!!!!! pa sam se izležavala, i onda sam navečer bila na msn-u, tj. lavinija je bila, al sam ja gledala jednog dečka slatkoga, ovako ema kaže:lip je! naravno da je kad mislim ono da ja nemam ukusa!? hehehe! onda smo se mi dopisivali, i gledali onak slatko, onda je jedan marionjegov bratić srao pa samse s tim mariom posvađala, peder glupi! i tako smo se mi duuugo gledali, je da ide u 6 razred i da 155 visok, al je presladak. bude narasto još nekih 5,6 cm da me dostigne, al dobro! pa je moro ići doma, ,al je sljedeči dan opet bio na msn-u kod tomislava, pa smo se i juče gledali i dopisivali cijeli dan, i danas smo se dop, i tako! uglavnom sjetila sam se da je 8 moj sretan broj pa se nadam da će i ova 2008 bit moja, u svemu!!!!!!!!!! škola, dečko, obitelj, i te stvari, frendice i to! i tako evo sad mi je dosadno bila sam kod ive i tonke a tea je kod frendice! pa smo se zajebavale i tak! eto sve sam vam rekla pa novi post bude kad dobijem psa, u 3 ili 4 mjesecu to tad komajte ovaj i budite sretni što sam i ovaj napisala, a šala! ok, sve vas volim , najveću pusu šaljem popeku, emi-b.f., tei-isto tako super zakon frendici i bobi frendici, i cijelom razredu i svima koji komate vama pozzz i mala pusa! ovih par osoba fakat volim pa zato samo njih pišem!!!!!!!! puseko od veoma sretne tihane!!!!! bokić & puseko!!!!!

- 23:17 - Komentari (32) - - printaj - §

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