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Mali Danijel
Tina iz bivseg razreda

Neke blesave slike i tako te pizdarije

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mjuza:vanja,žikk riječi:bojan

gledam idole kako se tove,masovna hipnoza donosi profit
rastafarijanci svijetlo bijele boje,dredovi do dupeta,puni novčanik

gledam idole kako se znoje,stori super nova,dnevnik,mtv
gledam pare kako se broje,povodljivi klinci,dresirani psi

gledam uvijek skupu ambalažu,šareni paketi novi modni krik
starce s kravato kako složno lažu,na radiju svira super novi hit

gledam idole kako se znoje,stori super nova,dnevnik,mtv
gledam pare kako se broje,povodljivi klinci,dresirani psi

nemožeš umači medijskoj kontroli,coca cola vijesti,crno bijeli svijet
udaraju tamo gdje najviše boli,murjaci u plavom,zavedeni svijet
živimo sretni u priči sa ekrana,večina nas se pomirila s tim
živimo živote s naslovnih strana dok naše vrijeme odlazi u dim

mjuza:žikk rijeći:žikk

we shall start it with fun on the devil's arm but it will go wrong way
we're sick and fallin' apart and you want an another play
you come to see me and give the things that i don't own
my faith was never colder so i'm going forward to you
anyway,it's my day

so,we're going to see you fall,don't wanna see you walk
so,we're going to see you fall,and we'll bet you'll do it right

your eyes can throw me like a wave through the walls
so that's why i'm so far away
blind son is calling his mum to show him the wrong way
i can still belive you,but i don't know when will it end
my faith was never colder,so i'm going forward to you
anyway,it's my day

so,we're going to see you fall,don't wanna see you walk
so,we're going to see you fall,and we'll bet you'll do it right

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"Boys On The Docks"

[Dedicated to the memory of John Kelly]

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone,
We came to this country, you made it our home.

This man so humble, this man so brave.
A legend to many, he fought to his grave.
Saved family and friends from the hardship and horror,
in a land of depression he gave hope for tomorrow.

Say Johnny me boy, this ones for you.
With the strength of many and the courage of few.
To what do we owe this man who's fight
was for the masses, he gave his life.

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone,
We came to this country, you made it our home.

A friend to the locals who dabbled in crime.
He'd give you a job and he'd give you his time.
He wasn't a crook, but he couldn't be conned.
John knew the difference between right and wrong.

Say Johnny me boy, you live no longer,
Others forgotten, your memory's stronger.
Lets drink to the causes in your life:
Your family, your friends, the union, your wife.

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone.
We came to this country, you made it our home.

And the boys on the docks needed John for sure.
When they came to this country he opened the door.
He said "Man I'll tell ya, they don't like our kind.
Though it starts with a fist it must end with your mind."

Say hey Johnny boy, the battle call.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Together we are what we can't be alone.
We came to this country you made it our home.

"10 Years Of Service"

The status of our future in both past and present time,
is relegated to a member of a higher class than mine.
To determine and direct the lives of family men who bear the burden
of living up to standard that doesn't exist in 1999

Who's gonna save us from this lonely picket line,
10 years of service but I'm still not worth your time.

Times may be changing but I'll never leave behind the hopes
and thoughts I have of better days for families such as mine.
Because if history repeats itself and time will surely tell.
What goes around is gonna come around and you'll know our pain too well.

Who's gonna save us from this lonely picket line,
10 years of service but I'm still not worth your time.
And I've seen men give their lives,
and heard the stories that they tell of how they labored
for this company which sold it's soul to hell

[Repeat 1st verse]

Who's gonna save us from this lonely picket line,
10 years of service but I'm still not worth your time.
And I've seen men give their lives,
and heard the stories that they tell of how they labored
for this company which sold it's soul to hell

Who's gonna save us from this lonely picket line,
10 years of service but I'm still not worth your time.

srijeda, 24.10.2007.

...15 mi je godina i prvi sam razred...

ja sam ĐUBRE

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