Heavy thoughts forcing their way out of me...

28.01.2006., subota

Just me...

Ova pjesmica je nastala maloprije... imala sam dogovor s The sun goes down da ce svaka napisat pjesmicu u 10 minuta.... hm, pa evo sta je od moje ispalo... kad ona objavi svoju javim vam....

In the lonelyness of my room
I'm feeling the tears slowly falling
down my sad face...
but I don't wanna stop them...

Cause the preassure inside is just
too big and I can't fight
against my feelings...
or I don't want to...

My feelings are all mixed up
and everything around me just
feels so unreal...
but why?

I look at the window and
see my own
miserable reflection, and I ask myself...
who is that girl?...

And then I realize
I don't know myself,
don't know that sad girl...
or I don't want to know her...

Am I just afraid to
be who I am
or afraid to become that miserable
girl I see...
I don't know...

I close my eyes, drying
the tears and looking
at the window again...
what do I see...

For the first time in my life
I see the real me...
strong, unbreakable, a real life fighter...
And I realize that's who I wanna be...
wanna be... me...

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