Heavy thoughts forcing their way out of me...

24.01.2006., utorak


Ok, da se za pocetak ispricam, nisam dugo nista pisala... znate vec kako je to, skola i obveze... ali evo uhvatila sam vremena napisati nesto novo... ova je pjesmica zericu dugacija (nema rime)... ali nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti...

Sometimes I feel like shouting out
what I feel deep inside,
but I'm too weak to face it...

Sometimes I feel like everything's
falling appart, every move I make
is just a big mistake...

Sometimes I feel my life's worthless,
and I'm nothing but a shadow
desperately seeking for the
place where I belong...

Sometimes I wanna run away
from all the horrors I'm going through,
and just forget everything
I can't stop thinking of...

Sometimes I wanna fight,
but I realize I'm not strong enough
to face this adventure called
my life...

Sometimes I just wish I could
fall asleep and never wake up

And sometimes I just find myself seeking
for a reason to live, hoping that
I'll figure it out...

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