Heavy thoughts forcing their way out of me...

11.01.2006., srijeda

So unfair...

Life is sometimes so unfair,
that you wish to dissapear in the air...

And just leave everything behind,
forget the horrors on your mind...

Think about nothing, just feel free,
do what you want and be what you wanna be...

But that isn't possible, am I right?
That's something I ask myself every night...

But I just can't find a way,
to get easier through every day...

And I figure that life's just a game,
and when you're gone, no one remmembers your name..

That's written on a cold black stone,
and you end up under the ground all alone...

Then why try when everything you made,
will one day just fade...

But this is an adventure we have to get through,
and we will hopefully be rewarded for fighting for what's true...

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