Heavy thoughts forcing their way out of me...

05.01.2006., četvrtak

Lack of inspiration...

Ok, prije nego sto (i ako) pocnete citati, moram napomenuti da stvarno nemam ispiracije... i da je ovo NAJGLUPLJA PJESMA KOJU SAM IKADA SMISLILA... jer nema nikakve veze s nicim... tako da, molim vas imajte razumijevanja... i ako bas ne morate- nemojte ju niti citati!!! Bye

Hey, people, may I have your attention,
I finally came back inspite of the lack of inspiration...

Writing stupid things no one wants to read...
To bore you to death? No, just cause I have the need...

Everything's good, life's just fine,
as long as I can come up with a fuckin' rhime...

I'm trying not to thing about how I'm mad
at myself cause I can't come up with anything that wasn't allready read...

But this is just me, like it or not,
tryin' to be original just for you lot...

That my next song won't be stupid like this, I want you to know,
don't want you to fall asleep so I'd better go...

And I really can't believe I'm gonna post this shit,
sorry for the lack of inspiration, hope it'll be
back in a bit...

Ruljo, sutra postam nesto bolje (bilo sto je bolje od ovoga)... tako da... bye

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