To Hope Is To Fear

02.11.2007., petak

Najteže je krenuti...

I kako da počnem?
s čim?
šta da napišem?
već ste primjetili, kako po naslovu bloga tako i po mom nicku, da volim Rock, posebno Hard Rock...
mene strašno zanima koliko vas ovdje ima koji slušate Rock,
jer nisam baš primjetila puno takvih blogova, no,
ufuravam se, listam, čitam, tražim pa možda i nađem više od par blogova,
koliko sam ih dosad pronašla.

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Dust n' Bones

He lost his mind today,
He left it out back on the highway,
On "65",

She loved him yesterday,
Yesterday's over, I said okay,
That's all right,
Time moves on, that's the way,
We live and hope to see the next day,
That's all right,

Sometimes these things, they are so easy,
Sometimes these things, they are so cold,
Sometimes these things, just seem to rip you right in two,
Oh no, man, don't let 'em get to you,
She loved him yesterday
He laid her sister, she said okay,
An that's all right,
Buried her things today
Way back out deep behind the driveway,
And that's all right,

Sometimes these women are so easy,
Sometimes these women are so cold,
Sometimes these women seem to rip you right in two,
Only if you let 'em get to you,

Yo get out on your own
And you take all that you own,
And you forget about your home,
And then you're just fucking gone,

There's no logic here today,
Do as you got to, go your own way,
I said that's right,
Time's short your life's your own,
And in the end we are just,
Dust n' bones,
Dust n' bones,
Dust n' bones

Through The Darkness

I lived in darkness
Withdrawn from modern life
My mind was full of negativity
And my mood was depressed
I can relate to the melancholic poets
And the gothic literature of Edgar Allan Poe
These lost souls are misunderstood
This is not a quest for evil
But a search for positive energy
I will come out of this stronger
Wiser and more sympathetic

I felt so restrained by modernity
By the pressure to conform and look good
I took a razor and cut through the superficial layer
To get in touch with my soul
I had to risk losing my life
To realise how precious it is

Now I am fully restored
A cloak of darkness surrounds me
I see the world in crystal clear vision
Droplets of blood fall from my eyes
A memory of the sadness I endured
A bright new spirit guides me
But the darkness will always be there
To remind me how bright these days are

Black Days

Darkness approaches
Once more I turn to melancholy
Turning in on myself
A period of introspection

Full of doubts
How will I find the light to guide me?
So long in the darkness

Isolated and alone
Time passes by
One empty day after another

Should I end it all?
Is that the only answer?
What happens if I do nothing?

A slow decline
Into middle age and still further on
Into old age

Still nothing has been achieved
A few small successes along the way

But is that enough to save me?
Will God reject my soul as empty and shallow?
Will I be handed to the Devil to hang from the gallows?