Hogwarts` diaries's blog

14.05.2006. 15:19

September the 15th, 1975

Bad dreams kept Lisa awake all night long. She was at the graveyard again... It was the same dream, she had dreamt few days ago. It reminded her of Occlumency. She completely forgot to practise it. In the morning she went to breakfast along with her friends. She saw Jake, felt dizzy and passed out. Again, she was at the graveyard, but this time it wasn`t her funeral, it was Jake`s. She thought she is going to be sad, but she wasn`t. She felt like it was a relief...
When she woke up, she was in hospital wing. Zara, Maya, Amy, Luna, Lenna, Jake, Daisy and 4 girls she didn`t know were there.
"Hi, guys... What happened?", sh said, weak.
"Well, we don`t know, you just passed out...", Zara said.
"Oh, they are... Well, I`ll let them said who they are...", Maya said.
"I`m Mary Matthews, I`m Gryffindor...", Mary said.
"You know her, she on our year", Amy added.
"So am I... I`m Irma Bell, Gryffindor too."
"I`m Agatha Smith from Slytherin, 6th year."
"I`m Diana Matthews, 4th year Gryffindor..."
"I`m pleased to meet you all...", Lisa said, trying to smile, but couldn`t. She was so woried. All the girls left and only Jake stayed with Lisa.
"What happened? I noticed how you were looking at me when you passed out...", he said.
"Erm... nothing..."
"Do not lie to me... We are boyfriend and girlfriend. We can`t have lies in our relationship...", he said, strictly... Lisa was touched by his words and decided to tell him everything about her dreams. When she finished, he looked confused.
"I think you need a good rest... And after that, go talk to Dumbledore..."
"I will...", she smiled and Jake left. She tried to protect her mind: "My mind is clear, my mind is clear...", she kept saying and fell asleep. At first she thought she sucseeded, but few moments later she was on the graveyard again. Then, she realised how much practise will she need. 31 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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Living in Hogwarts

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About me and the rest of the Hogwarts students

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Lisa Lovegood
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5th year, Ravencalw
Best at Defence against the dark arts and Transfiguration.
Very talented student.
Has a phoenix (Orlando) and a younger brother (Seamus).
Chaser for the Ravenclaw quidditch team.
Wants to be a proffesor in Hogwarts
Usually has bad dreams
Her mum died when she was 3 years old
Her father works in Gringotts
Has dirty blonde, waist-length and straggly hair.
Has protuberant, brown eyes with very faint eyebrows.
Has dreamy look, often seems to have turned up wherever she is completely by accident .
In love with Jake Sorcer

Seamus Lovegood
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2nd year, Ravenclaw
A bit odd. Wants to become a journalist.
(A father "to be" of Luna Lovegood)

Maya Courage
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5th year, Gryffindor
Has long curly red and brown hair
Loves quidditch and is a chaser
Favourite classes: Potions (is very good at it), defense against the dark arts and transfiguration
Muggle- born
Wants to be an auror
Is very good at non-verbal spells and has visions

Luna Snape
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5th year, Gryffindor
Is very good in DADA classes and in Potions
Snape´s sister,but she hates him
Gryffindor seeker
Funny, nice and a bit clumsy

Amy Watson
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5th year, Gryffindor
Loves Charms and Potions (and proffesor Flitwick)
Very social, loves to be in company of boys.
Very babling, sometimes agressive
Has long, black hair and blue eyes
Has an older brother Daniel (7th year)
Pure blood, but raised in a muggle family

Zara Ravenclaw
5th year, Ravenclaw
Has 3 sisters. (Lara- she is actually a half-sister, Sara i Tara... No of them is in same house like Zara)
Captain of Ravenclaw`s qudditch team. A seeker
Wants to become healer in St. Mungo`s
Best friend: Amy Watson

Lenna Vox
5th year, Slytherin
An optymistic person
Loves to dress up
Tall and skinny
Loves rubins
Has long, dark brown hair and green eyes
Has an owl named Delta and a cat Parasy
Loves to ice-skate
Best friends: Amy, Maya, Mary, J.J., Buffy, Lindsay...
Keeper in Slytherin quidditch team

Lara Shinoda
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5th year,
Has long brown hair, very straight
Her dad is a Japaneese
Loves school cause she learns what she is interesed in.
Went to muggle school for 4 years.
Fun, babling, hapily in love with Sirius
Hates Voldemort
Has a black kitty Cyril.
Loves DADA and hates Divination
Patrounus: black panthera
Boggart: spider, but sometimes Voldemort
Loves to draw (just like her artist-father) and to write stories (just like her mother)
Since she is half-Japaneese she goes to Japan every summer to her granfather Yuki
He teaches her to be spiritually strong and fighting skills
She loves her life.

Melanie Max Anarcity
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5th year
Long brown hair andbrown eyes
Has a strange tatoo on her neck like a bar code with numbers and letters (saying Max)
Lots of people call her Max (she doesn`t like it)

Jake Sorcer
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6th year, Gryffindor
In love with Lisa
Appereance: look at the picture
Loves Potions, hates Divination

Mary Matthews
Gryffindor, 5th year
Has long brown hair and chocolate eyes
Plays quidditch (but not for the Gryffindor team)
Loves to study
Good friend
Patrounus: dear
Boggart: Voldemort
Has a persian cat Cassie
Loves DADA, hates History of magic and Divination
Wants to be auror
Dad-muggle, mum-witch (at least until Voldy killed them)

Daisy Andrews
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Ravenclaw, 5th year
Has brown hair, but she dyed it red in Hogwarts
Fancies John Blind
Loves: Astronomy, Potions, DADA, Transfiguration, Charms, Care of magical creatures, Ancient runas, Arithmancy...
Hates: Divination and History of magic
Came to Hogwarts on 4th year, after her whole family died
Boggart: spider
Patrounus: swan
Trying to become an animagi
Chaser in Ravenclaw quidditch team
Has and owl Alba and hedgehog Miki

Agatha Smith
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6th year
Loves: Potions
Patrounus: eagle
Boggart: shark
Mum- witch
Dad- muggle
Hangs out with Keira and Tom
Loves to travel

Diana Matthews
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4th year, Gryffindor
Sub-seeker for its team
Loves DADA, Transfiguration and Care of magical creatures
Social, loves to fly and to ride unicorns
Wants to be an auror
Friends call her sunny angel

Irma Bell
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5th year, Slytherin
Has no parents
Beater in Slytherins quidditch team
Loves: Muggle studies and Herbology
Loves and admires muggles

Jennifer Clemency Pleasant
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Has long, blond hair and dark brown eyes
Loves: Transfiguration, DADA, Charms and sometimes Potions-
Chaser (althought wants to be a seeker)
Has snow-white owl Narsilla
Wants to be an auror
Trying to be an animagi
Lived in Paris ut moved to London so she could go to Hogwarts.
Loves to read muggle-books
Favourite muggle bands: Azra, Parni Valjek, Nirvana, My chemical romance, Him, The Rasmus, BEP, Emnem, 2Pac, Bob Marley...
Favourite normal band: Goblins with Wands
Puddlemere United fan
Happy person
Loves to go to concerts...

Hugh Lovegood
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Lisa`s father
Works in Gringotts

Diane Black
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Lisa`s mum
Died when Lisa was 3 years old
Removed from the Black family tree, because of socializing with muggles

Katrina Black
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Lisa`s aunt
Great poet and witch
Engaged with Orlando Malfoy
Removed from the Black family tree, because of socializing with muggles

Orlando Malfoy
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Engaged with Katrina Black
Was a model, now a artist
Removed from the Malfoy family tree, because of socializing with muggles

