01.03.2007. / četvrtak

ovo će vam se svidjeti :D

moj frend (imate ga među slikama ) , Štefanić , napisao je pjesmu...na engleskom i to ok pjesmu..check it out

I have used drugs,
And I am addict.
I tried to hold my life,
But it just slipped,
I wanna slice my skin,
I just feel a need to hurt myself and watch me bleed,
Sweet feeling of cold metal cutting trough my skin,
Searching for savior in my darkest sin.
If this thoughts don't leave me,
I will go insane,
Can't let myself fall that deep again,
That would kill my soul and eat me alive,
That is why
I have to break trough tonight.
My addiction is becoming opsession,
I'm hopelessly searching
For salvation.

a treba i prigodna slikica za ovo..
btw molila bih posjetioce da ne shvate pogrešno, naime on se ne drogira ...:D

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