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Ja sam...
... poput vjetra.
... vječni boem.
... u beskrajnoj potrazi.
... zaljubljen u oblake.
... dio muzike.
... uživatelj utjecaja.
... individua.


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to sam ja, pa koga zanima
nek klikne...

Arhiva pjesama
... Pogled ...

Kada se probudim,
vidim tebe.
Prije no što zaspim,
vidim tebe.
Kada u ogledalo se pogeldam,
vidim te kraj sebe.
Kada oči zatvorim,
gledaš prema meni.
Kada u zvijezde pogledam,
vidim tebe.
Tako si daleko,
a opet vidim samo tebe,
ali mi svejedno fališ.

... Sonet of Madness Nr.2 ...

In the land of dreams
far from now
to me it seems
better somehow.

Birds in the sky,
trying to fly,

Now I see
at the present now
it can not be

better somehow,
and so mad I have been driven,
by this lame time I was given.

... Sonet of Love Nr.01 ...

I look into the sky,
remember the good things,
I see a little bird trying to fly,
with its naked and fragile wings.

On the horizont the sun has set,
at the place where those meadows are,
at the tree where we have met,
now that time seems so far.

The night has come, and stars are above,
I think of you and me,
and I know that is love,

I hope it always will be.
I know you feel that way too,
and that "us" will never be throug

... Čekam ...

Čekam, sam.
da osjetim ti dah,
da pojedeš me očima.
Smisao mene,
čekati je tebe, i nas.
Čekam tren,
da odemo.
Daleko od svih,
na mjesto,
gdje snovi se sreču.
Gdje vodit ćemo ljubav,
gdje bit ćemo sretni.
Čekam tren,
da zatvorim oči,
kako bih vidio tvoje.

... star that refuses to fade ...

I am the star that refuses to fade
I am the sun that shines only for you.
I am the one who will not give up
I am the one who will have his luck.
I am the one that needs my other half,
to share my dreams, feelings and
I hope that she will find me...
... so we can shine together.

... Novi Dan ...

Do koga ti je najviše stalo prijatelju moj?
Obitelji? Novca? Žena?

Obitelj mi je mrtva,
novaca nemam,
u ljubavi sreća napustila me

Što ti je onda ostalo prijatelju?
Zbog ćega budiš se prijatelju?

Zbog jutra,
zbog mraza.
Budim se da vidim
po čemu novi dan drugčiji je.

... presence ...

Its not the sound that awakes me,
it just the presence of you.
Its not the light that lets me see,
it just the presence of you.
It is that presence that scares me too.
What will I do when you
decide we are through?
I will sleep.
I will be blind.

... Boredom ...

A fly,
in the sky,
flying by my eye.
A yawn
in the dawn
looking at the mawn.
A tear,
drops on the face,
there is a wet trace.
My friend winks,
a ship sinks,
a light blinks.
All of that I see,
because 1,2,3...
I am bored.

... Far away ...

This town has a memory
too much.
So come and drive with me
far away.
Where we could be free,
together and forever.
Come with me far away
where no man could
tear us apart, and no beast
could tear out our hearts.
Come with me far, where
i will play, and you will sing,
where we will be together,
happy and forever.

... just another good bye ...

Just another ending,
just another begining.
I am saying to you
looking in your eyes
good bye my friend
until we meet again.
Stay close to the wind,
so I can feel your sent.
Look into the sky at night,
so I can see your eyes.
Think of me, so I know
I am not forgoten.
Until next time,
My friend, my darling,
my love, my desire...
Good bye.

... Crna ...

Oči vatre,
Narav lava.
U sjeni se sakrila,
ispod oka me gleda.
A ja sam slijep.
I sve što vidim,
Crno je...
kao mrak,
kroz koji ide,
u tišini noći.
Kada? Pita je mjesec.
Uskoro! šapne joj vjetar.
Gdje? pita je munja bez zvuka.
Ovdje! odgovara pogledom.

... Tren ...


...Drukčiji sam...

Danas mi je sretan dan
postao sam ovisan
i sve mi je jasnije
zvukove čujem glasnije

Danas mi je sretan dan
zaboravih ko ja sam
ne sjećam se ničeg ja
sve mi je ko poplava.

I znaaaaaam
da drukčiji sam.

Danas mi je sretan dan
ja nju zaboravio sam
i više se je ne sjećam
i više je ni nepoznam.

I znaaaam
da drukčiji sam

Danas mi je sretan dan
i napokon sam umoran
jer znaaaaaaaam
da drukčiji sam.

... The Fact ...

The fact is,
that people change,
The fact is,
the world is changing.
the fact is,
I am changing.
So if we could
change the facts,
than we could
change the world,
change the people,
change our selves.
It would be nice
if that was a fact.

... How little ...

How little it takes
for a man to be happy.
A smile, a word
a gift, a kiss.
And even less
takes to be sad.
Just a memmory
of time that passed by.
Of loses we have taken,
of friends we have lost.
How little it takes
to know you are not dead.
A sunrise, the drift of wind
a kiss, a sound.
How little it takes...
Just how little...

... Njena Patnja ...

Ona često razmišlja
dali mu je još uvijek lijepa.
On se više ne sjeća
kako ona izgleda.
Na rubu njenog kreveta
plakala je satima.
Njenim smeđim očima
šutljivo je patila.

Ulicom se šetala
skroz je tiho hodala
glava joj je klonula
suza joj je potekla

On se više ne sjeća
niti njenog imena,
čak ni njnenog pogleda,
al ni svoga osmjeha.
Kad je vidi, Ignorira
tragove njenih suza
Ona čeznutljivo gleda
kako je više ne pozna


Danas je nedjelja.
Danas nije jučer.
Danas se mostovi ruše.
Danas carstva padaju.
Danas gledam unaprijed.
Danas gledam unazad.
Danas nisam shvačen.
Danas sam umoran.
Danas ću ostaviti
za sutra.

... Moje vrijeme ...
Gledah na sve ostalo
osim na sebe ne.
Ne ostavih ni trten za
sebe, a sada mi žao.
Pogledah se i vidjeh
kost i kožu.
Pogledat ću se ponovo
ali malo kasnije, da se
Kada se kasnije pogledam
vidjet ću sebe.
Sada ću svima uzeti
svoje vrijeme...
I čuvat ću ga samo
za sebe.

.. the Pill ...

Take it
or leave it.
Swallow it
or give it away.
Look at it,
break it at half.
Just take it
allready, and
Look at the collors...
Look at the rainbow...
Look at me...
Cant you see??...
The Pill has you...

.. vjetar ...
Čovječe gdje ti je ponos?
Nestao je kao vjetar.
Gdje li je tvoj trag?
Nestao je kao vjetar.
Što je tvoje zadovoljstvo?
Samo maska? Samo krinka?
Čovječe gdje ti je srce?
Nestalo je sa vjetrom.
Tko je uisitnu sretan?
Onaj tko ide sa vjetrom.
Onaj koga vodi vjetar.
Čovječe, gdje li je tvoj trag?
Nestao je i zaboravljen je.

... izgubljena ljubav ...

Prijatelju gdje da je tražim?
Jel znaš gdje se skriva?
Kako ću je dugo tražiti?
Kako dugo moram oći imati otvorene?
Prijatelju dali njen miris ostaje?
Jel me se sjeća il je zaboravila?

Prijatelju možeš mi reči kamo smo krenuli?
Izgleda mi kao da sam bio ovdje več.
Jel možda znaš dali je tako?

Prijatelju jel znaš da je ovo najteže?
Jel znaš da je želim nači?
JEli znaš da me strah?
Ali ako si samnom,
spreman sam kada i ti.

Prijatelju uništimo ove slike
prijatelju zaboravimo ova sjećanja
ovo mjesto mi više nema smisla
neznam zašto sam opče ovdje,
neznam zašto je opče čekam.

sa tugom u srcu i samoćom kraj mene.
Prijatelju zbogom...
Nadam se da ću je jednom nači.

... No Sence ...

It makes me wonder
why is so hard
to make sence
of every little thing I do.

Why did I loose my friends?
Why did I loose my love?
Is it something that I did?
Is it something that I am?

It makes no sence
Why I was left alone.


Para - Ima se para
ara - Veliki ftič
rano - ustajem iz kreveta
ano - oj ano oj anice
noj - veliki veliki ftič
oj - pozdraf i tebi brate
ja - sam spec.

... Misli ...
Lete oko mene,
skrivaju se.
Ne vidim ih i ne čujem ih,
ali ovdje su.
Oko mene.
Oko tebe.
Osjećaš ih i
proživljavaš ih.
ALi ne vidiš ih.
Pa gdje su onda?
Odakle mi dolaze?
Jesu li i u tebi?

... Utopija i Realnost ...



... What do you see ...

When you look at me
what do you see?
Do you see a man or
do you see a boy?
Do you see a body
or a shell?
Do you see something
you like or something
you dont?
When you look at me
do you wanna run, or
do you want to stay?
What DID you see when
you looked at me?
Did you saw my eyes or
my lips? Or maybe you
just saw me?
When I look at myself
I just see somebody
trying to be loved.
But you,
What do you see when
you look at me?

... Jednom ...
Bili smo jednom
Zemlja, Sunce, Ljubav i mi
a sada ste ostali samo
Zvijezded, Noć, i ti,
a ponekad
na trenutak
i ja.

... Zaboravljen ...

Bijah jedno od mesa i krvi,
sada po meni plaze crvi.
Sada sam samo sjećanje
na osobu koja bijah.
Sada sam samo postojanje.
U meni nema više mene.
U meni je prazno.
Sad sam samo duh...
Samo Zaboravljen...

... Promjene ...
Gledam svijet kako prolazi pored mene
Sve se mjenja
Ljudi se mjenjaju
Vrijeme mjenja se
Mjenjaju se telefonski brojevi
Mjenja se cjena pive u kafićima
Mjenjaju se postave u bandovima
Mjenjaju se godišnja doba.
Ali ja...
... ja sam stojim i gledam promjene.
Gledam i starim...
...mjenjam se.

... sky about to rain ...

I see the sky about to rain
as if it could feel my pain
I will shed tears
to scare of all my fears
Oh thank you my sky
When you do I cant cry.
I hope the sun will come
And Ill be happy again

... Thinking of you ...

Today I woke up with a tear in my eye
Cause I forgot I had to say goodbye.
Now I will think of you every second of
an hour and every hour of the day...
But I hope that some day I will think of
you only once per day, then later once
per week, then once per year and at
last I will forget about you forever...
But now I think of you every second
od the day...
I need to find my way...
So my eyes wont stray...
I Have to forget...
Im Sorry...

... Night ...
The night has come,
the stars are above.
Tho moon is waching,
My eyes are closing.
I hope to dream
a beautiful dream.

... How I see Myself ...
Vidim se kao:
Šapat koji prolazi usput
Pahulja snijega prije no što na zemlju padne
List drveta što ga vjetar daleko nosi
Treptaj oka
Zraka sunca usred neba
Pticu koja slobdno leti
Potok koji neumorivo teče

... I hope ...
I hope someday i will forget
I wish upon a star we never met
I know this hurts for both
I never swore an oath

Iwe been out walking for hours
and looking at dead flowers
I was thinking of us
And I started to CUSS!

You never showed me the way
I never seen a bright day
It was all black and white
White as the clouds and black as night.

My love for you was in vein
You only brought me Pain.

I hope you suffer as do I
for leaving me without good bye.

I just hope...

...Turnng Away...
saw her today
and I turned the other way.
the feelings flow
I just want to go.
tousands of miles
are under my heels
but still to close
to her I feel.

I just wanted to turn
to se our love burn
I just wanted to see
that my soul is set free.

now I just want to forget
that we have ever met

... Inside it all feels the same ...

No one knows what does a shadow feel like.
No one knows how is it to remember faces, but no names.
No one knows what is like to love one person, and hate
it at the same time. I listen to songs, I listen to my mind,
but I can not hear. Im too deaf. I can not decide, what
I want. What is best for me. I can not seem to remember
the time I was happy. Like it is all gone. Like some1
erased my memory. I can not remember the daylight
being brighter, the taste tasting sweeter, I can not
remember the water flowing, the endless river.
I seem to be forgeting who I am. I can not determine
who I was, and then how could I determine who I
wanna be?? I feel dazed and confused. I just want
your hand in mine all the time. I just want to hear
you smile, so I could pretend to be happy to.
Outside it looks diferent, but insidee it all feels the same.
It feels like Im loosing me. I kissed someone but I didnt
feel the kiss. I looked at someone but I didnt see.
I tryed to listen to somebody but I couldnt hear.
All I want is to feel happy. All that I want is to change.
All that I want is to start all over.

I was thinking about death, and the thought amazed
me. The Silence, the darkness, THE CALM.

The Silence, and no sound to disturb your thoughts.
The Sleep, and never awakening from a dream.
The Darkness, and no light to open your eyes.
The Calm.

I would like to die just to see how it is.

...everyone just waits for their bullet...

A day without suneshine
A mourning with a headache
Gaps in my mind.

11.12.2006., ponedjeljak

... prošla noć ...

Mrkli mrak i glasna tišina.
Čuje se samo kucanje srca,
koje polako staje.
U zraku ostao je samo miris
sviježeg poljupca
a pod nogama ostale su
samo mrvice kruha.
Dani se i ponovo čujem.
Ustajem i odlazim -
- 22:30 - ... let me know ... (8) -