I found myself alone above a raging sea that stole the only boy I loved and drowned him deep inside of me.

utorak, 25.09.2007.

You're lying to yourself again,suicidal imbecile.

*post spada pod kategoriju OSOBNO*

Medicated,drama queen,picture perfect,numb belligerance.

Nemrem više gleat onai stari post,a opet ne znam o čem da pišem.

Užasno sam flegmatična u zadnje vrijeme.I najčešće usred dana skužim kako se nesvjesno smijem onome kai sam prie radila.Onim ljudima koi su me
nekad okruživali :D
Ahahaha,valjda 'e to nostalgia neka.

Sjećam se kad sam satima mogla ležat na travi sa svojom boljom polovicom a da ni riječ ne progovorimo.Samo smo ležali,pili i gleali se.Nismo imali potrebu ništa reć.
Danas je to podcienjeno.
Kad sam beskonačno dugo visila na jednoj kaviii i uživala.Nie se imalo potrebu ić alkoholizirat na neka kul mjesta.
Kad smo On & ja satima znali bit na Našem mjestu.Sad tog više nea.


Liepo je znati dase mjenjaš :)

I za kraj,lyricsi meni jedne od najdražih pjesama.

A Perfect Circle - The Outsider

Help me if you can
It's just that this, this is not the way I'm wired
So could you please,

Help me understand why
You've given in to all these
Reckless dark desires

You're lying to yourself again
Suicidal imbecile
Think about it, put it on the faultline
What'll it take to get it through to you precious
Over this. Why do you wanna throw it away like this
Such a mess. I don't want to watch you.

Disconnect and self destruct one bullet at a time
What's your rush now, everyone will have his day to die

Medicated, drama queen, picture perfect, numb belligerence
Narcissistic, drama queen, craving fame and all its decadence

Lying through your teeth again
Suicidal imbecile
Think about it, put it on the fautline
What'll it take to get it through to you precious
Go with this, why do you wanna throw it away like this
Such a mess, I don't wanna watch you...

Disconnect and self destruct one bullet at a time
What's your rush now, everyone will have his day to die

They were right about you
They were right about you

Lying to my face again
Suicidal imbecile
Think about it put it on the fautline
What'll it take to get it through to you precious
Over this, why do you wanna throw it away like this
Such a mess, come to this, come to this

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet at a time
What's your hurry, everyone will have his day to die
If you choose to pull the trigger, should your drama prove sincere,
Do it somewhere far away from here

Ovoe kratak post tak da ne očekujem dubokoumne komentare.

- 20:10 - Break The Silence. (15) -

petak, 14.09.2007.

U zadnje vrijeme se osjećam prejebeno.:D

Razlog? Ne znam koi je.
Inače sam sva turobna kad škola traje.
Ove godine nisam.

Nije baš da su mi dani savršeni.Niti da je u školi savršeno.Niti da je Mr.Perfect stigao.

Jednostavno...ne znam [opet].

Noćima opće ne spavam nego rukom brišem prašinu ispod kreveta.
Samo ležim i gledam u strop i promatram zrake svjetla na njemu.
Ili jednostavno se sklupčam i razmišljam o beskorisnim stvarima.Ili razmišljam zašto tolko razmišljam.
Ili sam jednostavno na internetu do pola noći dok mi ne dođe stari i stjera me s kompa jer ne može spavat od zujanja kompjutera.Ventilator u njemu je pokvaren.XDXD

Onda odem u krevet i u polusnu čekam da sat zazvoni.

Posljedica nespavanja je obično ta da sljedeći dan u školi ležim na klupi i hrčem.

I tako dani prolaze.Ti dani obično su mi ispunjeni prepisivanjem školskog gradive iz bilježnice od frendice,jer ja na satu spavam.

I pokušala sam sama sebi ograničiti vrijeme provedeno na netu.Ono izgubljeno vrijeme.Ali,ništa od toga.Odustala sam.I opet sam tu.

Idem sad.Kelj me čeka.

I lagala sam kad sam rekla da stiže normalan post.
Jer ovaj nema smisla.

Wish there was something I could say or do
I can resist anything but the temptation from you
But I'd rather walk alone then chase you around
I'd rather fall myself then let you drag me on down.

- 17:47 - Break The Silence. (12) -

nedjelja, 09.09.2007.

It's nothing you'd understand, but I do have something to say. In fact, I have a lot to say, but now is not the time or place. I don't know why I'm wasting my time or breath.

But what the hell? As for what is said of my life, there have been lies in the past and there will be lies in the future. I don't believe in the hypocritical, moralistic dogma of this so-called civilized society. I need not look beyond this room to see all the liars, hater, the killers, the crooks, the paranoid cowards--truly trematodes of the Earth, each one in his own legal profession. You maggots make me sick-- hypocrites one and all. And no one knows that better than those who kill for policy, clandestinely or openly, as do the governments of the world, which kill in the name of God and country or for whatever reason the deem appropriate. I don't need to hear all of society's rationalizations, I've heard them all before and the fact remains that what is, is. You don't understand me. You are not expected to. You are not capable of it. I am beyond your experience. I am beyond good and evil, Legions of the night--night breed--repeat not the errors of the Night Prowler and show no mercy. I will be avenged. Lucifer dwells within us all. That's it.

Ja sam stara blogerica sa novim blogom.
Neki 'normalan' post stiže uskoro.

- 14:29 - Break The Silence. (40) -

Rujan 2007 (3)


Eo i njega :]]


Tvrdoglava kučka.

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.


"I love to kill people. I love watching them die. I would shoot them in the head and they would wiggle and squirm all over the place, and then just stop. Or I would cut them with a knife and watch their faces turn real white. I love all that blood. I told one lady to give me all her money. She said no. So I cut her and pulled her eyes out."

Richard Ramirez.

