Sve manje tipova ostaje poput nas, sve drugo odavno je otišlo u Honduras...

29.04.2007., nedjelja što moj bambus ima kosu neznači da ga manje boli...

da...ovoga...mislim da znate o čem če ovaj post da prvo idem malo do boravka jer su došli neki fakin optimisti iz ĐRMENI i sad žderu moram bit pristojna......aha...da...KAKO DA NE?!!

ajme zajebi...donjeli su neke fakin bombone šugave...ful izgledaju fensi ono jebote zagrizem...neki rum unutra...aaaaaaaaaa...fak ju krul madafaker!!!

daj ajde e...sinoč bili na fakin tehničkom i jebote...idem ja ono da...ahahahha...da,da...idemo je i tea kuiš i tamo onak izdaleka gledam onako boce poslagane kuiš oči su mi počele suzim kako to ajme e...

i kuiš dođem...stojim tamo pol sata i gledam koju bocu ču uzet...i onda sam uzela onag koi me najviše privuko svojom AUROM!

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osoba je htjela bit eto ako ju takve stvari uveseljavaju...cenzurirajte ju i vi

paču sad napisat post ko nekad kad sam misla da me još neko blesav i čita ono da...

ful je bilo jebeno kad smo sjedili tea,lori,neven i ja (ovo je moj blog) i igrali pustinje i onda je mutava lorena šutnula nogom bambus bez čepa i skočila da ga ulovi da...i to je sasma u redu...neam ja niš protiv kasnije je pao bambus s čepom i začudo nie skočila da ga kuiš nemoš tako...jer...zamisli da su čepovi kose...i sad...ti se ošišaš i padneš...i boli te...da...i onda padneš kad imaš dugu kosu...ŠTA ČE TE MANJE BOLIT?!! bambus s čepom nesmje padat kao i bambus bez čepa...

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i iam jedno desetak slika...ovoga...od edgeja...i onak...nisi se ti to se meni samo čini...bože...pogle ovo kuiš...bič boj...
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fascinirajuće slike...da...iam onako jedno četri slike od jednog šugavog debila i jedne ful kul trebe...onak se zadovoljavaju na načine razne...slike mi se osobno iam i sebe kako rigam...te mi se gade još više...

meni je bilo kul...neke stvari nisam registrirala...ahahaha...predobro...zamisli dođe neka pijandura drugi dan onako blek aut od sinoč...i pričaš mu neš a on kaže-'maa...nisam registriro...'...ahaha...da...

kolko je pokemona potrebno da promjene žarulju??? moraš skupit sve...

da, to sam se parala 2 minute ko debil...

daj ajde ful mi je kul post jebote...ful se sječam onak prije huh koji postovi jebote dugački e...danas sam ovo,jučer sam ono,bila sam ko te jebe! a onaj o prištu mi je najači...da...ko da vi znate ono...

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24.04.2007., utorak

...evo ti saro novi post....besmislen i pun promjenu xD

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je neko malo zabrijo za devijen neeee

sara je kuuuul cool

...kujica 14 godina...izgubljena na kalvariji...slabije vidi i čuje...načeš ju ne....ahahahahahahha....prejako

ae šalom!

jeeeebote....još samo 4 dana do tehničkog...a kuiiiiš....zaaaakon....

22.04.2007., nedjelja

...and then there was silence...

And Then There Was Silence

Turn your head and see the fields of flames

(Don't move along)
He carries along
(Cause things they will go wrong)
From a distant place
(The end is getting closer)
He's on his way
(Day by day)
He'll bring decay
In shades of grey
We're doomed to face the night
Light's out of sight

Since we've reached the point of no return
We pray for the starlight we wait for the Moon
The sky is empty, alone in the unknown
we're getting nowhere

We have been betrayed by the wind and the rain
The sacred hall's empty and cold
The sacrifice made should not be done in vain
Revenge will be taken by Rome

We live a lie
Under the dying moon
Pale-faced laughs doom
Indulges in delight

It's getting out of hand
The final curtain will fall

Hear my voice
There is no choice
There's no way out
You'll find out

We don't regret it
So many men have failed but now he's (gone)
Go out and get it
The madman's head it shall be thine
We don't regret it
That someone else dies hidden in (disguise)
Go out and get it
Orion's hound shines bright

Don't you think it's time to stop the chase
Around the ring
Just stop running, running
Round the ring
Don't you know that fate has been decided
By the gods
Feel the distance, distance
Out of reach

Welcome to the end
Watch your step, Cassandra, you may fall
As I've stumbled on the field
Find myself in darkest places
(Sister mine)
Find myself drifting away
(Death's a certain thing)
And the other world
The other world appears

Find myself she dies in vain

I cannot be freed, I'm falling down
As time runs faster, moves towards disaster
The ferryman will wait for you, my dear

And then there was silence
Just a voice from the other world
Like a leaf in an icy world
Memories will fade

Misty tales and Poems lost
All the bliss and beauty
Will be gone
Will my weary soul find release for a while
At the moment of death I will smile
It's the triumph of shame and disease

In the end (Iliad)
Raise my hands and praise the day
Break the spell show me the (way)
In decay
The flame of Troy will shine bright

The newborn child will carry ruin to the hall
The newborn's death would be a blessing to us all

Good choice?
Bad choice?
Out of three you've chosen misery

Power and wisdom you deny
(Bad choice, bad choice)

War is the only answer when Love will conquer fear

So the judgement's been made
To the fairest the graceful says
Badly he fails

Fear the heat of passion, father king
(Don't let him in
Don't let her in)
Desire, lust, obsession
Death they'll bring
(We can't get out
Once they are in)

She's like the sunrise
Outshines the Moon at night
Precious like starlight
She will bring in a murderous price

(In darkness grows the seed of man's defeat)
(I can clearly see the end now)
I can clearly see the end now
I can clearly see the end now

(The thread of life is spun)
The coin's been placed below my tongue

Never give up
Never give in
Be on our side so we can win
Never give up
Never give in
Be on out side
(Old moon's time) is soon to come

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Nothing to lose like one we'll stand
We'll face the storm
Created by a man

Roar Roar Roar Roar
Troy (Troy Troy Troy)
And as the lion slaughters man
I am the wolf and you're the lamb

(Hallowed) Troy will fall round the walls
Faith is shattered, bodies fall

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Nothing to lose like one we'll stand
It's all for one and one for all
We live for will be wiped out

I feel that something's (wrong)
Surprise, surprise they're gone

Full moon your time goes by
And new moon's still kept out of sight
We live
Misty tales and Poems lost
(We die)
All the bliss and beauty will be gone

Will my weary soul find release for a while
At the moment of death I will smile
It's the triumph of shame and disease

In the end (Iliad)
Raise my hands and praise the day
Break the spell show me the (way)
In decay
The flame of Troy will shine bright

Roam in darkness
(Spread the vision)
Roam in darkness
(Spread the vision)
Roam in darkness
(Spread the vision)
Roam in darkness
(Spread the vision)
(Roam in darkness)
(We will be lost if you truly believe)
(Roam in darkness)
Troy in darkness
(There's a cold emptiness in our hearts)
That they've gone away
(And) won't come back

They'll tear down the wall to bring it in
They'll truly believe in the lie
Lie, lie

With blossoms they'll welcome the old foe

The vision's so clear
When day and dream unite the end is near
You better be prepared

The nightmare shall be over now, there's nothing more to fear
Come join in our singing and dance with us now
The nightmare shall be over now, there's nothing more to fear
The war it is over forevermore

No hope
The blind leads the blind
Carry on
Though future's denied

Mare or stallion
There's far more inside
We are in at the kill we'll cheerfully die

Misty tales and Poems lost
All the bliss and beauty
Will be gone
(Will) my weary soul find release for a while
At the moment of death I will smile
It's the triumph of shame and disease

In the end (Iliad)
Raise my hands and praise the day
Break the spell show me the (way)
In decay
The flame of Troy will shine bright

Holy light shines on

So the judgement's been made
We're condemned though the trial's far ahead

The crack of doom, Father
Your handsome son is heading home

Still the wind blows, calm and silent
Carries news from a distant shore
Still the wind blows, calm and silent
Carries news from a distant shore
Still the wind blows, calm and silent
(Out of mind)
Carries news from a distant shore
(Can't get it)
(Still the wind blows, calm and silent)
(Out of mind)
(Carries news from a distant shore)
(Can't get it out of my head)
(Can't get it)
(Out of mind)
(Can't get it out of my head)

Sorrow and defeat
Sorrow and defeat

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20.04.2007., petak

MP3 <.<

...errrm...empetrijevi su ful drolje....odkažu kad se najmanje nadaš i ful im treba baterije i to sve i to ful nie ljepo od njih što tolko traže a tako malo daju......i oni nas odvajaju zapravo od svjeta oko nas jer kad iamo mp3 samo čujemo tu glazbu a ne zvukove oko sebe...


burn the MP3s


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18.04.2007., srijeda

onaj post me ful nerviro

idem vidit dal imam đem i putar pa ču jest to jer je to zakon a zdenka mi je dosadila

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gardijani su najkul

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16.04.2007., ponedjeljak


bila sam jučer do kostrene točat svoja hobicka stopala u more koje je veoma hladno.....i onda smo se pješke vratili odtamo do doma po cesti i skoro nas je par puta auto pobro al nema veze...nakraju nikad nisam bila sretnija što vidim pečine jer sam taman htjela odustat na zadnjem onda je naletila ona ograda i grmiči parkič pečine.....bilo je baš kulač...misla sam da je petak jer me podsjetilo kako sam išla s daz od buke do pečina...da....bakin

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baš je ljepo vani snjeg pada

11.04.2007., srijeda

to je jakna jebo vam puh mater!!!!!!!!!!

supr stee!!!!

..bila u subotu u gorskom kotaru....išli do škole....dođemo tamo ono pol litre venusa...weeeee ^^.....idemo dalje skoro puna vrečica čipsa.....weeeee ^^ ....sjednemo...napušimo se ko stoke...svakih par minuta jedna misao-'joj...da bar ima neki stroj koi prikopčaš na glavu zijev i onda sve što misliš se zabilježava negdje cool to bi bilo ful guuuušt...'

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bili na kontu,pili ja i tea sekvoju ^^ i baš je bilo kul....i otkrili smo portun...i vino s kastva je kulač....i tako to....idemo mi na bas i ja i daz optimisti-'gle bas neki....jel to niiiieeee....'
KURAC NIE!...trčanje je čru.....kod buke bilo šugavo....spavanje je sexy


05.04.2007., četvrtak


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kupus...kuiš bio je i kupus s očima al ga ja debil debilasti od svih debila najdebilastiji nisam spremila a ful je bio jak i...headbang headbang headbang...neda mi ga se opet crtat...a imo je usta...i oči!!!!!


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mda,glup si

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...život moj polako puca...
...želim biti blizu sunca...
...da me voli da me grije...
...da mi bude kao prije...
...blizu sunca moram doči,doči...
...ko zna dal ču moči...

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01.04.2007., nedjelja

da kuiš...

danas je galerija kuiš slike....

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recimo da je to jedini crtež koi sam spremna podjelit s vama dead
kuiš to je cvječad...da,da....ugl...

ajde bok....

ne, bok....

kuiš trudna.....trudna...da,da.....blabla

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Britney Spears tried to hang herself a few days ago by attaching a sheet to a light and tying it around her neck; this happened in the same night she decided to write the number 666 on her head and go around the rehab center telling everybody she is the Antichrist.

kuiš...jeote....ono....jeote....popizdila žena....još malo češ ju viit tamo kuiš....doč če na kont onak....'uuuu....di ste ovo ono šta ima kako je....daj taj bambus...'...ono WTFOMG.....dada....

sad iem č

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