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This Work continues. This Story goes on. And an Angel still rides in the Whirlwind and directs this Storm.


26.04.2006., srijeda

Fantastic Beasts and where to find Them

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"The Clabbert is a tree-dwelling creature, in appearance something like a cross between a monkey and a frog.... The Clabbert's most distinctive feature is the large pustule in the middle of its forehead, which turns scarlet and flashes when it senses danger."

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"The Plimpy is a spherical, mottled fish distinguished by its two long legs ending in webbed feet."

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"The Streeler is a giant snail that changes colour on an hourly basis and deposits behind it a trail so venomous that it shrivels and burns all vegetation over which it passes."

- 21:49 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

25.04.2006., utorak


Simbolika ovog broja na prvi pogled nije jasna. Povezuje se sa nesrećama, masovnim umiranjima, sektom Iluminata...

Matematičke reference također nisu odmah uočljive, no elementarnom analizom se lako dokuči kako je 23 upravo deseti prim broj, što je znakovito za čovjeka kao biće prirodno usmjereno na dekadski sustav. Također, matematičar David Hilbert, čovjek koji je suvremenu znanost zadužio uvođenjem Hilbertovog prostora (svojevrsnog poopčenja Euklidskog prostora za n-dimenzijski slučaj), ostavio je u naslijeđe 23 matematička problema.

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Razlozi zbog kojih je broj 23 zadobio mistično značenje su slijedeći:

- kalendari starih Egipćana i Sumerana započinjali su 23. dana šestog mjeseca (datum konjukcije Siriusa i Sunca)
- svaki roditelj donira potomku 23 kromosoma, a upravo je 23. kromosom onaj koji određuje spol djeteta
- po proročanstvima Maja, smak svijeta će se zbiti 23. prosinca 2012.
- Gaj Julije Cezar je uboden nožem 23 puta
- red Vitezova Templara je kroz svoje djelovanje bio pod vodstvom 23 osobe
- objava Kur'ana je trajala 23 godine
- Yom Kippur pada na 23. rujna
- ljudski bioritmički ciklus iznosi 23 dana
- Microsoftov kompleks u Redmondu se sastoji od 23 građevine !
- 2/3=0.666 !

... i tako dalje ...

Ono što je naročito simptomatično jest učestalo pojavljivanje broja 23 kao kvote žrtava u raznoraznim katastrofama, kako prirodnim, tako i onim izazvanim ljudskim faktorom:

- podmetanje bombe u Oklahoma Citiyju, kao i napad na zabarikadirane članove Kareshove sekte u Wacou su se zbili 19. travnja (19+4=23)
- u katastrofi zrakoplova kompanije TWA (let 800) iznad Long Islanda u srpnju 1996, poginulo je 230 ljudi, a analizom ostataka zrakoplova je utvrđeno kako je do eksplozije došlo ispod sjedala 23 J i 23 K.
- napad na WTC i Pentagon, 11. rujna 2001: 9+11+2+0+0+1=23
- ukupan broj Unabomberovih žrtava je 23

Well, we don't have any explanation. We're not into saying, This is why". I don't come to any conclusion. I simply think it's interesting."
/ Genesis P-Orridge, interview in 'Tape Delay' by Charles Neal, 1987. /

The '23 Enigma', as discovered by William S. Burroughs, presents itself as a good omen for some - disaster for others. Trying to convey the phenomenon to the uninitiated is as easy as describing the night sky to someone who has been blind from birth.

When Burroughs was in Tangiers, he knew a Captain Clark who ran a ferry over to Spain. One day, Clark told Burroughs that he had been doing the route for 23 years without an accident. That day, the ferry sank . . .that evening, while Burroughs was thinking about the incident, a radio bulletin announced the crash of Flight 23 on the New York-Miami route. The pilot was another Captain Clark!

Burroughs began to keep a scrapbook of 23s. When writing about Dutch Shultz, he realized that when the New York City gangster had put a contract out on 23-year-old Vincent 'Mad Dog' Coll, who met his end on 23rd St. Shultz himself died on October 23rd, 1935. As Robert Anton Wilson writes in 'Cosmic Trigger', the same night, Marty Crompier, another gangster was shot, but not fatally. "It's got to be one of them coincidences," he told police.

Speaking of October 23rd, Seventeenth century scholar Archbishop Ussher reckoned that the earth was created on October 23rd, 4004 BC, while the Mayans believed the world will end on December 23rd, 2012.

Hexagram 23 in the 'I Ching' oracle means "break apart." 23 in telegrapher's code means "break the line." Aleister Crowley defined number 23 as "parting, removal, separation, joy, a thread, and life . . ."

Parents each donate 23 chromosomes to the fertilized egg . . .the human biorhythm cycle is generally 23 days, and it takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body.

And so on . . .

This inexplicable fascination with 23 has become a mind-virus, seeping into the music of 'Psychic TV', the art of H.R. Giger, the comics of Jamie Hewlett and Grant Morrison, the literature of Robert Anton Wilson, Arthur Koestler, Umberto Eco, and countless others. The pages of the 'Principia Discordia' supply another feast of 23s. It now reached a point where one has to be sharp to differentiate between the 23s meant as signposts for those in the know, and those which appear for no obvious reason, in the damndest of places. The Internet is these days littered with lists of historical and scientific '23s', some of which are not so ` - i.e. mere coincidence, some mind-boggling - beautiful synchronicity.

The '23 Enigma' has its skeptics - those who say that it's a focusing of attention on just one number. This may be true, but as mentioned above, some folks have fun with 23s - the day-to-day synchronicity that raises a private smile - while for others it can be sheer hell, and we're not just talking about Burroughs' two Captain Clarks. Genesis P. Orridge (his band, 'Psychic TV', released 23 albums on the 23rd of each month for 23 months) told the members of another British band, 'Cabaret Voltaire', about the enigma. They showed interest, but skepticism. Two days later, Genesis received a phone call from them:

"You bastard! . . . We've come to Holland to do three gigs, and in ever hotel we've had room 23, and the gig on the 23rd was a complete disaster. And everywhere we turn, there are 23s. What have you done?"

"Well, I did say you'd start noticing it," answered Genesis.

- 09:01 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

Kraljevstva užasa

Najnovije vijesti iz egipatskog grada Dahaba govore o 23 mrtva (23?!?!) i više o stotinu ozlijeđenih.

Manje-više, ništa neobično... Nažalost.

U drugoj je polovici XX. stoljeća jezik nasilja postao uobičajen način konverzacije raznih skupina koje nisu imale dovoljno jake argumente kako bi na sebe skrenule pažnju normalnim putem, uglavnom raznoraznih ljevičarskih i islamističkih organizacija. No, trend je svoj boom doživio na početku ovog stoljeća...

New York, 11/09/2001.

Madrid, 11/03/2004.

London, 07/07/2005.

Lista, na opću žalost, još nije zapečaćena.

...vratiti ću se kasnije na zanimljivu, ali i bizarnu priču o povezanosti masovnih umiranja i broja 23....

- 08:39 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

01.04.2006., subota

Time And Relative Dimension In Space

Možda i postoji nekakva draž u lunjanju prostor/vremenom...

Doktor valjda zna što radi.

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Postoje li preambularne kazne za stvaranje kulta?

Kako glase???

Vrijedi li se žrtvovati???

- 01:14 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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Tirian opet pogleda oko sebe, i jedva je mogao vjerovati svojim očima. Plavo nebo bilo mu je iznad glave, travnati krajolik prostirao se uokolo u svim smjerovima dokle god je pogled sezao, a njegovi su prijatelji stajali oko njega i smijali se.

"Čini se, dakle", reče Tirian i sam se nasmješivši, "da su staja viđena iznutra i staja viđena izvana dva različita mjesta."

"Da", reče lord Digory. "Iznutra je veća nego izvana".

"Da", reče kraljica Lucy. "U našem svijetu također, jednom je u jednoj staji bilo nešto veće od cijelog našeg svijeta".

/ C. S. Lewis; Posljednja Bitka /

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lunar phases

Art and science have their meeting point in method.
(Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac)

Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it.

(Niels Bohr)

Doctor Who Reference Guide