21.04.2006., petak

IT's gonna be alright!!!

Htijela sam stavit jednu drugu pijesmu, no onda mi je ova zasvirla upravo prije nego što sam počela pisat i eto, nisam mogla odoljet, obožavam ovu pjesmu. Kad sam u najgorem mogućem stanju, upravo je ona ta koja me može izvuć, barem na 5 min... Zato sam je odlučila podjelit sa svima vama...smijehsmijeh
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Don't worry about a thing,
It's gonna be alright,
Don't worry about a thing,
It's gonna be alright,
Don't worry about a thing,
It's gonna be alright,
Gonna be, gonna, gonna, gonna be alright,

Why must our children play in the streets,
Broken hearts and faded dreams,
Peace and love to everyone that you meet,
Don't you worry, it could be so sweet,
Just look to the rainbow, you will see
Sun will shine till eternity,
I've got so much love in my heart,
No-one can tear it apart,

Feel the love generation,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Feel the love generation,
Ooohhh yeah-yeah,

vaša, ovaj put nasmijana IvANa!!!zujo
- 21:55 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #

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