. . . I walk alone. . .
. . . Every step i take . . .
. . . I walk alone . . .

Aaaaaaaaaaah... Napokon praznici...
Već mi je dosta škole... sva ta ispitivanja, testovi, bježanja sa satova...
Da vam kažem, pomirila sam se sa lilicom sa kojom sam bila posvađana oko 7 mjeseci... : )
Ona mi je preko frendice poslala pismo (valjda ju je bilo stid reć mi to u facu) . . .
"Nadam se da se slažeš da se pomirimo jer totalno je glupo nepričat punih 7 mjeseci
zbog neke "nevažne" stvari! Bile smo onako dobre prijateljice prije te usrane ekskurzije.
Znam da sam o tebi svašta pričala i kajem se zbog toga. Glupo mi je gledat kako drugi
pričaju s tobom, a ja samo gledam i ne govorim ništa. Neznam kako smo izdržale da ne
pričamo jer ipak smo uvijek negdi u društvu, zajedno. Sad dolazi Božić i Nova Godina,
bit ćemo zajedno u društvu. Nisam ti to htjela prije govorit, da se pomirimo jer sam vidila
da me uopće nisi niti gledala..."
To mi je napisala u pismu...
Dolazi Božić... Kićenje bora, polnoćka... Plošle godine mi je na Božić i Novu Godinu
bilo super je kod mene bila sestrična iz Pule... Trebala sam ić u Pulu preko ovih preznika
al nemogu....cry Koje sranje... Baš sam se bila nadala da ću vidjet sestričnu... cry
Idem u četvrtak na rođendan... Jest ću torte... lud(možda i neću) . . .
Nadam se da ću se dobro provest . . .
Eeeeeeeeeeeetoooooooooooooooo . . . . To bi bilo sve za ovaj put . . .

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23.12.2007. | 18:31 | 152 ...No Way Back... | ...Frozen Angel... |


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...Unleash Hell...

Opis bloga

...Moj mali svijet pun snova...

Oh sleeping stars, why are you so sad tonight?
Oh sleeping stars, will you shine for me tonight?
I'm falling in deep trance and my powers are weakening
I'm falling in a world between dreams and reality
Wake me until it's too late
. . .

. . .
The time is passing and I know;
that I'm wasting my life, destroying my dreams
And I fall (something is dying, yet something is born)
And I fall (when will I find my silent dawn)
into infinity like a burning star:
. . .



. . . SEKA . . .
Paula... Blog jedne super cure
Matea...Također super blog
. . . Ivana . . .
. . . DaRiA . . .
...moj drugi blog...
Opaka Katy

Cradle Of Filth

I've never been closer
I've tried to understand
That certain feeling
Called by another sound
But it's too late to hesitate
We can't keep on living like this

Leave no track
Don't look back

All I desire
Keep climbing higher and higher
Adorable creatures
With unacceptable features
And trouble is coming
It's just the high cost of loving
You can take it or leave it
But you'd better believe it

You've got to make me an offer
That cannot be ignored
So let's head for home now
Everything I have is yours
Step by step and day by day
Every second counts I can't break away

Leave no trace
Hide your face

Full of desire
Keep climbing higher and higher
And you can take it or leave it
But you'd better believe it

Step by step
Day by day
Every second counts
I can't break away

Keep us from temptation [x3]
Lead us not into temptation

Trying to find it
You've got to get up behind it
Put your dime in the hot slot
But it's a million to one shot
You think that you're right
Your gonna face it tonight now
Give me a breakdown
Because it's time for a shakedown
Temptation [x16]

No Time To Cry

It's just a feeling
I get sometimes
A feeling
And I get frightened
Just like you
I get frightened too but it's...

(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry

Sometimes in the world as is you've
Got to shake the hand that feeds you
It's just like Adam says
It's not so hard to understand
It's just like always coming down on
Just like Jesus never came and
What did you expect to find
It's just like always here again it's...

Everything will be alright
Everything will turn out fine
Some nights I still can't sleep
And the voices pass with time
And I keep

No time for tears
No time to run and hide
No time to be afraid of fear
I keep no time to cry


Sails up! We're leaving today
Distant lands are calling
Cowards stay at home; this is a quest of true men
Farewell, should we never see again

Weeping women waving at the pier
When the sky starts to cry
But neither rain, nor wind can make us turn around
What's decided, has to be done

See how the forefathers greet, us with northern lights
Bravely towards unknown shores, through raging storms we fight
Faith in the gods, their strength in our hearts, when lightning strikes
If we die, we'll meet again in Valhalla...

In a dream I saw two ravens in the sky
And a verdant land behind
When we set out feet there, we'll burn our fleet
'Cause the land is promised to us by gods

May Njord protect us on our way
May the moon light our path
Let our spirits be purified by the ocean's breeze
Let the wind, tell our legend which ever lasts

When we reach the open sea, leaving our home behind
The Dragonheads are rising, let the stars be our guides

See how the forefathers greet, us with northern lights
Bravely towards unknown shores, through raging storms we fight
Faith in the gods, their strength in our hearts, when lightning strikes
If we die the sun will shine again beyond mortal time
We'll meet again in Valhalla!

Token Of Time

Harvest the field of time
with the old man's scythe
The narrow path of the chosen one
reaches beyond life

I set sails for the ageless winds
No fear of dying or a thought of surrender
I threaten every barrier on my way
I am bound forever with Token of Time

Among the humble people
Everything is torn apart
but I'm blessed with faith
and bravely I shall go on

I set sails for the ageless winds
No fear of dying or a thought of surrender
I threaten every barrier on my way
I am bound forever with Token of Time

Are thou the bringer of hope and joy
that I've waited for years
I shall fight to restore the moon
Wisdoms of time are carved on the sacred wood

Do thou possess spiritual powers
that would dispel all my fears
I shall not die until the seal is broken
Token of Time is trusted in the hands of the chosen one

I set sails for the ageless winds
No fear of dying or a thought of surrender
I threaten every barrier on my way
I am bound forever with Token of Time

Tale Of Revenge

He bears a tale so gloom and tragic never to be known
Into darkness now fallen, into hatred now grown
Like stillborn child drifting in the silent seas
Of blood, crushing all his dreams
No castle walls can hold the fury in his eyes
Devotion for death, now controls his life
No gold or silver can bring him consolation
Only one thing is left inside him, the desire of revenge

One light so cold and pale, sleeping quietly all alone
One life so old and gray, wandering away from home

Parted with a horrid cry, snow falls on his grief
United by the sword of wicked screams
What deeds he has done to hear those deadful sounds
In the ruins of memories he wanders, forever bound
Forever bound to death!

Wait for me in th mountains, haunt for me in the winds
Wait for me in the land where nothing lives
Until the day I have found revenge, I will feed my sword
Until my heart is cold, every breath of mine is yours

Little Dreamer

Once there was a boy back in time of the heathens
Day after day he just kept dreaming things that would make him weaker
His father could not make him see, that there is more than dreams
But he wouldn't listen to the words of his father, 'cause he's a little dreamer

Along his quest for solitude
A wise man came and told him to follow the stars

He ran to the forest with whirlwinds by his side
He's lost in this world of lies
Take him back where rivers flow upwards
He is the one who lives
under a moonless sky looking for time
Take him back where stars are shining bright x2

Far in the lands of icetop mountains far on the other side
pictures are appearing so serenely into my mind
Far in the lands of meadows of fire deep in forgotten life
memories are drifting away so silently from light

Along his path of misery
A wise man came and told him to follow... the stars
Little Dreamer...


Baptized with a perfect name
The doubting one by heart
Alone without himself

War between him and the day
Need someone to blame
In the end, little he can do alone

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Apart from the wandering pack
In this brief flight of time we reach
For the ones, whoever dare

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Reaching, searching for something untouched
Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

The Phantom Of The Opera

In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name
And do I dream again
For now I find
The Phantom of the opera is there
Inside my mind

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The Phantom of the opera is there
Inside your mind

Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear

It's me they hear

My/your spirit and your/my voice
In one combined
The phantom of the opera is there
Inside your/my mind

He's there the Phantom of the opera
Beware the Phantom of the opera

In all your fantasies
You always knew
That man and mystery

Were both in you

And in this labyrinth
Where night is blind
The phantom of the opera is there
Inside your/my mind

Sing my angel of music

End Of All Hope

It is the end of all hope
To lose the child, the faith
To end all the innocence
To be someone like me
This is the birth of all hope
To have what I once had
This life unforgiven
It will end with a birth

No will to wake for this morn
To see another black rose born
Deathbed is slowly covered with snow

Angels, they fell first but I'm still here
Alone as they are drawing near
In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung

Wounded is the deer that leaps highest
And my wound it cuts so deep
Turn off the light and let me pull the plug

Mandylion without a face
Deathwish without a prayer
End of hope
End of love
End of time
The rest is silence


This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything

My flower, withered between
The pages 2 and 3
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

Frozen Angel

We were together as one
All that we had can't be undone
Our love fading, now it's gone
Our time fading, so it's done
The blood that binds us
Till death unites us

Alone we die
My Frozen angel
Alone we fade away
From this world
Alone you die
My frozen angel
Alone we fade away
From this world

We were together as one
All that we had can't be undone
Our love fading the feeling is gone
Our time fading, now it's done
Nothing I do, nothing I say
Fade Away
My angel

No Way Back

I no longer feel where do my heart belong
This shivering wind has frozen it to the core
And the rain that whips my face covers my tears
These dark shades of night hide my fears
There's no way, no way back
Wherever I'm walking

I hide behind my smile
And it hurts me inside
I cry without shedding a tear
I'm sorry this ends here

Still the wind blows and the rain falls on me
And I know there's no way back, no way back
Forever I'm walking

I hide behind my smile
And it hurts me inside
I cry without shedding a tear
I'm sorry this ends here


Everything I had is gone and all I cared is dead
There's nothing to lean on, there's nothing to hold on
Now all is said and done left behind like a dream
There's nowhere to go nowhere to go to
I thought I had it all...

You were everything in my heart and my heart still beats, these empty beats
You were everything in my heart and my heart will go on, without you

You took it all, all away, left me there, there to stay
Feeling so cold now I'm on my own now
Why should I live my life anymore
You are gone and I lost it all
There's nothing to lean on, nothing to hold on
Still I have to carry on, carry on and on
There's nowhere to go to, nowhere to go to
I'll hope this pain will fade away, fade away some day
There's nothing to live for, there's nothing to die for

Unleash Hell

Night falls, it's time to kill
this fist will give you the thrill
Your blood is running like the rain
you are begging, no more pain
My need to kill grows bigger and bigger
when I touch the trigger
This bullet that I will send
is the bringer of your death

I'm the god that you will need
Hatred and death sleep in my bed
In my eyes you're not doing well
keep on praying before I unleash hell

Time will tell
when I unleash hell
Blood will flow
when I unleash hell

Bullets fly, I pulled the trigger
Revenge is mine, sweet and bitter
Welcome to my hell on earth
this time you'll get hurt
I reload my gun, get ready to run
Fuck your life I'm just having fun
Your time is up, I'll never stop
I'll make you rot, I'll fill your grave

Time will tell
when I unleash hell
Blood will flow
when I unleash hell

Now your world is gone
you're not around to see the dawn
or the things that I will do
but you know, it's all for you
Today this world will meet it's god
I'll end this shit with a flood of blood
No return - it has been done
the age of death has begun

Midnight Walker

I am here again
when the day is done
I'm back again
to steal your life
and I won't go away
Tonight's the night to die
you can try to run
but you will die
The end end is near
look at me
you'll feel the fear

I'm your Master,
Emperor, the King
I will always rule your night
You must run faster
the death is in the ring
Staring right into your eyes

I'll take away your life
and end your pain inside
I wan't to die with you, like you
I am the deadly stalker
I am the Midnight Walker
the one you try to hide
Now say your life goodbye

I'm the shadow behind you
that you can't see
but you know it's there
The day is rising
and I'm fading away
Daytime has made you free
but only for today
Dusk is falling
and once again
I'm in your head

I'm your nightmare,
fantasy and insanity
Only thing you see
death will make you free
So walk a little closer
and give your life to me
Let me end your pain

I'll take away your life
and end your pain inside
I wan't to die with you, like you
I am the deadly stalker
I am the Midnight Walker
the one you try to hide
Now say your life goodbye

[solo: K.Ranta]
[solo: P.Lindroos]
[solo: T.Planman]

I'll take away your life
and end your pain inside
I wan't to die with you, like you
I am the deadly stalker
I am the Midnight Walker
the one you try to hide
Now say your life goodbye

The Howling

We've been seeing what you wanted, got us cornered right now
Fallen asleep from our vanity, might cost us our lives
I hear they're getting closer
Their howls are sending chills down my spine
And time is running out now
They're coming down the hills from behind

When we start killing
It's all coming down right now
From the nightmare we've created,
I want to be awakened somehow

When we start killing it all will be falling down
From the Hell that we're in
All we are is fading away
When we start killing...

We've been searching all night long but there's no trace to be found
It's like they all have just vanished but I know they're around
I feel they're getting closer
Their howls are sending chills down my spine
And time is running out now
They're coming down the hills from behind

When we start killing
It's all coming down right now
From the nightmare we've created
I want to be awakened somehow

When we start killing it all will be falling down
From the Hell that we're in
All we are is fading away
When we start killing...
When we start killing...

I feel they're getting closer
Their howls are sending chills down my spine
And time is running out now
They're coming down the hills from behind

The sun is rising
The screams have gone
Too many have fallen
Few still stand tall
Is this the ending of what we've begun?
Will we remember what we've done wrong?

When we start killing
It's all coming down right now
From the nightmare we've created
I want to be awakened somehow

When we start killing it all will be falling down
From the Hell that we're in
All we are is fading away
When we start killing...
When we start killing...
When we start killing...


Nešto o meni:
I am the deadly stalker...

Svoje CD-e...
Sve grupe koje slušam...
Moje 2 mačke...
Prave prijatelje...
Majenog Petrija... =)
Svoje postere...
Bilježnicu u kojoj su pjesme naj grupa...
Sebe... =) haha...
Svoj msn...
Svoje blogove...
Čokoladu i sve moguće slatkiše... =)
Horor filmove...
Gledat mjesec i zvijezde...


Are You Dead Yet

Don't hear, don't deem. Drown in before you dive.
Don't care, commit to your self destruction drive
I kiss the ground with love beyond forever
Flip off the sky with bleeding fingers till I die

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be,
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself
Are You Dead Yet?

Wake up, don't cry. Regenerate to deny the truth,
The fiction you live in blindfold your eyes.
Disclosure, self loathing. This time you've gone too far.
Or could it be, my nemesis that you are me?

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself ARE YOU DEAD YET?

We're Not Gonna Fall

Woah yeow

They try kicking and screaming
Contation break us apart
In life..... will hold you down
I'm sorry, that's my knife in you!
Another day you fall and I get away
Pushing and screaming cause
They found


Take my hand and fly
Will you ever be that tall
Don't you be afraid
We're not gonna fall

Did you think
I'd let you mix it up
Give me a reason bitch
You're gonna fuck it up


Take my hand and fly
Will you ever be that tall
Don't you be afraid
We're not gonna fall


Do you believe in what we've got
Try it, one shot
We stand once and for all
We're not gonna fall


Well you thought you had the authority
To slay and kill the minority
Together we stand tall
Not gonna crash, not gonna fall

Did you think I'd let you mix it up
Give me a reason bitch
We're gonna fuck you up
It's real, into the charge

At the end we're standing up

Touch Like Angel Of Death

a glance to my eyes, deep within reveals
this worn-out warrior's mind
I'm killing you by suffering
discomposure of a deepest kind

in the night i crave to feel your breath
and your touch like angel of death
in the dawn I'm in chains of bestial rage
and forced to make you dead

the chains get tighter around my throat
i can give you no love, only dead-lift of pain

in the dusk of evening i tuck you up with feather
forever I'll stand by your side
in the twilight of night I'm laughing
while cutting you hundred and thirteen times

can't you see i am evil, double-edged razor
child of eternal hate.
to torment you like a motherfucking-whore
I'll make you cry forever more

I'd crawl through broken glass to you...
and your name is written in my very flesh
with the knife I'm still longing to use

in the night i crave to feel your breath
and your touch like angel of death
in the dawn I'm in chains of bestial rage
and forced to make you dead

Everytime I Die

The faint blaze of the candle of my life,
slowly dying like a fire in a pouring rain.
No sparks of hope inside,
no shooting stars on my sky.
On broken wings, no flying high...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cause its gets more painful every time I die.

Out of strength to fight.
I cannot take another night.
I cannot take it no more.
Lust of light slips through my fingers
like blood on my arms.
Black candle wax has buried me...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cause its gets more painful every time I die.

Needled 24/7

Since day one I've been crass and far beyond.
I couldn't laugh, I couldn't cry...
Before you judge me, take a look at yourself.
Condescending, outlivin' in a lie..

Despite all the pain in my heart grinding through,
It ain't due that you hate what I hate what you do

Despite all the piety you've been consuming thus far,
A backstabbing motherfucker to the bone is what you are

And everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn,
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn.
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven,
Then again it's like being needled 24/7

You look down to me to see the scum of the earth to be.
Fuck yeah, that's me, vile and obscene.
I ain't happy about it but at least I don't judge and decree
To be better than another human being.

Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn,
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn.
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven,
Then again it's like being needled 24/7

Despite all the piety you've been consuming thus far,
Can anyone, somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?

Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn,
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn.
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven,
Then again it's like being needled 24/7

Living Dead Beat

Once again waiting for the darkness, beat up
Spun and scarred. Prepare for another war.
Day by day we decay. Sunlight, get out of my way.
Dig up yourself from your grave.

Bad to the bone, raised in the gutter,
Not exactly a motherfucking role model.
To you looking down on me.
Ain't got time for the future or the past.
Live for the moment, make it last.

As long as the twilight veils
The decadence we embrace
More than the ones we love.
We're ardent, we're burning down...

Not afraid of crying, sorrow and foe.
Not afraid of falling down below.
To the night, recklessly we fly.
Already dead we'll never die.

Stalling the sandman, fighting back
Drinking like a madman, run away from the light to come.
Sun comes up shining bright
Time to close your eyes..


As long as the twilight veils
The decadence we embrace
More than the ones we love.
We're ardent, well burn it down


Right Now

I'm feeling mean today
Not lost, not blown away
Just irritated and quite hated
Self control breaks down
Why's everyday so tame
I like my life insane
I'm fabricating and debating
Who I'm gonna kick around

Right now
can't find a way to get across the hate when I see you
Right now
I feel it scratch inside I wanna slash and beat you
Right now
I rip apart the things inside that excite you
Right now
I can't control myself I fucking hate you!

I'm feeling cold today
Not hurt just fucked away
I'm devastated and frustrated
God I feel so bound
So why'd I feel the need?
I think it's time to bleed
I'm gonna cut myself and
Watch the blood hit the ground


You open your mouth again
I swear I'm gonna break it
You open your mouth again
My God I cannot take it

Shut up, shut up, shut up, I'll Fuck you up [x6]


I fucking hate you [x4]
I fucking hate you (SHUT UP!) [x3]

Here To Stay

This time, taking it away
I've got a problem
With me getting in the way
Not by design
So I take my face and bash it into a mirror
I won't have to see the pain (pain, pain)

This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating
Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again

The hurt inside is fading
This shits gone way too far
All this time I've been waiting
Oh I cannot grieve anymore
For once inside awaking
I'm done, I'm not a whore
You've taken everything
and, Oh I cannot give anymore

My mind's done with this
Ok, I've got a question
Can I throw it all away?
Take back what's mine
So I take my time, guiding the blade down the line
Each cut closer to the vein (pain, pain

This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating
Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again

The hurt inside is fading
This shits gone way too far
All this time I've been waiting
Oh I cannot grieve anymore
For once inside awaking
I'm done, I'm not a whore
You've taken everything
and, Oh I cannot give anymore

I'm here to stay (bring it down)
I'm here to stay (bring it down)
I'm here to stay (bring it down)
I'm here to stay

Bring it down
Bring it down
Bring it down
Bring it down

Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down

This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating
Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again

The hurt inside is fading
This shits gone way too far
All this time I've been waiting
Oh I cannot grieve anymore
For once inside awaking
I'm done, I'm not a whore
You've taken everything
and, Oh I cannot give anymore

Give anymore
Give anymore
Give anymore
Give anymore

Ever Dream

Ever felt away with me
Just once that all I need
Entwined in finding you one day

Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Would you do it with me
Heal the scars and change the stars
Would you do it for me
Turn loose the heaven within

I'd take you away
Castaway on a lonely day
Bosom for a teary cheek
My song can but borrow your grace

Ever felt away with me
Just once that all I need
Entwined in finding you one day

Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Come out, come out wherever you are
So lost in your sea
Give in, give in for my touch
For my taste for my lust

Your beauty cascaded on me
In this white night fantasy

"All I ever craved were the two dreams I shared with you.
One I now have, will the other one ever dream remain.
For yours I truly wish to be."

Meni jaaaaaako lijepa pjesma...
Poslušajte ako možete...

Zeko za moju Seku...

(1 /)
( > < )


. . . I walk alone. . .
. . . Every step i take . . .
. . . I walk alone . . .

Aaaaaaaaaaah... Napokon praznici...
Već mi je dosta škole... sva ta ispitivanja, testovi, bježanja sa satova...
Da vam kažem, pomirila sam se sa lilicom sa kojom sam bila posvađana oko 7 mjeseci... : )
Ona mi je preko frendice poslala pismo (valjda ju je bilo stid reć mi to u facu) . . .
"Nadam se da se slažeš da se pomirimo jer totalno je glupo nepričat punih 7 mjeseci
zbog neke "nevažne" stvari! Bile smo onako dobre prijateljice prije te usrane ekskurzije.
Znam da sam o tebi svašta pričala i kajem se zbog toga. Glupo mi je gledat kako drugi
pričaju s tobom, a ja samo gledam i ne govorim ništa. Neznam kako smo izdržale da ne
pričamo jer ipak smo uvijek negdi u društvu, zajedno. Sad dolazi Božić i Nova Godina,
bit ćemo zajedno u društvu. Nisam ti to htjela prije govorit, da se pomirimo jer sam vidila
da me uopće nisi niti gledala..."
To mi je napisala u pismu...
Dolazi Božić... Kićenje bora, polnoćka... Plošle godine mi je na Božić i Novu Godinu
bilo super je kod mene bila sestrična iz Pule... Trebala sam ić u Pulu preko ovih preznika
al nemogu....cry Koje sranje... Baš sam se bila nadala da ću vidjet sestričnu... cry
Idem u četvrtak na rođendan... Jest ću torte... lud(možda i neću) . . .
Nadam se da ću se dobro provest . . .
Eeeeeeeeeeeetoooooooooooooooo . . . . To bi bilo sve za ovaj put . . .

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23.12.2007. | 18:31 | 152 † 152... No Way Back † | † Petriiich =) † |


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...Unleash Hell...

Opis bloga

...Moj mali svijet pun snova...

Oh sleeping stars, why are you so sad tonight?
Oh sleeping stars, will you shine for me tonight?
I'm falling in deep trance and my powers are weakening
I'm falling in a world between dreams and reality
Wake me until it's too late
. . .

. . .
The time is passing and I know;
that I'm wasting my life, destroying my dreams
And I fall (something is dying, yet something is born)
And I fall (when will I find my silent dawn)
into infinity like a burning star:
. . .



. . . SEKA . . .
Paula... Blog jedne super cure
Matea...Također super blog
. . . Ivana . . .
. . . DaRiA . . .
...moj drugi blog...
Opaka Katy

Cradle Of Filth

I've never been closer
I've tried to understand
That certain feeling
Called by another sound
But it's too late to hesitate
We can't keep on living like this

Leave no track
Don't look back

All I desire
Keep climbing higher and higher
Adorable creatures
With unacceptable features
And trouble is coming
It's just the high cost of loving
You can take it or leave it
But you'd better believe it

You've got to make me an offer
That cannot be ignored
So let's head for home now
Everything I have is yours
Step by step and day by day
Every second counts I can't break away

Leave no trace
Hide your face

Full of desire
Keep climbing higher and higher
And you can take it or leave it
But you'd better believe it

Step by step
Day by day
Every second counts
I can't break away

Keep us from temptation [x3]
Lead us not into temptation

Trying to find it
You've got to get up behind it
Put your dime in the hot slot
But it's a million to one shot
You think that you're right
Your gonna face it tonight now
Give me a breakdown
Because it's time for a shakedown
Temptation [x16]

No Time To Cry

It's just a feeling
I get sometimes
A feeling
And I get frightened
Just like you
I get frightened too but it's...

(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry

Sometimes in the world as is you've
Got to shake the hand that feeds you
It's just like Adam says
It's not so hard to understand
It's just like always coming down on
Just like Jesus never came and
What did you expect to find
It's just like always here again it's...

Everything will be alright
Everything will turn out fine
Some nights I still can't sleep
And the voices pass with time
And I keep

No time for tears
No time to run and hide
No time to be afraid of fear
I keep no time to cry


Sails up! We're leaving today
Distant lands are calling
Cowards stay at home; this is a quest of true men
Farewell, should we never see again

Weeping women waving at the pier
When the sky starts to cry
But neither rain, nor wind can make us turn around
What's decided, has to be done

See how the forefathers greet, us with northern lights
Bravely towards unknown shores, through raging storms we fight
Faith in the gods, their strength in our hearts, when lightning strikes
If we die, we'll meet again in Valhalla...

In a dream I saw two ravens in the sky
And a verdant land behind
When we set out feet there, we'll burn our fleet
'Cause the land is promised to us by gods

May Njord protect us on our way
May the moon light our path
Let our spirits be purified by the ocean's breeze
Let the wind, tell our legend which ever lasts

When we reach the open sea, leaving our home behind
The Dragonheads are rising, let the stars be our guides

See how the forefathers greet, us with northern lights
Bravely towards unknown shores, through raging storms we fight
Faith in the gods, their strength in our hearts, when lightning strikes
If we die the sun will shine again beyond mortal time
We'll meet again in Valhalla!

Token Of Time

Harvest the field of time
with the old man's scythe
The narrow path of the chosen one
reaches beyond life

I set sails for the ageless winds
No fear of dying or a thought of surrender
I threaten every barrier on my way
I am bound forever with Token of Time

Among the humble people
Everything is torn apart
but I'm blessed with faith
and bravely I shall go on

I set sails for the ageless winds
No fear of dying or a thought of surrender
I threaten every barrier on my way
I am bound forever with Token of Time

Are thou the bringer of hope and joy
that I've waited for years
I shall fight to restore the moon
Wisdoms of time are carved on the sacred wood

Do thou possess spiritual powers
that would dispel all my fears
I shall not die until the seal is broken
Token of Time is trusted in the hands of the chosen one

I set sails for the ageless winds
No fear of dying or a thought of surrender
I threaten every barrier on my way
I am bound forever with Token of Time

Tale Of Revenge

He bears a tale so gloom and tragic never to be known
Into darkness now fallen, into hatred now grown
Like stillborn child drifting in the silent seas
Of blood, crushing all his dreams
No castle walls can hold the fury in his eyes
Devotion for death, now controls his life
No gold or silver can bring him consolation
Only one thing is left inside him, the desire of revenge

One light so cold and pale, sleeping quietly all alone
One life so old and gray, wandering away from home

Parted with a horrid cry, snow falls on his grief
United by the sword of wicked screams
What deeds he has done to hear those deadful sounds
In the ruins of memories he wanders, forever bound
Forever bound to death!

Wait for me in th mountains, haunt for me in the winds
Wait for me in the land where nothing lives
Until the day I have found revenge, I will feed my sword
Until my heart is cold, every breath of mine is yours

Little Dreamer

Once there was a boy back in time of the heathens
Day after day he just kept dreaming things that would make him weaker
His father could not make him see, that there is more than dreams
But he wouldn't listen to the words of his father, 'cause he's a little dreamer

Along his quest for solitude
A wise man came and told him to follow the stars

He ran to the forest with whirlwinds by his side
He's lost in this world of lies
Take him back where rivers flow upwards
He is the one who lives
under a moonless sky looking for time
Take him back where stars are shining bright x2

Far in the lands of icetop mountains far on the other side
pictures are appearing so serenely into my mind
Far in the lands of meadows of fire deep in forgotten life
memories are drifting away so silently from light

Along his path of misery
A wise man came and told him to follow... the stars
Little Dreamer...


Baptized with a perfect name
The doubting one by heart
Alone without himself

War between him and the day
Need someone to blame
In the end, little he can do alone

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Apart from the wandering pack
In this brief flight of time we reach
For the ones, whoever dare

You believe but what you see
You receive but what you give

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Reaching, searching for something untouched
Hearing voices of the Never-Fading calling

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

Caress the one, the Never-Fading
Rain in your heart - the tears of snow-white sorrow
Caress the one, the hiding amaranth
In a land of the daybreak

The Phantom Of The Opera

In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name
And do I dream again
For now I find
The Phantom of the opera is there
Inside my mind

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The Phantom of the opera is there
Inside your mind

Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear

It's me they hear

My/your spirit and your/my voice
In one combined
The phantom of the opera is there
Inside your/my mind

He's there the Phantom of the opera
Beware the Phantom of the opera

In all your fantasies
You always knew
That man and mystery

Were both in you

And in this labyrinth
Where night is blind
The phantom of the opera is there
Inside your/my mind

Sing my angel of music

End Of All Hope

It is the end of all hope
To lose the child, the faith
To end all the innocence
To be someone like me
This is the birth of all hope
To have what I once had
This life unforgiven
It will end with a birth

No will to wake for this morn
To see another black rose born
Deathbed is slowly covered with snow

Angels, they fell first but I'm still here
Alone as they are drawing near
In heaven my masterpiece will finally be sung

Wounded is the deer that leaps highest
And my wound it cuts so deep
Turn off the light and let me pull the plug

Mandylion without a face
Deathwish without a prayer
End of hope
End of love
End of time
The rest is silence


This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything

My flower, withered between
The pages 2 and 3
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I`d give my everything
Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forevermore

Frozen Angel

We were together as one
All that we had can't be undone
Our love fading, now it's gone
Our time fading, so it's done
The blood that binds us
Till death unites us

Alone we die
My Frozen angel
Alone we fade away
From this world
Alone you die
My frozen angel
Alone we fade away
From this world

We were together as one
All that we had can't be undone
Our love fading the feeling is gone
Our time fading, now it's done
Nothing I do, nothing I say
Fade Away
My angel

No Way Back

I no longer feel where do my heart belong
This shivering wind has frozen it to the core
And the rain that whips my face covers my tears
These dark shades of night hide my fears
There's no way, no way back
Wherever I'm walking

I hide behind my smile
And it hurts me inside
I cry without shedding a tear
I'm sorry this ends here

Still the wind blows and the rain falls on me
And I know there's no way back, no way back
Forever I'm walking

I hide behind my smile
And it hurts me inside
I cry without shedding a tear
I'm sorry this ends here


Everything I had is gone and all I cared is dead
There's nothing to lean on, there's nothing to hold on
Now all is said and done left behind like a dream
There's nowhere to go nowhere to go to
I thought I had it all...

You were everything in my heart and my heart still beats, these empty beats
You were everything in my heart and my heart will go on, without you

You took it all, all away, left me there, there to stay
Feeling so cold now I'm on my own now
Why should I live my life anymore
You are gone and I lost it all
There's nothing to lean on, nothing to hold on
Still I have to carry on, carry on and on
There's nowhere to go to, nowhere to go to
I'll hope this pain will fade away, fade away some day
There's nothing to live for, there's nothing to die for

Unleash Hell

Night falls, it's time to kill
this fist will give you the thrill
Your blood is running like the rain
you are begging, no more pain
My need to kill grows bigger and bigger
when I touch the trigger
This bullet that I will send
is the bringer of your death

I'm the god that you will need
Hatred and death sleep in my bed
In my eyes you're not doing well
keep on praying before I unleash hell

Time will tell
when I unleash hell
Blood will flow
when I unleash hell

Bullets fly, I pulled the trigger
Revenge is mine, sweet and bitter
Welcome to my hell on earth
this time you'll get hurt
I reload my gun, get ready to run
Fuck your life I'm just having fun
Your time is up, I'll never stop
I'll make you rot, I'll fill your grave

Time will tell
when I unleash hell
Blood will flow
when I unleash hell

Now your world is gone
you're not around to see the dawn
or the things that I will do
but you know, it's all for you
Today this world will meet it's god
I'll end this shit with a flood of blood
No return - it has been done
the age of death has begun

Midnight Walker

I am here again
when the day is done
I'm back again
to steal your life
and I won't go away
Tonight's the night to die
you can try to run
but you will die
The end end is near
look at me
you'll feel the fear

I'm your Master,
Emperor, the King
I will always rule your night
You must run faster
the death is in the ring
Staring right into your eyes

I'll take away your life
and end your pain inside
I wan't to die with you, like you
I am the deadly stalker
I am the Midnight Walker
the one you try to hide
Now say your life goodbye

I'm the shadow behind you
that you can't see
but you know it's there
The day is rising
and I'm fading away
Daytime has made you free
but only for today
Dusk is falling
and once again
I'm in your head

I'm your nightmare,
fantasy and insanity
Only thing you see
death will make you free
So walk a little closer
and give your life to me
Let me end your pain

I'll take away your life
and end your pain inside
I wan't to die with you, like you
I am the deadly stalker
I am the Midnight Walker
the one you try to hide
Now say your life goodbye

[solo: K.Ranta]
[solo: P.Lindroos]
[solo: T.Planman]

I'll take away your life
and end your pain inside
I wan't to die with you, like you
I am the deadly stalker
I am the Midnight Walker
the one you try to hide
Now say your life goodbye

The Howling

We've been seeing what you wanted, got us cornered right now
Fallen asleep from our vanity, might cost us our lives
I hear they're getting closer
Their howls are sending chills down my spine
And time is running out now
They're coming down the hills from behind

When we start killing
It's all coming down right now
From the nightmare we've created,
I want to be awakened somehow

When we start killing it all will be falling down
From the Hell that we're in
All we are is fading away
When we start killing...

We've been searching all night long but there's no trace to be found
It's like they all have just vanished but I know they're around
I feel they're getting closer
Their howls are sending chills down my spine
And time is running out now
They're coming down the hills from behind

When we start killing
It's all coming down right now
From the nightmare we've created
I want to be awakened somehow

When we start killing it all will be falling down
From the Hell that we're in
All we are is fading away
When we start killing...
When we start killing...

I feel they're getting closer
Their howls are sending chills down my spine
And time is running out now
They're coming down the hills from behind

The sun is rising
The screams have gone
Too many have fallen
Few still stand tall
Is this the ending of what we've begun?
Will we remember what we've done wrong?

When we start killing
It's all coming down right now
From the nightmare we've created
I want to be awakened somehow

When we start killing it all will be falling down
From the Hell that we're in
All we are is fading away
When we start killing...
When we start killing...
When we start killing...


Nešto o meni:
I am the deadly stalker...

Svoje CD-e...
Sve grupe koje slušam...
Moje 2 mačke...
Prave prijatelje...
Majenog Petrija... =)
Svoje postere...
Bilježnicu u kojoj su pjesme naj grupa...
Sebe... =) haha...
Svoj msn...
Svoje blogove...
Čokoladu i sve moguće slatkiše... =)
Horor filmove...
Gledat mjesec i zvijezde...


Are You Dead Yet

Don't hear, don't deem. Drown in before you dive.
Don't care, commit to your self destruction drive
I kiss the ground with love beyond forever
Flip off the sky with bleeding fingers till I die

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be,
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself
Are You Dead Yet?

Wake up, don't cry. Regenerate to deny the truth,
The fiction you live in blindfold your eyes.
Disclosure, self loathing. This time you've gone too far.
Or could it be, my nemesis that you are me?

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself ARE YOU DEAD YET?

We're Not Gonna Fall

Woah yeow

They try kicking and screaming
Contation break us apart
In life..... will hold you down
I'm sorry, that's my knife in you!
Another day you fall and I get away
Pushing and screaming cause
They found


Take my hand and fly
Will you ever be that tall
Don't you be afraid
We're not gonna fall

Did you think
I'd let you mix it up
Give me a reason bitch
You're gonna fuck it up


Take my hand and fly
Will you ever be that tall
Don't you be afraid
We're not gonna fall


Do you believe in what we've got
Try it, one shot
We stand once and for all
We're not gonna fall


Well you thought you had the authority
To slay and kill the minority
Together we stand tall
Not gonna crash, not gonna fall

Did you think I'd let you mix it up
Give me a reason bitch
We're gonna fuck you up
It's real, into the charge

At the end we're standing up

Touch Like Angel Of Death

a glance to my eyes, deep within reveals
this worn-out warrior's mind
I'm killing you by suffering
discomposure of a deepest kind

in the night i crave to feel your breath
and your touch like angel of death
in the dawn I'm in chains of bestial rage
and forced to make you dead

the chains get tighter around my throat
i can give you no love, only dead-lift of pain

in the dusk of evening i tuck you up with feather
forever I'll stand by your side
in the twilight of night I'm laughing
while cutting you hundred and thirteen times

can't you see i am evil, double-edged razor
child of eternal hate.
to torment you like a motherfucking-whore
I'll make you cry forever more

I'd crawl through broken glass to you...
and your name is written in my very flesh
with the knife I'm still longing to use

in the night i crave to feel your breath
and your touch like angel of death
in the dawn I'm in chains of bestial rage
and forced to make you dead

Everytime I Die

The faint blaze of the candle of my life,
slowly dying like a fire in a pouring rain.
No sparks of hope inside,
no shooting stars on my sky.
On broken wings, no flying high...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cause its gets more painful every time I die.

Out of strength to fight.
I cannot take another night.
I cannot take it no more.
Lust of light slips through my fingers
like blood on my arms.
Black candle wax has buried me...

Another night, another demise,
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cause its gets more painful every time I die.

Needled 24/7

Since day one I've been crass and far beyond.
I couldn't laugh, I couldn't cry...
Before you judge me, take a look at yourself.
Condescending, outlivin' in a lie..

Despite all the pain in my heart grinding through,
It ain't due that you hate what I hate what you do

Despite all the piety you've been consuming thus far,
A backstabbing motherfucker to the bone is what you are

And everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn,
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn.
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven,
Then again it's like being needled 24/7

You look down to me to see the scum of the earth to be.
Fuck yeah, that's me, vile and obscene.
I ain't happy about it but at least I don't judge and decree
To be better than another human being.

Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn,
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn.
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven,
Then again it's like being needled 24/7

Despite all the piety you've been consuming thus far,
Can anyone, somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?

Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n' turn,
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn.
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven,
Then again it's like being needled 24/7

Living Dead Beat

Once again waiting for the darkness, beat up
Spun and scarred. Prepare for another war.
Day by day we decay. Sunlight, get out of my way.
Dig up yourself from your grave.

Bad to the bone, raised in the gutter,
Not exactly a motherfucking role model.
To you looking down on me.
Ain't got time for the future or the past.
Live for the moment, make it last.

As long as the twilight veils
The decadence we embrace
More than the ones we love.
We're ardent, we're burning down...

Not afraid of crying, sorrow and foe.
Not afraid of falling down below.
To the night, recklessly we fly.
Already dead we'll never die.

Stalling the sandman, fighting back
Drinking like a madman, run away from the light to come.
Sun comes up shining bright
Time to close your eyes..


As long as the twilight veils
The decadence we embrace
More than the ones we love.
We're ardent, well burn it down


Right Now

I'm feeling mean today
Not lost, not blown away
Just irritated and quite hated
Self control breaks down
Why's everyday so tame
I like my life insane
I'm fabricating and debating
Who I'm gonna kick around

Right now
can't find a way to get across the hate when I see you
Right now
I feel it scratch inside I wanna slash and beat you
Right now
I rip apart the things inside that excite you
Right now
I can't control myself I fucking hate you!

I'm feeling cold today
Not hurt just fucked away
I'm devastated and frustrated
God I feel so bound
So why'd I feel the need?
I think it's time to bleed
I'm gonna cut myself and
Watch the blood hit the ground


You open your mouth again
I swear I'm gonna break it
You open your mouth again
My God I cannot take it

Shut up, shut up, shut up, I'll Fuck you up [x6]


I fucking hate you [x4]
I fucking hate you (SHUT UP!) [x3]

Here To Stay

This time, taking it away
I've got a problem
With me getting in the way
Not by design
So I take my face and bash it into a mirror
I won't have to see the pain (pain, pain)

This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating
Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again

The hurt inside is fading
This shits gone way too far
All this time I've been waiting
Oh I cannot grieve anymore
For once inside awaking
I'm done, I'm not a whore
You've taken everything
and, Oh I cannot give anymore

My mind's done with this
Ok, I've got a question
Can I throw it all away?
Take back what's mine
So I take my time, guiding the blade down the line
Each cut closer to the vein (pain, pain

This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating
Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again

The hurt inside is fading
This shits gone way too far
All this time I've been waiting
Oh I cannot grieve anymore
For once inside awaking
I'm done, I'm not a whore
You've taken everything
and, Oh I cannot give anymore

I'm here to stay (bring it down)
I'm here to stay (bring it down)
I'm here to stay (bring it down)
I'm here to stay

Bring it down
Bring it down
Bring it down
Bring it down

Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down
Gonna break it down

This state is elevating, as the hurt turns into hating
Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again

The hurt inside is fading
This shits gone way too far
All this time I've been waiting
Oh I cannot grieve anymore
For once inside awaking
I'm done, I'm not a whore
You've taken everything
and, Oh I cannot give anymore

Give anymore
Give anymore
Give anymore
Give anymore

Ever Dream

Ever felt away with me
Just once that all I need
Entwined in finding you one day

Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Would you do it with me
Heal the scars and change the stars
Would you do it for me
Turn loose the heaven within

I'd take you away
Castaway on a lonely day
Bosom for a teary cheek
My song can but borrow your grace

Ever felt away with me
Just once that all I need
Entwined in finding you one day

Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Come out, come out wherever you are
So lost in your sea
Give in, give in for my touch
For my taste for my lust

Your beauty cascaded on me
In this white night fantasy

"All I ever craved were the two dreams I shared with you.
One I now have, will the other one ever dream remain.
For yours I truly wish to be."

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