petak, 26.05.2006.

the return of the... hihi

ljudi moji.....živ sam ja al eto sve mi se prebrzo odvija nemam vremena za nista osim za izlaske i uživanje hehe. basš mi se sve sreidlo školu sma završio, da , ljubav našao ma sve...
eto već sam pošao pisat post bar 2 3 puta al svaki put zatvorio prozor.... živci i tako...
što da vam još kažem ovaj blog treba preurediti al nikako mi s neda sjesti i napraviti to.....
samo da vas pozdravim i kažem da vas nisma zaboravio. koji kontrast u pisanju ha vidite šta ljubav radi:)

| 23:50 | Komentiraj (1) | Print this! | #

nedjelja, 14.05.2006.

sjasi mi i ti i naslov

napisem post i nesto stisnem i vratim se na blog hr..... ma jebote opet sam popusio par minuta na nista....... ko obicno......
mogo sam slusat muziku i buljit u zid ispred

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utorak, 09.05.2006.


oce mi neko pomoc nac introdictation stvar od dimmu borgir-a ono mop3 na netu da stavim kao pozadinu na ovom jebenom blogu?

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subota, 06.05.2006.

people, i hate myself

rekao sam boju da necu pisat o glupostima i pomisljati ali sta bolje da kazem nego drzim za sebe.
zao mi je sta sam objavio ovaj post prije al mi ga se neda brisat ko ga jebe.
da kao sto vidite lud sam! koga uopće boli kurac? da bas.... cak je i mom boju vise stalo do mene nego meni samom!
prvo je dan poceo jadno kad sma se u 10 i pol digao to je previse za mene. sutra cu se u 4 probudit.
vidis mogo bi rdi fore malo se mučit i iskušavati. aha;)
kasnije sam trebo s bojem van, i posvađao sam se s mamo zastoko ona je ens zivcana i ja i to je jednostavno ulje na vatri..... buknula ona buknuo ja..... polupao sma sva vrata po kući, još se uvijek čudim od čega su ta stakla izrađena da su tako čvrsta. izlazim iz boravka pun šut vratima, ulazim u sobu pun šut vratima, volio bi da s eraspadnu da čujem onaj zvuk stakla. obozavam ga.
zatim sam puko kad sam popušio prvi bas za u grad.
uzeo sam mp3 nabio slušalice pojačao do kraja, krenuo od manowara. sjeo na biciklu ubacio u 18. brzinu i počeo pedalirat ko lud. a sat vremena ma manje se otusirao fino čist bio spreman za boja. kurac sad opet smrdim i jebeš me ako se ne otuširam ponovo.
e da .....tako sma nabrijan tako ma lud ubit ču nekog kunem se.
sve je počelo kad je meni maam rekla da sma najveći problem. mama mi je sve u životu previše je volim i uzasno sma ojtljiv na nu! UZASNO. no kad je to rekla, puko sma. to je bil oprije par mjeeci i jos me drzi a inace me sve prođe za par sati!
ok, rekoa sma kad je tkao, bit če tako! od tad namjerno radim sranja svađam se izostajem iz škole ne učim 8ok jer mi se neda) itd itd. jedino što se ne opijam al mi tom fali jako! al i boj neće dat.... molim te medu?
znam da jadno zvučim, totalno glupo i mizerno sad dok čitate ovo al pogodite šta jebe mi se jer nemam više zivaca pazit ko če sta mislit ko neće,. ako nekom pasem super ako ne.... fak of. razumijete?
sjedim u sobi ispunjenoj vibracijama i zvukom meni savršenih borgira. vedersbyrd. prjebena glazba. mater im jebem metalsku kad ču ja takos virat!
moram nesto priznbat mozda sma to pisao prije neznam nit me zanima htio sma medu slovo tvog imena urezat žiletom danas, da je uvijek uz mene al sam se sjetio onih tvojih tužnih okica kad si tuzan i nisam..., sjetio sam se tužnog uzdaha i onog, ah.... jedino me to spriječilo inače krasta manje više....
imam jedan lijepr az na ruci jučer od šikare hehehe znaš o čemu ogovrim.
evos ad for the world to dictate out death. jebački jebeno!
into the arms of armagedon...... he he he he aaaaa

sesrea i ja smo slusali you know youre right. uživio sam se uhvatio sma njenu stolicu i počeo je luđački vrtit po sobi vrištala je KLIZIIIIM KLIZIIIII ono ko te jebe isklizno. zajebancija sve-. onda sma to opet ponovio. centrifuga;). kobejn stajl!
eto još uvijeks am pun bijesa, lud nemogu više.
za sve je kriva glazba dok to nisam slušao bio sam obični čovječuljak sad sam nenormalna zvijerka.
ma neda mi se pisat vise
ma sta....tu trazim neke slike ensto...... dald a objavim ovaj post znam da nije bas pametno jer nije normalan ma ko ga jebe

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im so happy cause today...

da jučer je bio taj sretni petak kada sam sam se sebi rekao da se neću udeprimirati. zasto, za koga mislim za sto? razumijete me?
i uspio sam, da. prvo sma ujutro bio na kavi onako sunce grad sve ajde bilo je ok, kasnije sam se nasao s bojem koji nije bio bas obasjan zrakama sreće jer sam već do 9 sati napravio par sranja. al dobro zaputili smo se k njemu i tamo pričali i sređivali sve stvari. i naravno sve sredili već nakon prvog kisa nase Sunce je izaslo.
zatim sam otisao doma, kljucao po kući par sati otuširao se i spustio nazad k boju. ma sreća moja medena joj bilo nam je divno.
no dobro da s evratim na temu iako sam se izgubio jer slusam obradu painkillera.
ah zaboravite....otisla misao.
ta obrada od deatha je prejebena onaj kraj..... onaj glas ma kako ga samo digne. ja nemogu tih 19s koliko (halford) drži glas izdržat...par sec i ja sam gotov.
eh sav sam u muzici..... ove dane ne ispustam gitaru iz ruku počeo sma s akordima al me jebe jedna stvar, ja naučim hvat al neznam ime akorda hahaha.
al dobro imam vremena cijeli život (ja to tako gledam ia đitru). evo vrti se given the dog a bone od acdca mozda najbolja njihova stvar, konkurira thunderstruck.
ma sad mi se vise neda ni pista samo da znate da sma jedan dan bio....hepi

i think im dumb or maybe just happy,
think im just happy

| 12:28 | Komentiraj (2) | Print this! | #

četvrtak, 04.05.2006.

evo mene

ma samo da bacim neki post reda radi uopće mi se više ne piše nit mi se da išta dosadio mi je blog al ajde nek stoji!
sve je ajmo reč okej.... boj i ja super kao uvijek i tako!
slažemo se volimo se cijenimo poštujemo svađamo ko će platit kavu i tako;)
sta da jos pisem ne znam....pozdrav
isprika sta me mnema, nestajem;))

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Every one of us has heard the call
Brothers of true metal proud and standing tall
We know the power within us has brought us to this hall
There’s magic in the metal there’s magic is us all

Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall
Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers go on get out
Leave the hall

Now the world must listen to our decree
We don’t turn down for anyone we do just what we please
Got to make it louder, all men play on ten
If you’re not into metal, you are not my friend

Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall
Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers I said
Leave the hall

Now the world must listen to our decree
We don’t turn down for anyone we do just what we please
Got to make it louder, all men play on ten
If you’re not into metal, you are not my friend

There’s metal in the air tonite, can you hear it call
If you ain’t got the balls, to take it you can
Leave the hall

Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall
Heavy metal or no metal at all whimps and posers leave the hall


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I will never bother you
I will never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you

Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good

I will move away from here
You wont be afraid of fear
No thought was put in to this
I always knew it would come to this

Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to feel
Pain [3x]

You Know your Right [3x]

I'm so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
Let’s talk about someone else
Steaming soup against her mouth
Nothing really bothers her
She just wants to love herself

I will move away from here
You wont be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew to come like this

Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to feel
Pain [5x]

You know Your Right [17x]

Pain [1x]


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was caught .... in the middle of the railroad tracks (Thunder)
I looked 'round... and I knew there was no turnin' back! (Thunder!)
My mind raced... and I thought 'What could I do?' (Thunder!)
And I knew... there was no help, no help from you! (Thunder!)
Sound of the drums... they beatin' in my heart!
The thunder of guns, yeah... they tore me apart!

You've been... thunderstruck!

Rode down the highway, broke the limit, we hit the town!
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some fun!
We met some girls, some dancers who gave a good time!
Broke all the rules! Played all the fools!
Yeah-yeah! They, they they blew our minds!

I was shakin' at the knees!
Could I come again, please?
Yeah, the ladies were too kind!

You've been... thunderstruck!
Thunderstruck! Yeah-yeah-yeah! Thunderstruck!
Oooh, thunderstruck...

I was shakin' at the knees!
Could I come again, please? Ow!


Thunderstruck! Thunderstruck!
Yeah-yeah-yeah! Thunderstruck!
Thunderstruck! Yeah-yeah-yeah!
Said, "Yeah... it's alright!"
"We're doin fine
"Yeah it's all right!"
"We're doin fine so fine!"
Yeah, yeah, yeah,Thunderstruck! Thunderstruck!
(Thunderstruck!) You've been... thunderstruck!
You've been thunderstruck!


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Fire it up
Let the engines roll
It's time to burn it down
Keep bleeding on 'til the day you die
Forever love it loud,
Hellfire, doom
Watch the hatred spin
Beyond the speed of sound
Fire it up
Let the engines roll
It's time to burn it down

Keep moving on

Face your fear
Accept your war
It is what it is


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Oh, look at those lifeless leaves
All their precious pride is taken away
A lost creation for a graven image
Trembling of nothing but their own fear

On behalf of water made to wine
Elements of deception must entwine
Righteous greed and derangement divine
Vacuum is given to the blind

To surrender to a faith so fake
To not comprehend while you're awake
Thrive on your deity for heaven's sake

Do loose your battle before actual birth
For some sheep need the company of a shepherd
To face the scorn of the earth

Existential parasite drama across the lands
What a relief never bother the why's
Investing illusions and folding hands
The passion for mankind's ignorance feeding you lies

All those naked faces, empty shells
Procreation of the mind put to rest
Crippled and caged, anaesthesia adjust
The lambs of slaughter preoccupied in disgust


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While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
Till the mountains crumble into the plain
Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
Tread that fine line
Oh we'll keep on tryin' yeah
Just passing our time
While we live according to race, colour or creed
While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
Through the eons, and on and on
Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
We'll tread that fine line
Oh we'll keep on tryin'
Till the end of time
Till the end of time

Through the sorrow all through our splendour
Don't take offence at my innuendo

You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo, be free be free
Surrender your ego - be free, be free to yourself

Oooh, ooh -
If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky
If there's a point, if there's a reason to live or die
If there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask
Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask
Oh yes we'll keep on trying
Hey tread that fine line
Yeah we'll keep on smiling yeah
And whatever will be - will be
We'll just keep on trying
We'll just keep on trying
Till the end of time
Till the end of time
Till the end of time


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Faster than a bullet
Terrifying scream
Enraged and full of anger
He’s half man and half machine

Rides the metal monster
Breathing smoke and fire
Closing in with vengeance soaring high

He is the painkiller
This is the painkiller

Planets devastated
Mankind’s on it’s knees
A saviour comes from out the skies
In answer to their pleas

Through boiling clouds of thunder
Blasting bolts of steel
Evils going under deadly wheels

He is the painkiller
This is the painkiller

Faster than a lazer bullet
Louder than an atom bomb
Chromium plated boiling metal
Brighter than a thousand suns

Flying high on rapture
Stronger free and brave
Nevermore encaptured
They’ve been brought back from the grave

With mankind ressurrected
Forever to survive
Returns from armageddon to the skies

He is the painkiller
This is the painkiller
Wings of steel painkiller
Deadly wheels painkiller


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St. Anger 'round my neck
St. Anger 'round my neck
He never gets respect
St. Anger 'round my neck

You flush it out, you flush it out
St. Anger 'round my neck
He never gets respect
You flush it out, you flush it out
St. Anger 'round my neck
You flush it out, you flush it out
He never gets respect

Fuck it all and no regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
I need a voice to let myself
To let myself go free
Fuck it all and fuckin' no regrets
I hit the lights on these dark sets
Medallion noose, I hang myself
St. Anger 'round my neck

I feel my world shake
Like an earth quake
It's hard to see clear
Is it me? Is it fear?

I'm madly in anger with you

And I want my anger to be healthy
And I want my anger just for me
And I need my anger not to control
And I want my anger to be me

And I need to set my anger free

Set it free


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I'm feeling mean today
Not lost, not blown away
Just irritated and quite hated
Self control breaks down
Why's everything so tame?
I Like my life insane
I'm fabericating and debating
Who I'm gonna kick around

Right now
Can't find a way
To get accross the hate
When I see you

Right now
I feel it scratch inside
I want to slash and beat you

Right now
I rip apart the things inside
That excite you

Right now
I can't control myself
I Fucking hate you

I'm feeling cold today
Not hurt just Fucked away
I'm devastated and frustrated
God I feel so bound
So why'd I feel the need?
I think it's time to bleed
I'm gonna cut myself
and watch the blood hit the ground

Right now
Can't find a way
To get accross the hate
When I see you

Right now
I feel it scratch inside
I want to slash and beat you

Right now
I rip apart the things inside
That excite you

Right now
I can't control myself
I Fucking hate you

You open your mouth again
I swear I'm gonna break it
You open your mouth again,
Oh God I cannot take it

Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll Fuck you up
Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll Fuck you up
Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll Fuck you up!
Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll Fuck you up!
Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll Fuck you up!
Shut up, shut up, shut up or I'll Fuck you up!

Right now
Can't find a way
To get accross the hate
When I see you

Right now
I feel it scratch inside
I want to slash and beat you

Right now
I rip apart the things inside
That excite you

Right now
I can't control myself
I Fucking hate you

I Fucking hate you [x4]
I Fucking hate you (Shut up!) [x3]

Shut up!