A father asked his son, Little Johnny, if he knew about the birds and the bees. "I don't want to know!" Little Johnny said, exploding and bursting into tears. Confused, his father asked Little Johnny what was wrong."Oh Pop," Johnny sobbed, "for me there was no Santa Claus at age six, no Easter Bunny at seven, and no Tooth Fairy at eight. And if you're telling me now that grownups don’t really have sex, I've got nothing left to

ponedjeljak, 28.08.2006.

stalno me neko tjera s compa pa nemogu dovršiti misli...hm evo opet DAJ UGASI TO!!!dere se moja stara BLABLABLA!!!!! Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

12:19 look.(0) monkey!

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i tako. biče nešto i o točki. seksej točki. ja i točka čemo da se jebemo. ja čem pipkat anu. kad odu moi nilski konjiči krivih zubi.
toe ana.XD

deviantArt.ovaj .tu su moi crteži.uglavnom biti.vampir ugrist čem te.samo dodi. dodi mamici. grrr.peta2 take charge.bit čem ljuta. ak ces zivotinje da mučis.samo ljude treba.iSupport
its about love not gender.iDoBoth hočem pipkat anu.HSAC Help Stop Animal CrueltyVEG EXPRESSuči kako biti vegetarijanac. uči .cujes? Gay Godjako šekši dečkič. ahm. ja bi njega jebala.uu.

emo's a deragetory word, it means emotionly misunderstood outcast , i’m almost emo enough to start shaving my legs...music, piano, music school, jazz, human rights, art, photos, fantasy, books, adore vans, my vans, vegetarian
stop be an asshole!!stop materialism... stop worshipping your possessions & mtv & celebrities & other trivial things. be more conscientious & aware of what's going on in the world... help spread awareness of the animals that go through consumer product testing. It is wrong to the highest level and should be stopped. because of that i'm totally for not using animals in laboratory experiments!

upravo, u ovom trenutku, čitam:George R.R. Martin.Igra prijestoljaknjiga prva, ciklusa.Pjesma Leda i Vatremah ne. citam vec 2 dio. al mi se neda mienjat.XD
hm.ima ih jos.al mnogo puno posla.ak cem dodavati vise.blah.razmisljaj. čitam svoju priču al neznam dal ću ju objavit još ju smišljam al čitam bukowskog sad ga i moja frendica čita jer sam rekla da je dobar al nek čita možda malo dosadan čitam women i pročitala sam notes of a dirty old man i došla sam do polovice the family napisane by mario puzo al valjda je crko jer je knjigu dovršila neka carol gino za tu mi je rekla frendica ista ona koja sad čita bukowskog i hoću čitat pjesmu vatre i leda al ih nema u knjižnici al valjda će mi ona posudit svoju mislim i čitam hrvatski enciklopedijski riječnik al samo prvi dio jer samo taj imam to je onaj što se prodavao u jutarnjem listu a zaboravila sam kupit ostale al ima jedna moja jako pametna frendica trebala bi biti pametnija od mene ali nije i tako ću pitat teu da mi posudi ostale jer ih ona ionako ne koristi a trebala bi biti pametna a meni se to tako čita
toi sam aj Creative Commons License