
17.02.2006., petak

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Hihihi!to je Ivek na boardu u Francuskoj! :b
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16.02.2006., četvrtak


This Austrian composer and child prodigy was a major figure in the classical period who wrote in most musical forms of the time, especially opera, symphony, concertos, and chamber music; his notable works are too numerous to mention. Mozart had a great and lively mind, which he engaged in such experiments as deciding progressions by playing dice and billiards, placing players in adjacent rooms echoing each other (Notturno for Four Orchestras, K. 269), and the encoding of Masonic rituals in The Magic Flute. Mozart was capable of the most earthshaking and profound works (Requiem, K. 626, written as he lay on his deathbed), the sweetest of arias in his many operas, and the most beautiful of melodic invention and variation (the piano concertos, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, and much more). His feeling for the balance of lines that have separate functions (melody, accompaniment, sostenuto, and melisma) is revealed in the quintets, the Sinfonia Concertante in E-flat, and the string quartets. Many structures in his symphonies are copies of innovations by Haydn, in some ways more conservative, but their drive, surprising modulations, and memorable melodies are purely Mozart. ~ Blue Gene Tyranny, All Music Guide.

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Born: 27 January 1756
Birthplace: Salzburg, Austria
Died: 5 December 1791 (fever)
Best Known As: Composer of Eine kleine Nachtmusik

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the heavyweights of classical music, generally placed in the top rank of composers along with Beethoven and Bach. Many consider Mozart to be the greatest composer of all time. He was a child prodigy who wrote his first symphony at age 8, then grew into a prolific adult who wrote over 600 pieces of music. Among his most famous works are Eine kleine Nachtmusik (A Little Night Music, 1787) and the operas Don Giovanni (1787) and Die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute, 1791). Mozart died of a mysterious fever at age 35. Over the years various people have speculated that Mozart was murdered, perhaps by rival composer Antonio Salieri, but no proof exists to support that theory. In the year 2000 a scholarly panel suggested that Mozart died of rheumatic fever.

- 18:36 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

15.02.2006., srijeda

Dorothea Lange

“This is what we did. How did it happen? How could we?”

Dorothea Lange was born in Hoboken, New Jersey. She studied photography at Columbia University and worked at a New York portrait studio until 1918 when she began to travel. Stranded in San Francisco, she continued studio work during the 1920’s. With her husband, the painter Maynard Dixon, she traveled the southwest, photographing Native Americans. She believed that the camera could teach people ”how to see without a camera.”

- 18:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



"It was morning, and
the new sun sparkled gold across the ripples of a gentle sea.
A mile from shore a fishing boat chummed the water, and the word for Breakfast Flock
flashed through the air, till a crowd of a thousand seagulls came to dodge and fight for bits of food. It was another busy day beginning.
But way off alone, out by himself beyond boat and shore, Jonathan Livingston Seagull was practising. A hundred feet in the sky he lowered his webbed feet, lifted his beak, and strained to hold a painful hard twisting curve through his wings. The curve meant that he would fly slowly, and now he slowed until the wind was a whisper in his face, until the ocean stood still beneath him. He narrowed his eyes in fierce concentration, held his breath, forced one... single...more...inch...of...curve.....Then his feathers ruffled, he stalled and fell.
Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonour.
But Jonathan Livingston Seagull, unshamed, stretching his wings again in that trembling hard curve-slowing, slowing, and stalling once more-was no ordinary bird.

na poleđini knjige:
"People who make their own rules when they know they are right...
people who get a special pleasure out of doing something well (even if only for themselves) ... people who know there is more to this whole living thing..." itd.


- 16:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

13.02.2006., ponedjeljak

što da kažem...
- 17:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

12.02.2006., nedjelja


eto dosli smo, vise nas je!
- 22:37 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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Owen Gray, born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1939, was a child prodigy and one of the top-ranked singers in Reggae's early days. In 1959, Coxsone Dodd produced Gray's hit "On The Beach", one of the first songs lauding the sound system. Hit after hit followed like "Please Don't Let Me Go", "Runnin Round", "Jezebel", "Patricia", and Mash It". In 1960, Chris Blackwell (Island Records) began his new label by signing Owen Gray. Gray was indeed one of the leading artist lights throughout this exhilarating decade in Reggae's history.
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