srijeda, 24.05.2006.

....tamne mrlje na platnu....

Ako ima nešto što fakat mrzim, onda su to laži i dvolični ljudi. Eto, danas sam loše volje, sve mi smeta, pa tako i jedna osoba x. Baš sam se razočarala. A to se uvijek desi kad očekuješ previše od ljudi do kojih ti je stalo... Postoje valjda dvije ili tri osobe u koje se ja nisam nikad razočarala i koje me baš nikad nisu povrijedile... No, da se vratim na priču. I tako, ta osoba x je o osobi y uvijek pričala sve najgore... Išla joj je na živce, nije ju podnosila, povrijedila ju je svojim ponašanjem... Nije željela s njom bit vani, ali je bila iz nekih drugih razloga... Sve rečenice koje je osoba x imala o osobi y bile su negativne, loše... I bilo mi je jasno... Razumljivo... A onda, danas... Neznam... Vidim te dvije osobe zajedno.... Druže se.. Tako ću to nazvati... Hm.... Osoba x je imala moje povjerenje... Mislila sam sve najbolje o njoj nekad. A sad, evo, razočarala me... Ja ću to nazvati dvoličnosti, vi nazovite kako hoćete... Mene je to povrijedilo.. Nema veze... A osoba y već duugo nema neko posebno mjesto u mom srcu.... U njoj sam se razočarala već jako puno puta... Prerasla sam vremena kad me diralo to šta bi ona napravila... I zašto? Zašto se ja vežem za ljude tako lako? Zašto mene uvijek neko povrijedi? Zašto sam takva kakva jesam?? Eh.... I da, uopće nije bitno ko su te dvije osobe, jesu li to dvije cure, dva dečka ili pak cura i dečko.... Nije bitno za ovu priču o razočaranju...
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A sada još jedna SAVRŠENA pjesma od Boxcar racer....

There is...

this vacation's useless
these white pills aren't kind
i've given a lot of thought on this 13-hour drive
i missed the grinding concrete where we sat past 8 or 9
and slowly finished laughing in the glow of our headlights
i've given a lot of thought to the nights we use to have
the days have come and gone
our lives when but so fast
i faintly remember breathing on your bedroom floor
where i laid and told you but you sweared you loved me more

do you care if i don't know what to say
will you sleep tonight or will you think of me
will i shake this off pretend its all okay
that there someone out there who feels just like me
there is

those notes you wrote me
i've kept them all
i'll give a lot of thought of how to write you back this fall
with every single letter in every single word there
will be a hidden message about a boy that's
loves a girl
do you care if i don't know what to say
will you sleep tonight or will you think of me
will i shake this off
pretend its all okay that there's someone out there who feels just like me
there is

do you care if i don't know what to say?
will you sleep tonight or will you think of me
will i shake this off
pretend its all okay that there's someone out there who feels just like me

do you care if i don't know what to say?
will you sleep tonight or will you think of me
will i shake this off
pretend its all okay that there's someone out there who feels just like me
there is

LADA SAMO ZA TEBE SREĆO..... pusa svima

| 21:10 | Ostavi trag (6) | Ha?!?! Nemoj...! | #

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Looking down into those eyes,
I know, I'll be
lost and never found again.
Kiss me once and
I will surely melt and die,
kiss me twice and I
will never leave your side...


So much more than
empty conversations
Filled with empty words..


You are the hope
I have for change
You are the only
chance I’ll take...


Give me a whisper
and give me a sign...


Do you care if I don't know
what to say, will you
sleep tonight or will you
think of me?


The more I see the less I know.


Spoken words may
have let you down..


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ja sam po prirodi pesimist.
volim svašta...munje, kišu, noć, plivanje, frendove, svoj krevet, mobić, a vjerojatno najviše od svega kad mi ljudi ne vise za vratom i kad me svi ostave na miru, francuski jezik =) ...
ak želiš neš reć, možeš i na mail:
ili na msn:
Imam i icq 299-358-130

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Scars, Papa roach

I tear my heart open,I sew myself shut
my weakness is that I care too much
my scars remind me that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel

drunk and I'm feeling down
and I just wanna be alone
I'm pissed cause you came around
why don't you just go home
cause you channeled all your pain
and I can't help you fix yourself
your making me insine
all I can say is

I tried to help you once
against my own advice
I saw you going down but you never realized
that you're drowning in the water
so I offered you my hand
compassion's in my nature
tonight is our last stand

I'm drunk and I'm feeling down
and I just wanna be alone
you shouldn't ever came around
why don't you judt go home?
cause your drowning in the water
and I tried to grab your hand
and I left my heart open
but you didn't understand
but you didn't understand

I can't help you fix yourself
but at least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on
with my own life
I can't help you fix yourself
but ar least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on
with my own life...

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Cryin', Aerosmith

There was a time
When I was so broken hearted
Love wasn't much of a friend of mine
The tables have turned, yeah
Cause me and them ways have parted
That kind of love was the killin' kind
Now listen
All I want is someone I can't resist
I know all I need to know by the way that I got kissed

I was cryin' when I met you
Now I'm tryin' to forget you
Love is sweet misery
I was cryin' just to get you
Now I'm dyin' cause I let you
Do what you do - down on me

Now there's not even breathin' room
Between pleasure and pain
Yeah you cry when we're makin' love
Must be one and the same

It's down on me
Yeah I got to tell you one thing
It's been on my mind
Girl I gotta say
We're partners in crime
You got that certain something
What you give to me
Takes my breath away
Now the word out on the street
Is the devil's in your kiss
If our love goes up in flames
It's a fire I can't resist

I was cryin' when I met you
Now I'm tryin' to forget you
Your love is sweet misery
I was cryin' just to get you
Now I'm dyin' cause I let you
Do what you do to me

Cause what you got inside
Ain't where your love should stay
Yeah, our love, sweet love, ain't love
If you give your heart away

I was cryin' when I met you
Now I'm tryin' to forget you
Your love is sweet misery
I was cryin' just to get you
Now I'm dyin' just to let you
Do what you do what you do down to me, baby, baby, baby

I was cryin' when I met you
Now I'm tryin' to forget you
Your love is sweet misery
I was cryin' when I met you
Now I'm dyin' cause I let you
Do what you do down to , down to, down to, down to
I was cryin' when I met you
Now I'm dyin' to forget you
Your love is sweet
I was cryin' when I met you

Remember yesterday, Hammerfall

Can you tell me why It seems so hard to carry on
When you hear a voice
From long ago, so bittersweet

Even though i try, i can not
Read between the lines
You know i tried,
Oh, yes, i tried, what´s wrong

Too late to turn back time
To look over my shoulder
Maybe one day i´ll return again

Remember yesterday
And think about tomorrow
But you have to live today
Oh, lonely yesterday

Don´t leave me with the sorrow
Cause i have to live today

Every morning i awake
To see the newborn day
To carry on the flame
Until the end of time

Too late to turn back time
To look over my shoulder
Maybe one day i´ll return again

Remember yesterday
And think about tomorrow
But you have to live today
Oh, lonely yesterday
Don´t leave me with the sorrow
Cause i have to live today

Oh, oh, oh, don´t you step aside
And pretend about the future
Oh, oh, oh, never live a lie
Don´t you know tomorrow never comes

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Don't cry, Gunsi

Talk to me softly
There is something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've been there before
Somethin is changin' inside you
And don't you know

Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight

Give me a whisper
And give me a sign
Give me a kiss before you
tell me goodbye
Don't you take it so hard now
And please don't take it so bad
I'll still be thinkin' of you
And the times we

And don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight

And please remember that I never lied
And please remember
how I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way
But you'll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby

And don't you cry tonight
And don't you cry tonight
And don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday
Don't you cry
Don't you ever cry
Don't you cry
