
Prošlo je tjedan dana..i mogu reć da nisam zadovoljna!!!
Izgubila sam 1 kg što nije dovoljno...trebala sam najmanje 1.5 al što je tu je- bolje išta nego ništa.
Ugl...ovaj tjedan će biti uspješniji-nadam se.
Sad ću svako jutro ići na kupanje..plivati naravno!!!! U planu mi je svako jutro preplivat oko 1 km...i plus rolanje ili bicikla, voda i jabuke...ahhh...da bar bude tako!!!!
Ja se nadam da će sve proć kako sam ja to sebi zamislila.
E daaa....bila sam vanka neku večer i došla mi je frednica ka..ajme kako si ti smršavila...jbt popolovila si se cila!!!
Ajme kako sam bila sritna kad mi je to rekla...a sad mi je to dalo još veću motivaciju za sve ovo!!!
Malene hvala vam što ste uz mene...ljubim vas!!!

Ovaj put samo Nicol Richie - moja vječna inspiracija!!
3 Nik pics
Nicole carrying dog href="¤t=nicoleyellow.jpg" target="_blank">Nic in yellow bikini

19.07.2008. | 12:45 | | 17 | Komentiraj |

nije me duuugo bilo - kao i uvijek vraćam se.
Kod mene ja katastrofa...udebljala sam se...sram me je reći koliko imam...a bila sam tako blizu 50 - mom 1. cilju.
Svaki dan se budim s nadom i obećanjima - KONTROLIRAT ĆU SE!!
Al ne...svaki jebeni put ona debela krava u meni pobjedi..doslovno uvik. Ne znam što ću više...obećavala sam sebi, obećavala sam vama...sve to pada u vodu...sve....
Već tjadan dana nisam izašla vanka...sram me je...sramim se same sebe.
Tako je lako udebljati se...a skinuti te kile...ajmeeee
Imam novi plan...od 11.7 - 11-8. u planu mi je svaki tjedan skinuti 1.5-2 kg...dakle...najviše 8 kila mogu izgubit..Plan je sljedeći što se tiče prehrane...voda, čaj, limunada...2 puta tjedno neko voće - ne banane. I još tjelovježba i hodanje svaki dan po 3-4 km.
Ovaj put idem do kraja, bez obzira na to koliko plan bude rigorozan držat ću ga se pa makar mi to bilo zadnje.

Pokišavat ću se javljati što češć sumnjam. Oprostite što nisam komentirala...nadokadit ću ja to sve.
Ljubim vas...

under umbrella
back of girl in bikini

10.07.2008. | 13:31 | | 12 | Komentiraj |

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Who is Yellow?????

Yellow ima 14 godina i živi u Zadru...
jako je temperamentna i emotivna osoba..jako je vezana za neke osobe...
....voli papati čokoladu iako od nje dobije prištiće i samo se bezveze deblja..
što još voli????...voli slušati muziku, plesati, pivati....voli se glupirati....
teška je šminkerica (nije sve po zadnjoj ipak..)....
obožava kad se probudi...kad osjeti..kad stavi svoje ruke na svoje kad se onako lipo ističu..
kad se vide...mmmmmm....neželi biti hodajući kostur...želi..želi smršati svoja debela bedra.....želi biti primjećena...želi da joj ber netko kaže da želi izgledati kao ona...samo da se zna...ona nije ni Ana ni Mia....jednostavno ima Ed (poremećaj u prehrani)
neželi više slušati kako joj govore da je debela...da je slatka al da triba smršaviti........uzori si joj....-Jessica Alba, - Andriana Lima, -Alessandra Ambrosio, -Nicol Richie...

visina: -160 cm
težina: -53 kg
1. cilj: 52 yes
2. cilj: 50
3. cilj: 48
4. cilj: 47
5.cilj: 45
6.cilj: 43

Zašto želim smršaviti?????????
*zato da mogu stati u xs
*zato da se nemoram skrivati od tuđih pogleda
*zato da mogu obući najuže traperice i da mi lipo stoje
*zato jer zelim steći samopouzdanje
*zato, ako smršam, jedino ću tada biti istinski sretna



Klub Leptirica

Wannabe (perfect girl)
Doica and bones..x
Sad Girl
Best friend to anna
Look what they done to my dream
Be my, be my baby
Can you see my bones??
Hilf mir fliegen

Thinspiration Blog

King Andora -
Big Isn't Beautiful

I want your heart-shaped lips, lips,
Cooler hula hips,
I want to feel my bones on your
bones, yeah,
I wear my heartache at my sleeve,
I love myself too much to see,
It haunts my dreams,
It haunts my every dream,
Every boy wants a body to die for and,
Every girl who's thin is his rival,
I wish I had a body to die for,
Skinny is sexy,
Big isn't beautiful....
I'm gonna shed me some skin,
Get me real, real slim,
I want to feel my bones on your
bones, baby,
I am a teenage drama queen,
I throw my guts up for self-esteem,
It haunts my dreams,
It haunts my every dream,
Every boy wants a body to die for,
And every girl who's thin is his rival,
I wish I had a body to die for,
Skinny is sexy,
Big isn't beautiful,
Ohh, ohh, ohh,
Every boy wants a body to die for and,
Every girl who's thin is his rival,
I wish I had a a body to die for,
Skinny is sexy,
Sweet anorexia,
Skinny is sexy,
Big isn't beautiful....

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Messiah -
Anorexia Nervosa

Time of puberty
Age of quandary
Sorrow and worries
I enigmatize
Weakness overcomes my body, my brain's so empty
I lose my appetite, day in day out
My body's deeply marked, I'm undernourished
Mental changes, my mind is splitting
Inferiority complexes, time to confess
Pride and power, is giving me the hunger
Depression and apathy, is changing my spirit
Time to go hungry
It gives me great joy
Pleasure and satisfaction
To fight against
My hunger pangs
Gives me pride
Feeling of sheer terror
To see me in the mirror
I could be so fat
Every pound I lose
Helps me on the course
To my sheer perfection
I don't realize how bad my body's feeling
My eyes see only my perfect slim body
But really I'm a half-starved skeleton

Every boy wants a body to die for and,
Every girl who's thin is his rival,
I wish I had a body to die for,
Skinny is sexy,
Sweet anorexia,
Skinny is sexy,
Big isn't beautiful....

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Mršavljenje je jedina igra u kojoj pobjeđuješ kad gubiš!!!!

Don't eat - feel beautiful

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What I need from you
And you're my obsession
I love you to the bones
And Ana wrecks your life
Like an Anorexia life

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Debljina je izbor.
Ti odlučuješ želiš li
biti debela... Želiš li?


I'd rather die
Thin and Beautiful
then live
Fat and Ugly...

Because everyone thinks I can't do it!!!!!!

I'm stravin for perfection!!!

UGLY, no one wants a FAT girl. Don't EAT that, BAD girl. You're DAMANAGED.
Never THIN enough.

Because I' stronger than food.

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If you eat again, you can never be like her.
If you will stay fat.
If you one remember
you as being pretty thin girl..
If you guy will never wants you.
If you eat.......the red dress will lool horrible on you.
If you will be ugly ferever

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