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Drusilla 666

srijeda, 23.11.2005.

Na tri kralja ili kako hoćete... ulomak iz Shakespearove komedije

Oj, dođi mi, smrti, dođi,
I čempresov lijes mi izdubi,
O živote, prođi, prođi,
Jer okrutna djeva me ubi. (u mom slućaju okrutan betmen)
Priredi smrtni pokrov bijednom
Još ljubavniku.
Ni cvijetak, ni cvijetak blagi
Na lijes mi nek ne padne jadni,
Ni drug mi, ni drug mi dragi
Nek nezna za grobak mi hladni

- 19:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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Opis bloga
Something about me:
Zovem se Ady

Rođena sam 22.12.1989.

Živim u Puli

Škola srednja glazbena, 2. razred, smjer flautist-solo pjevač

Družim se s Anchom, Lenom, Kety, Lejlom, Almom, Denisom, Anom, Lukicom...

Slušam Gothic, Metal, Rock točnije: tristaniu,nightwish,within temptation,evanescence,linkin park,69eyes,lordi,svu klasiku u molu, orijentalne stvari,paradise lost.xandriu, sonatu arcticu, him, Lacuna coil,L'amme immortelle, oomph, blind guardian, Loreen Mckennit (to je neka ful super irkinja koja ima još bolji glas), mislim one kastrirane srednjovijekovne dečkiće koji falsetom mogu pjevat skoro visoko kao i ja .............

Volim: sebe, sviranje flaute, klavira i solo pjevanje, pisanje, crtanje, krv, horore, zimu, harry pottera, lupina posebno i marauderse posebno, jamesa marstersa alias spikea iz buffy, volim magiju i vještice, vile, vukodlake (obožavam), vampire, demone, Anu, buffy posebno kad je willow zločesta crna i angela, voziti auto,crne i crvene ruze, sve crno, tamno ljubičasto i grimizno, gothic, čitati, hrvatski bez almase, darkersku poeziju, anime, gay comics o haryu i snapeu, svu pornografiju, rose red, vegetarijance, dečke koji se zovu James, i plave dečke, moj mobitel, Egipat, Irsku i općenito Veliku Britaniju, ljude koji ti sve kažu u facu, fantoma iz opere(knjigu i film i muziku i sve), srebro, plakati, čokoladu, jesti, pogrebe, gatati, mučiti ljude, Arsenal i Juventus, mrtvačnicu Pulsku, tatooe, puno nakita..........

Nevolim: Svećenike, crkvu, Britney, općenito pop, izlaske, ljude, gimnaziju, večinu mojih profa, hrvatske pjesnike, ljude koje ne vole čitati, jadne filmove, kad mi vrijeme brzo prolazi a ja imam još toliko toga za napravit, činjenicu da me nitko ne voli, napasne ljude, manijake s četa, podle ljude i licemjerje,roza, moju školu, paukove, knjigu Gospodar prstenova, nastupati, obaveze petkom popodne, kad me se isključuje iz nekih stvari, kad nisam u središtu pažnje, madonnu, sve slinavo, male dečke (klince)......

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Witch's Broom

I’m on the Witch’s broom
Now the time has come
To follow my desire
To sneak into that room
Steal the Witch’s broom
And fly higher and higher

Silence all around me
I whisper the charm
As long as she’s asleep
My spell she cannot sweep
I’m safe from all harm

I climb on the Witch’s broom
In the heart of the night
I fly on the Witch’s broom
Fly away in my delight

Tonight I’ll fly to the moon
Please do not ask me why
And if you don’t believe
We’ll meet on Hallow’s Eve
And ride through the sky

The lightning shows my way
The owl scouts ahead
And in the darkest night
When everything is right
I’ll snatch you from your bed

I climb on the Witch’s broom
In the heart of the night
I fly on the Witch’s broom
Fly away in my delight

Room Of Angel

You lie silent there before me
Your tears they mean nothing to me
The wind howling at the window
The Love you never gave
I give to you

Really don't deserve it
But now there's nothing you can do
So sleep in your only memory of me
My dearest mother

Here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye
It was always you that I despised
I don't feel enough for you to cry, oh well
Here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye

So insignificant sleeping dormant deep inside of me
Are you hiding away lost
Under the sewers, maybe flying high in the clouds
Perhaps you're happy without me

So many seeds have been sown in the field
And who could sprout up so blessedly, If I had died
I would have never felt sad at all
You will not hear me say I'm sorry
Where is the light, I wonder if it's weeping somewhere

Here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye
It was always you that I despised
I don't feel enough for you to cry, oh well
Here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye

Here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye
It was always you that I despised
I don't feel enough for you to cry, oh well
Here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye

In A Bloody Night of Fullmoon

The fullmoon shines over the cemetery
The wind roams slightly through the trees
A smell of rottenness lies in the air
Knocked over crucifixes, ransacked graves
Besmeared with blood

In a bloody night of fullmoon
I was born
In sin I want to live
Under the freezing moon

Dead bodies under the fullmoon
On their chests... Carved pentagrams
The Antichrist was born
His destiny is the fight against jesus christ
And his fucking god

In a bloody night of fullmoon
I was born
In sin I want to live
Under the freezing moon


Now the day has come.
We are forsaken this time.

We lived our lives in our paradise,
As gods we shaped the world around.
No borderlines we'd stay behind,
Though balance is something fragile.

While we thought we were gaining,
We would turn back the tide, it still slips away.
Our time has run out, our future has died,
There's no more escape.

Now the day has come,
We are forsaken,
There's no time anymore.
Life will pass us by,
We are forsaken,
We're the last of our kind.

The sacrifice was much too high,
Our greed just made us all go blind.
We tried to hide what we feared inside.
Today is the end of tomorrow.

As the sea started rising,
The land that we conquered just washed away.
Although we all have tried to turn back the tide,
It was all in vain.

Now the day has come,
We are forsaken,
There's no time anymore.
Life will pass us by,we are forsaken,
Only ruins stay behind.

Now the day has come.
We are forsaken this time.

Now the day has come,
We are forsaken,
There's no time anymore.

Now the day has come.
The day has come.
The day has come.

Within Temptation - Our Farewell

In my hands
A legacy of memories
I can hear you say my name
I can almost see your smile
Feel the warmth of your embrace
But there is nothing but silence now
Around the one I loved
Is this our farewell?

Sweet darling you worry too much, my child
See the sadness in your eyes
You are not alone in life
Although you might think that you are

Never thought
This day would come so soon
We had no time to say goodbye
How can the world just carry on?
I feel so lost when you are not by my side
But there's nothing but silence now
Around the one I loved
Is this our farewell?

So sorry your world is tumbling down
I will watch you through these nights
Rest your head and go to sleep
Because my child, this is not our farewell.
This is not our farewell.

Within Temptation - Enter

The gates of time have opened,
Now, it's chains are broken.
An ancient force unleased again

As I enter the portal,
I feel the enchantment
It takes me away, away from here

Come near me,
enter my private chambers.
I want to feel the warmth on my face
light-in darkness,
lift me up from here.
Give me your whole wings,
to flee from my ivory tower.

As I enter the protal
I feel the enchantment.
The stars above are lying at my feet.

Come near me,
enter my private chambers.
I want to feel the warmth on my face
light-in darkness,
lift me up from here.
Give me your whole wings,
to flee from my ivory tower.

Orion lady

Kelt je vek
zoo šˇest devet
apo kali psa na soncu
v glavo mi sledi.

Je znano vsem
arofa vi minar vse je
eboran vse je
kar imam daj mi.

Orion lady
ni le di kar je nord
spet je mir v eno smer
spet je mir.

Svetloba a b c d
mašina klinik ni samo
edini je bil mornar
nord gospodar.

Prisiljen smeh samo
prezrt v nas
obvezen greh grabi
angele para
doxalne mistike v nas


"Gravity Of Love"

"O Fortuna
velut Luna" "O Fortune
like the Moon"
Turn around and smell what you don't see
Close your eyes ... it is so clear
Here's the mirror, behind there is a screen
On both ways you can get in
Don't think twice before you listen to your heart
Follow the trace for a new start
What you need and everything you'll feel
Is just a question of the deal
In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love
"O Fortuna
velut Luna" "O Fortune
like the Moon"
[Woman :]
The path of excess leads to
The tower of Wisdom
[Man :]
The path of excess leads to
The tower of Wisdom
Try to think about it ...
That's the chance to live your life and discover
What it is, what's the gravity of love
"O Fortuna
velut Luna" "O Fortune
like the Moon"
Look around just people, can you hear their voice
Find the one who'll guide you to the limits of your choice
But if you're in the eye of storm
Just think of the lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love.
"O Fortuna
velut Luna" "O Fortune
like the Moon"

Drevni jezik

Arget- srebro
Atra gulai un ilian totr ono un atra ono vaize skolir fra rotr- Neka te prate sreća i radost i budi zaštićen od nesreće
Boetk istalri- velika vatra
Breol- obitelj,dom
Brisingr- vatra
Dras- grad
Du grind huildr- drži vrata
Edoksil- nepobjediv
Eita- ići
Etgri- prizvati, prizivati
Garđzla- svjetlo
Iet, pomnuria- moj
Đidra tira kalfis- slomi im noge
Manin, virda, hugin- sjećanje, sudbina, misao
Sitr- vještica
Atra nozu vaize firkai- budimo prijatelji
Slita- san, spavanje
Trista- gurnuti, smanjiti, stisnuti
Viol pomnuria ilian- za moju sreću
Virda- sudbina
Jave- spona povjerenja

"Breathe No More"

[Piano Solo Opening]

I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I've come to believe my soul's on the other side.
All the little pieces falling, shatter.
Shards of me,
Too sharp to put back together.
Too small to matter,
But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces.
If I try to touch her,
And I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe no more.

Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirits well.
Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.
Lie to me,
Convince me that I've been sick forever.
And all of this,
Will make sense when I get better.
But I know the difference,
Between myself and my reflection.
I just can't help but to wonder,
Which of us do you love.
So I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe no...
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe,
I breathe-
I breathe no more

Anabell Lee

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew ou neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride,
In the sepulcher there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

Krvava ljubav

Tvoje usne
Na krvavim obroncima mekih brda i dolina moga tijela
Drhtim pod tvojim nježnim dodirima
Dok me dirašmekim rukama, krvavim od moih suza...

Treperim do me zubima polagano skidaš
Izvijam se dok tvoji očnjaci prodiru u moj vrat
I dok se zrake sunca tiho šuljaju pod moj krov
Ti nestaješ, a ja se budim mrtva...


The words have been drained from this pencil
Sweet words that I want to give you
And I can't sleep
I need to tell you

When we're together, I feel perfect
When I'm pulled away from you, I fall apart
All you say is sacred to me
Your eyes are so blue
I can't look away
As we lay in the stillness
You whisper to me

Amy, marry me
Promise you'll stay with me
Oh you don't have to ask me
You know you're all that I live for
You know I'd die just to hold you
Stay with you
Somehow I'll show you
That you are my night sky
I've always been right behind you
Now I'll always be right beside you

So many nights I cried myself to sleep
Now that you love me, I love myself
I never thought I would say this
I never thought there'd be

Tree of Despair

The Tree of Despair hangs over me
Its enveloping branches choke the life out of me
It feeds on death to renew itself
Its only hope is to lead the innocent into damnation
The death of innocent souls keeps it alive
So many souls have passed this way
And met their doom
Led astray by the grim surroundings
They found many ways to kill themselves
Hundreds of bodies hang from the branches
And the leaves are blood red
They fall to the ground
And turn black
Adding to the sense of despondency
All those filled with shame
Head this way
Your end awaits you
Welcome to the Wood of Death
And the Tree of Despair
In this land of dead souls
The Dark Lord surveys all
His blood red eyes dismiss all hope
And twinkle wickedly at the dreadful scene
Only evil can thrive in his Dark Kingdom
Each night he counts the victims
Who hang from the Tree of Despair
I give you fair warning
Do not trespass there

Through The Darkness

I lived in darkness
Withdrawn from modern life
My mind was full of negativity
And my mood was depressed
I can relate to the melancholic poets
And the gothic literature of Edgar Allan Poe
These lost souls are misunderstood
This is not a quest for evil
But a search for positive energy
I will come out of this stronger
Wiser and more sympathetic
I felt so restrained by modernity
By the pressure to conform and look good
I took a razor and cut through the superficial layer
To get in touch with my soul
I had to risk losing my life
To realise how precious it is
Now I am fully restored
A cloak of darkness surrounds me
I see the world in crystal clear vision
Droplets of blood fall from my eyes
A memory of the sadness I endured
A bright new spirit guides me
But the darkness will always be there
To remind me how bright these days are

The Witch

You have been dabbling in black magic
Your ending will be tragic
You will be burnt at the stake
Make no mistake

No chance of redemption
No divine intervention
You have been practicing the black arts
That is where your downfall starts

You have been condemned as a witch
The onlookers will watch you twitch
You will be consumed by fire
On your funeral pyre

You are going to Hell
You have cast your last spell
To your utter consternation
You face eternal damnation

City of Dreams

There was a man of many great talents
A poet, an artist, an intellectual
He had read many books
And was certain of his superiority over others
He wrote many great pieces of verse
And fabulous paintings
That inspired all of his peers
There was a great output of inspirational poetry
And paintings of vivid colours and meanings
The city was alive with excitement and activity
This great man of learning observed all around him
And became somewhat disenchanted
He posted a letter in the local newspaper
Accusing his contemporaries of copying his style
And of stealing his ideas
Many letters were posted in the newspaper in response
"We admired your work and felt the power of creativity"
"Why do you criticise us for trying to improve ourselves?"
The debate continued in the newspaper
But it became more and more vindictive
And helped to undermine the peace of the city
Everybody became disenchanted and they started to leave the city
A brief spell of brilliant creativity
Was followed by a gradual decline
The other artists found pastures new
And lived happy and prosperous lives
But the city died

Black Days

Darkness approaches
Once more I turn to melancholy
Turning in on myself
A period of introspection
Full of doubts
How will I find the light to guide me?
So long in the darkness
Isolated and alone
Time passes by
One empty day after another
Should I end it all?
Is that the only answer?
What happens if I do nothing?
A slow decline
Into middle age and still further on
Into old age
Still nothing has been achieved
A few small successes along the way
But is that enough to save me?
Will God reject my soul as empty and shallow?
Will I be handed to the Devil to hang from the gallows


Jednom jedne strašne noći, ja zamišljah u samoći,
Čitah crne, prašne knjige, koje staro znanje skriše;
Dok sam u san skoro pao, netko mi je zakucao,
Na vrata mi zakucao - zakucao tiho - tiše -
"To je putnik" ja promrmljah, "koji bježi ispred kiše" ,
Samo to i ništa više.

Ah, da, još se sjećam jasno, u decembru beše kasno
Svaki ugarak, što trne, duhove po podu riše.
Željno čekam ja svanuće, uzalud iz knjiga vučem
Spas od boli što me muče, jer me od Nje rastaviše.
Od djevojke anđeoske, od Lenore rastaviše,
Ah, nje sada nema više.

Od svilenog, tužnog šuma iz zastora od baršuna
Nikad prije osjećani užasi me zahvatiše;
Dok mi srce snažno bije, ja ga mirim sve hrabrije:
"Putnik moli da se skrije od te noći, bure, kiše.
Putnik kuca na ta vrata, da se skrije ispred kiše.
Samo to je, ništa više."

Ohrabrih se iznenada, ne oklijevah više tada:
"Gospodine il gospođo, izvinjenje moje stiže!
Mene teški snovi prate, a vi nježno kucat znate,
Tako tiho i bez snage, vaši prsti vrata biše,
Da sam sanjiv jedva čuo" - Tu se vrata otvoriše -
Mrak je tamo, ništa više.

Pogled mrak je prodrijet htio, čudno zastrašen sam bio,
Sumnjajući, sanjajući, sni mi paklenski se sniše;
Nedirnuta bje tišina, znaka nije dala tmina,
Rečena je reč jedina, šapnuta od zvuka kiše:
"Lenora" ja šapnuh tiho, jeka mi je vrati tiše,
Samo to i ništa više.

Kad u sobu ja se vratih, cijelom dušom tad zaplamtih:
Nešto jači nego prije udarci se ponoviše.
"Sigurno", ja rekoh, "to je na prozoru sobe moje;
Pogledat ću trenom što je, kakve se tu tajne skriše.
Mirno, srce. Da, vidimo, kakve se tu tajne skriše -
Vjetar to je, ništa više.

Prozorsku otvorih kuku, kad uz lepet i uz buku,
Kroza nj uđe gordi Gavran, svetih dana što već biše,
Nit da poklon glavom mahne, ni trenutak on da stane,
S likom lorda ili dame kroz moju se sobu diže
I na kip Palade sleti, što se iznad vrata diže,
Sleti, sjede, ništa više.

Ovaj stvor u crnom plaštu, nasmija mi tužnu maštu
Teškim, mrkim dostojanstvom, kojim čitav lik mu diše.
"Nek ti kresta jadno visi", rekoh, "kukavica nisi,
Strašni, mračni Gavran ti si, što sa žala Noći stiže,
Kako te na žalu zovu hadske noći otkud stiže?"
Reče Gavran: "Nikad više".

Začudih se tome mnogo, što je jasno zborit mogo,
Premda nejasne mu riječi malo tog mi razjasniše.
Ali priznat mora svako, ne događa da se lako,
Da živ čovjek gleda tako, pticu što se nad njim njiše,
Životinju ili pticu, što nad vratima se njiše
S tim imenom "Nikad više".

Ali Gavran sjedeć tamo, govori riječ jednu samo,
Ko da duša mu i srce u tu jednu riječ se sliše.
To je sve što on mi reče - dalje krila ne pokreće,
Dok moj šapat mir presiječe: "Svi me druzi ostaviše,
Otići će i on kao nade što me ostaviše".
Tad će Gavran "Nikad više".

Dok ja stajah još zatečen - odgovor bje spremno rečen.
"Nema sumnje," rekoh, "ta je riječ tek trica, ništa više
Od nesretnog gazde čuta, kojega je sudba kruta,
Pratila duž njegova puta, dok mu sve se pjesme sliše
U tužaljke puste nade, koje teret u se zbiše,
Od "nikada-nikad više".

Al taj stvor u crnom plaštu, još mi u smijeh goni maštu,
Ja naslonjač tad okrenuh bisti, gdje se Gavran njiše
Na baršun mi glava klone, a ja mislim misli one,
Stapam mašte tužne, bolne; kakvu meni sudbu piše
Ova strašna kobna ptica, kakvu meni sudba piše
Grakćuć stalno: "Nikad više".

Sjedih tražeć smiso toga, ne govoreć niti sloga
Ptici, čije žarke oči moju dušu rasplamtiše;
Tako misleć misli bone, pustih glavu da mi klone
I u baršun da mi tone, kojim svijetlo sjene riše,
Naslonit se na taj baršun, kojim svijetlo sjene riše
O n a ne će nikad više.

Zrak tad ko da gušćim stade, na me neki miris pade
Ko da anđel lakih nogu kadionik čudni njiše.
"Ludo", viknuh, "to su glasi, bog će posla da te spasi
Bol i tugu da ti gasi, što te tako izmučiše.
Pij nepenthe, da u srcu zaborav Lenoru zbriše."
Rače Gavran: "Nikad više".

"Zli proroče, ne znam pravo, da l si ptica ili đavo,
Da li te je Satan poslo, il te bure izbaciše
Sama, al nezastrašena, u tu pustu zemlju sjena
U dom ovaj opsednuti, - zaklinjem te, ah, ne šuti
Reci, reci ima' l melem jada, što me izmučiše?"
Reče Gavran: "Nikad više".

"Zli proroče, ne znam pravo, da l si ptica ili đavo,
Al u ime Boga po kom obojici grud nam diše,
Smiri dušu rastuženu, reci da l ću u Edenu
Zagrliti svoju ženu, od koje me rastaviše, Anđeosku tu
Lenoru, od koje me rastaviše?"
Reče Gavran: "Nikad više".

"Dosta ti govorit dadoh, crna ptico!" Tad ustadoh,
"U oluje divlje bježi, što se kroz noć raskriliše!
Ne ostavi niti traga svojih laži kraj mog praga,
Meni je samoća draga - usne same dovršiše -
Iz mog srca kljun svoj vadi, nek ti trag se ovdje zbriše!"
Reče Gavran: "Nikad više".

I taj Gavran, šuteć samo, još je tamo, još je tamo,
Na Palade kip je sjeo, što se iznad vrata diže,
Oči su mu slika prava zloduha što sniva, spava,
Svijetlost, što ga obasjava, na dnu njegovu sjenu riše,
Moja duša iz tih sjena, što mi cijelu sobu skriše
Ustat ne će - nikad više!