četvrtak, 08.03.2012.

Date Rape - What You Must Know To Defend Yourself

Sex sells and the media will make best use of it. Unfortunately the fallout from what we see and hear in our everyday lives carries over to real life and often translates to multiple crimes. Relationships demand respect from both get-togethers involved. If someone truly really loves and respects you they are going to never pressure or threaten you for sex.

Often time's drugs or alcohol will play a role in date rape. Street drugs such as Rohypnol or "Roofies" are slipped to a potential victim in the form of a drink. Since this drug is virtually odorless, clear and tasteless, it is easily inclined to the victim without their own knowledge. The effects of this nasty drug are ideal for a rapist. They will lower inhibitions, slow effect time, impair judgment, vision and memory and produce a state involving apparent intoxication. Victims of such a drug have reported an awareness of of paralysis and an inability to advance or resist what was happening for them. The memory impairment also hinders eventual prosecution of an offender as well.

Your best strategy in defending yourself is to be aware that this type of crime can and does indeed happen often. Be aware of what is going on around you and avoid being lured to a secluded place until you're positive you fully trust the person you are with. Avoid being alone with someone somebody comfortable with. If your instincts tell you there is something bad, trust them. Find ways to excuse yourself and leave the case.

If you will be in a social setting say for example bar or restaurant, be alert watching your drink glass cautiously. Never place it down and walk away. Doing so could allow you to definitely spike it with a drug. In this day and age, people feel much safer right after they possess the security that is included with carrying items of self-defense against rape. This often comes with selections, such as pepper sprays, stun guns, personal alarms, and tasers. One of the most effective and easy objects to carry along and handle is usually pepper spray, which is convenient to transport with varying sizes which even fit onto a key chain. Today, an increasing number of people are turning towards the Internet to explore your wide-range of options of self-defense.

rape alarmDid you know that one in six women are going to be sexually assaulted in their lifetime? The statistic is one in 5 for ladies on college campuses. This is a shocking figure when a lot of people consider college campuses safe as a result of faculty and the students. It's important that you face this reality and take action to protect yourself, but how can you do so? One of the best ways to protect yourself has weapons such as spice up spray.

What makes pepper spray an excellent self defense tool is the reality that it's legal to carry and can be easily concealed. Pepper spray is packed with cayenne pepper and unleashes it to your attacker with a bottle of spray. The spray results in intense burning to the attacker. If sprayed relating to the face, the attacker aren't going to be able to see and will keep the attacker at bay for around 15 minutes. This will give you enough to time for you to get away.

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A way to feel safe when going out by trying to keep a rape alarm on you at all times.

- Getting using your cellmates
Date rape drugs have opened a new era in the occurrence of sexual assault. The drugs can be concealed easily and dropped into a drink without the knowledge of the victim.

Description of date rape meds

Any substance that prevents somebody from functioning or understanding precisely what is happening around your ex can be classified as a date rape drug. There are plenty of substances available but the three most common ones are Rohypnol, GHB together with Ketamine. The drugs are generally given to women unconsciously and usually by an acquaintance or someone this victim has dated.

Neither Rohypnol not Ketamine has any scent or taste and may easily be slipped in to a drink without the sorry victim knowing. The victim usually black out and lose control health of their bodily functions. The effects may last for several hours and the victim can have no recollection what happened once they recover. On the other hand GHB or Gamma Hydroxy Butrate can be a synthetic drug whose main danger is lack of knowledge about the potency of each one pill. It works in the same way as Rohypnol and Ketamine though it might just sometimes produce a salty aftertaste.

Effects of the drugs

When an individual has been given a date rate drug most of the symptoms they may suffer add following:

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