1st -Od A do Ž-

Ima mnogo stvari koje su me ovih dana izbacile iz takta (glupa povijest), pa se za smirenje često podsjećam stvari koje volim.................

A-auti,ne znam zašto, jednostavno ih volim, a F1 mi je najbolji sport

B-buka, samo ako je buka neke dobre glazbe
-baklava, treba li objašnjenje?

C-crvena i crna, moje najdraže boje

Č-čarolije, žao mi je što ne postoje

Ć-ne znam puno riječi na ć :/

D-društvo, ne trebam puno reći jer ga svi vole

Dž-džeparac, pogotovo sa strane dide i bake (poveći...he he)

Đ-đipati, to svi vole (pogotovo kad su pijani)

E-Egzorcist, odličan film

F-flauta, instrument koji sam svirala 4 god. i sad mi je žao što sam prestala

G-glazba, najljepša vrsta umjetnosti kojom sam opsjednuta (METAL)

H-HIM, moja naj naj draža gothic rock grupa

I-igre, na kompjuteru nekada zasjednem i do sitnih sati (rekord do 6:15 ujutro)

J-jabuke, moje najdraže voće

K-knjige, obožavam čitati, tko me hoće razveseliti treba poći u knjižaru :)
-kiša, jako me smiruje
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L-lak za nokte, isprobala sam skoro svaku boju

LJ-ljubav, tko ju ne daje ni ne prima vrijedan je žaljenja

M-meso, ja sam sve samo ne vegetarijanacnjami
-mačke, meni najdraže i najslađe životinje

N-novosti, uvijek me zanimaju

NJ-njega, volim sve i svakoga njegovati

O-oči, stvarno vjerujem da su ogledalo duše....tko me poznaje,zna da ih
stalno crtam

P-pamet, danas se ne zna više tko je lud, a tko pametan

R-Rolling Stones-i, jedan od najboljih rock bendova na kojima sam odrasla
-ruže, najljepše cvijeće (dečki se baš nisu pretrgli ove godine)


S-Sonata Arctica, čudo iz Finske
-Sumrak, super knjiga

Š-šale, volim crni humornaughty i volim kad se ljudi znaju našaliti na svoj

T-take time, jooooj, ne mogu, a da se ne nasmijem kad se sjetim Ćurkine
najdraže pjesme
-TV, jedan od najboljih izuma u povijesti (usranoj burninmad)

U-unikat, ja sam unikat.......

V-vikend, treba li što pisati?

Z-zima, moje najdraže godišnje doba (šteta što je ova bila usrana)

Ž-život, treba ga iskoristiti kako god želimo jer se ne mora ništa osim
-"ŽIVJELI" zna se kada se to kažeparty

subota, 17.02.2007. u 22:48 ][ 5 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ] [

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ogledalo duše

Gluposti o meni
Glazba: metal i rock
Hobiji: izležavanje,fotografiranje i urađivanje slika
Ljubimac: trenutno nemam jer su mi ukrali moju macuburninmad
Sport: obožavam F1,badminton i volim nogomet
Najdraži sok: cedevita i (ako to mogu računati) Red bull
Najdraži alkohol: pivo party,crno vino i brandy
Igrice: NFS3 i 4
Knige: skoro sve...ali ipak Harry Potter (slobodno se smijte), horori od R.L.Stinea,Sumrak,Gatara,Vrag nosi pradu...itd...
Serije: humoristične,sve verzije CSI-a i Dr.House
Film: Matrix i Ju-On(prokleto dobar film)
Želja: tetovaža,otići u Paris i na koncert mijih naj bendova
Najveća mana: eksplozivna, preotvorena i tvrdoglava
Najveća vrlina: iskrena,pomažem kad god mogu,znam saslušati ljude,moja otvorenost
Užasna sam: kad se svađam jer ja uvijek nađem načina da pobijem druge
Najveći porok:psovanje i čokolada

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jedna od mojih najdražih pjesama od HIM-a
In joy and sorrow

Oh girl we are the same
we are young and lost and so afraid
there's no cure for the pain
no shelter from the rain
All our prayers seem to fail

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart
in joy and sorrow my home's in your amrs
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart

Oh girl we are the same
we are strong and blessed and so brave
with souls to be saved
and faith regained
all our tears wipe away

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart
in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart
in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in world so hollow
it is breaking my heart

and my home's in your arms
and it is breaking my heart
my home's in your arms
and it is breaking my heart.

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Baš mi je fora ova čizma ;)

ostale sitnice...

Meni jedna posebno draga pjesma od Sonate Arctice


Sometimes I feel so out of time and place,
trapped in a maze
As if I was lost in someone else's life...
The values I should keep in high regard don't mean a thing to me

Do you ever feel a need to go back in time?
A dream of mine...
To travel far away and one day steal back my life
In the end all I can do is to learn I live in a dreamland

This time was not made for me,
I have nowhere to land, no place to rest,
Like a bird, without a nest, I'm gliding
Under the clouds, forevermore

How much suffocated anxiety can be held within?
I was found guilty to a crime against myself
No need to hear the words again,
I live and I'd die for my dreamland

This time was not made for me,
I have nowhere to land, no place to rest,
Like a bird, without a nest, I'm gliding
Under the clouds, forevermore

I'll never have a chance,
I can't understand
I'm a misplaced man
How could this backward land
Learn to understand my dance?
What it's like, when
Every single smile hurts...

I have never felt like home here
Always missing something
People aren't connecting
Am I a misplaced soul?

I live in a perfect Hell,
I try finding my wishing well
When I drop my last tear,
I have accepted this life

A true saint, that I am not,
You have never seen me
'Cause I have always been there,
Standing by your side

I'll never have a chance,
I can't understand
I'm a misplaced man
How could this backward land
Learn to understand my dance?
What it's like, when

Every single moment pains me...
Never felt like home here
I am missing something
My soul's in a wrong shell?

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To die is to know that you're alive