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14.04.2006., petak

Gamma Ray

Kai Hansen - vokal, gitara
Henjo Richter - gitara, klavijature
Dirk Schlächter - bass
Daniel Zimmermann- bubnjevi

Da li ste se ikad zapitali na sto bi licio danas, ako bi uopce postojao, power metal da nije bilo lika i djela individue poznate pod imenom Kai Hansen? Kai je svoju karijeru zapoceo u bandu Gentry, kojeg je osnovao sa Piet Sielckom 1978. Band postoji koje dvije godine, nakon cega se iz njega radja band Second Hell/Iron Fist u kojemu se vec naziru poceci kasnije legendarnog banda Helloween. Piet Sielck uskoro odlazi iz banda i osniva novi band, Iron Savior, kojemu ce se kasnije Kai Hansen pridruziti kao side projektu. U bandu su vec bili prisutni Ingo Schwichtenberg i Markus Grosskopf, a ubrzo im se pridruzuje guitarist Michael Weikath. I tako se radja novi band - Helloween. Upravo Kai Hansen donosi slavu Helloweenu svojim pjesmama ("I want out", "Future world", "Save us", "Halloween"...). Nakon cetiri godine, zbog mnogih nesuglasica sa Michael Weikathom i zbog lose atmosfere u bandu Kai odlazi u solo karijeru.

Prvi projekt je bio sa pjevacem Ralphom Scheepersom, ali posto je snimanje proslo vrlo glatko i u dobroj atmosferi, Kai odlucuje, umjesto solo karijere, osnovati novi band pod nazivom Gamma Ray. I tako album "Heading For Tomorrow", izdan 1990., postaje zvanicno prvi album jos jednog novog banda Gamma Ray. S njim su postigli velik uspjeh u Njemackoj i naravno, u Zemlji izlazeceg sunca, Japanu. Na albumu Kai je nastavio stvarati brzi i melodicni power metal, muziku koja je proslavila Helloweene, dok su oni krenuli drugim smjerom s albumima "Chameleon" i "Pink bubbles go ape". Ubrzo po zavrsetku snimanja prvog albuma, Gamma Ray su morali malo odgoditi svoje pojavljivanje u power metal svijetu zbog odlaska bubnjara, Mathiasa Burchardta, koji je odlucio da mu je fakultet vazniji od banda. Uskoro su nasli novog bubnjara koji je bio nitko drugi nego Uli Kusch, donedavni bubnjar Helloweena. Sad je band bio napokon spreman, i to u slijedecoj postavi: Ralph Scheepers (vokal), Dirk Schlächter (gitara), Uwe Wessel (bass), Uli Kusch (bubnjevi), i naravno, mozak banda, Kai Hansen (gitara i vokal). S pocetkom turneje u prodavaonice je dosao i single "Heaven Can Wait", s ponovno nasnimljenom naslovnom stvari, jednom novom i tri stvari koje su ostale sa snimanja "Heading For Tomorrow". Turneja je prosla izvrsno i Gamma Ray su odlicno primljeni od publike, pogotovo u Japanu. Tako je vec 1991. izasla video kazeta "Heading For East", snimljena tokom koncerta u Tokyu.

Slijedeci album, "Sigh no more" snimaju iste godine. Stil se dosta razlikuje od prvog albuma, a tekstovi su jako depresivni jer su radjeni na temu Zaljevskog rata koji se istodobno odvijao. 1992. band napusta ritam sekcija (Uli i Uwe), a zamijenjeni su s dvojicom mladih glazbenika iz njemackog demo banda "Anesthesia". Usto, Gamma Ray pocinju graditi svoj studio, tako da slijedeci album pocinju snimati tek 1993. Kai ocito uci na greskama, posto "Sigh No More" nije bio bas dobro prihvacen, i albumom "Insanity & Genious", Gamma Ray se vraca na pravi power metal (u ono doba poznat kao melodic speed metal), a album svoju promociju dobija na "Melodic Metal Strikes Back" festivalima. Odrzana su cetiri koncerta pod tim nazivom, a snagu melodic metala predstavljaju Gamma Ray, Hellicon, Rage i Conception.

Cijeli nastup u Hamburgu se snima i Gamma Ray izdaje video "Lust for live", koji je izdan i na CD-u "The power of Metal" koji dijele s ostalim bandovima koji su nastupali na "Melodic Metal Strikes Back".

Taman uoci snimanja novog albuma, javljaju se novi problemi. Ralph Scheepers je izbacen iz banda. Sto se tice razloga izbacivanja, njih je bilo napretek. Ralph je zivio 500 milja od Hamburga i dolazio je na probe vikendom, a odbijao je preseliti se blize. U to vrijeme Rob Halford odlazi iz Judas Priesta, i Ralphova vjecna zelja da bude njihov pjevac je postala moguca, tako da nije bilo sigurno hoce li Ralph uopce nastaviti s pjevanjem u Gamma Ray ili ne. Ralph nije dobio mjesto vokala u Judas Priestu, ali je zato nakon izbacivanja iz Gamma Ray osnovao svoj band Primal Fear, u kojem, za divno cudo, radi muziku u Priest stilu.

Zbog tih komplikacija, slijedeci album je svijetlo dana ugledao tek 1995., pod nazivom "Land Of The Free", gdje se Kai vraca mikrofonu. Nisu svi bili odusevljeni tim potezom jer su svi culi "Walls Of Jericho" od Helloweena gdje je Kai imao glavnu ulogu za mikrofonom. Nakon izlaska albuma sve sumnje su bile uklonjene, i svi su se mogli uvjeriti u golemi i osvjezavajuci napredak Hansenovog vokala. Na albumu se pojavljuje i Michael Kiske pjevajuci na "Time to break free". Unatoc ponudama da ostane u Gamma Rayu, Kiske zeli imati solo karijeru, koja vise nema bas previse dodirnih tocaka sa heavy metalom.

Band uskoro odlazi na veliku europsku turneju, s koje se vracaju sa materijalom za novi live album, "Alive 95", koji stize u prodavaonice 1996-te. Krajem iste godine, Gamma Ray krece u Spanjolsku. Taman prije pocetka te turneje, Jan (bass) i Thomas (bubnjevi) odlucuju izaci iz banda. Thomas ipak ostaje odraditi Spanjolsku turneju, a na Janovo mjesto privremeno dolazi Henjo Richter, multitalentirani glazbenik koji je svirao klavijature u cover bandu Uriah Heepa, nazvanog po njihovoj stvari Easy Livin`. Takodjer, Dirk Schlachter preuzima bass gitaru. Nakon Spanjolske, Gamma Ray su prisiljeni potraziti novog bubnjara i gitaristu. Uskoro ga i nalaze u liku Daniel Zimmermanna, koji se pokazao kao najbolji, a bome i najbrzi bubnjar koji je svirao u Gamma Rayu.

Sto se tice gitarista, nije bilo problema u pronalazenju. Henjo Richter, nakon sto se je pokazao na Spanjolskoj turneji, i kad je prezentirao bandu dvije svoje stvari, pozicija gitariste mu je bila zagarantirana.

Tu pocinje drugi dio burne povijesti Gamma Raya, koji od tada i nije vise toliko buran, jer je band od tad ostao u istoj postavi i mogao se neometano posvetiti stvaranju muzike.

Slijedece 1996-te, Gamma Ray sudjeluje na oba "Tribute To Judas Priest" albuma sa dvije pjesme. Za taj tribute se bandu kratko vraca Ralph Scheepers i pomaze svojim halfordovskim vokalom u snimanju pjesme "Exciter". Usprkos odlicnoj suradnji Ralph se ne vraca u band i nastavlja s radom u Primal Fearu.

Snimanje slijedeceg albuma, petog po redu, zapocinje u ozujku 1997., i u svibnju izlazi EP "Valley Of The Kings", na kojemu se nalazi i jedna pjesma Iron Saviora. Odmah po zavrsetku snimanja albuma, band odlazi na prvu Juznoamericku turneju, gdje im se u pjevanju "Future World" na koncertu u Sao Paolu pridruzuje Andre Matos (Angra).

Novi album uskoro dolazi u prodavaonice pod nazivom "Somewhere Out In Space" (prvotno nazvan "Man, Martians & Machines"). Album je konceptualnog sadrzaja, inspiriran filmom "Odiseja 2001", i po mnogima drzan najboljim Gamma Ray albumom do danas. Takodjer, to je i najbrzi i najmelodicniji album koji su Gamma Ray napravili dotad. Album se prezentira europskom turnejom, na kojoj ih prate kao predgrupe Hammerfall i Jag Panzer. Takodjer, uskoro krece i turneja po Japanu, zemlji koja je postala nezaobilazna sto se tice metal koncerata. Taman prije turneje, zbog velike zainteresiranosti japanskih fanova, izlazi CD "Karaoke Show" koji sadrzi hitove bez vokala. Pobjednik karaoka koje su organizirali Japanci, je mogao otpjevati jednu stvar s Gamma Ray na tonskoj probi.

1998. u prodavaonice stize CD nazvan "Hansen Worx" i govori da je genij Kai Hansena vec dobro primjecen. Na albumu se nalaze Hansenovi hitovi koji su proslavili Helloween i Gamma Ray, a sadrzi i pjesme drugih bandova u kojima se Hansen pojavljivao kao gost.

Iste godine, posto Gamma Ray nisu imali neki burni raspored, i clanovi su imali vremena, Daniel Zimmermann odlucuje odmor iskoristiti za novi projekt. Kako je vec neko vrijeme svirao u cover bandovima s Chris Bayom, dosli su na ideju da osnuju autorski band. Ubrzo su skupili ostatak banda, i Freedom Call je postao novi obecavajuci band za power metal. Da i njihova muzika vrijedi, pokazuje i cinjenica da su upravo izdali svoj treci full length album.

Slijedeci album Gamma Raya je zavrsen 1999., i svjetlo dana je ugledao pod nazivom "Powerplant". Album je ponovno konceptualan, inspiriran je svemirom i zavrsetkom jednog tisucljeca, a i znakovito zavrsava pjesmom "Armageddon". Ovaj put za crtez na coveru je bio zasluzan nitko drugi nego Derek Riggs, koji se proslavio coverima za Iron Maiden i njihovom maskotom Eddijem. Na albumu se nalazi i obrada, ovaj put od nitijednog heavy metal banda, vec "It's a Sin" od Pet Shop Boysa. Naravno, power metal verzija, koja se odlicno uklopila u album.

Posto je prelazak u novo tisucljece prosao bez dolaska vanzemaljaca i bez armageddona, 2000.-te se Gamma Ray odlucuju za best of album. Umjesto da lupaju glavom koje stvari staviti na taj album, rijec daju fanovima glasanjem preko interneta. Best of albumi za bandove inace znace odmor, jos jedno izdanje ali bez ulaska u studio, ili sluze rijesavanju dugova prema diskografskoj kuci. Ali to ne vrijedi i za Gamma Ray. Momci odlaze u studio i radije nego da remasteriraju, ponovno snimaju sve pjesme prije "Somewhere Out In Space" albuma koje se pojavljuju na best of-u. Album se na kraju sastoji od dva CDa, gotovo CD i pol sacinjavaju ponovne snimke starih stvari, i daje mu se naziv "Blast From The Past". Svima koji nisu upoznati s radom Gamma Raya, toplo preporucam ovaj best of, jer daje jedan lijepi presjek rada ovog banda, od samih pocetaka do danas.

I evo nas polako pri kraju povijesti ovog velikog banda. Prosle godine (2001.) su izdali album "No World Order!" s kojime slijede vec tradiciju konceptualnih albuma, tako da na ovom albumu progovaraju o tajnom redu Illuminati (nesto kao masoni). Za pjesmu "Eagle" je snimljen i spot. I eto nas, od sada vec davne 1978.-me smo dosli u sadasnjost, gdje su se Gamma Ray nedavno vratili s turneje nazvane "The Skeletons In The Closet Tour 2002", i trenutno se spremaju za svoju prvu turneju po USA i Kanadi. Kako je vec podosta proslo od zadnjeg live albuma, u pripremi je novi koji ce se sastojati od dijelova koncerata iz Barcelone i Strasbourga sa "The Skeletons In The Closet Tour 2002". Tko je propustio ovu turneju, ako imaju dublji djep, imat ce ih prilike vidjeti na "Wacken Open Air 2003" festivalu, jer su vec potvrdjeni i svirati ce oko 90-tak minuta.

Kao sto smo vidjeli dosad, Gamma Ray su nas uspjeli ostaviti zainteresirane nakon toliko godina, a vjerujem da nam jos stosta imaju za ponuditi.

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O Meni

Ime: Anonimno
Prezime: Anonimno
Nadimak: DeathDancer
Datum Roðenja: 05.02.1990.
Horoskopski Znak: Vodenjak
Visina: 188 cm
Težina: 76 kg
Mjesto Roðenja: RIJEKA
Klubovi Za Koje Navijam: Rijeka, Arsenal
Hobi: Kompjuteri, Nogomet, Košarka
E-Mail: deathdancer@net.hr
MSN: deathdancer213@hotmail.com

Blogovi Koje Posjecujem



When you are old enough to read these words
Their meaning will unfold
These words are all that's left
And though we've never met, my only sun
I hope you know
That I would have been there to watch you grow
But my call was heard and I did go
Now your mission lies ahead of you
As it did my so long ago
To help the helpless ones who all look up to you
And to defend them to the end


Ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son
You're the defender
God has sent

I look up to you and heed thy call

This letter ends my search
I'll live your dream now passed on to me
And I now wait to shake the hand of fate
Like the dusk awaiting dawn
So wizards cast your spell
With no heart to do me well
So it is written, it shall be


Ride like the wind
Fight proud, my son
You're the defender
God has sent


Look around
They're moving in
Hold your ground
When they begin

We can do it
We can do it and if they wanna they can try
But they'll never get near
Then they can get out of here

Gonna keep on driving
Never stop

United, united, united we stand
United we never shall fall
United, united, united we stand
United we stand one and all

So keep it up
Don't give in
Make a stand
We're gonna win

We can do it
We can do it and if they wanna they can try
But they'll never get near
Then they can get out of here

Gonna keep on driving
Never stop

United, united, united we stand
United we never shall fall
United, united, united we stand
United we stand one and all

So keep it up

United, united, united we stand
United we never shall fall
United, united, united we stand
United we stand one and all

United, united, united we stand
United we never shall fall
United, united, united we stand
United we stand one and all

United, united, united we stand
United we never shall fall
United, united, united we stand
United we stand one and all


Childhood's End

I'd sail across the ocean
I'd walk a hundred miles
If I could make it to the end
Oh just to see a smile

You see it in their faces
The saddness in their tears
The despereation and the anger
Madness and the fear

No hope, no life, just pain and fear
No food, no love, just greed is here

Starvation and the hunger
The suffering and the pain
The agonies of all-out war
When will it come again ?

The struggle for the power
A tyrant tries again
Just what the hell is going on ?
When will it ever end ?


You see the full moon float
You watch the red sun rise
We take these things for granted
But somewhere someone's dying

Contaminated waters
Pollution and decay
Just waiting for disease to strike
Oh will we learn someday ?

No hope, no life, just pain and fear
No food, no love, no seed, childhoods end.

Fear Of The Dark

I am a man who walks alone
And when I'm walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it's dark.

Fear of the dark,fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark,fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there

Have you run your fingers down the wall
And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When you're searching for the light ?
Sometimes when you're scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
You've sensed that something's watching you.

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no-one's there ?
And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because you're sure there's someone there

Watching horror films the night before
Debating witches and folklore
The unknown troubles on your mind
Maybe your mind is playing tricks
You sense,and suddenly eyes fix
On dancing shadows from behind.

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there.

When I'm walking a dark road
I am a man who walks alone

Flight Of Icarus

As the sun breaks, above the ground,
An old man stands on the hill.
As the ground warms, to the first rays of light
A birdsong shatters the still.

His eyes are ablaze,
See the madman in his gaze.

Fly on your way, like an eagle,
Fly as high as the sun,
On your way, like an eagle,
Fly and touch the sun.

Now the crowd breaks and young boy appears
Looks the old man in the eye
As he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowd
In the name of God my father I fly.

His eyes seem so glazed
As he flies on the wings of a dream.
Now he knows his father betrayed
Now his wings turn to ashes to ashes his grave

Fly, on your way, like an eagle,
Fly as high as the sun,
On your way, like an eagle,
Fly as high as the sun.

The Trooper

You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's no turning back.

The Bugle sounds and the charge begins
But on this battlefield no one wins
The smell of acrid smoke and horses breath
As I plunge on into certain death.

The horse he sweats with fear we break to run
The mighty roar of the Russian guns
And as we race towards the human wall
The screams of pain as my comrades fall.

We hurdle bodies that lay on the ground
And the Russians fire another round
We get so near yet so far away
We won't live to fight another day.

We get so close near enough to fight
When a Russian gets me in his sights
He pulls the trigger and I feel the blow
A burst of rounds take my horse below.

And as I lay there gazing at the sky
My body's numb and my throat is dry
And as I lay forgotten and alone
Without a tear I draw my parting groan.

2 Minutes To Midnight

Kill for gain or shoot to maim
But we don't need a reason
To Golden Goose is on the loose
And never out of season
Some blackened pride still burns inside
This shell of bloody treason
Here's my gun for a barrel of fun
For the love of living death

The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.

The blind men shout "Let the creatures out
We'll show the unbeliverers."
The napalm screams of human flames
Of a prime time Belsen feast ... yeah!
As the reasons for the carnage cut their meat and lick the gravy
We oil the jaws of the war machine and feed it with our babies.

The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.

The body bags and little rags of children torn in two
And the jellied brains of those who remain to put the finger right on you
As the madmen play on words and make us all dance to their song
To the tune of starving millions to make a better kind of gun.

The killer's breed or the Demon's seed,
The glamour, the fortune, the pain,
Go to war again, blood is freedom's stain
But don't you pray for my soul anymore.

2 minutes to midnight,
The hands that treaten doom.
2 minutes to midnight,
To kill the unborn in the womb.

It's all night

It's all night


Into the Abyss I'll fall - the eye of Horus
Into the eyes of the night - watching me go
Green is the cat's eye that glows -
in the Temple
Enter the risen Osiris - risen again.

Tell me why I had to be a Powerslave
I don't wanna die, I'm a God,
why can't I live on?
When the Life Giver dies,
all around is laid waste,
And in my last hour,
I'm a Slave to the Power of Death.

When I was living this lie - Fear was my Game
People would worship and fall -
drop to their knees.
So bring me the blood and
red wine for the one to succeed me,
For he is a man and a God -
and He will die too.


Now I am cold but a ghost lives in my veins,
Silent the terror that reigned -
marbled in stone
Shell of man God preserved -
a thousand ages,
But open the gates of my hell -
I will strike from the grave

Tell me why I had to be a Powerslave
I don't wanna die, I'm a God,
why can't I live on?
When the Life Giver dies,
all around is laid waste,
And in my last hour,
I'm a Slave to the Power of Death.
Slave to the Power of Death...
Slave to the Power of Death...

Electric Eye

Up here in space
I'm looking down on you
My lasers trace
Everything you do

You think you've private lives
Think nothing of the kind
There is no true escape
I'm watching all the time

I'm made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean

I'm elected electric spy
I'm protected electric eye

Always in focus
You can't feel my stare
I zoom into you
You don't know I'm there

I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove

I'm made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean

I'm elected electric spy
I'm protected electric eye

Electric eye, in the sky
Feel my stare, always there
There's nothing you can do about it
Develop and expose
I feed upon your every thought
And so my power grows

I'm made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean

I'm elected electric spy
I'm protected electric eye

Protected. Detective. Electric eye

Metal Gods

We've taken too much for granted
And all the time it had grown
From techno seeds we first planted
Evolved a mind of its own

Marching in the streets
Dragging iron feet
Laser beaming hearts
Ripping men apart

From off I've seen my perfection
Where we could do as we please
In secrecy this infection
Was spreading like a disease

Hiding underground
Knowing we'd be found
Fearing for our lives
Reaped by robot's scythes

Metal Gods
Metal Gods

Metal Gods
Metal Gods

Machines are taking all over
With mankind in their command
In time they'd like to discover
How they can make their demand

Better be the slaves
To their wicked ways
But meeting with our death
Engulfed in molten breath

The Ripper

You're in for surprise
You're in for a shock
In London town streets
When there's darkness and fog
When you least expect me
And you turn your back
I'll attack

I smile when I'm sneaking
Through shadows by the wall
I laugh when I'm creeping
But you won't hear me at all

All hear my warning
Never turn your back
On the ripper

You'll soon shake with fear
Never knowing if I'm near
I'm sly and I'm shameless
Nocturnal and nameless
Except for "The Ripper"
Or if you like "Jack The Knife"

Any back alley street
Is where we'll probably meet
Underneath a gas lamp
Where the air's cold and damp
I'm a nasty surprise
I'm a devil in disguise
I'm a footstep at night
I'm a scream of the fright

All hear my warning
Never turn your back
On the ripper...the ripper....the ripper

Breaking The Law

There I was completely wasting, out of work and down
all inside it's so frustrating as I drift from town to town
feel as though nobody cares if I live or die
so I might as well begin to put some action in my life

Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law

So much for the golden future, I can't even start
I've had every promise broken, there's anger in my heart
you don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue
if you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing too

Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law

You don't know what it's like

Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law

Am I Evil?

[Original: Diamond Head]

My mother was a witch, she was burned alive.
Thankless little bitch, for the tears I cried.
Take her down now, don't want to see her face
All blistered and burnt, can't hide my disgrace.

Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.

As I watched my mother die, I lost my head.
Revenge now I sought, to break with my bread.
Taking no chances, you come with me.
I'll split you to the bone, help set you free.

Twenty-seven, everyone was nice.
Gotta see 'em make 'em pay the price.
See their bodies out on the ice.
Take my time.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man, yes I am.

On with the action now, I'll strip your pride.
I'll spread your blood around, I'll see you ride.
Your face is scarred with steel, wounds deep and neat.
Like a double dozen before ya, smells so sweet.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

I'll make my residence, I'll watch your fire.
You can come with me, sweet desire.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

My soul is longing for, await my heir.
Sent to avenge my mother, sweep myself.
My face is long forgot, my face not my own.
Sweet and timely whore, take me home.

Am I evil? Yes I am.
Am I evil? I am man.

Am I evil? Yes I fucking am.
Am I evil? I am man, yeah.

Nothing Else Matters

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters

Metal Heart

It is 1999
The human race has to face it
They are confronted with the truth
It's secret--mysterious

A surgeon said it in the news
The human race is dying
But the result is no disease
Searching for you

Metal heart--metal heart
They found it everywhere
Metal heart--metal heart
Lifeless piece of steel

The scaring fact was even told
Total confusion
They found the same nightmare
Heartbeats--time bombs

Metal heart--metal heart
Unplugged they're dying
Metal heart--metal heart
Unplugged they die

Metal heart--metal heart
They found it everywhere
Metal heart--metal heart
Lifeless piece of steel

Metal heart--metal heart
Unplugged they're dying
Metal heart--metal heart


Reis deg opp
La oss bestride
Den tanke fra vår lend

Og dyrk
På en forbannet jord
En smertens ætt

For så og tynge
De barmhjertiges skjød
Som har tiltro til
Den sjelloses brød

For den tro du besitter
Er intet annet enn avsmak og hovmod
Og din nøden etter viten
Er en overflod av hån og skjend

Smerten i mitt hjerte er ikke tørste
Etter himmelsk legeme

Ei er det sviktende søken etter englemakt
Det er ilden og den brenner
Det er bare det at du
Skjemmer for den

Ta del i skyldens skygge
Behag din sjel med syndens under
For hvor er vel du
Når lampen slukkes

Men døden kommer ei
Med vårt bud
Gjenklang fra den prektiges arv
Vil innfri det endelige forderv

[repeat 1st, 2nd and 4rd verse]

Bring dom over andre en ditt eget hode
Der du gjemmer din skam i lovsang
Så skal du få smake frukten
Av din egen bortgang

Som en flokk av helveds opphav
Og forvaltere av foraktens sønn
Parerer vi deres list med avskyens prakt
Med beviset på vår tunge byrde
Ligger deres sinn i åndenød
Skamfert tilbake uten makt

[repeat 1st, 2nd and 3rd verse]

[Music by Mustis/Shagrath/Silenoz]
[Lyrics by Silenoz]

[English translation:]

[Wrath Birth]

Rise it up
Let us oppose
The thought from our land

And cultivate
In a cursed ground
A sorrowful lineage

For so and weigh down
They bottom-hearted careless
Who have confidence 'til
That soul bread

For that belief you possess
Is nothing else than disgust and pride
And your need after knowledge
Is an overflood of scorn and deascration

Grief to my heart is not thirst
After heavenly body

Not is that failing search after angel might
It is fiery and that burning
It is merely that what you
Dishounor for that

Take part in the possesing shadow
Delight your soul with sinners under
From where are surely you
When lamp put out

But dead appaear not
With our bidding
Throughly sound from that splendid inheritance
Want it endly ruin

[repeat 1st, 2nd and 4rd verse]

Bring doom over others about your own head
There you conceal your shame in praise song
So shall you have tasted fruits
Of your own decease

As a flock of hellish origin
And administrator of despicable son
We match your disgusting splendour
With demonstration of our heavy birth
Lie your mind in absence of breath
Shamefare backwards without might

[repeat 1st, 2nd and 3rd verse]


Born of the sun
Crashed to the earth
Tormented reviled
Engorged hate from birth

Hellions the steed
Bloods on the wing
Claws set to slice
Vengeance he'll bring

Cremating the land
In seek and destroy
Apocalypse slays
Napalm he'll deploy

The beast of a god
Regalled of his race
Prepared to onslaught
And bare face to face

Across the divide
The thresholds in flames
The painkiller rises again

The scream of the demon
There's evil about
They've come to possess us
Out demons out!

Blade of the wheel
Cuts deep in the bone
It's gideons quest
To take satan's throne

The critical mass
And power that they wield
Exterminate all when vermin rebel

A maelstrom begins
To disintergrate
And pulverise all in its' wake

The scream of the demon
There's evil about
They've come to possess us
Out demons out

The Sentinel

Along deserted avenues
Steam begins to rise
The figures primed and ready
Prepared for quick surprise
He's watchin' for a sign
His life is on the line

Sworn to avenge
Condemn to hell
Tempt not the blade
All fear the Sentinel

Dogs whine in the alleys
Smoke is on the wind
From deep inside its empty shell
A cathedral bell begins
Sending out its toll
A storm begins to grow

Sworn to avenge
Condemn to hell
Tempt not the blade
All fear the Sentinel

Amidst the upturned burned-out cars
The challengers await
And in their fists clutch iron bars
With which to seal his fate
Across his chest is scabbards rest
The rows of throwing knives
Whose razor points in challenged tests
Have finished many lives

Now facing one another
The stand-off eats at time
Then all at once a silence falls
As the bell ceases its chime
Upon this sign the challengers
With shrieks and cries rush forth
The knives fly out like bullets
Upon their deadly course
Screams of pain and agony
Rent the silent air
Amidst the dying bodies
Blood runs everywhere
The figure stands expressionless
Impassive and alone
Unmoved by this victory
And the seeds of death he's sown

Sworn to avenge
Condemn to hell
Tempt not the blade
All fear the Sentinel

Blood Red Skies


As the sun goes down, I move around
Keeping to the shadows
Life, hangs by a thread
And I've heard it said, that I'll not see tomorrow

If that's my destiny, it'll have to be
So I'll face the future
Running out of time
I'm on the line
But I'll go down fighting

Felt the hand of justice
Telling wrong from right
Threw me out upon the street in the middle of the night

Cybernetic heartbeat
Digital precise
Pneumatic fingers nearly had me in their vice

Not begging you
I'm telling you

You won't break me
You won't make me
You won't take me,
Under blood red skies

You won't break me
You won't take me
I'll fight you under
blood red skies

Through a shattered city, watched by laser eyes
Overhead the night squad glides
The decaying paradise

Automatic sniper
With computer sights
Scans the bleak horizon for its victim of the night

They're closing in
They'll never win

You won't break me
You won't take me
You won't make me,
Under blood red skies

You won't break me
You won't take me
I'll fight you under
blood red skies

As the end is drawing near
Standing proud, I won't give in to fear
As I die a legend will be born
I will stand, I will fight
You'll never take me alive
I'll stand my ground
I won't go down

You won't break me
You won't make me
You won't take me,
Under blood red skies

You won't break me
You won't take me
just I'll face you under
blood red skies

You'll never take me alive
I'm telling you
Hands of justice
I will stand, I will fight
Never surrender
As the sun goes down
I won't give in to fear



Never straight and narrow
I won't keep in time
Tend to burn the arrow
Out of the line

Been inclined to wander
Off the beaten track
That's where there's thunder
And the wind shouts back

Looking for meat
Wants you to eat

Got no use for routine
I shiver at the thought
Open skies are my scene
That's why I won't get caught

Refuse to bite the mantrap
Be led to set the snare
I love to have my sight
Capped everywhere

Looking for meat
Wants you to eat

[solo Glenn]

I've held my licence
It came with birth,
For self reliance on this earth
You take the bullet
On which my name
Was etched upon in your game

Day of independence
Stamped us like a brand
Round the necks of millions
To the land

As the mighty eagle
I need room to breathe
Witness from the treadmill
I take my leave

Looking for meat
Wants you to eat

Looking for meat
Wants you to eat



[Tipton - Halford]

Behold 'tis I the commander
Whose grip controls you all
Resist me not, surrender
I'll no compassion call

(Tyrant) Capture of humanity
(Tyrant) Conqueror of all
(Tyrant) Hideous destructor
(Tyrant) Every man shall fall

Your very lives are held within my fingers
I snap them and you cower down in fear
You spineless things who belly down to slither
To the end of the world you follow to be near

(Tyrant) Capture of humanity
(Tyrant) Conqueror of all
(Tyrant) Hideous destructor
(Tyrant) Every man shall fall

Mourn for us oppressed in fear
Chained and shackled we are bound
Freedom choked in dread we live
Since Tyrant was enthroned

I listen not to sympathy
Whilst ruler of this land
Withdraw your feeble aches and moans
Or suffer smite from this my hand

(Tyrant) Capture of humanity
(Tyrant) Conqueror of all
(Tyrant) Hideous destructor
(Tyrant) Every man shall fall

Mourn for us oppressed in fear
Chained and shackled we are bound
Freedom choked in dread we live
Since Tyrant was enthroned

My legions faithful unto death
I'll summon to my court
And as you perish each of you
Shall scream as you are sought

(Tyrant) Capture of humanity
(Tyrant) Conqueror of all
(Tyrant) Hideous destructor
(Tyrant) Every man shall fall