Far Away

19.02.2006., nedjelja


Evo napokon sam dovršio! Našao sam pozadinu koja mi savršeno odgovara! Ja osobno mislim da je ovo sad najcool blog što se tiče izgleda! Sad još da napišem nešto što valja i bit će sve super! Samo sad nemam vremena, moram učit rimsko! Kasnije!
KomentariIsprintaj - #

16.02.2006., četvrtak

New Look

Evo napokon sam našao malo vremena za sebe, i iskoristio ga da dam svom blogu novi izgled! Nadam se da vam se sviđa!:) Planiram unijeti još neke promjene, samo da nađem vremena!
KomentariIsprintaj - #

15.02.2006., srijeda

KomentariIsprintaj - #

14.02.2006., utorak

Song of the Day

Reel Big Fish: Where have you been

You called me up last night in tears and said you missed me after all these
But Ive been waiting here so long, Ive gotten over it since you've been gone
You called me late last night again and said you're finished with your new
Asked if you could come back home- so sorry that you left me all alone, well

You say you love me, love me again but if you love me- where have you been?
You say you need me more than anyone else well go to hell, where have you been?
You showed up at my door today, you said my friend why do you push me away
Life with him was just so dull but what we had was something WONDERFUL, well

You say you love me, love me again but if you love me- where have you been?
You say you need me more than anyone else well go to hell- where have you been?
No way! you wish! I don't need this! What makes you think I'd ever want you
Yeah right! As if! I don't need this!What makes you think I'd ever want you
again? Agaiiiiiiiiiin?

You called me late last night again, you said you've finished with your new
boyfriend, asked if you could come back home- so sorry that you left me all alone, well

you say you love me, love me again, but if you love me, where have you been?
You say you need me more then anyone else well go to hell, where have you been?
You say you love me, love me again, but if you love me, where have you been?
Where have you been?

You say you love me, love me again , but if you love me, where have you
You say you need me more than anyone else well go to hell- where have you been?

KomentariIsprintaj - #
Valentinovo! ....hmmmm
Bittersweet memories........

KomentariIsprintaj - #

13.02.2006., ponedjeljak

Jeeeej,....danas sam...

Jeeej,...... danas sam dao pismeni iz sociooologije!!!! (mnogi će reći "pa šta onda"?) Kako pa šta onda, danas mi je prvi put nakon 5 mjeseci učenja da sam uspio proći na pismenom iz tog "glupog predmeta"!
Mnogi studenti prava koji još nisu počeli učiti socologiju, neću sad nabrajati imena, ali moja frendica Ivona :) nemaju pojma koliko je taj predmet u biti...u biti....u biti.......hm, nemam drugu riječ za "nadasve zaglupljujuće i dosadno iskustvo, impregnirano totalnim kretenizmom ljudi koji su prije 100 ili 200 godina mislili da znaju svaki kurac o društvu" te su mislili da bi ga bilo pametno zapisati u knjigu! Koja ima 1300 stranica i koju se mora znati "cijelu", jer ako je neznate cijelu na usmenom kod prof.... će te dobiti odgovor "Ali kolega, Weber to ne bi rekao takvim riječima, molim vas recite mi to njegovim riječnikom"!!!! WTF!!!
Mislim da sad napokon shvaćate moje oduševljenje! Na početku sam napisao "sociooologije", iz razloga što naš profesor nezna drugačije izgovarati ime svog vlastitog predmeta! Još da prođem kolokvij koji sam danas pisao i fino mogu doći kući u Vinkovce! Da i još jedna stvar,... neznam kako je u drugim gradovima ali ovdje u Rijeci su svi poludjeli za SHORTY-jevim hitom Dođi u Vinkovce! I to traje već par mjeseci, i svaki put kad kažem da sam iz Vinkovaca, počnu mi pjevati tu prokletu stvar! Više mi je dopizdila, svaki put " Aaa ti si iz Vinkovaca" Da! jesam, "Haha, Dooooođi u Viiinkoooovceeee"! "#*bum#%*trass"#

P.S. Pijesma nije loša, samo dopizdi nakon par miljona puta!

KomentariIsprintaj - #

12.02.2006., nedjelja

Par dobrih fora o mjuzi


Power metal:
The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon,
saves the princess and makes love with her in an enchanted forest.

Thrash metal:
The protagonist arrives, fights the dragon, saves the princess and fucks

Heavy metal:
The protagonist arrives on a harley davidson bike, kills the dragon, drinks
some beers and fucks the princess.

Folk metal:
The protagonist arrives with some friends playing acordeons, violins, flutes
and many more instruments, the dragon falls asleep (by all the dancing)...
Then all leave... Without the princess.

Viking metal:
The protagonist arrives in a ship, kills the dragon with his migthy axe,
cooks and eats it, rapes the princess to death, steals the castle and burns
all the place before he leaves.

Death metal:
The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon, fucks the princess and kills her,
then leaves.

Black metal:
The protagonist arrives at midnight, kills the dragon and impales it in
front of the castle... Then sodomizes the princess, drinks her blood in a
ritual before killing her... Then he impales the unvirgen princess.

Gore metal:
The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon and spreads his guts in the front
of the castle, fucks the princess and kills her... Then he fucks the dead
body, slashes her belly and eats her guts... Then he fucks the carcass for
the third time, burns the corpse and fucks it for the last time.

Doom metal:
The protagonist arrives, sees the size of the dragon and thinks that he
never could beat him, then he gets depressed and commits suicide... The
dragon eats his body and the princess as well... (the end of the sad story).

Progressive metal:
The protagonist arrives with a guitar and plays a solo of 26 minutes... The
dragon kills himself out of boredom... The protagonist arrives to the
princess' bedroom, plays another solo with all the technics and tunes
learned in the last year of the conservatory... The princess escapes looking
for the heavy metal protagonist.

Glam metal:
The protagonist arrives, the dragon laughs of the guy's appearance and lets
him enter... He then steals the princess' make-up and tries to paint the
castle in a beautiful pink color.

Grind metal:
The protagonist arrives, screams something completely undecipherable for
about 2 minutes and then leaves...

KomentariIsprintaj - #

Par dobrih fora o Chucku Norrisu

Top Ten Chuck Norris Facts

1. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. Ever.
2. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
3. Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
4. The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.
5. If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be only seconds away from death.
6. Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.
7. Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers
the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
8. Chuck Norris doesn’t wash his clothes, he disembowels them.
9. Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Indian.
10. In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.
11. There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.

Additional Chuck Norris Facts

* Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked someone so hard that his foot broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart while she was flying over the Pacific Ocean.
* Crop circles are Chuck Norris' way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the fuck down.
* Chuck Norris is ten feet tall, weighs two-tons, breathes fire, and could eat a hammer and take a shotgun blast standing.
* The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out. It failed misserably.
* If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds 'til." After you ask, "Two seconds 'til what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.
* Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.
* There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.
* Chuck Norris once ate three 72 oz. steaks in one hour. He spent the first 45 minutes having sex with his waitress.
* Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.
* Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter. He roundhouse kicks the cows and the butter comes straight out.
* When Chuck Norris sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has not had to pay taxes ever.
* The quickest way to a man's heart is with Chuck Norris' fist.
* A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.
* Chuck Norris will attain statehood in 2009. His state flower will be the Magnolia.
* Nagasaki never had a bomb dropped on it. Chuck Norris jumped out of a plane and punched the ground.
* Chuck Norris originally appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this "glitch," Norris replied, "That's no glitch."
* The opening scene of the movie "Saving Private Ryan" is loosely based on games of dodgeball Chuck Norris played in second grade.
* Chuck Norris once shot down a German fighter plane with his finger, by yelling, "Bang!"
* Chuck Norris once bet NASA he could survive re-entry without a spacesuit. On July 19th, 1999, a naked Chuck Norris re-entered the earth's atmosphere, streaking over 14 states and reaching a temperature of 3000 degrees. An embarrassed NASA publically claimed it was a meteor, and still owes him a beer.
* Chuck Norris has two speeds: Walk and Kill.
* Someone once tried to tell Chuck Norris that roundhouse kicks aren't the best way to kick someone. This has been recorded by historians as the worst mistake anyone has ever made.
* Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is based on a true story: Chuck Norris once swallowed a turtle whole, and when he crapped it out, the turtle was six feet tall and had learned karate.
* Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Chuck Norris
* Chuck Norris is the only human being to display the Heisenberg uncertainty principle -- you can never know both exactly where and how quickly he will roundhouse-kick you in the face.
* Chuck Norris can drink an entire gallon of milk in forty-seven seconds.
* Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead decided to punch his way out of his mother’s womb.
* If you say Chuck Norris' name in Mongolia, the people there will roundhouse kick you in his honor. Their kick will be followed by the REAL roundhouse delivered by none other than Norris himself.
* Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Chuck Norris.
* Chuck Norris discovered a new theory of relativity involving multiple universes in which Chuck Norris is even more badass than in this one. When it was discovered by Albert Einstein and made public, Chuck Norris roundhouse-kicked him in the face. We know Albert Einstein today as Stephen Hawking.
* The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
* In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself.

KomentariIsprintaj - #

Opisi temperaturnih razlika u Svijetu!

+18°C Na Havajima uzimaju drugi pokrivac
+10°C U zgradama u Helsinkiju iskljucuju grijanje
+2°C Talijanski automobili ne mogu upaliti

0°C Destilirana voda se smrzava

-1°C Dah se vidi. Rusi jedu sladoled i piju pivo.
-4°C Pas vam se uvaljuje u krevet.
-10°C Francuski automobili ne mogu upaliti
-12°C Politicari pocinju pricati o beskucnicima.
-15°C Americki automobili ne mogu upaliti.
-20°C Dah se cuje.
-24°C Japanski automobili ne mogu upaliti.
-28°C Pas vam se uvaljuje u pidzamu.
-29°C Nemacki automobili ne mogu upaliti.
-30°C Ni jedan normalan automobil ne moze upaliti.
-36°C Ruski automobil ne moze upaliti.
-39°C Rusi zakopcavaju sve gumbe na kosuljama.
-50°C Automobil ti se uvaljuje u krevet.
-60°C Zitelji Helsinkija se smrzavaju. U Moskvi zakopcavaju kapute.
-70°C Smrzavaju se i u paklu. Univerzitet u Kuznjecku organizuje
-72°C Advokati zavlace ruke u s vlastite dzepove.
-120°C Alkohol se smrzava. Rusi zato potpuno u kurcu.
-273,15°C Apsolutna nula. Prekida se kretanje elementarnih cestica. Rus
liže smrznutu vodku.

KomentariIsprintaj - #

10.02.2006., petak

The Muse,......the Muse man!

Neznam stvarno o čemu da pišem, izgleda da me moja muza napustila! Mislim nije da sam je ikad i imao, ali uvijek je bila tu negdje blizu! Dan mi je bio ko i svaki drugi, faks, kava u maximu s frendovima, stan, opet kava, ovaj put u opatiji, poziv za maturalnu u Kristalnoj dvorani, zatim poziv da idem u stiptease bar u subotu (hm..not bad).... i tako! Neš sam malo učio, pa se igrao na plejstejšn, pa opet učio, pa opet gubio živce na plejstešnu!.....E da, gadno sam zajebo frenda na faksu, pokupio sam njegov index zajedno s mojim (s najboljom namjerom), i mislio sam ga nazvati cijeli tjedan da mu kažem da je kod mene, al sam "zaboravio", jadnik sto posto misli da mu ga je netko ukrao, a najgore je to što imamo ispit u ponedjeljak, a on ga nije mogao prijaviti bez dotičnog dokumenta! Sad ću ga morat odvest na ručak il` nešto da mu se odužim! Još je gore što sam izgubio i njegov broj telefona! Čovjeće.....pa boljeg frenda od mene ne možeš poželjeti!:)
KomentariIsprintaj - #

09.02.2006., četvrtak

Usrana povijest

Danas je točno 433. dan od kada sam počeo učiti Opću Povijest Prava i Države!....Da!
Tako je, čitam ovu skriptu više od godinu dana, a znate koliko sam kolokvija dao od tada iz povijesti.............jedan od tri moguća! Koji je meni kurac? U ponedjeljak imam 2 i 3 kolokvij zajedno, a ja već dva mjeseca nisam ni pogledu tu prokletu skriptu! Nije stvar u tome što je ta povjest dosadnija od tišine, niti je stvar u tome da je jedina moguća skripta napisana kao da ju je pisao sam Steve Wonder, jer nisam daleko. Stvar je u tome da ju je pisao prof. Bart..... koji se koristi svojim predmetom kao filterom za studente koji mu se ne sviđaju, možda mu se ne sviđa Kurt Cobain, ili mnogi drugi poznati na koje me moji kolege podsjećaju, ali ići do te granice da studenta ruši 8 i više puta na istom ispitu je....je .....pomisao je smiješna! I tako sam ja danas počeo ponavljati, Turska, Arapska, Mletačka, Rusija, Ugarska.......pa opet Mletačka,........kad ono "Jebote Genijalci su na HTV-u", de ko te jebe Justinijane i tvoje Kodexe, mene više zanima koji je kurac "prčija" i šta Gobac ima tu za reć! Kad ono opet pravo! Ispada da je "prčija" pravna institucija miraza, kojeg dobiva mladenka pri udaji, slična mletačkom mirazu repromissi (o kojem sam upravo čitao u skripti). Pa danas čovjek i da ne želi nešto naučiti, ne može........Moderno doba informacije je došlo do te mjere da ćemo ubuduće predavanja s faksa gledati na TV-u u obliku informativnih emisija, s primjesama necenzuriranog humora!..................ne daj Bože! A ako ništa drugo, bar sad znam šta je "prčija"!

KomentariIsprintaj - #

Novi Post!

Ovo je moj prvi post/blog!

baš me zanima kakoće ovo ispasti!

KomentariIsprintaj - #

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