body aBout. __ in a perfect still be here. body

ponedjeljak, 25.08.2008.

All of the Memories so close to me just fade away.

evooo. napokon novi post.
wooou. nisam fakat dugo ništ tu napisala.
a kai češ.
evo rođendan je prešel.
bilo je prezweer.
ludovali smo, pjevali, našetavali se,
plesali itd itd itd.
no dobro. više o rođendanu ma moem speisu.
mislim ima slika i to sve...
e da. i tam je nekai napisano.
tu mi se neda.
a i nemrem si slike prebcivat na ovai komp pa ondaaa.
hm hm.
neznam kai da pišem.
mama mi kreči sobu trenutno.
jeeej jeeej.
sad bu..hmm. narančasto-bijela
i ta mi se pomisao jako sviđa.
eeeee daaa.
od Tene (mwa <33) sam za rođendan dobila ribice.
Tenu, Luciju i Doru.
danas sam im išla kupiti dvorca, šljunak i plastičnu biljčicu.
sad su taaaaak vesele.
i naganjaju se po akvariju.
baš su mi slatkiceee. <333
evo nemam poima kai da još napišem.
još par rieči za krai.
nekai slično onome s prošloga posta.
al ovo mie bolje.
puno bolje.

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puse do idučeg posta.

P.S.- od danas volim horoskop. =)

The 7 things I hate about you

Your vain, your games, your insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends, they're jerks
When you act like them just know it hurts
I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

But than I compared to all the great things that would take to long to write.
I will mention the 7 that I like.

The 7 things I like about you

Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's
When we kiss I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy
Your hands in mine
When we're intertwined everything's alright
I want to be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I like the most that you do
You make me love you

25.08.2008. u 20:37&bull ; Komentari (57) - Isprintaj

srijeda, 06.08.2008.

Everytime I Try To Fly I Fall...Without My Wings I Feel So Small.

evoooo. napokon. mislila sam da se ovo nikad nebu desilo. al eto.
čuda se događaju. danas je to Matea potvrdila posremeći svou sobu.
mmm. dada. nemoite se sad onesvestit.
evo. neznam kai da više švrljam tu.
a moram nekai. čeka me još naporan poselek.
javiti sad svima.
e moram si i avatara naiti.
joj joj.
evo blog je novouređen.
možda je ostalo još par starih stvari.
al ono. pokušala sam biti što inovativnija.
i tako...
Tenchek mi ode na more. dada.
bila sam kod nje par dana.
tj. od četvrtka do nedjelje.
bilo je baš kul.
bilo je malo suza malo svađa al najviše smeha.
ak je istinita ona da se od smijeha dulje živi mi bu živele vječno.
i takooo.
u subotu smo naravno bile vani.
bilo je prezweeeer.
bile smo sa svima osim skupa.
upoznala sam dosta zwer ljudi.
tj tenchek me upoznala.
fala joj.
e mislim da bum lagano završila ovai post.
nakon slike usljedit če pozdravi i puse i blablabla.

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dakle. pozdravljam i šaljem puse.
Nini- ti si prva jer sam ti upravo sad natipkala poruku. vlečeš se doma. dada.
heh. aid čuemo se. pusam te. <33

Luceky: Ženskica...ideš morti v subotu van??
puseee. <3

Matea: Oichek. predpostavljam da tie soba več razmetana. heh. loool.
puseee. <3

Tenchek: Vjerujem da haraš murterom i tražiš si komada. heheh.
puseee. <3

Miac: ooo. nisam te dugo čula. neznam kai da ti velim. heheh.
puseee. <33

Trish: pozzek Trishaa. isto neznam kai da ti poručim. lool.

Pozdravljam naravno i sve ostale. =)))

ak vam se da. ovo pročitaite. meni je baš fora.

Love. <33

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Someone asked me what is love
is it good, is it bad
is it awesome, is it terrible
I honestly didnt know how to answer them.
I finally desided love is the most complicated of all emotions
Love is kind
love is harsh
love is wonderful
love is terrible
love is a cure
love is a sickness
love is LOVE
love is hate
love is meaningful
love is pointless
love shows the best in people
love shows the worse in people
love makes us speak truth
love makes us lie
love understands everything
love confuses everyone
love builds your life
love tears your heart down
love makes you smile
love makes you cry
love makes us cuddle
love makes us hit
love makes the world go round
love makes the world go crashing down
love makes things simple
love makes things impossible
love is always worth it
love is never worth it
love makes us smarter
love makes us stupid
love is enlightening!
love is BLIND
make love not war
make war out of love
love encourages
love scares
love is peaceful
love creates fights
love is soothing
love is tough

...and above all
Love is always worth it
because you become a better person
everytime you love someone
from the simplest careing for a friend
to the deepest desire to love someone til the world ends
from the unconditional love of a child
to the complicated love of the gods
there meaning to love
love means...everything

No matter how much it hurts you, or makes you cry
tries your spirt, and splits your soul.
Love is always worth it...because what doenst kill you
makes you stronger
And however long it takes
you will be, a better person because you lived, though love.
Werent afraid to make mistakes, choices and try again.
And...above all, loved someone no matter what people thought.
You would die for that person...but you would also live for them. the true meaning of love...

06.08.2008. u 20:56&bull ; Komentari (238) - Isprintaj

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