it's sharpening beneath me

ponedjeljak, 27.03.2006.

things will be a little different

uf....fakat nekad znam biti đubre.....veliko...drito se vraćam u subotu doma i sretnem frendice koje "izbjegavam"...tak mi je bilo neugodno,ali i drago kaj ih vidim....iskreno ne znam što mi je?!Pizdim na jednu i automatski su sve krive....i to ona po kojoj pljujem najviše i koja me tako strašno "razočarala" fakat ne zaslužuje ni najmanje....lijepo priznah da mi se neda s njima jer kad nas 5 sjedimo za stolom svako svakome nekaj zamjera a svi se lijepo smješkamo....i tako pospikale se mi....i bar je dio problema riješen....:) a moj još jedan od pokazatelja da sam još uvjek jedno veliko dijete:).....napredak 2....danas nisam depresivna....hmmmm...nakon dugo znam nekada me toliko to drži da počnem trabunjati....što se vidi iz mojih ja sam glupa....kao da uživam u tome da sam depresivna....točnije uživam....barem si brijem luda sam....jebeno...i tak....ovaj post vjerojatno nema smisla ali možda ima više smisla od svih ovih dolje navedenih....her sam danas hodala....i nakon dugo vremena pomislila....danas je stvarno lijep dan....i nasmijala se....
i evo jedne ne depresivne pjesme za promjenu

please listen to me october
things will be a little different
things will be a little different
this september now when nights are long
let me have this one last dance
she leads me out of the room
she leads me out of the room

get me up and get me moving
i wanna do this one more time before i
go on the road tonight
im going on the road tonight
get me up and get me moving
i wanna do this one more time before i
go on the road tonight
im going on the road tonight

youre caught youre all the same
now i never knew i never remembered your name
the walls are closing in
my cigarette is getting smaller
the air is getting thin
it doesnt seem like theres much room to do
to do


how in the world could this ever happen
face down its happening all again
how in the world could this ever happen
how in the world could this ever happen now
how in the world could this ever happen
face down its happening all again
how in the world could this ever happen
how in the world could this could this could this


listen to me october
things will be a little different
things will be a little different
this september now when nights are long
let me have this one last dance
she leads me out of the room
she leads me out of the room
she leads me out of the room
she leads me out of the room

- 20:01 - cut me (13) - write my words with blood - #