
21.08.2008., četvrtak


ovo čudo od bloga je ostalo nedovršeno, a ja više baš i nisam..
i ako nešto mrzim onda je to ta ista nedovršenost..

pa eto dvi-tri skoro pa mudre..
u mom viđenju svijeta postoje samo dvije stvari: Istina i manipulacija.
Istini je teško jer se mora stalno usavršavati, kao i sve dobre stvari.
manipulacija je u prednosti jer je samouvjerena, kao i svaka glupost, ne propituje se, svoju svrhu.. samo kratkoročni cilj, sredstva nisu bitna.
da, Istina pobjeđuje.. ona je najbolja manipulacija.. no, zato jer igra na duge staze.. i zato je lakše pobjeći od nje, jer strah od dugoročnosti umanjuje njenu vrijednost u ljudskim očima.
a većina ljudi voli ono što je lakše .
ja sam vjerna, čak i onda kad nisam, uvijek sam na putu k opet istoj - volim samo Istinu.
a kako se ono kaže.. Istina boli :)
i kao uvreda, i kao spoznaja.. a boli jer je - stvarna!

i malo stihova..:

I don't know
I don't know which side I'm on
I don't know my right from left
Or my right from wrong
Say I'm a fool
You say I'm not for you
But if I'm a fool for you
Oh, that's something
Two hearts beat as one
Two hearts beat as one
Two hearts...

Can't stop the dance
Honey, this is my last chance
I said, can't stop the dance
Maybe this is my last chance

Two hearts beat as one
Two hearts beat as one
Two hearts...

(They) beat on black, beat on white
Beat on everything don't get (it) right
Beat on you, beat on me, beat on love

I don't know
How to say what's got to be said
I don't know if it's black or white
There's others see it red
I don't get the answers right
I'll leave that to you
Is this love out of fashion?
Or is it the time of year?
Are these words distraction
To the words you wanna hear?

Two hearts beat as one
Two hearts beat as one

I try to spit it out
I try to explain
The way I feel
Oh, yeah
Two hearts

I can't stop the dance
Maybe this is my last chance
I said I can't stop the dance
Maybe this is my last chance
I said don't stop the dance
Maybe this is my last chance
I said can't stop the dance
Maybe this is our last chance
Maybe this is my last chance

(2hearts beat as1 - U2)

- 19:27 - no comments? (0) - ovo ne kuzim na sto se odnosi - #

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