chessmasterov blog

četvrtak, 12.05.2005.

*Tko ovuda prode,biti ce spasen*

Danas sam sreo jednog susjeda i poceo mi je pricati nesto o Eufrazijevoj bazilici,posto zivim u Porecu a bazilika je prakticki zastitni znak grada bilo bi u redu da znam ponesto o njoj,i tako smo mi dosli pricajuci na temu latinskog natpisa pred sam ulaz u baziliku koji prevedeno znaci kao gore u naslovu *tko ovuda prode,biti ce spasen*,sada se ja pitam od cega spasen?kako se spasiti od zla prolazom kroz kameni luk?prosao sam onuda bar 100 puta i to znaci da sam spasen od zla?to znaci da se ne trebam bojati da cu zivot nastaviti u paklu?zar prolaskom kroz ta vrata dobivam ulaznicu za raj?mislim
ne shvacam taj natpis,ne shvacam njegovo znacenje,taj natpis potjece kada je sagradena ta crkva a to je nedije u 7 stoljecu koliko mislim,nek me neko ispravi ako grijesim,i tako je neko dosao na ideju da stavi taj natpis,ali ne razumjem zasto je ta osoba uopce uklesala taj natpis,zar se smatrala Bogom?ili je komunicirala sa Bogom pa je to napisala,ili je to napisano samo kako bi se ljude privuklo u crkvu,vjerojatno samo rijetki ljudi znaju znacenje tog natpisa,iskreno nije mi ni padalo napamet da saznam sto znaci,ali slucajno sam saznao i sada razmisljam o tom natpisu,koji je smisao tog natpisa,
dali je njegov smisao bio privuci ljude ili ima neko vece vjerojatno nikada necu saznati a isreno niti se trudim da saznam,a i tako danas je dosao kraj mog sretnog razdoblja,nisam ispravio matisu iako iz banalnih razloga profesorica je opet nasla nacin da mi spuca kljuku,a sta se moze,imam jos dva pokusaja do kraja,ali sam primjetio da zbog matise zapostavljam ostale predmete i to me isto sada muci,stoga dati cu sve od sebe da to sto prije ispravim te da zbog toga ne zaj**** neki drugi predmet,ali cak me nije ni toliko pogodilo sto sam opet dobio jedan..neznam ko da me nije briga,ali ispraviti c ja to iskreno se nadam,ako ne zbog sebe onda zbog staraca,tako uvjek se nade neki motiv kao poticaj za rijesenje nekog problema,i tako nafilozofirao sam se za danas:)ajde uzivajte ljudi...

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  • nadam se zanimljiv,ali ponesto i dosadan ali pun sadrzaja i zanimljivosti,pokusati cu na sto bolji nacin opisati sebe u svojoj svakodnevici,i iznasiti cu misljenja u vezi sa svakodnevnim zbivanjima....
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    Realize that I can never win
    Sometimes i feel like i have failed
    Inside where do I begin
    My mind is laughing at me

    Tell me why am I to blame on me
    Both will be the same,that’s why
    I will never change this thing that’s burning in me

    I am the one who chose my path
    I am the one who couldnt last
    I feel the life pulled me free
    I feel the anger changing me

    Sometimes I can never tell
    If I got something that remains
    That’s whay i just hang in grief
    Or this I just let me be

    Tell me why am I to blame on me
    Both will be the same,that’s why
    I will never change this thing that’s burning in me

    I am the one who chose my path
    I am the one who couldnt last
    I feel the life pulled me free
    I feel the anger changing me

    I feel so insane
    I really tried
    I did my time
    I did my time
    I did my time

    I did my time
    I did my time

    I am the one who chose my path
    I am the one who couldnt last
    I feel the life pulled me free
    I feel the anger changing me

    Oh God the anger changing me
    Oh God the anger changing me

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    Linkin Park Lyrics


    Counting On Me
    Why can't you ever back down?

    Why can't you just shut your face?

    Oh god the feelings I feel

    Would get me thrown in a cage

    You're the one who's always screaming at me

    I'm the one that keeps your lives so care free

    What the fuck more do you want me to be?

    Why must you do this to me?

    Run away, I can't see

    Lead the way, make them pay

    Counting, on me.

    Always hoping I'll be

    There for all of your problems

    and in turn you're never there for me

    You sucked the life out of me

    You hate everything you see

    I can't take this anymore

    I always stay when I should leave

    You see the pain in my face

    While you keep putting me down

    Inside the rage starts to build

    You push me I won't go down

    You're the one who's always screaming at me

    I'm the one that keeps your so lives care free

    What the fuck more do you want me to be?

    Why must you do this to me?

    Run away, I can't see

    Lead the way, make them pay

    Counting, on me.

    Always hoping I'll be

    There for all of your problems

    and in turn you're never there for me

    You sucked the life out of me

    You hate everything you see

    I can't take this anymore

    I always stay when I should leave

    Could it really be the day, today?

    Could this really make the problems go away?

    I'm going to hurt just not in time

    Right now!

    - I take in all I can now

    Right Now!

    - You've torn us all part

    Right Now!

    - There is nothing you can do to stop me

    Right now (x9)

    Counting, on me.

    Always hoping I'll be

    There for all of your problems

    and in turn you're never there for me

    You sucked the life out of me

    You hate everything you see

    I can't take this anymore

    I always stay when I should leave !



    Linkin Park Lyrics


    System Of A D.. Lyrics