chessmasterov blog

utorak, 03.05.2005.


U proslom postu nisam spomenuo zasto me toliko izzivcirala ova iz matise kada mi je rekla da mi je zadatak prekrizen tocan,ja sam ga prekrizio jer mi je ona pod ispitom rekla da je pogresno rijesen,zato su meni pukli zivci,ali kroz zivot se moramo snaci u raznim situacijama i sticati iskustva na pogreskama kako se pogreske nebi ponavljale,meni je ovo pouka da vise nikada tu glupacu ne pitam pod ispitom dali sam tocno zapoceo zadatak jer znam da ce me sjeb** i to je iskustvo,kako i mnogi kazu u sahu se uci na porazima a ne na pobjedama,kada pobjedis sretan si i niko te ne moze razuvjeriti od toga da si igrao najbolje,a ako te ipak neko i uvjeri opet nemas volje da trazis pogreske,ali kada izgubis onda je vec drugacije,odmah ides traziti ogreske kako bi to ispravio za sljedecu partiju..u tome je problem,zasto ucimo samo iz losih iskustva??neki kazu pametni uce na tudim pogreskama,ali sta ako neko to ne shvati dok ne isproba na svojoj kozi?npr. na koliko toga me stari upozorio,ali sta se moze ja sam full tvrdoglav i ucio sam na svojim pogreskama,ali ih zato vise ne ponavljam,ono sto mi se desi jedamput drugi put izbjegnem jer imam iskustva,a ako ucim na tudim pogreskama kako cu steci iskustvo??kako moze neko steci zivotno iskustvo ako ne prozivi zivot??kako uopce steci neko iskustvo gledajuci druge kako grijese?jer kada ti pogrijesis das sve od sebe da to ispravis,kada neko drugi tebe to toliko ne pogada i uopce se ne mucis naci izlaz iz te situacije...stoga smatram da je najvaznije steci vlastito iskustvo koje ce biti samo moje i koje ce mi pomoci u nastavku zivota,koje ce mi pomoci da lakse prodem zivotne prepreke,jer ako naidem na neku slicnu koju sam vec prosao biti ce mi lakse i nece me toliko usporavati u ostvarivanju svoga cilja,u zivotu mozemo puno toga nauciti,puno toga dozivjeti,puno toga osjetiti,ali to nas cini iskusnijima i jacima,jer kako bi neki rekli:"sto te ne ubije,cini te jacim",iako nije bas uvjek tako,ali istina je da te neki losi trenutci poticu na napredak da se vise nikada ne nades u takvoj situaciji,ako dotknes samo dno i dobijes priliku da poboljsas svoj zivot,sigurno ces dati sve od sebe da maximalno iskoristis priliku da se vise nikada ne nades na dnu,uciniti ces sve da se vise ne osjecas tako jadno, dosta filozofije za danas:)uzivajte ljudi

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    Realize that I can never win
    Sometimes i feel like i have failed
    Inside where do I begin
    My mind is laughing at me

    Tell me why am I to blame on me
    Both will be the same,that’s why
    I will never change this thing that’s burning in me

    I am the one who chose my path
    I am the one who couldnt last
    I feel the life pulled me free
    I feel the anger changing me

    Sometimes I can never tell
    If I got something that remains
    That’s whay i just hang in grief
    Or this I just let me be

    Tell me why am I to blame on me
    Both will be the same,that’s why
    I will never change this thing that’s burning in me

    I am the one who chose my path
    I am the one who couldnt last
    I feel the life pulled me free
    I feel the anger changing me

    I feel so insane
    I really tried
    I did my time
    I did my time
    I did my time

    I did my time
    I did my time

    I am the one who chose my path
    I am the one who couldnt last
    I feel the life pulled me free
    I feel the anger changing me

    Oh God the anger changing me
    Oh God the anger changing me

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    Linkin Park Lyrics


    Counting On Me
    Why can't you ever back down?

    Why can't you just shut your face?

    Oh god the feelings I feel

    Would get me thrown in a cage

    You're the one who's always screaming at me

    I'm the one that keeps your lives so care free

    What the fuck more do you want me to be?

    Why must you do this to me?

    Run away, I can't see

    Lead the way, make them pay

    Counting, on me.

    Always hoping I'll be

    There for all of your problems

    and in turn you're never there for me

    You sucked the life out of me

    You hate everything you see

    I can't take this anymore

    I always stay when I should leave

    You see the pain in my face

    While you keep putting me down

    Inside the rage starts to build

    You push me I won't go down

    You're the one who's always screaming at me

    I'm the one that keeps your so lives care free

    What the fuck more do you want me to be?

    Why must you do this to me?

    Run away, I can't see

    Lead the way, make them pay

    Counting, on me.

    Always hoping I'll be

    There for all of your problems

    and in turn you're never there for me

    You sucked the life out of me

    You hate everything you see

    I can't take this anymore

    I always stay when I should leave

    Could it really be the day, today?

    Could this really make the problems go away?

    I'm going to hurt just not in time

    Right now!

    - I take in all I can now

    Right Now!

    - You've torn us all part

    Right Now!

    - There is nothing you can do to stop me

    Right now (x9)

    Counting, on me.

    Always hoping I'll be

    There for all of your problems

    and in turn you're never there for me

    You sucked the life out of me

    You hate everything you see

    I can't take this anymore

    I always stay when I should leave !



    Linkin Park Lyrics


    System Of A D.. Lyrics