
srijeda, 08.02.2006.

Za ne vjerovati!!!

Ovo je ludo!!!Gary Oldman (Sirius) i David Thewlis (Lupin) pregovaraju da li ce glumiti u petom filmu Harry Pottera...Pa sad mi recite da je to normalno...
Oni su ful dobri glumci i odlicno su odglumili te uloge...
Evo teksta o svim tim pregovorima, ali mi se ne da prevodit pa mucite se malo:
-Gary Oldman cut from Movie 5?-
Gary Oldman, who played Sirius Black in POA and GOF, has not yet been signed to reprise the role of Padfoot in the next movie. His manager told GaryOldman.info: "You will be shocked and surprised to learn that at this time there are no plans for Gary to appear in the next Harry Potter film. To say we are puzzled on this side about this is an understatement at the every least! You may feel free to post this info. If the situation changes, I will let you know... There would be no objection from me if fans wrote letters to Warners about this!"

It would be extremely surprising if WB cut the character of Sirius entirely from the movie as he has an enormous role to play; this might simply mean that they'll use a different actor to fill the role. We'll keep you updated...

- 23:24 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

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