
srijeda, 25.01.2006.


Od Microsofta i Nortona je danas ujutro došla obavijest, da od subote (14.01.2006.) po mailu kruži virus imena "Life is beautiful. pps". Kada ga otvorite na monitoru ispiše "It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful" i iz PC-a izbriše sve, sto je bilo na njemu. AOL upozorava, da antivirusni Software za njegovo uništenje još ne postoji. Virus je napravio hacker s imenom "Life owner". Molimo pošaljite ovaj mail svima koje poznate.

- 16:23 - Komentari (19) - Isprintaj - #

Luna Lovegood actress to be announced this January

In November, CBBC Newsround reported that five girls had made it through to the final stage of Warner Bros' casting of Luna Lovegood. The children's news show now expects a decision to be made on who will play the peculiar Ravenclaw early next month, with other casting information coming later in the year. Newsround also made this statement:

Over the past few weeks, several sites and message boards on the internet have featured teenagers saying that they are one of the final five with many of them posting photographs of themselves.

Girls who are really in the last few have been asked to keep the news secret and Warner Brothers say that as far as they are aware, none of the names or photographs of the girls genuinely in the last five have appeared on any website.

- 16:21 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 21.01.2006.

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- 01:29 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 16.01.2006.

Pocelo je...

Na moju zalost skola je pocela...Ful mi se ne da ic...Sve je nekako tmurno jedino je dobro sta sam opet vidjela neke prijatelje.Ucitelji su nas odmah zatrpali zadacama.
Ko da nisu normalni.Izrazavam svoju sucut svima koji su krenuli u skolu i nadam se da ce im ovo polugodiste bit uspjesno... =)

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- 15:42 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 15.01.2006.

Tisuce djevojka se prijavilo za audiciju za sljedeci HP film

Tisucu hrabrih teenagerica se hrabro prijavilo na audiciju s nadom da ce se pojaviti u iducem nastavku Harry Pottera...

Teenagerice, izmedu 13 i 16 godina, strpljivo su cekale da pocne audicija za lik Lune Lovegood u Harry Potteru i Redu feniksa

U knjizi, Luna je opisana kao prilicno neobican lik...outsajder prema njenim kolegicama iz Hogwartsa...
S njenim stapicem koji se nalazi iza njenog uha i cudnog lancica, 14-godisnja vjestica cesto zivi u svome svijetu i bas ne mari za ostale...

Djevojka koja dobije ulogu ce se pridruziti Danielu Radcliffeu, koji glumi Harryja; Emmi Watson, koja gumi Hermionu Granger; i Rupertu Grintu, koji glumi Rona Weasleya u filmu.

Djevojke koje su otisle na audiciju su cak prespavale ispred mjesta u kojem se odrzavala audicija ili su dolazile jako rano...

Glasnogovornica direrkorice Fione Weir je izjavila da nisu tratili nikakvu posebnu kvalitetu, samo nekog s malo cudnijeg...

Luna vidi svijet drugacije. Ima neku posebnu kvalitetu, ali je nemoguce reci sto je to tocno...

Sve mlade nade su morale donijeti potvrdu o mjesti stanovanja, putovnicu i rodni list.Cure su morale biti iz UK ili Irske...

- 12:42 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 14.01.2006.


Svi koga zanima carobnice su sutra u 10:20 (ujutro) na novoj!!!

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I jos nesto za nevjerovat:

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- 11:39 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 13.01.2006.

Ajde rijesite...

Sta vam je draze???
Harry Potter knjige
Harry Potter filmovi

Free polls from Pollhost.com

- 21:26 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 12.01.2006.

-Za one koji vole LOTR-

Evo nekoliko vilenjackih fraza:

-Elven Translation-

-Fair winds-
Vanya sulie


-Good (day/afternoon/evening/night)-
Quel (re/andune/lome/du)

-Good hunting-
Quel fara

-May the leaves of your life tree never turn brown-
Aa' lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha

-May the wind fill your sails-
Aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle

-May thy paths be green and the breeze on thy back-
Aa' menle nauva calen ar' ta hwesta e' ale'quenle

-May your ways be green and golden-
Aa' menealle nauva calen ar' malta

-My heart shall weep until it sees thee again-
Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'

-Rest well-
Quel esta

-Sleep well-
Quel kaima

-Sweet water and light laughter till next we meet-
Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva

-Until later (then)-
Tenna' telwan (san')

-Until next we meet-
Tenna' ento lye omenta

-Until then-
Tenna' san'

-Until tomorrow (then)-
Tenna' tul're (san')

-Elven Translation-

-A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting-
Elen sila lumenn omentilmo

-Good (day/morning/afternoon/evening)-
'Quel (re/amrun/andune/undome)

-Greetings (everyone)-
Vedui' (il'er)


-It has been too long-
Nae saian luume'

-My heart sings to see thee-
Cormamin lindua ele lle

-Pleasure meeting you-
Saesa omentien lle

-Well met-
Mae govannen

- 00:39 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 11.01.2006.


Regulus Black
Born: 1961?
Died: 1980 (according to Lupin, he only managed to live a few days after "deserting" the Death Eaters --HBP6)

Regulus was the younger brother of Sirius Black. Unlike his brother, Regulus was favored by his parents because he shared their pureblood prejudices; soon after leaving Hogwarts, he joined the Death Eaters. JK tells us "Regulus got in a little too deep. Like Draco. He was attracted to it, but the reality of what it meant was way too much to handle."

-Many fans suspect that he might be the mysterious 'R.A.B.' who stole the locket Horcrux. His initials do match, as far as we can tell, and Jo acknowledged that Regulus would be a "fine guess" for RAB's identity. -

Regulus = 'the little king'; a star in Leo. Regulus was also the family name of Marcus Atilius Regulus, a famous Roman patriot/martyr who was tortured to death.

Ancestry: Pure Blood.
Family in general: "The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black" dating to at least the Middle Ages; descendant of Phineas Nigellus Black, a Hogwarts Headmaster. Parents convinced that to be a 'Black' made you "practically royal."
Mother: Died 1987; her portrait is permanently mounted in the hallway of the Black family home.
Father: Unnamed wizard who heavily fortified the family home at 12 Grimmauld Place, London.
Grandparents: Grandfather Black who was awarded Order of Merlin 1st Class for "Services to the Ministry".
Aunts, Uncles: Uncle Alphard, who left Sirius money and Aunt Elladora who started the tradition of beheading house-elves when they were too old to carry tea trays.
Cousins: Narcissa (Black) Malfoy, Andromeda (Black) Tonks, Bellatrix (Black) Lestrange. Andromeda’s daughter is Nymphadora Tonks, and Narcissa’s son is Draco Malfoy. Arthur Weasley is a second cousin once removed. Distantly related to Molly Weasley.
Family motto: Toujours pur ("always pure"). Family crest is mentioned but not described.
Siblings: Sirius Black.
Location of childhood home: 12 Grimmauld Place, London.

-pise na engleskom,ali mislim da ce te razumjet!!!

- 14:27 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 10.01.2006.


Gledate simpsone???Danas su posebno smijesni radi se o harry potteru!!!

- 16:13 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Nemam bas ideje za naslov.Sada sam bila na jednom blogu i tip je pisao o harry potteru.govori o horkruksu i tajanstvenom R.A.B.- nadam se da ti ne smeta sto cu i ja pisat o ovoj temi.
R.A.B.-tko bi to mogao bit...ja sam sumljala na Regulusa Blacka ali nisam uopce sigurna ima li on srednje ime.Jedna cura Josie( koja usput ima odlican blog sarlene the slytherin girl odite ako vam se da) rekla mi je da pogledm na hp lexikonu pa ako saznam nesto to cu sigurno objavit...

- 13:33 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 09.01.2006.


Bas nemam ideje sta da pisem...Stalno sam na svom drugom blogu i nesto uredujem.javit cu se kada se sjetim neceg zanimljivog ili bilo ceg uopce...

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- 13:47 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #


Samo da kazem ako me ne nadete na ovom blogu naci cete me na mom drugom blogu hogwarts life sto ne znaci da sam ovog napustila... :-) :-) :-) :-)

- 00:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 07.01.2006.

Evo nekoliko gluposti proizasle iz moje maste...


-Ljeto.Vrijeme zabava i slobode, barem od škole (tako su mislile Wendy i Sandra).Svake su god.dvije prijateljice s roditeljima odlazile na ljetovanje.Ova god.im je bila jako posebna jer su prvi put same odlučile ići na jedan ne baš jako naseljeni otok usred Karipskog mora.Željno su iščekivale dan polaska na otok Tanami.
-Obitelji su ih ispratile do aerodroma i poželjele im sretan put.Stigavši na otok,ugledale su dvije kućice na obali.Dočekao ih je obiteljski prijatelj koji je često posjećivao otok zbog ribolova.Starac im je rekao da će većim djelom ljetovanja biti same jer on ide i na druge otoke u ribolov,pa ne zna koliko će se zadržati.Djevojkama to nije smetalo jer jedino što su htjele je odmor i vječno izležavanje pod suncem.Nakon što su se smjestile u jednu od dvije kućice,otišle su u obilazak otoka.Otok je bio prekrasan.Svuda duge pješčane plaže i puno veličanstvenih spilja.Šetajući jednom plažom ugledale su jahtu,kako se lagano valja po azurno-plavome moru.Uskoro su iz jahte izašla dva zgodna dečka.Stigli su s gumenjakom na plažu i upoznali se s curama.»Ja sam Jonathan,a ovo je Lukas »predstavili su se.» Otkud vi ovdje?Koliko ja znam ovdje ne dolaze često ljudi »rekla je Wendy.»Pa zapravo nismo ni mislili zaustavljati se ovdje,ali pokvario nam se motor na jahti »odgovorio joj je Lukas.Sandra će na to:»Pa sad kad ste već ovdje ajmo se prošetati otokom.Spilje su zaista prekrasne.Znate li možda legendu o ovome otoku?» »Ja znam!» odgovorio joj je Jonathan.»Tata mi je pričao kad sam bio mali.Legenda kaže da na otoku postoji dijamantna školjka koja će ti ispuniti sve želje ako uspiješ doći do nje,jer ju čuva velika i opasna hobotnica.»Cure su se zapalile za tu priču te su počele nagovarati dečke da krenu u potragu za školjkom.Nakon tri dana traženja konačno su pronašli spilju koja odgovara opisu iz legende.Iako je bila skrivena među ogromnim stijenama,privukao ih je čudesan i zastrašujući huk valova koji su se razbijali o stijene.Znali su da su na pravome mjestu,još je jedino trebalo skupiti hrabrosti i ući u spilju.Izmjenili su šutke poglede i krenuli.U trenutku su se našli u potpunom mraku,a huk valova bio je sve jači i jači.Odjednom se ispred njih pojavila divovska hobotnica koja je nemilosrdno ispružila svoje ogromne krakove prema njima.Spiljom je odjeknuo stravičan krik.Shvatili su da je to Wendy.Hobotnica ju je zgrabila za gležanj i počela uvlačiti u more.Lukas se odmah snašao,izvukao nož i zaronio u vodu za Wendy i hobotnicom.Nakon duže borbe s hobotnicom uspio joj je odrezati krak i izvukao je Wendy koja je već bila u polusvjesnome stanju.Radosni što su spasili Wendy i izvukli žive glave,brzo su krenuli prema izlazu iz spilje,a da dijamantnu školjku nitko više nije spomenuo.
-Legendu o otoku naravno nisu otkrili,ali svoju životnu priču još i danas pričaju svojim unucima.U tih tjedan dana razvile su se dvije ljubavi koje još i danas traju.
Lukas i Wendy žive na otoku jer kao da ih je ta čudesna hobotnica vezala za njega,a Sandra i Jonathan ih posjećuju svakog ljeta i iz godine u godinu se prisjećaju tog davnog ljeta i čudesnog događaja koji ih je vezao zauvijek.

- 21:38 - Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #


Ja obozavam carobnice.Gledala sam ih svaku subotu dok ih nova nije maknula s programa.Bas glupo u rasporedu su a ne prikazuju ih...Znate li da je razlog Shanninog (Prue) odlaska iz serije ne slaganje s Alysom Milano (Pheobe), onda su morali naci novu carobnicu Rose MCgowan (Paige) da im serija ne bi propala.Evo nekoliko slika...

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- 19:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 06.01.2006.

Mozete li belivati ovo???

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Bas me briga ako se ne slazete ali meni je Tom Felton full zgodan!!!

- 00:11 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 05.01.2006.

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- 15:16 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 02.01.2006.

-Neka carolije za ljubitelje herryja-

Spells, Charms, Hexes and Curses

Below is a list of all the spells, charms, hexes and curses i've managed to find in the first four harry potter books, i'll add the spells from book five soon.

You can look through them all or just go directly to the one your after using the drop down menu.

a summoning charm

charm used by Hermoine to unlock doors

spell to make invisible ink appear

the killing curse, unblockable; one of the unforgivable curses. Harry was the only one to survive it.

one of the unforgivable curses; makes victim suffer intense pain, can be ended when the wand is withdrawn

spell Mr. Diggory used to get rid of the dark mark

spell to give buckteeth to the victim

spell Harry used to split open Cedric's bag

spell which opened a secret passage inside a statue

charm used to bring someone back into consciousness

spell used by Moody to make a spider larger

spell to guard you from the dementors by conjuring a patronus.

disarming show.

spell to cause a rash of boils to appear on the face of the victim

spell to create a sling

charm used by Snape to end commotion by students.

spell to stop an enemy in his tracks

one of the unforgivable curses. Forces victim to do whatever the source wants

magic spell Hermione put on Harry's glasses so they would repeal water during a quidditch match.

spell for the leg-locker curse.

charm to light the end of a wand (acts as a flashlight).

the magical way of moving objects.

spell used to cast the "Dark Mark"

spell that makes a person float as if they are being held up by invisible strings.

charm used to turn out the light on your wand after you say "lumos".

memory charm used by Lockhart which backfires.

spell to create a patronus; one performs the spell while thinking happy thoughts.

spell used by Lockhart to get rid of destructive Cornish pixies (it doesn't work).

spell for the full body-bind, causing the subject to lie motionless (petrified).

a discovery of Hermione's that makes the wand point due north

spell that causes a wand to perform its previous act of magic

spell used by Moody to reduce the spider to normal size

curse to blast an object out of your way

tickling charm.

charm to make a boggart take on characterstics of a person or object the sayer is thinking of.

charm used to summon snakes.

charm used to immobilize someone

dancing spell.

spell used by Lupin to send gum up Peeve's nose.

a spell that levitates objects / make things fly.

- 20:08 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

Evo ja sam poludila...a sada poludite i vi...kvizevi!!!

Take the quiz:

What teen celebrity are you?

Ashlee Simpson

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You are a fun filled teen that can get along with just bout anyone!


Take the quiz:

What Harry Potter Character Are You?


Hermione Granger

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You are hermione Granger extremly smart , and love to read ,and study , and the top person in your class

Take the quiz:

What Harry Potter hottie would fall for you??


Draco Malfoy

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You're a Playfull person....But a lil bit bad....not too bad tho. you'd be really good with draco! he's also a bad boy, so on you're first date, yall can go around teasing people! lol good luck not getting caought by professor snape! :-P

Take the quiz:

Which sexy man will you marry?


Orlando Bloom

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Your going to marry Orlando....he's a real sweetheart but he isn't a wimp! He loves taking risks!

Take the quiz:

What CHARMED character are you?



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You are the Brave and Beautiful Prue, who protects her little sisters, right up untill... (sob sob)

Take the quiz:

Which Greek god/goddess are you?



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You are Aphrodite! Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty.

Take the quiz:

Which beautiful Sorceress are you?


Dark Sorceress

You depict the Dark Sorceress! The evil beauty of the bunch, you use your magic for manipulating minds and preying upon feeble beings. The night is your sanctuary and the moon is your guide.

Take the quiz:

What kind of Fairy are you?

Air Fairy

You are an Air Fairy! You are peaceful and Calm. You are the most beautiful of all of the Fairies. You are popular and have good friends. You may not always be the most kind but your good intentions make up for it.

Take the quiz:
What Lord of the Rings character are you?


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You are Legolas. You are the quiet one. With ears like a hwak and eyes like and eagle, you are an important member of the fellowship. Your strength and loyalty make you a good friend to all you meet.

[b]Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

- 00:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Ne da mi se smisljat naslov pa vam samo svima zelim sretnu Novu...sa zakasnjenjem.

- 00:08 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

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