
nedjelja, 21.01.2007.

GUNDAM SEED¨¨ Mobile Suit

Epizoda: 50
Žanr: ratni, sf, akcijski, ljubavni
Upozorenje: nasilje>>>ubojstva
Komentar: Crtić zbog kojeg mi puls ubrzava i koji me drži budnom do jutra. Uistinu jedan od meni osobno najboljih anime-a dosad napravljenih. Preporučam svakome!

Kratak pregled anime-a:
Rat između Zemlje i koordinatora, dviju strana koje se ne podnose i vode vječni rat. Koordinatori su genetski "poboljšani" ljudi, izrazito psihički, a i fizički izdržljivi. Priča počinje u veljači, godinu nakon što su buntovnici iz ZAFT-a započeli rat napadom na Zemlju. Također imamo i "neutralce", ljude koji su na ničijoj strani i žive na Heliopolisu. U Heliopolisu živi i naš glavni junak - Kira Yamato - koordinator koji će se, nakon borbe u "Mobile Suit-u" uključiti u rat no na strani Zemlje. U početku ne prihvaća rat, drži se neutralaca, ali na kraju shvati da će, ako želi zaštititi ljude koje voli, se morati boriti na jednoj strani (Zemlja) i tako postaje jedan od najcjenjenijih vojnika Zemlje. No, u borbi protiv koordinatora, Kira shvati da se bori protiv svog najboljeg prijatelja iz djetinjstva i to je razlog zbog kojeg je često utučen i često oklijeva. S obzirom da je priča previše zamršena i ima MNOGO promjena i radnji, preporučam da odete na službenu stranicu i tamo se detaljno informirate.

Službena stranica: Gundam Seed - Mobile Suit

Nadam se da ćete uživati jer je crtić doslovno predobar! thumbup

- 23:20 - ^^ (23) -

četvrtak, 11.01.2007.

Angel Sanctuary

Epizoda: 3 (nedovršeno)
Žanr: fantazija, ljubavni, akcija
Upozorenje: nasilje, incest, religioznost
Komentar: Napravljeno prema Kaori Yukijevoj popularnoj mangi, ovo je svakako jedan od najkontroverznijih anime-a dosad prodanih. Nažalost, nije dovršen.

Kratak pregled anime-a:
Alexiel je bio jedan od najdražih Božjih anđela, no kada je započeo rat protiv Boga, naravno - izgubio je. Ponovno rođen kao čovjek, Setsuna se bori sa strašnim vizijama i nadprirodnim moćima. Zaljubljen je u svoju sestru, kao i ona u njega. Premda je ona još mlada i svi su uvjereni da je to samo tinejdžerska zaluđenost, ona je uvjerena da je to vječna ljubav.
Anđeli i demoni se pojavljuju u njihovom svijetu, boreći se da Setsuna prijeđe na jednu stranu i bori se na toj strani. Sada je pitanje hoće li Setsuna odvesti ovaj svijet u samo središte apokalipse ili će ih spasiti...


Setsuna Mudo
Sara Mudo


Službena stranica: Angel Sanctuary

- 15:07 - ^^ (12) -

srijeda, 10.01.2007.

Malo tuda, malo onuda i gdje završimo? Nigdje.

U ovih 15 godina života nisam se naučila odrasti pa eto; ovdje ću pisati o anime-ima... ^^
Stoga se nadam da ce biti onih koji ce samnom podijeliti moje djetinjaste ispade.. lol
Sayonara... ^.~

- 00:07 - ^^ (10) -
  siječanj, 2007  
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Siječanj 2007 (3)


Gdje smo...


Mudrosti? ^^

  • About Hatred and Anger

    "It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."
    -- Andre Gide

    "Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hate is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves."
    -- Mitch Albom
    " Hatred can run deep, but to turn it into fuel for the fire is no longer hatred.
    It's insanity.."
    -- Tracy W. Chan

    " Today is filled with anger, fueled with hidden hate. Scared of being outkast, scared of common fate. Today is built on tragedies which no one wants to face. Nightmares to humanity, and morally disgraced. Tonight is filled with rage, violence in the air. Children bred with ruthlessness 'cause no one at home cares. Tonight I lay my head down, but the pressure never stops, Knowing that my sanity's content when I'm dropped. But tomorrow I see change, a chance to build a new, Built on spirit intent of heart, and ideas based on truth. Tomorrow I wake with second wind, and strong beacuse of pride. I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream alive."
    -- Tupac Shakur

    " Murder is born of love, and love attains the greatest intensity in murder."
    -- Octave Mirbeau

    " Revenge is a dish best served cold."
    -- Barbara J. Stock

    " Hate is a four letter word... love is a four letter lie."
    -- Anonymous

    On Depression

    " I can't stand someone who can outdepress me."
    -- Shirley Manson

    "I can't hear. I can't speak. I can't see. My world is all black and quiet. I love it here. I would never give up anything to leave this world- Its somewhere I can truly be alone- away from people who friggin try to help me- why can't they understand?"
    -- Summer

    "I live in the darkness, and see the light; I hide in the shadows, and walk the nights."

    " I'm tired from being what u want me to be."
    -- The Demon

    On Death

    " Forget every word I've spoken, Never remember my face and existence,
    Relish my last breath as a farewell, Only relive my one repentance. "
    -- Philene Chen

    " Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives."
    -- A. Sachs

    " What is life without death? Death dictates life. Essentially life is death without death."
    -- Ryogo

    " Peace is just a shadow of Death, desperate to forget it's painful past..."
    -- Anonymous

    " If I smoked, then my heart is black. If I smoked more, my soul is black. If I smoked the last strike, I am dead. Do you feel this way? "
    -- Anonymous

    " Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you, because I wouldn't believe you if you said the same to me. Near death, last breath, and barely hanging on. Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you? "
    -- Anonymous

    " Death is but an insatiable hunger for life."
    -- Rose Gilbert

    " We are ever striving after what is forbidden, and coveting what is denied us."
    -- Ovid

    On Life and Wisdom

    " The only reason to fight is to protect something precious to you, but
    even then it can be as meaningless."
    -- AngelZero

    " Abstract is an abstraction itself."
    -- Khahn. N

    " What makes resisting temptation difficult for many people is they don't want
    to discourage it completely."
    -- Franklin P. Jones

    "There are no glass slippers, only poisoned apples."
    -- Unknown

    "None of us are virgins, life has screwed us all."
    -- Unknown

    "Chase your dreams cause your dreams won't chase you."
    -- Joey Zehr

    "Life is a soul that is expressed in different moods. Feelings are in deep veins. Life has never found its way out"
    -- Anonymous

    "If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner."
    -- Tallulah Bankhead

    "Life is something that everyone should try at least once."
    -- Henry J. Tillman

    "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first."
    -- Mark Twain

    " An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
    -- Mahatma Gandhi

    ... i bit će ih još...