Black Veil Brides su za nas pripemili jos jedno VELIKOOOOOOOO iznenandenje.
O moj boze. Snimaju FILM!!!!!!!!!
Pjesma "In The End" je nekako dospjela van jedan dan prije. Pjesma je pre epic. Vidi se da su malo promijenili stil, ali su oni svjedeno i dalje jedni i jedini Black Veil Brides.
In the end, as you fade into the night.
Who will tell the story of your life?
In the end,
As my soul's laid to rest,
What is left of my body?
Or am I just a shell?
I have fought,
And with flesh and blood
I commanded an army.
Through it all,
I have given my heart
For a moment of glory.
In the end,
As you fade into the night.
Who will tell the story of your life?
And who will remember your last goodbye?
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid to die.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid to die.
Born a saint
Though with every sin,
I still wanna be holy.
I will live again.
Who we are
Isn't how we live,
We are more then our bodies.
If I fall,
I will raise back up
And relive my glory.
In the end,
As you fade into the night.
Who will tell the story of your life?
And who will remember your last goodbye?
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid to die.
In the end,
As you fade into the night.
Who will tell the story of your life?
And who will remember your last goodbye?
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid to die.
Who will remember this last goodbye?
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid to die.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid to die.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid to die.
Black Veil Brides svoj treći album Wretched And Divine: The Sory Of The Wild Ones najavljuju za 08.01.2013. Pre-narudžbe kreću preko iTunes-a 31.10.2012. i fanovi koji album pre-naruče će moći odmah skinuti pjesmu In The End.
Popis pjesama:
1. Exordium (Uvod)
2. I Am Bulletproof (Ja Sam Neprobojan)
3. New Year’s Day (Nova Godina)
4. F.E.A.R. Transmission 1: Stay Close (F.E.A.R. Prijenos 1: Ostani Blizu)
5. Wretched And Divine (Bijedan I Božanski)
6. We Don’t Belong (Mi Ne Priradamo)
7. F.E.A.R. Transmission 2: Trust (F.E.A.R. Prijenost 2: Povjerenje)
8. Devil’s Choir (Vražji Zbor)
9. Resurrect The Sun (Uskrsnuti Sunce)
10. Overture (Otvaranje)
11. Shadows Die (Sjene Umiru)
12. Abeyance (Privremena Neaktivnost)
13. Days Are Numbered (Dani Su Odbrojeni)
14. Done For You (Učinio Za Tebe)
15. Nobody’s Hero (Ničiji Heroj)
16. Lost It All (Izgubio Sve)
17. F.E.A.R. Transmission 3: As War Fades (F.E.A.R. Prijenos 3: Kako Rat Slabi)
18. In The End (Na Kraju)
19. F.E.A.R. Final Transmission (F.E.A.R. Posljednji prijenos)
Tata Biersack je rekao da vise nece raditi vlogove nego ce mozda napraviti neki kratki video jednom mjesecno. Me sad. Ali ga svejedno volim.
Prije sat vremena je Andy stavio jedu poveznicu na svoj twitter. Na poveznici je njihova nova pjesma "In the End" (barem dio nje), ali se dosta slabo cuje jer neki covjek prica preko nje. Koliko sam uspjela cut, pjesma je vise nego fenomenalna. *o*
Black Veil Brides su prije 20-ak minuta objavili naziv i sliku svog novog albuma. Andy nas je jedno sat i pol ranije vec poceo zajebavat i onda smo morali pogadat slova koja bi mogla biti u imenu... ._. izludio nas je. Uglavnom, evo albuma koji ce se naci na iTunesu vec 31.10.
Knives and Pens
Perfect Weapon
Fallen Angels
The Legacy
Rebel Love Song
In The End
Knives and Pens acoustic
Perfect Weapon