29.11.2011., utorak



Cbgb T Shirt

cbgb t shirt

    t shirt
  • jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • CBGB (Country, Blue Grass, and Blues) was a music club at 315 Bowery at Bleecker Street in the borough of Manhattan in New York City.

121/365 | Wednesday August 29 2007

121/365 | Wednesday August 29 2007

CBGB founder Hilly Kristal dies
By CRISTIAN SALAZAR, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK - Hilly Kristal, whose dank Bowery rock club CBGB served as the birthplace of the punk rock movement and a launching pad for bands like the Ramones, Blondie and the Talking Heads, has died. He was 75.

Kristal, who lost a bitter fight last year to stop the club's eviction from its home of 33 years, died Tuesday at Cabrini Hospital after a battle with lung cancer, his son Mark Dana Kristal said Wednesday.

Last October, as the club headed toward its final show with Patti Smith, Kristal was using a cane to get around and showing the effects of his cancer treatment. He was hoping to open a Las Vegas incarnation of the infamous venue that opened in 1973.

"He created a club that started on a small, out-of-the-way skid row, and saw it go around the world," said Lenny Kaye, a longtime member of the Patti Smith Group. "Everywhere you travel around the world, you saw somebody wearing a CBGB T-shirt."

While the club's glory days were long past when it shut down, its name transcended the venue and become synonymous with the three-chord thrash of punk and its influence on generations of musicians worldwide.

The club also became a brand name for a line of clothing and accessories, even guitar straps; its store, CBGB Fashions, was moved a few blocks away from the original club, but remained open.

"I'm thinking about tomorrow and the next day and the next day, and going on to do more with CBGB's," Kristal told The Associated Press last October.

Kristal started the club in 1973 with the hope of making it a mecca of country, bluegrass and blues — called CBGB & OMFUG, for "Other Music For Uplifting Gourmandisers" — but found few bands to book. It instead became the epicenter of the mid-1970s punk movement.

"There was never gourmet food, and there was never country bluegrass," his son said Wednesday.

Besides the Ramones and the Talking Heads, many of the other sonically defiant bands that found frenzied crowds at CBGB during those years became legendary — including Smith, Blondie and Television.

Smith said at the venue's last show that Kristal "was our champion and in those days, there were very few."

Throughout the years, CBGB had rented its space from the building's owner, the Bowery Residents' Committee, an agency that houses homeless people.

In the early 2000s, a feud broke out when the committee went to court to collect more than $300,000 in back rent from the club, then later successfully sought to evict it. By the time it closed, CBGB had become part museum and part barroom.

At the club's boarded-up storefront Wednesday morning, fans left a dozen candles, two bunches of flowers and a foam rubber baseball bat — an apparent tribute to the Ramones' classic "Beat on the Brat." A spray-painted message read: "RIP Hilly, we'll miss you, thank you."

Other survivors include his wife, Karen, and daughter, Lisa

1932 - 2007, O.M.F.U.G

1932 - 2007,  O.M.F.U.G

Hilly Kristal (1932 - 2007)
Owner of CBGB's and inadvertent Punk godfather.
If 'Punk' wasn't a British invention, it came from New York and it was born at CBGB's.
I visited the place ten years ago and Hilly was on the door, still taking the money, and refusing a guest list. He had a massive dog that roamed the place and used the dancefoolr as a toilet. It's true, I witnessed it! The place was a living museum, the dressing rooms just as you see them in old shots of Ramones,Blondie etc.
Sadly,Hilly and CB's are both gone now. As long as those franchise t shirts exist, the names will live on, and people will always ask...
'What does C.B.G.B.O.M.F.U.G mean?'

cbgb t shirt

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- 14:43 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


I Heart Haters T Shirt. Dolce And Gabbana Mens T Shirts.

I Heart Haters T Shirt

i heart haters t shirt

    i heart
  • Beautiful Eyes is the second extended play released by American country recording artist Taylor Swift. The EP was released on July 15, 2008 by Big Machine Records exclusively to Wal-Mart stores in the United States and online.

  • Based off the pictorial representation of “I love,” this is a gushing expression of affection. “Omigod, I heart F&M!”

  • i ¦ huckabees (known usually as I Heart Huckabees but also as I Love Huckabees ) is a 2004 philosophical comedy film from Fox Searchlight. It was produced and directed by David O. Russell, who co-wrote the screenplay with Jeff Baena.

  • (hater) a person who hates

  • Haters is a 2006 young adult novel by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, who was named one of the 25 most influential Hispanics in the US by Time magazine in 2005. It is Valdes-Rodriguez's first young adult novel. Orange County Register.

  • Hilary Duff is the self-titled third studio album by American pop singer Hilary Duff, released by Hollywood Records in the United States on September 28, 2004. In the week leading up to the album's release, MTV.

3/100: Stranger's Project

3/100: Stranger's Project


"I used to be gay, but JESUS set me FREE!"

That is what his shirt. He came up behind me at the air show on Saturday and stood quietly. I probably would not have ever noticed him if another man and his son had not come and asked him about his shirt. I couldn't help but ease drop. I hope he doesn't mind.

The man came up and said, "Hey, buddy what's with the shirt?" Garry began to get defensive, but after about 35 seconds realized the guy was genuinely curious and was not trying to pick a fight. He explained that until Summer of 2004 he was a homosexual. And one day he was driving home and saw a sign on the side of the road, in front of some church. It made him stop and go inside. He listened to the word of God and was born again.

Later in the Summer he "divorced his family" and moved down to Jacksonville. He had a wife, two sons and now grandchildren. He hasn't seen any of them since 2004 and one of his sons just graduated from Ohio State University. Garry found his son on Facebook and left him a message congratulating him, but he hasn't responded yet.

The man asked if Garry ever got flack for his shirt and he said 'no'. He said that they were the first ones to even acknowledge him. He said he had had a sign made that was one his car that said the same thing, but he said that his car hasn't been vandalized and he has never been beaten up.

The man and his son told Garry about the church that they were apart of and said that his "story was very inspiring". Garry said he would think about it, but asked for the address.

As I sat in church on Sunday, I wondered if Garry showed up.

Also, if you were wondering what Romans 1:18-32 said it is this:
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

** I thought I should just say that everything I have typed was either from the conversation between Garry and the man or I paraphrased. I have posted this simply to tell a story. Nothing else.

This Says It All

This Says It All

I love the diversity of a con. From left to right we have:

1. Junior high girl who's really in to anime and mange ( She's wearing a "One Piece" t shirt).

2. high school girl in tricked out costume.

3. Some person dressed as a fox with an "I (heart) Haters" t shirt

4. A Doctor Who fan

all dancing in sync with the game.

i heart haters t shirt

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- 14:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Flying Monkey T Shirts

flying monkey t shirts

    flying monkey
  • The theme of sorts of the album was the circus. For this poster I took the idea of those freak shows that you could see at old time carnivals and circuses. It is a winged monkey flying on the trapeze.

  • Winged monkeys (often referred to in adaptations and popular culture as flying monkeys) are characters from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, of enough impact between the books and the 1939 movie to have taken their own place in popular culture, regularly referenced in comedic or ironic situations as

    t shirts
  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

365.024 - Wicked Witch

365.024 - Wicked Witch

Perhaps my favorite t-shirt. I love strangers' reactions... they don't know whether to laugh or get out of my way. heh.



The cut & paste me! This is what I'd want to look like if i were made into a toy.

Made interestingness #293

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- 14:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Equaliser T Shirt. T Shirt For Printing.

Equaliser T Shirt

equaliser t shirt

  • equalizer: electronic equipment that reduces frequency distortion

  • (equalise) equalize: compensate; make the score equal

  • counterweight: a weight that balances another weight

    t shirt
  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

equaliser t shirt - The Equaliser

The Equaliser

The Equaliser


The above statement is not so clear cut as it would at first appear. It is probably the most powerful inducement, which encourages people to allow a Direct Salesman into their home. So what exactly does it mean? Well, it all depends on who you are.

Mr. or Mrs. Prospect will innocently take it at face value and presume the salesman is going to give information on his product and a price in order for a comparison to be made with similar products. The Direct Salesman, however, has other ideas and his own agenda.

You might be under no obligation to buy, however, you are under an obligation to listen to what the Direct Salesman has to say once he is in your home and believe me he has a lot to say.

Before the Direct Salesman has even met you he knows more about you and your family than you could imagine. He continues to gather information on you during a seemingly pleasant unrelated chat until he has made the decision to sell to you. Then you, the poor unsuspecting public will now be subjected to some of the most clever and devious wiles of the hardest style of selling you have ever encountered.


The above statement is not so clear cut as it would at first appear. It is probably the most powerful inducement, which encourages people to allow a Direct Salesman into their home. So what exactly does it mean? Well, it all depends on who you are.

Mr. or Mrs. Prospect will innocently take it at face value and presume the salesman is going to give information on his product and a price in order for a comparison to be made with similar products. The Direct Salesman, however, has other ideas and his own agenda.

You might be under no obligation to buy, however, you are under an obligation to listen to what the Direct Salesman has to say once he is in your home and believe me he has a lot to say.

Before the Direct Salesman has even met you he knows more about you and your family than you could imagine. He continues to gather information on you during a seemingly pleasant unrelated chat until he has made the decision to sell to you. Then you, the poor unsuspecting public will now be subjected to some of the most clever and devious wiles of the hardest style of selling you have ever encountered.

81% (13)

1989 Equalizer

1989 Equalizer

The Slaughter Marauders vehicles took the base of an existing vehicle and added new tooling (exception being the Lynx, which was an amalgamation the Wolverine the mauler). The Equalizer is a wholly impressive vehicle using the base of a Mauler, and a new turret boasting three surface to air missiles and two anti-aircraft cannons.
I absolutely love this thing! As a tank it provides adequate protection for it's crew, it is armored and heavily armed. The camouflage is great. It carries a crew of three, two drivers up front and one manning the turret. The back of the turret opens up and I've managed to stick a few other Joe's back there! Other small details are nice such as the radar dish and antennas.
The Joe's were in need of a self propelled anti-aircraft cannon that can sit hidden beneath a jungle canopy and swat Cobra Jets out of the sky!
I managed to pick this up several years ago online for relatively cheap, and I've never regretted it. If you have the opportunity to snag one, you definitely should.
I may not have cared for the Marauders figures, but the vehicles they released for this subset were pretty awesome!

Playability: 10
Color scheme: 9
Durability: 8 (The guns can easily bend)
Design aesthetics: 9
Role: 8
Overall score: 9

Shake Your Groove Thang

Shake Your Groove Thang

Today's t-shirt is late because I'm a doofus who leaves his USB drive in the pocket of yesterday's pants.

I have to admit, the concept behind the graphic equalizer t-shirt is pretty awesome. But it's also hamstrung by an unwieldy batter pack and the fact that the microphone is not terribly sensitive and nestled in a flap that does a fairly good job of soundproofing it. Hence the earbuds tucked into the shirt.

(And, for anyone who cares, what's triggering it is actually "Countdown with Keith Olbermann." )

A loan from pal Vic.

equaliser t shirt

equaliser t shirt

Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Decals - Statistics Button, Equaliser Button - 24

WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

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- 14:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Buy t shirts by - Daft punk t shirt.

Buy T Shirts By

buy t shirts by

    t shirts
  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • bargain: an advantageous purchase; "she got a bargain at the auction"; "the stock was a real buy at that price"

  • Obtain in exchange for payment

  • Procure the loyalty and support of (someone) by bribery

  • obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store"

  • Pay someone to give up an ownership, interest, or share

  • bribe: make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence; "This judge can be bought"

WUNDER-BAUM® t-shirts by nuff

WUNDER-BAUM® t-shirts by nuff

style: outline
colors: black & WUNDER-BAUM® green

photo: Torben, Torben & Koter
models: Rune Pedersen & Kristian Brandt Hansen

buy these t-shirts at nuffclothing.com

WUNDER-BAUM® t-shirt by nuff

WUNDER-BAUM® t-shirt by nuff

style: outline
color: WUNDER-BAUM® green

photo: Torben, Torben & Koter
model: Kristian Brandt Hansen

buy this t-shirt at nuffclothing.com

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- 14:16 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Charlie And The Chocolate Factory T Shirts

charlie and the chocolate factory t shirts

    chocolate factory
  • Chocolate Factory is the fifth studio album by American R&B and soul musician R. Kelly, released February 18, 2003 on Jive Records.

    t shirts
  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • The following is a list of characters who appear in the video games BioShock, its sequel BioShock 2 and the BioShock 2 multiplayer.

  • A member of the Vietcong or the Vietcong collectively

  • Charle (??????, born Velmurugan Thangasamy Manohar Charle) is a Tamil film actor who has acted in more than 550 movies.

  • Cocaine

  • Charlie was a British rock band that was formed in 1971 by singer/songwriter Terry Thomas. The group was most active as a recording unit from the mid-1970s through 1986.

  • A code word representing the letter C, used in radio communication

chocolate factory

chocolate factory

the chocolate bars coming down the belt of the molding machine reminds of that i love lucy episode... scharffen berger chocolate factory, berkeley, july 08

Chocolate Factory

Chocolate Factory

work Done by Ceaze and Augor on the Site of the old Van Leer Chocolate factory, on Hoboken Rd.

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- 14:14 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Iron Maiden T Shirts For

iron maiden t shirts for

    iron maiden
  • (in historical contexts) An instrument of torture consisting of a coffin-shaped box lined with iron spikes

  • instrument of torture consisting of a hollow iron frame shaped like the human body and lined with spikes to impale the victim

  • Iron Maiden are an English heavy metal band from Leyton in east London, formed in 1975 by bassist Steve Harris. Since their inception, the group have released a collective total of thirty-one albums: fifteen studio albums; seven live albums; four EPs; and five compilations.

  • Iron Maiden (Melina Vostokoff) is a fictional Russian supervillain in the Marvel Comics Universe, most notably an enemy of the Black Widow.

    t shirts
  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

Iron Maiden- look for Eddi!

Iron Maiden- look for Eddi!

Iron Maiden was one of those bands that I was never that interested in, their music a bit to hard, thier lyrics a bit senseless. But a $40 ticket is a $40 ticket, you can't blow your nose for that in Auckland anymore.
I spent 1 1/2 hours hanging around in the que getting soaked outside the wrong gate at Mount Smart- I did manage to get on Channel 3 News though- my mate Lorraine text me with great joy- I was easily spotted as I was the only one not in a black Maiden T-shirt (later rectified).
The warm up acts of Chugernaught (great) and Lauren (not so great, but seemed happy enough) kept the crowd entertained untill 9pm when 'The Maiden' came on :0)
The first thing I noticed were the circle and triangle symbols all over the stage- I can make an assumption, but assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups, so I'll stay Mum. Or should I stay Bill and Dr Bob?
Really enjoyed the show, great pyro, great sound system (a bit muffelled for us at the back) extreamely happy that the cheapo seats had such a great veiw and were the only ones under cover- man I would have been annoyed if I had paid $150 for a ticket at the stage and been soaked to the skin all night!
$40 parking ticket when I got out thanks to Auckland city council who put up a no parking sign AFTER I had parked the van at 4pm. Arseholes :0(
I hope that anyone who gets to the Christchurch gig loves it as much as I did, you shouldn't get wet in your venue :0)

71/365 Music Appreciation

71/365 Music Appreciation

For the Rogue Players: Show Us Your Fancy!

My fashion? Well...music appreciation! :] I have about 20 band t-shirts. I don't like to get rid of them when they shrink too much or wear out because I feel like they're part of me. I'm a packrat when it comes to band t-shirts. I still have some from 7th grade. :] Partly because when I buy them at concerts, I feel like they're keepsakes. And they're way too expensive to get rid of!
I wore my Metallica t-shirt today and thought it would be fitting to sit against my music mural wall for this photo. :]

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- 13:58 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Las vegas bowl t shirt : Celebrity designed t shirts : T shirt ideas for school spirit.

Las Vegas Bowl T Shirt

las vegas bowl t shirt

    las vegas
  • McCarran International Airport is the principal commercial airport serving Las Vegas and Clark County, Nevada, United States. The airport is located five miles (8 km) south of the central business district of Las Vegas, in the unincorporated area of Paradise in Clark County.

  • A city in southern Nevada; pop. 478,434. It is noted for its casinos and nightclubs

  • largest city in Nevada; located in southeastern Nevada; originally settled by Mormons but is now famous for entertainment and gambling and general excess

  • The Las Vegas Amtrak station is located at Railroad Street & Lincoln Avenue in Las Vegas, New Mexico. The station is near the Hotel Castaneda, a former hotel built by Fred Harvey for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad.

    t shirt
  • jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • The contents of such a container

  • A decorative round dish awarded as a prize in a competition

  • A round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid

  • a round vessel that is open at the top; used chiefly for holding food or liquids;

  • roll (a ball)

  • a concave shape with an open top

The Morans and the Cos'

The Morans and the Cos'

This is a scan of my favorite family photo. I don't think we can top this one.

This is from back in 2004 at Bowl Expo in Las Vegas. At the time, my Dad was the outgoing president of the Bowling Proprietors Association of America. There was a banquet dinner in his honor and none other than Bill Cosby was the entertainment. Before he performed, we were pulled aside to take some photos with the man himself. He was ridiculously nice and of course, hilarious.

I love this.



My mom bought me the Friendship bowls which I have been wanting for a long time (paid $10 for both), she also got me the green and blue leaf pices as well. This is my first piece of solid pink Pyrex bought it at a Goodwill for $4!

las vegas bowl t shirt

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- 13:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Jesus Didn T Tap Shirt

jesus didn t tap shirt

    didn t
  • Did not

  • A contraction is the shortening of a word, syllable, or word group by omission of internal letters. In traditional grammar, contraction can denote the formation of a new word from one word or a group of words, for example, by elision.

  • The central figure of the Christian religion. Jesus conducted a mission of preaching and healing (with reported miracles) in Palestine in about ad 28–30, which is described in the Gospels. His followers considered him to be the Christ or Messiah and the Son of God, and belief in his resurrection from the dead is the central tenet of Christianity

  • a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity (circa 4 BC - AD 29)

  • Jesus of Nazareth (c. 5 BC/BCE – c. 30 AD/CE),Sanders (1993).p.11, p 249. also known as Jesus Christ or simply Jesus, is the central figure of Christianity, which views him as the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament.

  • Jesus is 1973 Malayalam language Movie directed by P. A. Thomas. Starring Murali Das, Gemini Ganesan, Jayabharathi, Jayalalitha, Thikkurissy Sukumaran Nair. M.N. Nambiar, Ummar, Jose Prakash, Bahadur, V.N. Ramaswamy, Sasirekha.

You didn't see this

You didn't see this

This photo (supposedly) got me reported to the FBI. The security guys for the refinerly did not appreciate my photgraphing the facility and asked me to delete the picture from my camera. I declined.

This picture was taken from a truck stop about a quarter mile away, just off of the highway. There is nothing in it that is not publicly visible from the road. However, the refinery seems to believe that seeing a photograph of the very same scene is a security breach. So...you didn't see this.

If I didn't care !!

If I didn't care !!

If I didn't care more than words can say
If I didn't care would I feel this way?
If this isn't love then why do I thrill?
And what makes my head go 'round and 'round
While my heart stands still?

If I didn't care would it be the same?
Would my ev'ry prayer begin and end with just your name?
And would I be sure that this is love beyond compare?
Would all this be true if I didn't care for you?

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- 13:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Obama Joke T Shirts

obama joke t shirts

    t shirts
  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • Obama is a surname.

  • Barack (1961–), 44th president of the US, since 2009; full name Barack Hussein Obama. A Democrat, he is the first African American to be elected to the presidency. Nobel Peace Prize (2009)

  • Barack Hussein Obama II (; born August 4, 1961) is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office.

  • A surname from the African language Luo

  • Poke fun at

  • Make jokes; talk humorously or flippantly

  • a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter; "he told a very funny joke"; "he knows a million gags"; "thanks for the laugh"; "he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest"; "even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point"

  • tell a joke; speak humorously; "He often jokes even when he appears serious"

  • jest: activity characterized by good humor



noreen comes to visit me during my radio show, she sits on the orange couch silently and does her homework, i play brian eno and calvin johnson, she bobs her head
it is warm in there, an intense room with no windows and three thousands cds or so, it's hot and we are in t-shirts
my t-shirt says, barack obama for president
her t-shirt says, CLEVELAND: low life, it is a joke on miller high life

she comes over to me and touches my head, says, i want to say something but i don't want to freak you out
and i say come on, you know me
and she says, the way we are together right now is as comforting, is as comfortable and relaxed and full as it would be if we were partners or lovers, but we both know that is not what the situation is, or what either of us want.
"i feel like jimmy, indoors at night, listening to good music, with a fresh pair of sambas on."
if you get accepted to study abroad in ecuador in the spring, we will not see each other for nearly one year. i express worry that our friendship will dissipate
and you say
come on, you know us, we'll fall back in it.
i know you're right
even if we don't speak for a long time as soon as i'm with you
i'm myself again immediately

When Lilacs Last in the Bathroom Bloom'd

When Lilacs Last in the Bathroom Bloom'd

Working, signing my new lease, and goin' to see Eddie Izzard tonight with a co-worker! Yay!

She was a linguistics major and can translate the joke if he tells jokes in French.

Lilac Swing Coat in sweatshirt-y material: Art And Soul, from the TJ Maxx on State Street. Clearance rack, $15 W00T!

Black T-Shirt: Free swag from a wine distributor, from xbf's job

Blue Jeans: NYDJ Jeans, Nordstrom Rack

Black Socks: Seriously, does anyone remember where they get black socks???

Stunt Crocs: Beauty supply on 53rd

Obama '08 Button: Nice Guy on the Metra train a few months back. He'd just come back from the Iowa campaign and had plenty of extras at home

Hair Clips: Goody, Scunci. OKAC kept nagging me. LOOK! HAIRCLIPS! SEE SEE??? Sheesh.

Flaming Chalice Necklace, Lucien Picaard Watch.

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- 13:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Obama Speech T Shirt : Food Mens T Shirts : Sport T Shirt Design

Obama Speech T Shirt

obama speech t shirt

    t shirt
  • jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • The expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds

  • The language of a nation, region, or group

  • (language) communication by word of mouth; "his speech was garbled"; "he uttered harsh language"; "he recorded the spoken language of the streets"

  • A person's style of speaking

  • address: the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience; "he listened to an address on minor Roman poets"

  • something spoken; "he could hear them uttering merry speeches"

  • Barack (1961–), 44th president of the US, since 2009; full name Barack Hussein Obama. A Democrat, he is the first African American to be elected to the presidency. Nobel Peace Prize (2009)

  • A surname from the African language Luo

  • Barack Hussein Obama II (; born August 4, 1961) is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office.

  • Obama is a surname.



My BIL's nephew, Pete, lives in Germany. I've been begging him to find me an Obama tee from the day Barack gave the speech in Berlin. This is what I got in the mail yesterday. (Shirt to follow, Pete?)

I asked a friend who speaks German what this cartoon is saying. He said
" This a sentence you usually use in a prayer... "Lord, have mercy upon us". In German you say it "Herr, erbarme Dich unser". The word "Erbarme" (have mercy) sounds like "Obama" so they replaced it.
Basically this means, "Lord, give us Obama" or Lord, have Obama on us". He is standing on the "Siegessaeule" (column of victory) in Berlin. It points at the hysteria Obama caused when he went to
Germany ealrier this year. For me it means 2 points: 1) It describes that the Lord should finally send a "Redeemer" (after long years of crap) and 2) it makes fun of the people who see Obama as the redeemer,
b/c after all he is just a human being and a polititian. He still has to prove he is (at that time he wasn't elected) worth electing... which we will see in the next 4 years... I think this is a great cartoon!!!!
It couldn't be anymore closer reality!!"

Obama Fever

Obama Fever

I thought I read somewhere in all the coverage that reproducing the Presidential Seal without authorization was against the law. Maybe that was only in for profit situations. And anyway, can't see the feds cracking down on it here. I think there are more pressing matters facing the country.

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- 13:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



She Wears Short Shirts I Wear T Shirts

she wears short shirts i wear t shirts

    t shirts
  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • Exhibit or present (a particular facial expression or appearance)

  • Have on one's body or a part of one's body as clothing, decoration, protection, or for some other purpose

  • Habitually have on one's body or be dressed in

  • (wear) clothing: a covering designed to be worn on a person's body

  • (wear) be dressed in; "She was wearing yellow that day"

  • (wear) impairment resulting from long use; "the tires showed uneven wear"

  • Habitually have on one's body or be dressed in

  • be dressed in; "She was wearing yellow that day"

  • impairment resulting from long use; "the tires showed uneven wear"

  • clothing: a covering designed to be worn on a person's body

  • Have on one's body or a part of one's body as clothing, decoration, protection, or for some other purpose

  • Exhibit or present (a particular facial expression or appearance)

Don't cll me cute!

Don't cll me cute!

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do

I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isnt this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say you find I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understand you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that
You belong with me
You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me

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- 13:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Pink floyd concert t shirts : Obama t shirts bulk : T shirts in xxxl

Pink Floyd Concert T Shirts

pink floyd concert t shirts

    pink floyd
  • Pink Floyd were an English rock band who earned international recognition for their psychedelic rock music in the late 1960s, and for their progressive rock music from the 1970s onward.

  • The discography of English rock band Pink Floyd consists of 14 studio albums (one of which is a mixture of live and studio), three live albums (not re-counting the mixed album), six compilations, three box sets, one EP, 26 singles, 10 music videos, and four video albums.

  • Floyd Pinkerton, more commonly known as Pink Floyd, is the fictional central character of Pink Floyd's album/rock opera The Wall and the accompanying film Pink Floyd The Wall (1982), in which he is portrayed by Bob Geldof . He is also mentioned in The Final Cut.

    t shirts
  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

321 365 The all-american roadie.

321 365 The all-american roadie.

Gladys Knight will be performing at church this weekend and they asked for volunteers to help unload the trucks with the sound equipment and set up chairs. So I put on my American flag bandana and boot-leg Pink-Floyd concert t-shirt after leaving my engineering job to be a roadie for an evening. I do have to admit it was pretty cool.

Sex Pistols live at Traffic

Sex Pistols live at Traffic

« He came in with green hair. I thought he had a really interesting face. I liked his look. He had his 'I Hate Pink Floyd' T-shirt on. John had something special, but when he spoke he was a real asshole. »

(Steve Jones)

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- 13:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


T shirts cars. Funny gay t shirt. Special 1 tv t shirts.

T Shirts Cars

t shirts cars

    t shirts
  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • A railroad car of a specified kind

  • (car) a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine; "he needs a car to get to work"

  • A road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people

  • (car) the compartment that is suspended from an airship and that carries personnel and the cargo and the power plant

  • A vehicle that runs on rails, esp. a railroad car

  • (car) a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; "three cars had jumped the rails"

Rockford Fosgate T-Shirt

Rockford Fosgate T-Shirt

Rockford Fosgate made awesome car audio amps back in the day

Back in the day RF made some pretty good car audio equipment- mainly amplifiers and speakers. I think I got this shirt when I bought a Punch 150 amp.

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T-Shirt show

@ Kapal? Cars?

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- 13:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


T Shirt Teen Wolf - I Love New Jersey T Shirts - Anvil T Shirt Colors.

T Shirt Teen Wolf

t shirt teen wolf

    teen wolf
  • Teen Wolf is a 1985 American fantasy comedy film released by Atlantic Releasing Corporation starring Michael J. Fox as Scott Howard, a high school student who discovers that his family has an unusual pedigree when he finds himself transforming into a werewolf.

  • at the Internet Movie Database

  • Teen Wolf, known as The Cartoon Adventures of Teen Wolf in the UK release, is an animated American television series broadcast from 1986 to 1987 that was produced by Southern Star Productions in association with Clubhouse Pictures. It was based on the 1985 live-action film, Teen Wolf.

    t shirt
  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

t shirt teen wolf - Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf & Teen Wolf Too

Teen Wolf & Teen Wolf Too


Teen Wolf is a flip-flop of the horrorific I Was a Teenage Werewolf story: this time, lycanthropy makes the afflicted high-schooler a big man on campus. An otherwise routine teen comedy, this one works because of the customary bounce of Michael J. Fox, in one of his first leading roles (it was shot before Back to the Future but released in that blockbuster's wake, and cashed in nicely). Although his werewolf makeup makes him look more like Bigfoot than Lon Chaney, Jr., Fox manages to convey his peppy personality even under all that hair. Teen Wolf Too, however, is not even bearable. Here Fox is replaced by Jason Bateman, who finds that his wolfish inclination helps him become the big dog on the college boxing team. The sole bright spot is veteran actor Paul Sand as the boxing coach. The rest is howlingly unfunny. - -Robert Horton

77% (17)

The Dream Master

The Dream Master

OMG my favorite movie eva! I used to be super scared of EVERYTHING. 2 things changed my life
1) My crush on Michael J Fox. Teen Wolf cured me of my fear of werewolves
2) Nightmare On Elm Street 4. I saw the making of special and *snap*, I became a huge horror movie fan. Thanks Freddy!
I really really love this movie. The special effects are better than all that horrid CGI shit scary movies rely on now. Also I just love all the characters in this film. One thing I always liked about Elm Street kids is they didn't really deserve to die. With a few exceptions, the teens on Elm Street don't break Randy's horror movie rules. Unlike those counselors at Crystal Lake..

Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf

Basically there is this show on mtv called teen wolf and it's pretty good coming from someone that usually watches sci-fi and documentaries. Well its good when somebody isn't taking their shirt off every couple minutes but yea. Any ways this horribly focused image reminded me of that show.

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- 13:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Vintage Style T Shirts

vintage style t shirts

    t shirts
  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

Puffs Pipe Victorian Style T-Shirt

Puffs Pipe Victorian Style T-Shirt

Puff Pipes of Peace t-shirt is a great vintage Victorian style that is really hot this summer availble from the Jolly Wolly Etsy Shop all sizes Blue, Khaki or White

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Iggy Pop t-shirt

IGGY POP vintage style babydoll t-shirt DIVIDED by h&m

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- 13:26 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Wonder Women T Shirts. Retro T Shirt By.

Wonder Women T Shirts

wonder women t shirts

    wonder women
  • (Wonder Woman (Amalgam Comics)) Near the end of the DC vs. Marvel crossover event in 1996, Amalgam Comics released a series of one-shot comic books combining characters from the Marvel Universe with characters from the DC Universe.

  • (wonder woman) a woman who can be a successful wife and have a professional career at the same time

  • Wonder Woman is a DC Comics superheroine created by William Moulton Marston. She first appeared in All Star Comics #8 (December 1941). The Wonder Woman title has been published by DC Comics almost continuously except for a brief hiatus in 1986.

    t shirts
  • (T Shirt (album)) T Shirt is a 1976 album by Loudon Wainwright III. Unlike his earlier records, this (and the subsequent 'Final Exam') saw Wainwright adopt a full blown rock band (Slowtrain) - though there are acoustic songs on T-Shirt, including a talking blues.

  • A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat

  • (t-shirt) jersey: a close-fitting pullover shirt

  • A T-shirt (T shirt or tee) is a shirt which is pulled on over the head to cover most of a person's torso. A T-shirt is usually buttonless and collarless, with a round neck and short sleeves.

wonder women t shirts - Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

On the mystical island of Themyscira, a proud and fierce warrior race of Amazons have raised a daughter of untold beauty, grace and strength Princess Diana. When an Army fighter pilot, Steve Trevor, crash-lands on the island, the rebellious and headstrong Diana defies Amazonian law by accompanying Trevor back to civilization. Meanwhile, Ares (the god of War) has escaped his imprisonment at the hands of the Amazonians and has decided to exact his revenge - intending to start a world war that will not only last for centuries but will wipe out every living being on the planet, starting with the Amazons! It is up to Princess Diana to save her people and the world by using her gifts and becoming the ultimate Wonder Woman!

81% (7)

Me, at age 4 (1977), with our horse we named Yogurt

Me, at age 4 (1977), with our horse we named Yogurt

I'm lovin my outfit...the red cowboy boots paired with the wonder woman t-shirt is way cool *grin*.

My mom let my brother and I name the horse, and we came up with Yogurt. My dad just called him "lawnmower" because he would stake him in different parts of the yard and he would eat the grass. We didn't have a fenced in yard to keep him in, poor guy. He was smart though, he would pull up the stake with his mouth and run down the road. We'd get calls from the neighbors telling us our horse was in their yard.

Yogurt started my love of horses and horseback riding. My parents ended up selling him, because of the upkeep. I was sad.

Snake the Game T-shirt

Snake the Game T-shirt

I used to love this game on my old phone and wondered what would happen if the Snake would get so long that it could no longer fit on the screen.
This image is hand painted with water resistant ink.

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wonder women t shirts

Vandor Blue  Mug, Wonder Woman

This Wonder Woman ceramic mug has a fun shape and iconic design. Perfect for coffee, tea or your favorite drink, it is microwave and dishwasher safe. DC Comics has entertained and inspired kids and adults alike with the timeless DC Super Heroes from its popular comic books, TV series, feature films, video games, and more. Batman and Superman have broken the barriers of language and culture to become global icons of strength, courage, and justice. Wonder Woman is considered the most famous female DC Super Heroine of all time and Green Lantern leads the way with his light. Making retro cool since 1957, legends live on at Vandor -suppliers of hip and functional products for fans of all ages. Our products include merchandise, gifts and memorabilia featuring the hottest licensed figures in movie, TV, music, comic, cartoon and sports. Vandor's A-list roster includes John Wayne, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, The Wizard of Oz, Star Wars, Betty Boop, Star Trek, I Love Lucy and more.

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- 13:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #