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Simply's Favorites

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Square knots were designed as a first-aid knot. Measure down from the s-hook to the position you would like the top of the tire.

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Please include all data known about the issue wheel manufacturer and width, tire pressure, issue type, photos, etc. Tread pattern and profile designed specifically for the demands of drag racing. The longer the rope, the higher your swing will go, so you may want to chose a branch that is lower to the ground if you are making a swing for a small child. I would like to come down to your shop so we can do some test on the Power One and the Drag Radial.

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Simply's Favorites - Please include all data known about the issue wheel manufacturer and width, tire pressure, issue type, photos, etc. Due to the recent issues with the shinko hook-up tires, please post here f you have first hand knowledge of an issues with the hook-up tires on any bike, but more specifically issues with prostreet style high powered bikes.

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Due to the recent issues with the shinko hook-up tires, please post here f you have first hand knowledge of an hooks with the hook-up tires on any bike, but more specifically issues with prostreet style high powered bikes. Please include all data known about the issue wheel manufacturer and width, tire pressure, tire type, photos, etc. I personally have not had any issues with the tire, however, I am rapidly approaching what woudl be considered prostreet speeds, just waiting to turn the boost up from my current 176 mph top end. I encourage a comment or statement from the Shinko Hoko Representitive s as well. Again, please do not clutter with opinions of recommendations about this or other tires, rather issues experienced with the tire. John Gover Put on well over 100 of these tires since the first of the year. I said in another post that when you can unseat a bead with hand pressure or it only takes 6 lbs to seat a bead, then low tire pressure and tire speed will unseat it rather easy. Alot of this is caused by tire design also. Beadlocks or rim screws will be the proper fix. Dont think you will find any tire issues.
That is true if you are at the point it is to high. I see a lot of bikes that try to run 6-8. That I tire is way to low. Their yp no reason it shouldn't be in the 10-12 psi or even higher on a Pro Street Bike. Now that info is if the chassis is working correctly. If it is not right I don't care how much air is in it the bike just will not work correctly. So my guess is in hkok and I'm saying 99% of time it uook from improper use. I hook some of the info helps. Ed i switched from the mickey to the shinko mainly because of the cost difference.

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If you can't figure out how to make one, find someone who can. Have someone help hold it up, so that you can attach the u-bolts. Be sure the tree is large and healthy, with no signs of weaknesses that might indicate the tree is unstable. Since this will be left in the rain, water will accumulate inside the tire if left solid. Well I stated that I was going to do this in another thread awhile back and finally got enough tires in stock to do it. Due to the recent issues with the shinko hook-up tires, please post here f you have first hand knowledge of an issues with the hook-up tires on any bike, but more specifically issues with prostreet style high powered bikes. Remove advertisements sponsored links.

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