petak, 31.03.2006.

Broken into pieces
Pieces and shreads
The Broken Sword awaits
In dreams of glory
Of blood and fight
And terrible screams in the night

The sword like ours lives broken into shreads
For its blacksmith it awaits
So it lies in the dark
For its pieces will unite
For it was made to fight

The one who will
Make it shine again
Comes only once
To bring victory to men X2

A thousand pieces of a silver blade
Lay forgotten in the unknown land
Forgotten by the humans
Hasn't seen no flesh only felt its crash

A man has come to mend its soul
To win will be his goal
Its pieces reunited
In silver and steel
Its ready to win and kill

The one who will
Make it shine again
Comes only once
To bring victory to men X2

Fighting for glory and eternal life
The forces of man will finally unite
On mountains and valleys where the smell of blood its felt
To create a better world for everyone who will fight.

The one who will
Make it shine again
Comes only once
To bring victory to men X2

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