četvrtak, 20.10.2011.


Boat refrigerators : Kitchenaid superba refrigerator filter.

Boat Refrigerators

boat refrigerators

Spare boat

Spare boat

The Riggin carries three little wooden boats -- the yawl boat, a "peapod" rowboat, and this itty bitty sailboat.

The big white boxes in front of it are the refrigerators.



The fishing boat featured a number of earthly luxuries, such as a washing machine, full kitchen (including a refrigerator and a rice cooker) and a dining room (which included a TV).

boat refrigerators

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20.10.2011. u 07:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Discount Fridge Freezers - Fridge Door Hinges - 6 Pack Mini Fridge.

Discount Fridge Freezers

discount fridge freezers

Film collection

Film collection

Unfortunately the time has come for me to empty my fridge to move out of the dorms for summer, in the past this was not a problem, since I didn't have any film in the fridge. But this is only for 2 months, so when I come back the box of film will be the first thing I'll take out of my climate-controlled storage unit.

Funny but most of that Kodachrome was purchased for really cheap this year, I can develop it in BW chemicals, but also I can use a few of the canisters to respool some EPR (Ektachrome 64) I have in my freezer and use it with my DX-only camera. KR stil pops up on ebay for anywhere between $1/roll to $20+/roll, so I'll probably still get a few more later.

Missing is a 100' roll of Kodak EPR slide film and a half-full Pro-Pack of Provia 100F (RDPIII) that also has assorted film inside, a roll of E100VS and a pack of Lomography Redscale 100, all of which are still in the freezer. The Provia and the EPR are probably the last things I will take out of the freezer (I still got almost 2 weeks in here)

The condensed contents
-Kodachrome 64 - 27ish
-Ektachrome E100G - 4
-Ektachrome E100S - 4
-Ektachrome 160T - 3
-Ektachrome 64T EPY - 8
-Ektachrome P1600 - 4
-Ektachrome 400x - 5
-Ektachrome 100 Lumiere - 4 or 5
-Elite Chrome 100 - 7
-Provia 100F RDP III - 5
-Plus-X Pan 125 - 5
-Ilford HP5 Plus - 8
-Fomapan 200 - 1
-Kodak BW400CN - 1

Final count: Don't want to know. And the problem is that I will probably order some more HP5 tomorrow so I can still get those heavily-discounted 2 packs and some cheap Arista/LegacyPro film, which Freestyle has for really cheap right now (close out and short dated).

I'll pack a few rolls to take home and test a Bolsey rangefinder (circa 1955-60) that my dad has on display in the dining room, or I might get some non-DX coded film and try that, probably some low speed stuff. That Bolsey has a guide for selecting speeds based on film available back then, I believe it has Ilford HP3 or FP3, Kodachrome-X (ASA 25 or something like that) and a bunch of films that has ISOs lower than 50 and were available back in the days (maybe Panatomic-X is also listed)



I bought a discounted multipack of cola cans.

They were placed on the top shelf of the fridge...

Too close to the freezer apparently.

discount fridge freezers

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20.10.2011. u 07:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Freezer Pozo - Frigidaire 5 Cu Ft Chest Freezer

Freezer Pozo

freezer pozo

freezer pozo - Time for:

Time for: Best of Pozo-Seco Singers

Time for: Best of Pozo-Seco Singers

Repressing. Digitally remastered collection from this Texas trio containing their first two albums (Time and I Can Make It With You) plus some tasty bonus non-album sides. Long before Don Williams became a Nashville superstar and fixture in the '70s, he was in this pretty darn cool band! Developing from the duo Strangers Two which Don had formed with Lofton Kline, The Pozo Seco Singers were completed with the addition of fellow folkie Susan Taylor, playing everything from Kingston Trio-type Folk to Country-ish tunes influenced by their Texan background. The Pozo Seco Singers were eventually to record Country-Pop-Baroque classics like the ones originally released on these two great albums. The height of Folk-Rock takes on a Country tinge here, and it's all for the better! Complete with rare non-LP bonus tracks, this is a hell of a release! Rev-Ola

89% (14)

24 hs de la La Corvina Negra - Premios

24 hs de la La Corvina Negra - Premios

Art. 1?: Inscripciones: Se aceptaran inscripciones hasta las l8 hs. del dia sabado 13-02-2010, con tolerancia hasta las 22 hs., siempre y cuando se haya avisado al Club la causa que origina tal retraso. El Concurso dara comienzo a las 16 hs. del 13 de febrero de 2010 y finalizara el 14 de febrero de 2010 a las 16.00 hs. La largada se producira simultaneamente desde el sitio donde se encuentra el participante dentro de los limites del concurso. La orden de largada sera dada por los Controles del Club, ya sea por medio de los vehiculos controles, por personas a pie, debidamente identificadas, y por medio de una sirena emitida por radio.

Art. 2?: Se podra pescar en la costa atlantica del Partido de Tres Arroyos, entre las senalizaciones que el club disponga, y en el sector comprendido entre el ”Barco Hundido” en direccion al Balneario Reta e inmediaciones del Cuarto Salto de piedra en direccion a Orense, donde estaran los indicadores del Club. Quedan exceptuados los sectores comprendidos desde la zona de bano del Brio. Dunamar hasta inmediaciones del Medano Verde y desde la zona de bano de Claromeco hasta inmediaciones del Pozo Alonso, lugares que estaran delimitados con indicadores del Club y en los que esta terminantemente prohibido pescar.

Art.3?: Los participantes recibiran la boleta de inscripcion y oblea con numeros coincidentes, la oblea deberan colocarla en la cana en lugar bien visible y mantenerla durante las 24 horas del concurso, solo se permitira su reemplazo en caso de rotura de la cana y tener que cambiarla, debiendo pedir autorizacion para ello a los controles moviles. Ademas se entregara una banda de vinilo reflectiva autoadhesiva para pegar en la puntera de la cana (entre el 1° y 2° pasahilos) y una pulsera que deberan colocar en el brazo y al igual que la oblea deberan exhibirlas durante las 24 horas del concurso. DE CONSTATARSE LA FALTA DE CUALQUIERA DE LOS ELEMENTOS CITADOS PRECEDENTEMENTE, LA PIEZA PRESENTADA SERA TRASLADADA POR EL CONTROL A LA SEDE DEL CLUB PERO NO SE TENDRA EN CUENTA PARA LA CLASIFICACION, EN CASO DE RESISTIRSE A ENTREGAR LA MISMA, NO HABRA NINGUN ATENUANTE PARA APLICAR LA PENA DE DESCALIFICACION DEL CONCURSANTE, POR LO TANTO SE RECOMIENDA ESTRICTO CUMPLIMIENTO EN CONTAR CON LA OBLEA, PULSERA Y BANDA REFLECTIVA

Art. 4?: El certamen se realizara en forma individual, solamente se permitira una inscripcion por participante, y pescar UNICAMENTE CON UNA CANA POR INSCRIPTO. Se han instituido 50 recompensas en la clasificacion general para el concurso de corvinas y un premio a la “Pieza de Mayor Peso”, ademas de Premios Especiales, Sorteos y Trofeos. En caso de quedar desiertos algunos de los premios en la Clasificacion General del Concurso de corvinas como el correspondiente a la “Pieza de Mayor Peso” por no cubrir las piezas presentadas las recompensas en juego, los mismos seran sorteados entre los participantes, excepto aquellos que hayan obtenido premios. Asimismo se destaca que para la adjudicacion del o los premios no es obligatorio estar presente. Queda a cargo de los participantes que se adjudiquen los vehiculos en premios los gastos de patentamiento y transferencia. PARA EL SORTEO DE UN AUTOMOVIL NO PARTICIPARAN AQUELLAS PERSONAS QUE EN LA CLASIFICACION GENERAL OCUPEN EL 1° Y 2° PUESTO. LOS PREMIOS SE ENTREGARAN INDEFECTIBLEMENTE CONTRA LA PRESENTACION DE LA BOLETA DE INSCRIPCION O EN SU DEFECTO CON LA BOLETA DE CONTROL QUE CONSTA LA ENTREGA DE UNA PIEZA CLASIFICADA. El CLUB SE RESERVA EL DERECHO DE ADMISION.

Art.5?: Se establece un peso minimo de 1,500 kgs. tanto para las corvinas negras como para las Blancas. Para el Premio a la “Pieza de Mayor Peso” se fija un minimo de 3,000 kgs. y no podran clasificar las corvinas. En el caso de registrarse piezas del mismo peso, se procedera a medirlas y de persistir la igualdad, se resolvera por sorteo.

Art. 6?: Las corvinas llamadas "blancas o doradas", entraran en la clasificacion general luego de la ultima corvina negra. Los que obtengan dos o tres corvinas dentro del peso establecido o con derecho a premio, clasificaran la segunda y tercera corvina en orden de peso decreciente a partir del puesto 11, quedando de esta forma establecido y aclarado que los premios no son acumulativos en los diez primeros puestos.
Art. 7?: La pesca debera hacerse con elementos puramente deportivos, permitiendose un maximo de dos anzuelos simples, siendo el lanzamiento unicamente por medio de la cana. La carnada, a excepcion de almejas por estar prohibida su extraccion, sera libre y provista por el participante. Se prohibe el uso de cualquier clase de boyas. No se permitira ningun tipo de lanzador manual o automatico como asi tambien esta prohibido cualquier tipo de cebado. Se reitera que todo participante podra clasificar en el concurso de corvinas un maximo de tres piezas, (tres corvinas negras o dos negras y una blanca).

Art. 8?: Las piezas clasificadas seran examinadas luego del pesaje por un profesional Ictiologo o Tecni

The Saga of the Rocketpop Gone Wrong 1

The Saga of the Rocketpop Gone Wrong 1

On the fateful night of July 2nd two unsuspecting girls opened their freezer to consume the last Rocketpop. Little did they know that this was no ordinary Rocketpop. Oh, no. It was the...
Tara Pozo before realizing her fate takes a lick. She is non-plussed about this pop, however soon she will realize her fateful mistake...

freezer pozo

freezer pozo

Cal Pozo's Partner Dancing 101: Party and Wedding Ready

You don t have to be a dancer to look like one!
Award-winning dancer and choreographer Cal Pozo designed the Partner Dancing 101 series to reveal the secrets of professional dancers sculpted bodies and top-notch conditioning. As a former Broadway dancer and one of America s best known dance and fitness coaches, Pozo has been teaching America to dance for decades. His latest DVD productions include Dancing with the Stars Cardio Dance DVD, The Biggest Loser Workout I, II and III and the Let s Dance! book and DVD combo.

Partner Dancing 101: Party & Wedding Ready
Why sit out dancing at parties and weddings when in minutes you can master the signature steps and moves of the traditional party dances: the Foxtrot, the Waltz, the Swing, the Rumba, the Salsa. In addition, you ll learn the most popular line and party dances: the Electric Slide, the Macarena, the Tush Push, and the Boot Scooting Boogie

Whether you ned a beginer dance course or a quick refresher, this DVD condenses the most important points on learning, leading, and folowing dance patterns in a series of easy-to -folow lesons.

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20.10.2011. u 07:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Ge fridge warranty - Refrigerant efficiency - Dometic portable refrigerator

Ge Fridge Warranty

ge fridge warranty

#ds549, Profile: Illustrate cold in a photograph today.

#ds549, Profile:  Illustrate cold in a photograph today.

Summer's around the corner. If the weather doesn't show it (as is the case in the Bay Area where it's been grey and gloomy the last couple of days), I'm pretty sure the junk mail does. The beginning of summer is when sales offers abound on goods and services related to anything home improvement. If you're planning to work on your kitchen this year - and thinking about spending your hard earned money on that slick-and-shiny-and-fingerprint-proof-stainless-steel-fridge, skip the GE Profile series. This is what we bought four years ago, and it's crap. We have had problems with it soon as the one-year warranty was up, and had since spent as much as the cost of the fridge since then. It still works today, albeit our drinking water comes from our $45 Brita. Pffft.

BINGO! We have a winner!

BINGO! We have a winner!

The New new fridge arrived. We opted for a less expensive GE one. (got the 5 year warranty on it). I know it is a GE, BUT it was IN stock @ the store & has water and ice in the door (I have always wanted). It isn't counter depth, but oh well. It works for our kitchen and that is all that matters at this point. YAY for cold and frozen food again! I am so happy! :)

ge fridge warranty

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20.10.2011. u 07:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Small Compact Fridge

small compact fridge



is actually very compact, small fridge. the stove is a pain in the butt to light. and where in the states most people would put a dishwasher is instead the small washing machine. we do not have a dryer, instead we have clothesline out on the back balcony.

Gu Lang Yu Fish Market

Gu Lang Yu Fish Market

The island is so small and compact that most of the homes have really really small kitchens and...small fridges. Picking up dinner on the way home is practiced daily. The commute is only a few blocks too!

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20.10.2011. u 07:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Gibson Commercial Freezers - Refrigerating Systems.

Gibson Commercial Freezers

gibson commercial freezers

gibson commercial freezers - Neuromancer




Twenty years ago, it was as if someone turned on a light. The future blazed into existence with each deliberate word that William Gibson laid down. The winner of Hugo, Nebula, and Philip K. Dick Awards, Neuromancer didn't just explode onto the science fiction scene--it permeated into the collective consciousness, culture, science, and technology.

Today, there is only one science fiction masterpiece to thank for the term "cyberpunk," for easing the way into the information age and Internet society. Neuromancer's virtual reality has become real. And yet, William Gibson's gritty, sophisticated vision still manages to inspire the minds that lead mankind ever further into the future.

Here is the novel that started it all, launching the cyberpunk generation, and the first novel to win the holy trinity of science fiction: the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award and the Philip K. Dick Award. With Neuromancer, William Gibson introduced the world to cyberspace--and science fiction has never been the same.
Case was the hottest computer cowboy cruising the information superhighway--jacking his consciousness into cyberspace, soaring through tactile lattices of data and logic, rustling encoded secrets for anyone with the money to buy his skills. Then he double-crossed the wrong people, who caught up with him in a big way--and burned the talent out of his brain, micron by micron. Banished from cyberspace, trapped in the meat of his physical body, Case courted death in the high-tech underworld. Until a shadowy conspiracy offered him a second chance--and a cure--for a price....

87% (7)

Gibson ES-333 01

Gibson ES-333 01

Gibson ES-333 left-handed. A superb instrument.
The Gibson ES-333 has the following minor differences from it's more famous cousin, the ES-335:
- the ES-333 has a satin finish,not a gloss finish
- the ES-333 has exposed, not covered, humbucker pick-ups
- the ES-333 has a silkscreen Gibson logo, not an inlaid pearloid logo
- the ES-333 has an electronics access lid on its back versus the solidback of theES-335
These differences are so minimal that whilst the ES-333 was in production, its sales were apparently undermining the sales of the ES-335.
Consequently, the production of the ES-333 which commenced in 2003 was ceased in 2005. As the ES-333 was only made for a period of two years it has become a collector's item in Gibson circles.
This particular guitar was made in Memphis, USA, on 16 July 2003
Serial No. 01973707
Faded Cherry Red with satin finish
Laminated 3 ply Maple/Poplar/Maple ArchTop, back and sides
Mahogany neck with rosewood fingerboard
Two Gibson Humbucker Pick-Ups (490R and 498T)
Stop tailpiece and Tune-O-Matic bridge

Gibson Les Paul Traditional

Gibson Les Paul Traditional

Gibson ‘57 Classic Humbucker Pick-Up.
The Les Paul Traditional was introduced by Gibson in 2008. The Traditional is built using the traditional Les Paul specifications; such as Kluson style tuners, 57 Classic pickups, and an unchambered body.

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20.10.2011. u 07:07 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Kings Refrigeration - Refrigerants Chart.

Kings Refrigeration

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20.10.2011. u 07:06 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Hard boiled eggs refrigeration - Samsung refrigerator dealers.

Hard Boiled Eggs Refrigeration

hard boiled eggs refrigeration

Hard Boiled Birthday Detective.

Hard Boiled Birthday Detective.

Spent all day out celebrating Devo's birthday, so I didn't end up actually getting to take an Absurd Physical Stunt Week shot. However, this is on the way to do some all night drinkin'.

Day 46 of 365 - 03/14/09

Hard-boiled egg

Hard-boiled egg

“Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold - but so does a hard-boiled egg.”

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20.10.2011. u 07:06 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Lg Refrigerator Parts Manual

lg refrigerator parts manual

The Final Part

The Final Part

Jake waking up with his Lego creations; adding that final and most important finishing piece...

I like this because of the blue glow, ambient light, shadow of his arm, the glow of the piece he's holding; and DOF with the lens at 1.8. An early shot with my new Nikon D80. The kit lens was just not fast enough for flash free pictures in my house. So I grabbed the series E 50mm 1.8 lens from my FG and put it on the D80. Put it in manual mode and increased the ISO. Started taking pictures and liked the look - seemed underexposed, but natural. Manual focus with this combination is work; as I dont have any focus aid - and have to rely fully on my eyesight; but I am havng fun with the combination.

Bricks, Roofs, and Manual [PARTS 1967]

Bricks, Roofs, and Manual [PARTS 1967]

The full bricks for the 1967 American Plastic Brick sets came in three colors, red, white, and clear. The number of each type of full brick was not specified in the manual. It is assumed that they were broken up fairly evenly. Half bricks cam in red, white and black. Quarter bricks and gable (roof support) bricks came in blue & yellow. Who knows why... red and white would have been so much better to match the rest of the bricks. They could have been used because Halsam's Constructioneer was using them an the company didn't want to run a new line for the normal colors. There is one more larger roof that is not shown here... it is on my Chalet Ski Lodge!

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20.10.2011. u 07:06 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Slimline freezer - Glass freezer storage containers.

Slimline Freezer

slimline freezer

slimline freezer - Continental Refrigerator

Continental Refrigerator DL2FSE 36 1/4" Solid Door Slim-Line Reach-In Freezer

Continental Refrigerator DL2FSE 36 1/4

This 36 1/4" Solid Door Slim-Line Reach-In Freezer (Continental Refrigerator DL2FSE) is part of Continental Refrigerator's Designer Line and is constructed with a stainless steel front and aluminum ends. The interior of the unit is also aluminum with three heavy-duty, epoxy-coated steel shelves that provide over twenty-four square feet of storage space within the thirty cubic foot refrigerator. This Designer Line unit has an accessible refrigeration system that is on the top of the cabinet and separate from the food zone in order to increase food storage capacity. This 36 1/4" Solid Door Slim-Line Reach-In Freezer is perfect for smaller-sized operations where there isn't a lot of space but there is a need for a larger amount of food storage. Features: Automatic interior lighting, Adjustable 6" legs included, External digital thermometer, Accommodates 12" x 20" pans , 3" non-CFC polyurethane foam insulation, "Plug" refrigeration system utilizing environmentally-safe R-404a refrigerant. Benefits: Automatic electric defrost takes the guess work out of defrosting the unit, Self-closing doors with cylinder locks for energy savings and product protection, Automatic hot gas condensate evaporator for a cleaner refrigerator and kitchen, Door heater with energy saving switch for saving energy and money on your bill. Additional ConsiderationsPlease contact our product experts to learn more about options for this unit including: Pass-Thru model, Remote model, Half door, Shallow depth, Stainless steel exterior.

87% (11)

Blue Acrylic Slimline Pen

Blue Acrylic Slimline Pen

This pen uses a Woodcraft, slimline twist action mechanism with a premium locking "S-groove" twist action. It is made using a Blue Acrylic plastic for the body, has 24k gold plated metal parts and a black enamel straight clip.

It is sanded from 120 grit sandpaper to 12,000 micro mesh. Then it's given a coat of laquer sanding sealer and a number of coats of high gloss friction polish.

Cherry Slimline

Cherry Slimline

This pen uses a Woodcraft, slimline twist action mechanism with a premium locking "S-groove" twist action. It is made using cherry wood for the body, has 24k gold plated metal parts and a black enamel straight clip.

It is sanded from 120 grit sandpaper to 12,000 micro mesh. Then it's given a coat of laquer sanding sealer and a number of coats of high gloss friction polish.

slimline freezer

slimline freezer

Continental Refrigerator DL2FSE-SS 36 1/4

This stainless steel 36 1/4" Solid Door Slim-Line Reach-In Freezer (Continental Refrigerator DL2FSE-SS) is part of Continental Refrigerator's Designer Line and is constructed with a stainless steel front ends. The interior of the unit is aluminum with three heavy-duty, epoxy-coated steel shelves that provide over twenty-four square feet of storage space within the thirty cubic foot refrigerator. This Designer Line unit has an accessible refrigeration system that is on the top of the cabinet and separate from the food zone in order to increase food storage capacity. This stainless steel 36 1/4" Solid Door Slim-Line Reach-In Freezer is perfect for smaller-sized operations where there isn't a lot of space but there is a need for a larger amount of food storage. Features: Automatic interior lighting, Adjustable 6" legs included, External digital thermometer, Accommodates 12" x 20" pans , 3" non-CFC polyurethane foam insulation, "Plug" refrigeration system utilizing environmentally-safe R-404a refrigerant. Benefits: Automatic electric defrost takes the guess work out of defrosting the unit, Self-closing doors with cylinder locks for energy savings and product protection, Automatic hot gas condensate evaporator for a cleaner refrigerator and kitchen, Door heater with energy saving switch for saving energy and money on your bill. Additional ConsiderationsPlease contact our product experts to learn more about options for this unit including: Pass-Thru model, Remote model, Half door, Shallow depth, Aluminum ends.

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20.10.2011. u 07:05 • 1 KomentaraPrint#


Meat display fridge. Refrigerated shipping boxes

Meat Display Fridge

meat display fridge

Chinatown food court

Chinatown food court

This was one of the more clean food stalls in the chinatown food court in downtown honolulu. And you can see by the fridge and microwave that it was filthy. I ordered Pad Thai (because everything in it has to be cooked on high heat) and it was stunningly good. The woman worked in a kitchen so tight and tiny that she could stand anywhere and reach anything.

You can see there is no room for storage. Not even the neko has it's own display area, it sits on the microwave with the takeout containers. Meat sits out in the open on a counter, and she tasted the food from the same spoon she stirred with.

10+ hours on your feet in a space no bigger than your arm span (in a tshirt and flipflops) makes being a chef at whole foods look like a cushy job.

Sure it's the US, but the rules in chinatown are different, it really was like a third world country.

Whale on Sale.

Whale on Sale.

This shop sells whale meat. The sign states that the whale meat on that sale is that caught for research purposese. The poster describes which part of the whale is good to eat.

The fridge below the display (you can see the white covers) is empty. Fresh whale meat is pretty rare. I have seen it on display near the new year when it is sold as a traditional New Year's delicacy.

meat display fridge

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20.10.2011. u 07:05 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Washer Refrigeration Supply : Freezer Fridges.

Washer Refrigeration Supply

washer refrigeration supply

washer refrigeration supply - Cliplight 973KIT

Cliplight 973KIT Dry R System Moisture Eliminator

Cliplight 973KIT Dry R System Moisture Eliminator

The active ingredient in Dry R reacts with water to produce stable products that are soluble in AB, Mineral, POE and PAG oils used in refrigeration systems in essence, eliminating moisture from the system. No particulates, gels or polymers are formed. Dry R does not work by lowing the freezing point of water but is a chemical which reacts to the HO molecule and reassembles it to form new liquids which are completely soluble with AB, Mineral, POE and PAG oils used in refrigeration systems; in essence, eliminating moisture from the system. The new liquids will not solidify into particulate, gels, polymers or form oil like substances. Instead Dry R will form a soluble unity with the systems oil helping to condition and stabilize by lowering overall moisture ppm within the body of the oil. The chemical nature and fast acting reaction of the product will help reduce system moisture quickly allowing the liquid line drier to achieve a greater amount of work done. Excess moisture form the drier will also be converted which will allowmore room for additional moisture reclamation during operations.

77% (19)

Washer Women

Washer Women

Peering through Mesa Arch, I hope you can see the illuminated arch that looks like a person with extended hands, possibly washing some clothes. Here is a close-up of what is called Washer Woman Arch. Hey, nothing sexist, that is just the name of it....

Washer Woman Arch

Washer Woman Arch

Peering through Mesa Arch, I hope you can see the illuminated arch that looks like a person with extended hands, possibly washing some clothes. This is called Washer Woman Arch.

washer refrigeration supply

washer refrigeration supply

Koblenz LCK 50 Compact Portable Washing Machine

The Koblenz space saving design of the LCK-50 compact washing machine allows it to be stored almost anywhere in the home. Weighing only 25.5 pounds, it is easy to move from one place to another. Features a rustproof polypropylene cabinet for longer life and a wide washtub opening for easy loading and unloading. Washer controls are easy to use with a water level indicator and 15 minute automatic timer. Includes a hose for the gravity drain feature. Machine agitates (does not spin) This great space saver can handle up to 6.6 pounds of laundry.

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20.10.2011. u 07:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Used Walk In Cooler Freezer - General Refrigeration Company - Dacor Epicure Refrigerator.

Used Walk In Cooler Freezer

used walk in cooler freezer

Ad-free Photo bibs

Ad-free Photo bibs

Ad-free photo vests, also known as bibs. These bibs are required to be worn by photographers on assignment in major events in order to be able to shoot from the sidelines. Recent controversy sparked when a sports federation voted unanimously to use the photographers' vests as advertising tools and print sponsored ads on them. Photojournalists claim that they are not 'walking billboards'. Should the sporting federations print ads on the photo bibs, then ad-free vests would be a thing of the past. Pictured in Laval, July 27 2007, Athens 2004 Olympics bib (l), XI FINA 2005 World Swimming Championships bib (c) and U-20 2007 FIFA Soccer bib (r). (PHOTO: Dimitri Papadopoulos/

PHOTOGRAPHER'S NOTE: Here it goes... While shooting these photo vests from the street hanging on my line, my neighbor called the police... Then she came running after me with a notepad asking who I'm, and what I think I do. She was yelling at me big time because she thought I took out my long lens to photograph her mother without her permission... I politely explained that 1) I'm shooting from a public street; 2) I'm shooting MY property; 3) I'm aiming up the skies to MY line (as opposed as aiming into her bedroom); 4) I'm not interested in her mother and 5) I never took a photo of her mother or of any person as a matter of fact. Exceptionally, I had her chimp to the photos to avoid having the police come unnecessarily... She called 9-1-1 and cancelled the call. what puzzles me is the fact that her house wasn't anywhere near where I was pointing. Ah these people - and I thought that only astronauts were under the influence of alcohol today... WORD OF ADVICE: if you'll ever be called to use your long lens at or or near your back yard, use it with caution... you never know what's on people's minds, especially if they see you using near their back yard a lens which resembles to an military-grade infrared spy telescope (to their eyes). Good lesson learned today. I guess that a paparazzi would be in stitches reading this...

Interesting is the thickness this crude ATHENS 2004 Summer Olympics bib (left). Yes, we HAD to wear this, of what seems to be like a winter coat, at temperatures well over 110 °F (43 °C) in Greece in the middle of the summer while working! Photographers were sweating big time under their 400mm f/2.8... (no worries, Canon claims they are water resistant)... See these big pockets? they used to be full of film. Ektachrome E100G, E100VS, E200, P1600, 100UC, 400UC, in both 35mm and 120 Medium Format flavors. Yes I was still pushing film up and until October 31 2004. On this Halloween day I switched to digital. I missed the smell of film and all the waiting suspense of seeing the results after processing. The 2004 Olympics were my last assignment shot entirely on film. For the record, my freezer is full of unused film rolls which I got free from the Olympics. One day, I'll use them, one day...

1067 was my PA number... (or Photographer's Access Number) It seems that this number is so deeply engraved into my memory that every time I come across it, my memories are fond. ...I was PA1067 in Greece's biggest party!...

Notice the severe discoloration and wear on it, for something I wore only 3 weeks, for the duration of the Olympics. Solid evidence of the intense moments I've been trough. The other 2 which hang on the line, they were also worn 3 weeks average: They look like new. I just hope that all 1088 accredited Olympic photographers kept their vest. I mean, I can part of the others I have, NOT this one.

Having a 4 digit number clearly shows that I validated my accreditation and picked up my vest form the Kodak Imaging Center, down the Main Press Center, just on time for the Opening Ceremony... I recall I seeing an African photographer with vest #0001, cool! These Turquoise color vests were non-pool. The pool vests were kind of silver. Pool Vests were worn by a handful of "privileged" photographers who belong to the IOPP (International Olympic Photo Pool, Sports Illustrated, Getty Images, AP, Reuters) and they had unlimited access to all places. Non-pool photographers can only shoot from predetermined photo positions. Pool vests could also be requested in advance by non-pool photographers for a short period of time. For example, I requested one for Beach Volleyball, Tennis and Synchronized Swimming to be able to get some shots from special angles. I also requested one for Sailing. The result is that I went in the sea with a boat and a captain just for myself! Cool is it? OK, I gotta stop my Olympic talk here since it will never end. The moments I lived were beyond what words can describe.

OK moving on... As for the blue vest pictured in the center, it was for the 2005 XI FINA Wold Championships. This vest was initially meant to be a Pool Vest to be worn only by Pool Photographers (Big Guys from Big Agencies: Aka: Al Bello from Getty). Then, the guy responsible for assigning photo

Day 36 of 365

Day 36 of 365

The night before Beebs died, we were so desperate to get her to eat something that we went to the grocery store and bought everything we knew she loved to eat and a few things she'd never had before. Doritos, potato chips, cookies, noodles, any kind of junk she liked but had never been allowed to fill up on.

She wouldn't eat any of it. She used what little energy she had to spit out whatever we put in her mouth. When she didn't have the strength to do that anymore she just let the food sit in her mouth until gravity made it fall out.

In this picture I'm holding a few things Beebs never tried, but that we tossed in our grocery cart in the blind hope that she would be tempted to swallow some out of pure curiosity.

After she rejected about four grocery bags full of food, we gave up and took her back to the vet. The items I'm holding were still sealed in their containers when we got home. Our kitchen is so depressing now. Our entire home is depressing. Beebs had so much stuff and it's everywhere. When we adopted her, all she had was a harness and a dirty leash. When she died, she had her own walk-in closet full of possessions, a portion of the fridge, freezer and kitchen cabinets, her shampoo is still sitting on the edge of my bathtub, and her hairdryer is in my bathroom. I've been cleaning and cleaning and cleaning but I'm still finding her belongings everywhere. And then I cry.

We got a card from Bebe's vet today, offering condolences. Inside were two sheets of paper with Bebe's paw prints on them and a third with the Rainbow Bridge poem. So then I'm crying again.

It will be a while before I can photograph my face.

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