..†Tears Of The Death†..

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† JA:jedna cura....
† pronalazi svoj identitet... ?!
† _razocrana u zivot_
† _htjela bih izaci iz tame u svjetlo_
† TKo sam??†

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sve znam kad ovo sad citate sto mislite hrpetina ljudi samo sa problemima...
Dosla sam ovdje pisati o ..svemu...
Inace svi me znaju kao veselu osobu...no ja to nisam..
danas je svijet pun okrutnih ljudi koji ti zele zlo...zato treba dobro birati.....

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_Metal_a pomalo slusam i rock....
-obozavam crtati..."svoj zivot prenjeti na papir"
† Nightwish†
† Sentenced†
† Epica†
† HIM†
† Evanescence†
† My Dying Bride†
† Cradle of filth†
† Tristania†
† Within temptation†
† The 69 eyes†
† DArk Tranquillity†
† Bullet for my valentine†
† Pantera †
† Iron Maiden†
† Iced Earth†
† Kreator†
†Amon Amarth†

MySpace Layouts



"The days were brighter
Gardens more blooming
The nights had more hope
In their silence The wild was calling
Wishes were whispering
The time was there
But without a meaning"


Myspace layouts


I'm losing my faith in you
You don't want it to be true
But there's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do -
Yes, I've lost my faith in

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*maiandra design*


Soon I will be here no more
You`ll hear the tale
Through my blood
Through my people
And the eagle`s cry
The bear within will never lay to rest

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CItam ih...†

chemical memory†

velvet dreams†


broken smile†


Damaged Roses†


manelys design†

LIps of an angel†



Ako sam nekog slucajno zaboravila VICITE :)

Candles die down ass you leave the room
In my heart you leave no gloom
As you lure me I know the truth
You're a leprechaun, I see you through.

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The shadows of the night,
are unleashed ageinn.
Where their greed begins
the end is near.
A morbid hunger for blood,
lies in their cold black eyes
They've come to take ouur lifes away.

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Hold me like you held on to life
When all fears came alive and entombed me
Love me like you loved the sun
Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

Your words, bury me, of what I used to be
I can't erase all those things I've seen
You heart, smothers me, now it's hard to breathe
I can't erase all my memories
Erase all my memories of you!

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26.03.2007., ponedjeljak


Vidjela sam ga...nakon duzeg vremena.....a ja duh za njega....naravno nisam se ni nicemu nadala...

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My eyes are closed but I can see you coming
Without a sound I can hear your longing sigh
My skin awaits your aching kiss on my neck
I'm awaiting you, my dark angel

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So take my hand with your bloody claws
Let us fade away on raven's wings
To take the great emptiness beyond the sky
The castle of silence, my dark angel

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Da li si vrijedan kap moje krvi....kap moje suze...jedanog gutljaja otrova na mojim usnama....

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Come to drink me red wine from me
Take it with my sorrows
I'm longing for your bloody kiss
Do not leave me alone, my dark angel


†††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† TEARS OF THE DEATH ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††

- 20:09 Komentari (30) Print - #

17.03.2007., subota

Željom do cilja...†

zeljom do cilja je izazov....netko za to mora prolit krv i znoj...kao ja........zelim vec jednom ostvarit tu zelju...i reci da pobjedila sam.....samo kad ce doci taj dan? Jednog dana....ako ne......bezvrijedno je zivjeti.......Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Zato usudi se ........."Temptation."(Cradle of filth)........pred menom je veliki izazov.....i zato nadam se to ostvariti....ne zelim vise cekati....samo imam jednu zelju....samo jednu.....kako ostati cvrst..? i ici do kraja...??? Kako je to lijepo koji do zelja dolaze tek samo tek tako...samo zatvore i otvore oci i evo je....a neki poput mene....trebaju dugo cekati...jedna svijetla tocka je u tome sto.....za ono sto cekas dugo...i pomalo dolazis do tog cilja,....ostaje vijecno....i to si onda sretno pout malog dijeteta.....zato....krecem....prema cilju....no ne mogu reci koja je to zelja...prakticki vec to zelim jako jako duuuugo......jel ako ne ti ispunim iznevjeirt cu samu sebe....

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...†I've never been closer
I've tried to understand
That certain feeling
Carved by another's hand
But it's too late to hesitate
We can't keep on living like this
All I desire
Keep climbing higher and higher

You'll never know the way your words have haunted me.
I can't believe you'd ask these things of me.
You don't know me.

...You belong to me,
My snow white queen.
There's nowhere to run, so let's just get it over.
Soon I know you'll see,
You're just like me.
Don't scream anymore my love, 'cause all I want is you.

Wake up in a dream.
Frozen fear.
All your hands on me.
I can't scream...

POzdrav od ..Tears of the death...

- 19:30 Komentari (22) Print - #

13.03.2007., utorak



Queen of the damned

tHE 69 EYES....MISLIM vise je bitan brandon lee...
- 17:19 Komentari (8) Print - #