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layout for myspace

design by Tincha

Opis bloga i nešto o meni

TEMA: nema je baš. Ovdje će moja tuga, sreća, depresija, poremećenost =) biti izražene ovim mojim,pametnim,lijepim i pjesničkim riječima. Uživajte!
peaace!!! smijeh party

MY MSN ADDRESS (malo je bolesna=D ) :

Nick:ZIK smijeh ,ZRI-ZRI lud,LUDAAA party,...smijeh
Škola:3.e (već!!)cool,jezična gim.(nažalost)
Mjesto:planet Zemlja
Hobi:divljanje :),pisanje,pjevanje,ukratko ludiranje
Vrsta glazbe koju slušam:rock,punk,metal...
¤SUM 41¤
¤50 CENT¤


~dobre muške~smijeh
~horoskopski znak djevice~
~plavu i crnu boju~
~tene~ =)
~mobitel(e) - ne mogu trajat više od 1 god. u mene~ smijeh
~čudne narukvice~
~Gabrile~ =)

Ne volim:
neke osobe
rozu bojumad
većinu hrane
radit ljeti
glupe razloge
morske pse...brrrrr eek
i wanna be ljude burninmad

3 riječi kojima bi se opisala:otkvačena,društvena,pametna (valjda)smijeh

>¤¤¤¤ TKO SAM JA ¤¤¤¤
Ja sam ona što hoda svijetom
~*A da toga nije svijesna*~
Ja sam ona kojoj je ¤Zabava¤ glavna misao
Ja sam ona koja pokušava pronaći
~¤Svoje mjesto pod sretnom zvijezdom¤~
Ona koja gleda očima tinejđera,
~*A osjeća srcem djeteta*~
Ona kojoj je stalo do svakog
~¤Ali opet i do nikog¤~
Ona koja se želi snaći
-*-U ovom okrutnom svijetu-*-
-*-U ovoj magli gluposti-*-
-*-U ovoj magli nepravde i boli-*-

Ja sam ona koja *ne želi razumijeti*
Ona koja *-¤želi živjeti samo u svojem svijetu¤-*
Ja sam ona koja ¤-¤trpi bol¤-¤
~*-¤A smije se!¤-*~

Pregažena po stoti put
Sklupčana stojim u kutu sobe
Krv mi teče niz lice
A ruke modre od boli
Savinula sam oko sebe
Tražim utjehu,al
Nema nikog tu
Nema nikog osim
~Tebe,tebe moje čuvarice
Stajala si,dozivala me
Pružila mi ruku
U očaju prihvatila sam te
I našla svoj mir
Sad sve gledam odozgo
I vidim patnju
Vidim ljude kako plaču
Al bol je prolazna
Zaboravit će se sve
~A moj će grob
Opet biti prazan
Ostat će samo riječi

¤Koje ti govore sve¤

myspace layout

myspace layout

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts

PR€N smijehwave
M¤j R@sh€
V€R@ & R¤M€smijeh
2.C mah
2.B mah

I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
I don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)

CHORUS:I've become so numb
I can feel you there
Become so numb
So much more aware
I'm becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you

Can't you see that you smothering me
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control
cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow,just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more that I can take

CHORUS:I've become so numb
I can feel you there
Become so numb
So much more aware
I'm becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you

And I know I may end up failing too
But I know you were just like me
With someone disappointed in you


myspace layout

myspace layout

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Layouts


When this began
I had nothing to say
And Id get lost in the nothingness inside of me
I was confused
And Id let it all out to find
That im not the only person with these things in mind
Inside of me
When all the vacancy the words revealed
Is the only real thing that I’ve got left to feel
Nothing to loose
Just stuck, hollow and alone
And the fault is my own and the fault is my own

I wanna heal
I wanna feel
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I felt so long
Erase all the pain till its gone
I wanna heal
I wanna feel
Like Im close to something real
I want to find something I’ve wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

And I’ve got nothing to say
I cant believe I didn’t fall right down on my face
I was confused
Looking everywhere only to find
That its not the way I had imagined it all in my mind
So what am I
What do I have but negativity
Cause I cant justify the way everyone is looking at me
Nothing to loose
Nothing to gain, hollow and alone
And the fault is my own and the fault is my own

I wanna heal
I wanna feel
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I felt so long
Erase all the pain till its gone
I wanna heal
I wanna feel
Like Im close to something real
I want to find something I’ve wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

I will never know
Myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel
Anything else, until my wounds are healed
I will never be anything
Until I break away from me
I will break away
I'll find myself today

I wanna heal
I wanna feel
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I felt so long
Erase all the pain till its gone
I wanna heal
I wanna feel
Like Im close to something real
I want to find something I’ve wanted all along
Somewhere I belong

I wanna heal
I wanna feel
I wanna feel like Im somewhere I belong

I wanna heal
I wanna feel
I wanna feel like Im somewhere I belong

Somewhere I belong

Bow Down

TEARS DON'T FALL-Bullet 4 My Valentine

Let's go!

With blood shot eyes, I watch you sleeping
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading
Would she hear me, if I called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone f***ing hanging on
Can anybody help me makes things better?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

The moments died, I hear no screaming
The visions left inside me are slowly fading
Would she hear me, if I called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone f***ing hanging on
Can anybody help me makes things better?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

This battered room I've seen before
The broken bones they heal no more, no more
With my last breath I'm choking
Will this ever end I'm hoping
My world is over one more time

Let's go!

Would she hear me, if I called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone f***ing hanging on
Can anybody help me makes things better?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home


Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

THE POISON-Bullet 4 My Valentine

Now, is your time to die
We've gathered here to say goodbye
No, more, you'll cry
No reason left for you to fight

Feel, pain, no more
Emotions never felt before
Where, do, we go
We go, she'll never know

Holding on to you, to keep from falling
Your eyes are closing now
Another chapter's ending

Hard, times, we always saw
There's nothing left of you no more
Fear, has, no place, no place
Cover her face

Holding on to you, to keep from falling
Your eyes are closing now
Another chapter's ending

This is our last goodbye (goodbye!)
This is our time tonight

Holding on to you!

Cover up her face!

Holding on to you... To keep from falling!

Holding on to you, to keep from falling
Your eyes are closing now
Another chapter's ending

This is our last goodbye (goodbye!)
This is our time tonight (goodbye!)

This is our last goodbye!

Myspace layouts

Myspace layouts

offspring lyrics
a - z LYRICS


Under the bridge

Sometimes I feel
Like I don't have a partner
Sometimes I feel
Like my only friend
Is the city I live in
The city of angels
Lonely as I am
Together we cry

I drive on her streets
'Cause she's my companion
I walk through her hills
'Cause she knows who I am
She sees my good deeds
And she kisses me windy
I never worry
Now that is a lie

I don't ever want to feel
Like I did that day
Take me to the place I love
Take me all the way

It's hard to believe
That there's nobody out there
It's hard to believe
That I'm all alone
At least I have her love
The city she loves me
Lonely as I am
Together we cry

I don't ever want to feel
Like I did that day
Take me to the place I love
Take me all that way

Under the bridge downtown
Is where I drew some blood
Under the bridge downtown
I could not get enough
Under the bridge downtown
Forgot about my love
Under the bridge downtown
I gave my life away

I cannot take this anymore
I'm sayin' everythin' I said before
All these words they make no sense
I found bliss in ignorance
The less I hear the less you say
You'll find out anyway

CHORUS:Just like before
Everything you say to me
Takes me one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break
I need a little room to breathe
Cuz I'm one step closer to the edge
And I'm about to break

I find the answers are so clear
Wish i could find a way to disappear
All these thoughts they make no sense
I found bliss in ignorance
Nothing seems to go away
Over and over again




All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me) - B4MV

Once more I say goodbye, to you
Things happen but we don't really know why
If it's supposed to be like this, why do most of us ignore the chance to miss?

Oh yeah...

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like..

All these things I hate revolve around
Just back off before I snap

Once more you tell those lies, to me
Why can't you just be straight up with honesty?
When you say those things in my ear, why do you always tell me what you wanna hear?

Oh yeah...

Wear your heart on your sleeve, make things hard to believe, I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like..

All these things I hate revolve around
Just back off before I snap and you'll see...(see!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Just back off before I snap...

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like me...

It's the best to be when you're
All these things I hate revolve around
Just back off before I snap and you'll see...(see!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Just back off before I snap...


petak, 30.03.2007.

Th€ p¤!s¤n t€rs ¤f h€r l!f€ d€l!ght...

smijehIt's easier to run
Replacing this pain with something numb
It's so much easier to go
Then face all this pain here all alone...

Život je nepravedan, ali to je život. .život nas bića s osjećajima, nas koji smo voljeli, koji volimo i koji ćemo voljeti! Ništa nije lako, ništa nije jednostavno, ali za sve postoji odgovor na pitanje ''Zašto?'' Mi smo krojači svoje sudbine, ali isto ona je već zapisana i ne može se promijeniti. Pitanja se gomilaju, odgovora je sve manje...sreća nestaje!
Gibitak razuma i zbunjenost ovog bića dovodi do ludila...dovodi do nerazumljivih poteza i situacija. Naizgled jednostavna stvar poprima drugi oblik- oblik kompliciranog!
Samo se bori i pobijediti ćeš...nemoj odustajat!

I'd kill to share your pain...


Rastrgana na tisuću komadića
Bol me razdire cijelu
Prijateljstvo napuštam
Ljubav gubim
Više ništa ne osjećam
Srce mi je izgubilo boju
Postaje hladno i ledeno
Gubim glavu i ne razmišljam u redu
Svijet mi je izgubio smisao
Život me napušta
Zbog boli i moje gluposti
Opirem se rukama sreće
Opirem se svijetu ljubavi
Jer ti si me uništio
I ubio sve u meni
Sve ono što voljet je znalo.
Postala sam marineta tvojeg bića,
Igram po tvojim pravilima
Jer sam preslaba da se oduprem

Kao zombi putujem
I gledam, al' ne osjećam
Nemam više ništa
Jer srce mi je slomljeno
Na tisuću komadića
Povrijedila sam onog koga nisam htjela,
Uništila mu sreću i nadu

A zašto? Zbog tebe, budalo jedna!
Poželim sad da me nema
Poželim da me nestane,
Da se izbriše svako sjećanje na mene,
Da mi on oprosti i
Da me zaboravi
~* Oprosti anđelu što sam ti slomila krila*~
~* Oprosti nisam htjela *~
~* Al' ne mogu, ne mogu
~* Oprosti mi, molim te...*~


Nedostaje mi zraka, vrti mi se
Patnja koju sam nanijela drugima razdire me
Zašto sve mora biti ovako komplicirano?!
Zašto jednostavno svi ne mogu biti sretni?!
Ne mogu se zamisliti u zagrljaju drugog...
Ne želim...
Zbunjena sam i znam da gubim...da gubim
Sreću koju nisam imala kod njega, ali jednostavno ne mogu
Previše je toga.
Previše je glumaca u ovoj drami i guše me...
Želim pobjeći od svega...nestati u daljini,
Negdje gdje neću čuti ni za koga
Samo želim svoj mir...
Uništila sam anđela koji ljubit je znao
Slomila mu krila i sad stoji na zemlji
I gleda u visine...~gleda~,* a ne može letjeti *

Ne trebam ništa detaljno objašnjavat...kao što se vidi skurcana sam.
Ne mogu ništa više reć ni objašnjavat...oni koji trebaju znat znaju i razumiju!
Samo želim na kraju pozdravit sve: moju balicu (Matee,Niku,Mericu,Joosu-hvala na svemu curekiss), Đux,Pipija, Algicu olitiga Brunkyja (tnx i tebi mali kiss), LUCIJU moju najdražu (svaka čast mala,tnxthumbupkiss),Rashu kiss ,Vericu, Prika,prika,frendicusmijeh, Anchu,Tonku - tnx cure na svemu, moj cijeli 2.e, Andreja - nice zurka hehe thumbup, Kosu smokin, zatim Stellu - sorry curo wave i PRENA - nadam se da ćeš mi oprostit ubrzo no...sve vas ostale koje sam nenamjerno zaboravila! Puno pozzdrava svima!xx

I meni jedna jako draga pjesma:
All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me)

Once more I say goodbye, to you
Things happen but we don't really know why
If it's supposed to be like this, why do most of us ignore the chance to miss?

Oh yeah...

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like..

All these things I hate revolve around
Just back off before I snap

Once more you tell those lies, to me
Why can't you just be straight up with honesty?
When you say those things in my ear, why do you always tell me what you wanna hear?

Oh yeah...

Wear your heart on your sleeve, make things hard to believe, I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like..

All these things I hate revolve around
Yeah... (yeah!)
Just back off before I snap and you'll see...(see!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Just back off before I snap...

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like me...

It's the best to be when you're
All these things I hate revolve around
Just back off before I snap and you'll see...(see!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Just back off before I snap...

| Pokuš@j r€ć n€što p@m€tno ...hmmm....just (43) | ae samo ti uzmi ovo =) | # |

nedjelja, 18.03.2007.

''Pokušaj samoubojstva?!'' - Zašto ne?!!!Ionako će sve nestat!!

Evo pošto ste navalili da napišem novi post natjerala sam se i napisala ga!
Vidite naslov?E pa,ništa se vi ne brinite,nisam se pokušala ubit (još uvijek hehe) -to je samo mala metafora! znam baš kuda ovaj post ide.Morbidan naslov,sadržaj će bit još gori u to budite sigurni tako da vam već na početku pružam šansu da odustanete od čitanja!
Moram spomenut sinoćnju večer-bila je stvarno drama!!U klubu bio koncert neke grupe ''The Orange Stripes'' – mogu reć da nisu loši,naprotiv super su! Upoznala sam masu novih ljudi- zajebancija do kraja!A moja draga Nike (prika,prika,frend hehe) se savršeno zabavljala!=)
Naravno mi ne bismo bile mi kad se nešto loše ne bi dogodilo – ma ništa važno osim da je nama i još par ljudi vozač jedinice zatvorio vrata pred nosom i pošo!DEGEN!!burninmadE a nisam spomenula da je to bilo u 2 sata kad smo nas dvije već trebale bit doma!I niš onda smo još ostale ispred kluba,zajebavale se i ludirale tj. ja se ludirala sa stipom na plesnom podiju hehe -POZZ STIPE party smijeh i onda u 3 i 20 s busom doma.No,opet je bilo problema.Prikina mama je ko i svaka dobra mama morala provjeriti je li njena curica došla doma-a trebale smo bit doma u 1-tako da je uporno zvala jedan mali milijun puta...čak je nekako saznala i moj broj (kako?!?!)nonoKad smo uspuhane utrčale u stan Prika je okrenula tel i nazvala mamitu kao da se ništa nije dogodilo-smuljala joj neku priču koju naravno nije popušila! Ali nismo mi krive što nam je vozač zalupio vratima!!!!!DEGEN!burninmadVidjet će on-probušit ću mu gume hehe!smijehKad se to malo smirilo dobile smo i goste i ostale budne do 5 ipo,a trebale se dić u 7!!Ajme k a t a s t r o f a!Ali bilo je fenomenalno!!
A sad da se ja vratim mom depresivnom putu ovog posta...onako malo fore radi!
~ Život jest san, ali smrt nije ništavilo, već je smrt buđenje u drugom životu, u apsolutnoj istini!~
Dok ja ovako lutam po ovim mračnim hodnicima sa slikama žrtava života, razmišljam je li sve ovo potrebno, može li se na lakši način doći do onoga što ste oduvijek željeli! Mislim meni bi bio draži lakši put, jer zašto se mučiti za nešto što ćeš ionako izgubiti!!
'' Ruže u cavtu svanuše iz mraka
i procvale su zato da uginu;
u jednom pupu zipka im i raka''
Calderón de la Barca


''Od zipke pa do groba samo je korak''

Znam sad sigurno mislite da samo totalno poremećena zbog ovog!!Algice sorry,ali depresija me uhvatila!Nisam brrrrrrr!
Osjećate li se katkad bespomoćno?Kad ne možete ama baš ništa učinit da spriječite tragediju!?Ja da-trenutno! Jedino što bi htjela učinit je nestat...bilo gdje...samo da mi je pobjeć odavde...guši me ovaj život, ne mogu se maknut a da prije toga ne moram dobro promislit da li ću tim mojim pomakom uzrokovat kakvu k a t a s t r o f u!!
Škola me jebe u zdrav mozak...poludit ću, totalno!! Onaj moj ''godišnji odmor'' mi je donio samo probleme – gomila gradiva koja mora bit odgovarana – nema šanse da će ovo dobro završit!! UFFF!!!!
Ne znam više što bi pisala...prekinula sam se u misli tako da sam sad ostala bez inspiracije!NO inspiratiON!!

Želim pobjeć daleko odavde
Negdje gdje me nitko neće pronaći
Osjećam se kao riba na suhom
Kao da mi ponestaje zraka
A sve ovo oko mene što se događa
Gubi smisao življenja

To je sve što sad osjećam
Nekako mi je sve...
Kao da se sprema lom
Kao da ja više nisam...
Kao da sama odlazim
I nema nikog...
DA me spasi
Jer riječi su suvišne
Kad je tu bol...

This battered room I've seen before
The broken bones they heal no more, no more
With my last breath I'm choking
Will this ever end I'm hoping
My world is over one more time
''Tears don't fall''

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears, I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling
''All these things I hate''

and remember:

A sad za kraj pozdravi:pozz Matiparty,Niki,smijehMericismokin,Mateicerek,Pipijunjami,Đuxucerek,Joosicool,Kosismokin,Peruškilud,Vericilud,Tonkizujo,Anieek, zatim Rashi,Stipiparty,Alenu,lapađankama i ostatku 2.e,cavtačankama, Prenu,Stelli,Domagoju,Nenu i njegovoj Antonijismijehsmijehparty,Mateju,....njemu i naravno poseban pozz MOJOJ ALGICImah smijeh i svima vama koje sam nenamjerno zaboravila!!!Uživajte!

| Pokuš@j r€ć n€što p@m€tno ...hmmm....just (59) | ae samo ti uzmi ovo =) | # |

srijeda, 07.03.2007.

-----------no inspiration-----------

Hmmm....hello!!!Nešto ne mogu zaspat pa odlučih napisat novi postić,ali mali...niš važno....onak bzvz bang
Napokon sam ozdravila i vratila se in da skul među one moje lude ljude.Baš su mi falili (jbt ko bi reko) smijeh
Imam hrpu za učit ali tako mi je slaba koncentracija da ne znam kako ću uspijet...maloprije učim biologiju i nakon 5 min zabuljim se u prazno i tako buljim,buljim dok ne skontam da buljim lud hehe

Danas mi je dan bio savršen!Napokon i meni jednom!Sad sam baš shvatila da sam već 40 dana free!smijeh nono a jbg,isto mi nije lako.Nikad ja na zelenu granu!Uvijek se zalijepim za krive!!!Nevjerojatno...sad mi se sviđa mlađi i zauzeti =( cerek
O,glavo ludaaaaaaaaaa!!!hehe a jbg,ma nema veze.prekinut će...ja se nadamcerek
Ma znate što-ne da mi se sad pisat vele jer bi mogla počet s depresivnim rečenicam (a to fkt ne želim) pa vam evo nekih pjesmica-onak bzvz!

~ I wish I could talk to you
Be with you somehow
I know you are at better place
I still can see your face
Your voice in my head! ~

~ Who we are?!
Just another drop of water in the sea
What we do?!
Burst in reality all we are is just
Dust in the wind!!! ~

Zapitaš li se katkad tko si?
Tko smo mi? A tko su oni?
Pogledaš li oko sebe i vidiš li
Tu tamu što me obavija?
Mučnina u želudcu kad
Pomislim na tebe ubija me,
Smrt mozga dotukla me,
A smrad mrtvih leševa
Širi se po cijeloj sobi
Pomisliš li ikad kako bi bilo
Da je drukčije? ...
Svijet se urušava
Nema više onog kamenja
Koje nas je čudno gledalo,
Nema više ljudi...
Sve je nestalo u tami
Koja me obavija!

Dođi, dođi, igraj se s nama,
Prijatelju dođi
Pogledaj u zrcalo snova
Dođi i igraj se s nama
Čekamo te tu
U Zemlji Snova
Dođi,Prijatelju dođi

To bi bilo to!!Sad idem pokušat zaspat..eto vas moji ljudi-i hope you've injoyed!!thumbup
Pozz sve: moju baličikičicuwave-Mateu,Meri,Nikolinu,Mateu br.2,Pipiija,Đuxa,zatim Joosu,Kosu,Rastu,Smileyja,Rashu,Vericu,Perušku,Tonku,Anu,lapađanke,ostatak 2.e,moje drage dječakesmijeh cerek i sve vas ostale koje sam nenamjerno zaboravila!!
Laku noć!!mahwave

| Pokuš@j r€ć n€što p@m€tno ...hmmm....just (24) | ae samo ti uzmi ovo =) | # |

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