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Kolovoz 2010 (3)
Srpanj 2010 (3)
Lipanj 2010 (6)
Svibanj 2010 (11)
Travanj 2010 (13)


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They laugh because I'm different, I laugh because they're the same

...Kakva je to istina
kad s druge strane je laž
izvrnute vrijednosti
strah, samo strah
Neostvareni snovi
radiš ono što ne voliš
ali mogu ti reći
gdje je put ka sreći

Samo živi, samo budi
svi odgovori doći će sami

...Koliko za sada znam
život nema milosti
jer većina nema hrabrosti
ni svijesti ni savjesti
da kao ti dušo
prizna i oprosti...
Zato te volim,volim,volim
bez obzira na sve
zato te volim,volim,volim
budi uvijek pored mene...

Sometimes I wish I had never met you. Because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there

It hurts to know that you'll never remember the things all never forget

What I’ve Done

In this farewell
There’s no blood
There’s no lalibie
‘Cause I’ve Drawn Regret
From the truth
Of a Thousand Lies

So let Mercy Come
And Wash Away
What I’ve Done

I'll face myself
To Cross out what I’ve Become
Erase Myself
And let Go of What I’ve done

Put to rest
What you Thought of Me
While I clean this Slate
With the Hands of Uncertainty

For What I’ve Done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I’m Forgiving What I’ve Done!!!

What I’ve Done
Forgiving What I’ve Done

moj pas xD

messi i ja

novak slaven bilic i ja :D

četvrtak, 24.06.2010.

Still want you here....

I hope you're feeling happy now
I see you feel no pain at all it seems
I wonder what you're doin' now
I wonder if you think of me at all
Do you still play the same moves now
Or are those special moods
For someone else
I hope you're feeling happy now

Does laughter still discover you
I see through all those smiles
That look so right
Do you still have the same friends now
To smoke away your
Problems and your life
Oh how do you remember
Me the one that made
You laugh until you cried
I hope you're feeling happy now

Just because you feel good
Doesn't make you right
Just because you feel good
Still want you here tonight

I wonder what you're doing now
I hope you're feeling happy now
I wonder what you're doing now
I hope you're feeling happy now

- 20:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

the end?!

posljedni pokusaj bio je promasaj....

- 20:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 12.06.2010.


Tek sad dok ležim na podu,
Bez imalo truda mislim na nju
Topi se moj strah u čaši
Nestaje u prvom gutljaju.
I tek sad dok slažem krevet za dvoje
Pitam se kome li je ostavljam....
Kad ostane tišina kao odgovor,
Kad ne znam pričam li sam sa sobom
Il' pričam sa njom!
Kad ostane tišina kao odgovor,
Ja imam još jedan razlog...

I tek sad dok ulicama gazim lica sam
Nije važno kamo putujem.
Tek sad dok ritam bubnja sporo tuče
Vidim kako je bez nje!
Čitav svijet sad je hladna gorka crna kava
Ne osjećam se najbolje!
Jer čitav svijet kao divlja rijeka već me nosi
Sve dalje od nje!

Kad ostane tišina kao odgovor,
Kad ne znam pričam li sam sa sobom
Il' pričam sa njom!
Kad ostane tišina kao odgovor,
Ja imam baš dobar razlog za alkohol!
Za alkohol
Za alkohol

- 14:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 05.06.2010.

Desecration Smile

All alone not by myself
Another girl bad for my health

I wanna leave but I just get stuck
A broken record runnin' low on luck

We could all come up with
Something new to be destroyed
We could all go down....

- 16:10 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 03.06.2010.


spasi me molim teeee
pokazi mi da nisam u zabludi...
pokazi mi da nisam u snovima..
pokazi mi da osjecas isto...
nemoj mi lagati reci mi sta osjecas molim tee nemoj me drzati u zabludi....
ja te zelim svim srcem ali neznam sta ti zelis :/
nadohvat ruke si mi a opet tako daleko...
daj molim te reci mi sta osjecs nemoj me drzati u zabludi.....

- 03:25 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 01.06.2010.

I'm dying tonight

Woke up tonight and no one's here with me
I'm giving in to you
Caught up, in life
Losing all my friends
Family has tried, to heal all my addictions
Tragic it seems, to be alone again
I'm giving in ... to you

I look forward, to dying tonight
Drink till i'm myself, life's harder every day
The stress has got me
I'm giving in
Giving in
Giving in now!

Take me under
I'm giving in to you
I'm dying tonight
I'm giving in to you
Take me under....

- 23:35 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

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