Green day.... and stuff

22.05.2006., ponedjeljak

evo novog postića....

malo sam se uljenila....ali imam opravdane razloge prek tjedna sam učila end staf za školu a za vikend sam tulumarila party jer mi staraca opet nije bilo doma. sređuju kuću na moru......
ovaj put nisam napravila tulum al mi je opet bilo zakon. u sub nakon gitare sam morala ić u grad jer nam je profa iz zemljopisa dao neki glupi zadatak pa smo morali obić pol grada i istražit muzej headbang..... ajde trebalo nam je nekih sat i pol fala bogu. ja sam misla da će to trajat minimalno 3 sata. nakon tog sam s frendicom i sestričnom išla po bircevima, u importane.....i vratila sam se doma u pol 6 (a izašla u 10.30. prije tog sam još imala gitaru).... oko pol 8 mi je došla sestrična da prespava kod mene. kupile smo cugu party i posudile filmove krug 2 i donnie darko. zakon su. pogledajte ih...... u nedjelju sam cjelu odmarala i visila kod sestrič bi bilo to... bilo je fora....
što sam još htjela reć?.......hmmmmm.... nemam blage.....valjda nije niš važno....ak se sjeti, napišem vam....poooozzz.....mah
- 14:36 - Komentari (17) - Isprintaj - #

14.05.2006., nedjelja

nema posebnog naslova....male izmjene za prijašnji post

moj buraz (mirna - kome nije jasno nek pročita prijašnje postove i imate negdje i sliku) se malo naljutio jer je ispao papak zbog onog 'malo pive' pa ću samo za njega napisat izmjenu. cerek
naime nije on popio party samo malo pive nego je uz to popio i gutljaj ( eek ) votke, juice-votke i amara. jesi sad zadovoljan, moj najdraži brate?? kiss
to bi bilo to s izmjenama.
novi post uskoro.
nastavite s komentarima.....
- 18:22 - Komentari (15) - Isprintaj - #

08.05.2006., ponedjeljak

malo zakašnjeli post, hehe

jebi ga! nije mi se dalo pisat. upravo sam se vratila iz škole... prvi sat smo pisali pravopis iz hrvatskog....loše..jako loše mad... onda sam dobila 4 iz povijesti!!! yaaaay!smijeh i zadnji sat me žena pitala kemiju....dobila sam 5 (?!?) iako bi ja sebi dala 3 il 4.... ali neću se žalit!
joj da! da ne zaboravim!! prošli vikend su mi starci išli na more, a mene ostavili samu doma! hehe. naughty što će drugo Joana napravit nego TULUM!!!!! to je bio tulum za moj rođendan koji je bio 10.4... znala sam da će mi starci nekam ić pa ga zato nisam prije slavila. uglavnom, bilo nas je 7 i bilo je fakat zakon!! mirna se uspjela napit jer je 'eksala' malo pive pa je to bilo pre smješno! stalno je ponavljala kak ona nije pijana i kak sam ja pijana i sam kaj se nije zrušila nasred sobe lud ...hehe...(sorry mirna cerek ) svi smo se malo napili party ...tek tolko da nam sve bude zabavno....
aha! moram vam reć kaj sam sve dobila!! od buraza (to vam je mirna, da nebi mislili da imam brata) sam dobila green day biografiju na engleskom!!!! tak sam sretna zbog tog smijeh !!! od lucije i marine sam dobila green day majicu, 3 bedža, naljepnicu(sve to naravno green day) i ogromnu čokoladu. od melite mirisne štapiće i usnu harmoniku(!!!!). morat ću ju naučit svirat...zakon mi je! ema mi je dala 100 kn jer nije znala kaj da mi kupi i sestrična mi je poklonila privjesak.....uglavnom, skoro svi pokloni su vezani uz green day što meni jako odgovara smijeh smijeh ....
to bi bilo to...mislim da nisa niš zaboravila...ak jesam, napišem vam to za par dana...
- 14:27 - Komentari (16) - Isprintaj - #

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evo baš gledam kak svi vi u boxevima imate textove riječi pa ću i ja, ali hmmm..... baš i nisu točne... ;-)

"Good Riddance (Die Upon Your Life)"
Another turnip and a fork stuck in the road
Please ask the alien and the farmer's wife to hold.
So make the best of this testimony, that's why.
It's not a question but a laughing, learning time.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's rain.
I hope you have to die upon your life.
So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind
Hang it on the shelf in good, old-fashioned time
Tact is the memory of dancing on trial.
For what it's worth, it was worth all the wine.
It's something unpredictable, the Indian is right
I hope you had the dime of your wife.
It's something unpredictable, the Indian was right
I hope you had a time as your wife

evo vam još jedna:

When I get aroused
I heard you crying loud,
All the way of the sound
You've been searchin' for that someone,
and it's me, head of the crowd
As you sit around feeling sorry for yourself
Don't get lonely now
And dry your whining eyes
I'm just roaming for the moment
Sleazin' my back yard so don't get so uptight
you been thinking about ditching me
The time that turns the world around.
Cause you know where I'll be found
When I get aroused
I heard it all before
Throw donuts at my door..
I'm a loser and a user so I don't need no accuser
to try and slag me down because I know you're right
So don't do what you like
Make sure you do it wise
You may find out that your self-doubt means nothing
was ever there
You can't go forcing something if it's just
not right
Your mama searched world around.
Cause you know where I'll be found
When I come to town
When I come to town
The time that turns the world around.
Cause you know where I'll be found
When I get aroused
When I caught a red hound
When I come to town

i još jedna:

This is a public service announcment. Piss in your latex
Emergency evacuation protest
Lay in bed, your ability to operate the sh*ttery
Can't quite tell just what it means to me
Keep out of regions of the Dutchess of Destruction.
Get your philosophy from a bumper sticker
Women, live without women
Say women, live without women
Without. Alright.
Mental homes and safety sealed communities
Did you remember to pay the utility?
Gosh darn, police line you b****, you're not Christ!
it's the copper mine the one thats really dangerous
Sanitation exploration, don't question everything!
Or shut up and be a victim of authority
Warning, we're going south-border.
Say warning: Live without water
Say warming... land without borders
Until warning, live without boring
Without. Alright.
Better homes and safety-sealed communities
Did you remember to pay the utility?
Got Shot!
You'd better not cross,
is the cardboard man the one that's really dangerous?
Sanitation it's a ration date question everything.
Or shut up and be a victim of authority
Boiling, bread without water
Say warning. Bread without borders
Say women. Live without women
Say warming. Land without borders
This is a public service announcment
Piss in your latex - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service - Free Image Picture Photo Hosting Service