27.10.2011., četvrtak


Attic floor. Contemporary floor designs.

Attic Floor

attic floor

  • of or relating to Attica or its inhabitants or to the dialect spoken in Athens in classical times; "Attic Greek"

  • loft: floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage

  • the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken and written in Attica and Athens and Ionia

  • A space or room just below the roof of a building

  • The lower surface of a room, on which one may walk

  • the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure); "they needed rugs to cover the bare floors"; "we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent"

  • A level area or space used or designed for a particular activity

  • shock: surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off; "I was floored when I heard that I was promoted"

  • All the rooms or areas on the same level of a building; a story

  • a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale; "what level is the office on?"

Attic Floor

Attic Floor

(Back to Front, Left to Right) Vivian, Me, Haze, Foo, Moh

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- 21:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Attic Flooring Ireland. Floor Waxing. Wooden Floor Design.

Attic Flooring Ireland

attic flooring ireland

  • floor: the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure); "they needed rugs to cover the bare floors"; "we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent"

  • (floored) provided with a floor

  • The boards or other material of which a floor is made

  • building material used in laying floors

  • An island in the British Isles that lies west of Great Britain. Approximately four fifths of the area of Ireland constitutes the Republic of Ireland, with the remaining one fifth belonging to Northern Ireland. After an unsuccessful rebellion in 1798, union of Britain and Ireland followed in 1801. In 1922, Ireland was partitioned by the Anglo-Irish Treaty

  • a republic consisting of 26 of 32 counties comprising the island of Ireland; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1921

  • an island comprising the republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

  • Ireland (,; Eire, ; Ulster Scots: Airlann) is the third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island in the world. It lies to the northwest of continental Europe and is surrounded by hundreds of islands and islets.

  • of or relating to Attica or its inhabitants or to the dialect spoken in Athens in classical times; "Attic Greek"

  • A space or room just below the roof of a building

  • loft: floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage

  • the dialect of Ancient Greek spoken and written in Attica and Athens and Ionia



The friary church in Claregalway is shaped like a cross. The nave and the chancel are like the upright beam of the cross, while the transepts form the arms of the cross. The transepts run north and south from the point where the chancel joins the nave, and the tower marks this point. However, the Claregalway church does not have a south transept. The church is basically rectangular shaped and like most churches of the period was built facing due east, with the altar on the eastern end. The total internal length of the structure is 142 feet. The original church was built in the early pointed style of the thirteenth century. The tower, the east gable window and the north transept were added in the fifteenth century.
The chancel refers to that part of the church, near the altar, which was reserved for the clergy and choir and is on the eastern end. It is 52 feet long and 23 feet wide. There are six tall narrow pointed (Gothic style) windows in both the north and south walls that provide light; each window is 2 feet in width and 11 feet in height.
Also there were originally three pointed windows in the east gable, but these were replaced by the present one in the fifteenth century that reflected the elaborate ornate style of that time. This east window is the crowning glory of the church. Mullions or vertical stone shafts divide the window into five lights or sections with very gracefully proportioned patterns in the upper part of the window.
On the south wall of the chancel are the remains of a piscina, which is a stone basin in which the chalice used in the Eucharist is rinsed, and the sedilla, a group of three seats let into the wall for the clergy performing the service. The De Burgo tomb, with the arms and crest of the De Burgos, stands in the north side wall, the position in which the founder or other great benefactor’s tomb is generally placed. It carries the following Latin inscription:
Husc Incum sibi elegit Dus Tho Burgo de Anbally, Fils Richarde de Derrymaelaghni Anno Domini 1648

In translation: “Thomas de Burgo of Anbally, son of Richard of Derrymacloughney chose this place for himself, 1648 AD.”
The nave is the main part of the church; it is on the western end and was where the congregation and laity sat. It is 72 feet long and 23 feet wide. The word nave comes from the Latin word nave, meaning a ship, for the ship was thought to be the symbol or sign of the Christian church, which carries believers over the sea of life into the safe harbour of heaven. Almost the entire western gable end is no more.
An old 1792 sketch of the Friary shows an elaborate window with four sections interlacing with round pieces over the heads. The people’s main entrance was by a large door in the western gable, of which the outline can just barely be seen. The western gable together with the door and window collapsed sometime in the 19th century. There are several sedillas on the south wall; the broken arch of one has been repaired with small red tiles.
There was a north aisle, with a width of 11 feet, which was separated from the nave by an arcade of four pointed arches on cylindrical pillars. The Romanesque style, rounded arch, connected the aisle with the north transept. Unfortunately this aisle is now demolished.
This measures 25 feet long by 16 feet. There is a doorway from under the tower into the transept chapel that would have been used by the clergy. However the public had access from the then north aisle of the nave through the arch. Its north window has three shafts with interlacing heads and the two windows to the east are richly carved like some of the window heads in St. Nicholas’ church in Galway. The chapel has an altar and altarpiece, and also a piscina near the door. The arch had been closed and the north window blocked, when the friars had earlier modified the transept to serve as a penal day chapel. Also it had been unroofed around 1915 by the Rev. PJ Moran. There is a tablet affixed to the wall of the chapel to the right of the entrance under the tower which carries the following Latin inscription:
Quisquis eris, qui transieris,
Sta, Perlege, plora,
Sum qd. eris, Fueramq. qd. es,
Pro me, Precor, Ora,
P.M.B. o.s.f.
In translation: “Whosoever you may be who should pass by, stop, read thoroughly, mourn. I am what you shall be and I was what you are. I entreat that you pray for me, F(ather) M(artin) B(lake). O(rder) (of) S(t). F(rancis)”. The plaque measures 28 inches by 7.5 inches is not dated and may mark Fr. Blake’s burial place.
The tower or belfry was built about 200 years after the original building and within the walls of the church. It rises in three stages above the roof, to a height of 80 feet from the ground level. The insertion of this prominent tower blocked up one of the clerestory windows of the nave and an adjoining window seems to have been taken out and a larger two section window put in its place, to compensate for the loss of light. It is built on arches or a groin type vault suppor

Public School 108

Public School 108

Public School 108, the Sal Abbraciamento School, Cypress Hills, Brooklyn

Public School 108, in the Cypress Hills section of Brooklyn, is an imposing Romanesque Revival style building designed by James W. Naughton in 1895. The building still functions as a public school and serves as a living reminder of the long history of public education in Kings County.

Cypress Hills was originally a village in the town of New Lots which, for 200 years prior to 1852, had been part of the larger township of Fiat-bush. Although a school had been established in Flatbush in the 1650s, it was not until 1740 that the population of the town had increased to the point that its eastern section, the "New Lots," could be separated into an independent school district.

A school house was erected near the present intersection of Schenck and New Lots Avenues and stood until 1810 when it was replaced by a larger building next to the New Lots Reformed Church. In 1847, a new second school district was established within New Lots consisting of all of East New York and Cypress Hills and a new school building for this district was built on Vermont Avenue near Fulton Street.

This district was in turn divided in 1856, creating a separate district for Cypress Hills. However, it was not until 1870 that a two-story high brick building was erected as the school for the district. This building still exists as the central section of the present Public School 65 on Richmond Street. Until then, the students had been required to use the basement of a nearby Methodist. 'Church.

Twenty-five years later, after Cypress Hills had been subsumed into the burgeoning City of Brooklyn, Public School 108 was built.

The architect, of Public School 108, James W. Naughton (1849-98), was bom in Ireland and brought to Brooklyn by his parents at the age of eight and educated in the public and private schools of the city. At the age of fifteen, Naughton went west, settling in Milwaukee where he worked as an apprentice in the architectural office of J. & A. Douglas. In 1859, having completed his apprenticeship, he entered the University of Wisconsin at Madison to study architecture. After two years, he returned to Brooklyn and continued studying architecture at the Cooper Union in Manhattan.

He was active in Brooklyn politics, and,for two years between 1874 and 1876, he served as Superintendent of Buildings for the City of Brooklyn. In 1379, he succeeded Samuel B. Leonard as the Superintendent of Buildings for the Board of Education of the City of Brooklyn and held that position for nearly twenty years until Iris death in 1898. All the school buildings built in Brooklyn during the twenty years prior to the Incorporation of Greater New York in 1898 were designed by Naughton.

Public School 108, an imposing Romanesque Revival structure built of brick and Lake Superior sandstone, rises above a rough-faced stone basement for three stories and is crowned by an attic fourth floor pierced by dormer windows. An interesting feature of the school is its plan. The building is symmetrically arranged into three parts: three-bay wide end pavilions connected by recessed wings to the seven-bay wide central entrance section.

The division of the school into prominent pavilions is usually associated with the Second Empire style, a style that faded in popularity 25 years before the school was built. The plan was probably retained by Naughton for esthetic reasons. The use of pavilions adds greatly to the character of a design, creating verticality, plactisity, and a dynamic play of light and shadow.

The ground floor of the pavilions and central portion are enhanced by quoins and a stone cornice runs above the first floor, visually joining the three main sections and giving a strong horizontal accent to the facade.

The windows of the first and second floor are square-headed with the exception of two windows immediately above the entrance and at the second floor on the side facade of the south pavilion.

The third floor windows are arched: those that pierce the recessed connecting wings are shallow, segmental arched, while those in the central and end pavilions are round-arched with ornamental imposts and molded archivolts.

The modillioned roof cornice is broken by the dormer windows in the end pavilions and by the gabled dormers in the central section and at the side facades of the end pavilions. The dormers, high paneled chimney and hipped roofs also create a picturesque skyline, adding to the distinctive character of the building.

Of the many handsome school buildings which proudly stood in Brooklyn's 19th-century neighborhoods, Public School 108 is one of the few that survives and continues to serve the purpose for which it was originally built. The school is a living link with the area's past and a symbol of concerh for education first shown by the Dutch and continued through the centuries by the people of Brooklyn.

- From the 1981 NYCLPC Landmark Desi

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- 21:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Blood On The Dance Floor Lyrics

blood on the dance floor lyrics

    dance floor
  • An area of uncarpeted floor, typically in a nightclub or restaurant, reserved for dancing

  • Dance Floor (foaled 1989 in New Jersey) is a retired American Thoroughbred racehorse. He was bred by William Purdey at his Greenfields Farm in Colts Neck, New Jersey. Out of the mare, Dance Troupe, a granddaughter of U.S.

  • Denoting a recording or type of music particularly popular as an accompaniment to dancing

  • a bare floor polished for dancing

  • "Dance Floor, Part 1" is a 1982 single by the Dayton, Ohio-based, funk group, Zapp. The song spent two weeks at number one on the R&B in mid-1982, but failed to make the Hot 100. . The single was known for the use of a talk box, which became popular in the 1980s.

    on the
  • South Kona coast, Pu‘uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park encompasses an ancient Hawaiian area that contains royal grounds and heiau as well as a pu‘uhonua (place of refuge).  The ancient heiau and pu‘uhonua have now been reconstructed, along with carved images of ancient gods (ki‘i).

  • Standard Work Combination Sheet, automatic machine cycle time is shown with a dashed line to indicate that the machine is running on its own.

  • left side of the screen you can see different product categories. When you click on one of them the products contained in it will be displayed on the right side of the screen and you can scroll down the page to see all the products.

  • The words of a song

  • (lyric) expressing deep emotion; "the dancer's lyrical performance"

  • A lyric poem or verse

  • Lyric poetry as a literary genre

  • (lyric) write lyrics for (a song)

  • (lyric) the text of a popular song or musical-comedy number; "his compositions always started with the lyrics"; "he wrote both words and music"; "the song uses colloquial language"

  • An internal bodily fluid, not necessarily red, that performs a similar function in invertebrates

  • Violence involving bloodshed

  • The red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body

  • the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products"; "the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions"

  • smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill

  • temperament or disposition; "a person of hot blood"

Blood donation camp (on a daily basis) !!!

Blood donation camp (on a daily basis) !!!

I felt a sharp sting on my upper palm when trying to shoot a jumper in a bush in my garden. This cute lady was busy sucking blood from me. I held my hand up in the air and shot this. Can you see the blood flowing through the straw ? Yeah, it's B+, my blood !!! This is the daily chore in my garden while shooting bugs. My wife used to shout, "you are the only man to donate blood voluntarily to mosquitoes," !!!

Two more days for a lovely weekend, pals !!!

Click on the picture and then hit F11 to see the action clearly on full screen !!!

Explored. #480 dt 27 10 2010.

Jonas Brothers Graphic

Jonas Brothers Graphic

Click "All Sizes"

I was listening to "East Jesus Nowhere" by Green Day, "Blood On The Dance Floor" by MJ & "Thanks For The Memories" by Fall Out Boy while making this.
Hot songs =D

I made the texture myself :)
I like how it turned out.
And oh, I still haven't got over how painfully hot the 2008 Rolling Stone Photo Shoot was.
I keep trying to use it over & over again.
Oh, well :)

Comments are really appreciated <3

Oh, and the lyrics used are from "Thanks For The Memories", but you can barely see them :)

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- 21:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Cascada Evacuate The Dancefloor Cd Cover : Hardwood Floors Plus : Front Porch Flooring.

Cascada Evacuate The Dancefloor Cd Cover

cascada evacuate the dancefloor cd cover

  • "Dancefloor" is the third single from the North London indie group The Holloways. It debuted at #41 in the UK charts. Its title track was included in The Holloways' debut album So This is Great Britain?.

  • Leave or cause the occupants to leave (a place of danger)

  • Remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safe place

  • (of troops) Withdraw from (a place)

  • move out of an unsafe location into safety; "After the earthquake, residents were evacuated"

  • empty completely; "evacuate the bottle"

  • move people from their homes or country

  • Cascada ( ) is a German eurodance group active since 2004. They are most famous for their songs "Everytime We Touch" which won them a World Music Award in 2007 as well as becoming the group's first number one single, "What Hurts the Most" which reached the charts in 2008, and "Evacuate the

  • Las Cascadas Water Park is a water park, in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. The park is the largest water park in the Caribbean region. The park is owned and administered by the City of Aguadilla.

  • provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers"

  • Scatter a layer of loose material over (a surface, esp. a floor), leaving it completely obscured

  • blanket: bedding that keeps a person warm in bed; "he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep"

  • Put something such as a cloth or lid on top of or in front of (something) in order to protect or conceal it

  • screen: a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; "a screen of trees afforded privacy"; "under cover of darkness"; "the brush provided a covert for game"; "the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background"

  • Envelop in a layer of something, esp. dirt

  • Candela

  • candle: the basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a black body radiating at the temperature of 2,046 degrees Kelvin

  • Cord

  • cadmium: a soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic element; occurs in association with zinc ores

  • four hundred: being one hundred more than three hundred



Cascada del Rio Bonito, Villa la Angostura, Cerro Bayo, Neuquen, Argentina



Cascada en el estado de Puebla

Waterfall at Puebla State

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- 21:02 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Drum Sander Hardwood Floors

drum sander hardwood floors

    hardwood floors
  • (Hardwood Flooring) Hardwood flooring: classic or contemporary, The choice is yours with a wide range of traditonal and exotic woods from around the world. Which hardwoods are right for your home?Janka Hardness Scale?

  • (Hardwood flooring) Wood flooring is any product manufactured from timber that is designed for use as flooring, either structural or aesthetic. Bamboo flooring is often considered a wood floor, although it is made from a grass (bamboo) rather than a timber.

  • Engineered, pre-finished, click and laminate.

    drum sander
  • a power tool used for sanding wood; an endless loop of sandpaper is moved at high speed by an electric motor

  • A walk-behind sander used for sanding large areas. Many run on 220V power. Uses cut sheets of sandpaper on a cylindrical, slotted drum.

  • A floor sander the size of a lawn mower used on wood flooring.

drum sander hardwood floors - Rockwell RK9011

Rockwell RK9011 Oscillating Spindle Sander

Rockwell RK9011 Oscillating Spindle Sander

Sander is used to sand contours, arcs, curves and other irregular shapes. On board storage keeps sanding drums and throat plates from getting lost. Tool features an exhaust port for vacuum cleaner connection, keyed safety switch and rubber foot pads. Specs: 120v/60hz, 2000 rpm no-load speed, 5/8" spindle stroke, table size is 14-1/2"x 11-3/8", 58 oscillations per minute, 3-5/8" max sanding height, weighs 34 lbs. Includes (6) each: sanding sleeves, table inserts and (5) each rubber sanding drums and drum washers.

81% (16)

Sanding Belts

Sanding Belts

Drum sanders are rubber cushioned, self expanding drums that grip fabric backed abrasive belts. Drum sander and sand belts are perfect for grinding and finishing edges, welds and fine surface finishing.

Drum sanders and sand belts are ideal for use with small air and electric power tools. Our sand belts are available with either Aluminum Oxide or Silicon Carbide abrasive in #60 to #150 grit. Sizes range from O10mm to O100mm or O3/8” to O4” diameters.

told ya

told ya

I told you there was lumber under there. It looks better in person. 16 hours with the orbital floor sander. I'm renting a drum sander next weekend to get this done.

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- 21:02 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Floor lock dance floor : Cheap wood floors

Floor Lock Dance Floor

floor lock dance floor

    dance floor
  • a bare floor polished for dancing

  • An area of uncarpeted floor, typically in a nightclub or restaurant, reserved for dancing

  • "Dance Floor, Part 1" is a 1982 single by the Dayton, Ohio-based, funk group, Zapp. The song spent two weeks at number one on the R&B in mid-1982, but failed to make the Hot 100. . The single was known for the use of a talk box, which became popular in the 1980s.

  • Denoting a recording or type of music particularly popular as an accompaniment to dancing

  • Dance Floor (foaled 1989 in New Jersey) is a retired American Thoroughbred racehorse. He was bred by William Purdey at his Greenfields Farm in Colts Neck, New Jersey. Out of the mare, Dance Troupe, a granddaughter of U.S.

  • A similar device used to prevent the operation or movement of a vehicle or other machine

  • a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed

  • a strand or cluster of hair

  • fasten with a lock; "lock the bike to the fence"

  • (in wrestling and martial arts) A hold that prevents an opponent from moving a limb

  • A mechanism for keeping a door, lid, etc., fastened, typically operated only by a key of a particular form

floor lock dance floor - Shadowland



K.D. LANG Shadowland (1988 US 12-track CD album featuring the Owen Bradley Sessions includes Sugar Moon & Im Down To My Last Cigarette picture sleeve)

Pulling out all the Nashville stops, k.d. lang's 1988 album is a meticulously crafted work, her bid for mainstream country acceptance, and an homage to her idol Patsy Cline. Surrounded by the brilliance of Owen Bradley's string-laced production and a host of legendary pickers (Buddy Emmons and Pete Wade) and singers (Kitty Wells, Brenda Lee, Loretta Lynn), lang's voice soars and moans like a dove. After the lush Chris Isaak-penned opener "Western Stars," lang follows with more-familiar country writers, from Roger Miller ("Lock, Stock and Teardrops") to Harlan Howard ("I'm Down to My Last Cigarette"). Both a commercial (the album went gold) and artistic success, Shadowland ranks as one of the best country records of the 1980s. --Roy Francis Kasten

83% (7)

Notice you, noticing me - 93/365

Notice you, noticing me - 93/365

Girl, I can notice
But to notice you
Noticing me
From across the room
I can see it
And can't stop myself
From looking
And noticing you
Noticing me
Watch out
I've seen her type before
That girl is so dangerous
That girl is so dangerous
That girl is a bad girl
I've seen her type before
She's so dangerous
That girl is so dangerous
That girl
Is a bad girl, yeah

Ohhh, yeah
That's her the big dog
Tryin' to get
Her little kitty to purr
Ex-man lookin at me like
I'm Lucifer
Cause he know I will deal
With his case yes, sir
If I was the last man
In earth
I would only take that girl
End of search
She give a new definition
To the word Curve
Got chicks in the strip club
Envy her
Body's like weapon
A mass irruptions
See the glad
On that phat obstruction
Tongue game give
A new type of seduction
(Kardinal yelling
I'm trying to give
That girl something, cha)

Ohh, bad to the bone
Everything locked
Like a two three zone
I wanted to make
My black snake moan
Talk a little bit
And take that home
She bad
And she know the deal
That's what I can't hide
When she want to conceal
I mean Megan good
And Halle Berry
Put together
Together in close
To the jubee I see
No, no, no disrespect
But this gal
A pon another level
Cut the check, uhhh
Tell king
Max stop the press
Say kid
Can I get a witness

I see you got that fire
By the way
That you walkin'
From left to right
I watched her go down
I just want it right now
Don't wanna do no talkin
Shorty's so right
I need to slow down

Figure 8
Good body shape
When she on the dance floor
Gyal Dem Irrate
When she do her thing man
Can't walk straight
That biscuit soak up
Everything in my plate
I'm tryna give home girl sex
And the city-titty
Itty bitty waistline
Moves with the baseline
One lick of punch
I'm fine

February 3, 2009




With its new look, a dance floor to accomodate the dancers, cheaper
beer prices. Live music with aloysius to entertain u. AN AMBIENCE UNRIVALLED IN THIS PART OF THE OLD TOWN.

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- 21:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Features of the seafloor : Mercedes oem floor mats : Flooring auction ontario.

Features Of The Seafloor

features of the seafloor

  • Be a significant characteristic of or take an important part in

  • (feature) have: have as a feature; "This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France"

  • (feature) a prominent attribute or aspect of something; "the map showed roads and other features"; "generosity is one of his best characteristics"

  • (feature) sport: wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; "she was sporting a new hat"

  • Have as a prominent attribute or aspect

  • Have as an important actor or participant

  • The bottom of a sea or ocean; often covered with sediment

  • The seabed (also known as the seafloor, sea floor, or ocean floor) is the bottom of the ocean. At the bottom of the continental slope is the continental rise, which is caused by sediment cascading down the continental slope.

  • the solid surface underlying a body of water; also called seabed.

    of the
  • biggest consumers of energy in homes and buildings, which are heating

features of the seafloor - Layers: The

Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop's Most Powerful Feature (2nd Edition)

Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop's Most Powerful Feature (2nd Edition)

This is the eBook version of the printed book.
In 2008, Adobe Photoshop pro and best-selling author Matt Kloskowski broke new ground teaching Photoshop by focusing on the one thing that makes Photoshop the amazing (and sometimes difficult to understand) program it is: layers. Now, Matt returns with a major update that covers layers in Photoshop CS5 in the same concise, easy to understand way that’s made him so well known in the field of Photoshop training.

When asked about the original version of this book, Matt said, "I wanted it to be the Photoshop book that I wish was around when I was first learning." This update improves upon that concept. Within these pages, you’ll learn about:

Working with and managing multiple layers in Photoshop CS5

Building multiple-layer images
Blending layers together
Layer masking and just how easy it is
Which of the 25+ layer blend modes you really need to know (there are just a few)
Using layers to enhance and retouch your photos
All of the tips and tricks that make using layers a breeze
Plus, a new chapter on advanced layer techniques and compositing to help take your work to the next level
If you want to fully understand layers in Photoshop CS5, this book is the one you’ve been waiting for!

This is the eBook version of the printed book.
In 2008, Adobe Photoshop pro and best-selling author Matt Kloskowski broke new ground teaching Photoshop by focusing on the one thing that makes Photoshop the amazing (and sometimes difficult to understand) program it is: layers. Now, Matt returns with a major update that covers layers in Photoshop CS5 in the same concise, easy to understand way that’s made him so well known in the field of Photoshop training.

When asked about the original version of this book, Matt said, "I wanted it to be the Photoshop book that I wish was around when I was first learning." This update improves upon that concept. Within these pages, you’ll learn about:

Working with and managing multiple layers in Photoshop CS5

Building multiple-layer images
Blending layers together
Layer masking and just how easy it is
Which of the 25+ layer blend modes you really need to know (there are just a few)
Using layers to enhance and retouch your photos
All of the tips and tricks that make using layers a breeze
Plus, a new chapter on advanced layer techniques and compositing to help take your work to the next level
If you want to fully understand layers in Photoshop CS5, this book is the one you’ve been waiting for!

78% (17)

3 Kahului Maui 36Hrs A

3 Kahului Maui 36Hrs A

Each volcanic cone in the chain of the Hawaiian Islands is built of dark, iron-rich/quartz-poor rocks which, as highly fluid lava, poured out of thousands of vents over a period of millions of years. Several of the volcanoes were close enough to each other so that lava flows on their flanks overlapped one another, causing several volcanoes to merge into a single island known as a "volcanic doublet". (See How Hawaiian Volcanoes Work)

Maui is such an island, formed from two shield volcanoes that overlapped one another to form an isthmus between them. The older western volcano has been eroded considerably and is cut by numerous drainages, forming the peaks of the West Maui Mountains (called Mauna Kahalawai by Hawaiians). Pu'u Kukui is the highest of the peaks at 5,788 feet. The larger, younger volcano to the east, Haleakala, rises to more than 10,000 feet (3,050 m) above sea level, but measures five miles (8 km) from seafloor to summit. The eastern flanks of both volcanoes are cut by deeply incised valleys and steep-sided ravines that run downslope to the rocky, windswept shoreline. The valley-like Isthmus of Maui that separates the two volcanic masses was formed by recent lava flows and erosion of material from the steep slopes of the volcanoes. This prominent topographic feature is the reason why Maui is known as "The Valley Isle".

Stone Forest

Stone Forest

After a meeting with one of my colleagues regarding some optical design work, we had most of a weekend off in Kunming in the south of China. Kunming is close to the famous "Stone Forest" which features many unusually shaped rock towers and other formations.
From the guidebook: The Stone Forest is situated in the Lunan Yi Autonomous County 126 km southeast of Kunming. A typical karst formation, the Stone Forest covers an area of more than three hundred square kilometres - part of which is preserved as a historic and cultural park. Scientific research has shown that what is now the Stone Forest was 270 million years ago an immense expanse of water with a vast stretch of limestone sediment formed over the years on the seafloor. As a result of the crustal movement, the seabed rose gradually and a large piece of land thus came into being.

features of the seafloor

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Floor Steamer Ratings

floor steamer ratings

  • A ship or boat powered by steam

  • travel by means of steam power; "The ship steamed off into the Pacific"

  • a cooking utensil that can be used to cook food by steaming it

  • A steam locomotive

  • soft-shell clam: a clam that is usually steamed in the shell

  • A type of saucepan in which food can be steamed

  • (rating) evaluation: an appraisal of the value of something; "he set a high valuation on friendship"

  • (rating) military rank: rank in a military organization

  • An angry reprimand

  • (rating) standing or position on a scale

  • the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure); "they needed rugs to cover the bare floors"; "we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent"

  • All the rooms or areas on the same level of a building; a story

  • The lower surface of a room, on which one may walk

  • shock: surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off; "I was floored when I heard that I was promoted"

  • A level area or space used or designed for a particular activity

  • a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale; "what level is the office on?"



The steamers were walkable from the camp we stayed at. They smell like farts.

floor steamer ratings

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Floor covering weekly. Flooring dealer. Vinyl floor kitchen.

Floor Covering Weekly

floor covering weekly

    floor covering
  • floor cover: a covering for a floor

  • Finish material installed over floor deck, i.e., carpet, tile, etc.

  • hebdomadally: without missing a week; "she visited her aunt weekly"

  • a periodical that is published every week (or 52 issues per year)

  • Done, produced, or occurring once a week

  • Relating to or calculated in terms of a week

  • of or occurring every seven days; "a weekly visit"; "weekly paper"

Bunchberry berries - fall is on its way

Bunchberry berries - fall is on its way

This small, low-growing plant, also known as Dwarf Dogwood (Cornus canadensis), adds so much beauty to the forest floor. The plant's single white flower is delightful and when fall is just around the corner, the very tiny, red berries add lots of colour. Photographed (macro) yesterday when I went to Brown-Lowery Provincial Park for the afternoon in the hopes of finding mushrooms everywhere - yeah, right, lol! I did manage to find a few, some photogenic and others definitely not, but nothing like the abundance of the last two or three years. I'm laughing now, but I wasn't laughing just before I entered the the forest. There was a blood-curdling scream way in the distance that stopped me in my tracks. I had visions of someone (the only other car in the parking lot had left just as I was arriving, but maybe they had dropped someone off for a hike) being attacked by a Bear or Cougar. Did I really want to continue??? I can tell you, I almost turned around and went straight back to my car, ha! However, I very cautiously kept going - this place gives me the creeps, as it is, every time I go there, especially when I'm on my own. Maybe 15 minutes later, another scream and then another a short while later. And THEN I realized that maybe this is some kind of machinery, but unlike anything I had ever heard before. No idea if it was from within the forest or maybe from a nearby farm - from time to time, someone does go in there to cut up trees that have blown down across the trail. These trunk pieces are always left to rot there at the side of the path, to give wonderful protection to small creatures of the forest.

Yesterday, I picked up the estimate for building a ground-level, cedar deck to cover the whole of my tiny 16'x18' backyard. It is on a bit of an incline, so that would give extra work of course, plus the plants/shrubs in my two small borders would have to be removed first. However, almost $10,000!! So, I am back to square one again - just as I am with the sale of my brother's house in England, when the buyer backed out a few months after putting in his original offer. The only reason I thought about a wooden ground-level deck was that I had been unable to find anyone who would come and remove all plants/shrubs and put down netting and wood chips, as I just can't cope with a garden, even a small one. It seems no one wants a one-time-only piece of work - they all seem to want a job that is weekly or at least monthly ... sigh.

Extra, Extra!

Extra, Extra! all about it! Woody was found dead last night in a local warehouse. Although suicide has been ruled out, little is known about possible motivaton for such heinous act. Sources say it looks to be a 3/16" wound similar to those found in the gangland slaying last month.

Active Assignment Weekly July 26 - August 2 Crime Scene

The assignment this week requires a bit of role playing. Imagine yourself as a photographer working for a big city newspaper. It's 1940. You're out there on the street with your 4x5 Speed Graphic and your mission is to capture a juicy shot that will sell papers.

You know the type of shot I'm talking about. High contrast, black and white. Show me the naked underbelly of this city. A local hodlum sitting on a bench at the neighborhood precinct house trying to cover his face so his mom won't see his mug on the front page. The chalk outline and blood stains left on the sidewalk after a murder investigation. Some poor dame holding a bandage on her forehead 'cause her drunk husband smashed up the family car. We want a splashy front page shot that will make our rag fly of the news stands.

WIT: First things first. I did not drill a hole into Woody for the assignment...he is fine. I first found a small block of wood that was about as thick as Woody and drilled a couple of holes in it so I could have the shavings and a hole. Next, I laid Woody out on the garage floor in the pose shown and found some sidewalk chalk to outline his body and then sprinkled some of the shavings over his torso area. I moved some of the shavings away from where the hole would later be shown. I took a photo of this scene with a flash bouncing off a positioned white garbage can. Next I put Woody aside and placed the block of wood with the hole where his torso was and took a second picture. I photoshop elements, I took a small portion of the wood block image and merged it with Woody's photo to make it look like he had been drilled. I messed around with some processing that included a Lomo effect action and conversion to b&w to fit the assignment description.

floor covering weekly

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Gymnastic floor routine - Engineering floor.

Gymnastic Floor Routine

gymnastic floor routine

    floor routine
  • n. From gymnastics, a (usually futile) attempt to dodge automatic weapons fire.

  • (gymnast) an athlete who is skilled in gymnastics

  • Of or relating to gymnastics

  • acrobatic: vigorously active; "an acrobatic dance"; "an athletic child"; "athletic playing"; "gymnastic exercises"

  • of or relating to or used in exercises intended to develop strength and agility; "gymnastic horse"

gymnastic floor routine - Barbie Team

Barbie Team Gymnastics (Jewel Case)

Barbie Team Gymnastics (Jewel Case)

Girls join Barbie and her friends at the gym to create, practice and compete with gymnastic routines on the vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise. Featuring three-player capability, the game allows girls to select from tons of gymnastic moves to choreograph entire 3D routines -- for each apparatus -- that can even be saved for instant replay. Once the routines are successfully completed, it's on to the Local, Sectional, Regional and National levels to compete for the chance to win the ultimate reward a Gold Medal!

86% (14)

Fei Cheng ?? misses a landing following a tumbling run in her floor routine.

Fei Cheng ?? misses a landing following a tumbling run in her floor routine.

Gauthier, Robert -- - (Beijing, China - Sunday, August 17, 2008) US gymnast Shawn Johnson and coach Liang Chow look on as Chinese gymnast Fei Cheng cry after falling during her routine mintes earlier in the Women's Floor Exercise Final at Beijing's National Indoor Stadium.

Wild art 3

Wild art 3

During a gymnastic practice on October 28,2010 Alyssa Click, who was the former WAC Freshmen of the Year working on her floor routine.Teammate Doniele Volopich on the beam behind her.

Photo by: Challis Pascucci

gymnastic floor routine

gymnastic floor routine

Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Decals - Gymanastic Floor 01 - 18

WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

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Hardwood Flooring Hamilton Ontario

hardwood flooring hamilton ontario

    hardwood flooring
  • Wood flooring is any product manufactured from timber that is designed for use as flooring, either structural or aesthetic. Bamboo flooring is often considered a wood floor, although it is made from a grass (bamboo) rather than a timber.

  • Hardwood flooring: classic or contemporary, The choice is yours with a wide range of traditonal and exotic woods from around the world. Which hardwoods are right for your home?Janka Hardness Scale?

    hamilton ontario
  • Hamilton (2006 population 504,559; UA population 647,634; CMA population 692,911) is a port city in the Canadian province of Ontario.

  • Hamilton Township is a rural township located in Northumberland County in central Ontario. It surrounds the Town of Cobourg.

hardwood flooring hamilton ontario - Craft Capitalism:

Craft Capitalism: Craftsworkers and Early Industrialization in Hamilton, Ontario (Canadian Social History Series)

Craft Capitalism: Craftsworkers and Early Industrialization in Hamilton, Ontario (Canadian Social History Series)

Many studies have concluded that the effects of early industrialization on traditional craftsworkers were largely negative. Robert B. Kristofferson demonstrates, however, that in at least one area this was not the case. Craft Capitalism focuses on Hamilton, Ontario, and demonstrates how the preservation of traditional work arrangements, craft mobility networks, and other aspects of craft culture ensured that craftsworkers in that city enjoyed an essentially positive introduction to industrial capitalism.
Kristofferson argues that, as former craftsworkers themselves, the majority of the city's industrial proprietors helped their younger counterparts achieve independence. Conflict rooted in capitalist class experience, while present, was not yet dominant. Furthermore, he argues, while craftsworkers' experience of the change was more informed by the residual cultures of craft than by the emergent logic of capitalism, craft culture in Hamilton was not retrogressive. Rather, this situation served as a centre of social creation in ways that built on the positive aspects of both systems.
Based on extensive archival research, this controversial and engaging study offers unique insight to the process of industrialization and class formation in Canada.

Many studies have concluded that the effects of early industrialization on traditional craftsworkers were largely negative. Robert B. Kristofferson demonstrates, however, that in at least one area this was not the case. Craft Capitalism focuses on Hamilton, Ontario, and demonstrates how the preservation of traditional work arrangements, craft mobility networks, and other aspects of craft culture ensured that craftsworkers in that city enjoyed an essentially positive introduction to industrial capitalism.
Kristofferson argues that, as former craftsworkers themselves, the majority of the city's industrial proprietors helped their younger counterparts achieve independence. Conflict rooted in capitalist class experience, while present, was not yet dominant. Furthermore, he argues, while craftsworkers' experience of the change was more informed by the residual cultures of craft than by the emergent logic of capitalism, craft culture in Hamilton was not retrogressive. Rather, this situation served as a centre of social creation in ways that built on the positive aspects of both systems.
Based on extensive archival research, this controversial and engaging study offers unique insight to the process of industrialization and class formation in Canada.

87% (10)

Dundurn Castle - Hamilton,Ontario

Dundurn Castle - Hamilton,Ontario

3 image HDR

A National Historic Site, Dundurn Castle - Hamilton, Ontario was the magnificent home of Sir Allan Napier MacNab, one of Canada's first premiers. Tours of the mid-19th-century Hamilton mansion includes than 40 rooms on three floors. Experience life in a grand country home for the MacNab family and the servants working below stairs.

Dundurn Castle is located on a height of land known as Burlington Heights. During the War of 1812, the British Army established a military post at the site. Sir Allan MacNab later incorporated elements of the post into the construction of Dundurn Castle during the 1830's.

27 Jeffrey Drive, Ancaster, Ontario

27 Jeffrey Drive, Ancaster, Ontario



hardwood flooring hamilton ontario

hardwood flooring hamilton ontario

Collections and Objections: Aboriginal Material Culture in Southern Ontario (Mcgillqueens Native and Northe)

North America's museums are treasured for their collections of Aboriginal ethnographic and archaeological objects. Yet stories of how these artefacts were acquired often reveal unethical acts and troubling chains of possession, as well as unexpected instances of collaboration. For instance, archaeological excavation of Aboriginal graves was so prevalent in the late-eighteenth century that the government of Upper Canada legislated against it, although this did little to stop the practice. Many objects were collected by non-Native outsiders to preserve cultures perceived to be nearing extinction, while other objects were donated or sold by the same Native communities that later demanded their return. Some Native people collected for museums and even created their own. Providing a comprehensive overview of anthropological collecting in Ontario between 1791 and 1914, Collections and Objections details the complicated relationships between Euro-Canadian and Native cultures, the numerous ways in which Aboriginal objects were acquired, and the motives behind their collection. The concluding chapter connects historical practices of collecting to present day debates over the stewardship of Aboriginal material culture in Canada and the United States. A remarkable look at the relationships between the public, historical societies, governments, professional anthropologists, and various Native communities, Collections and Objections explores the legacy of interest in Aboriginal heritage.

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Roberts Flooring Houston. Rubber Flooring Ireland. Linoleum Flooring Bathroom.

Roberts Flooring Houston

roberts flooring houston

  • building material used in laying floors

  • floor: the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure); "they needed rugs to cover the bare floors"; "we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent"

  • The boards or other material of which a floor is made

  • (floored) provided with a floor

  • United States writer remembered for his historical novels about colonial America (1885-1957)

  • Owen Josephus (1875–1955), US Supreme Court associate justice 1930–45. Appointed to the Court by President Hoover, he usually voted independently although he leaned toward conservatism in many of his decisions. He also served as dean of the University of Pennsylvania Law School 1948–51

  • United States biochemist (born in England) honored for his discovery that some genes contain introns (born in 1943)

  • United States evangelist (born 1918)

  • Houston is the fourth-largest city in the United States of America and the largest city in the state of Texas. As of the 2009 U.S. Census estimate, the city had a population of 2.3 million within an area of .

  • An inland port in Texas, linked to the Gulf of Mexico by the Houston Ship Canal; pop. 1,953,631. Since 1961, it has been a center for space research and manned space flight; it is the site of the NASA Space Center

  • the largest city in Texas; located in southeastern Texas near the Gulf of Mexico; site of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • United States politician and military leader who fought to gain independence for Texas from Mexico and to make it a part of the United States (1793-1863)

614 Courtlandt Avenue Building

614 Courtlandt Avenue Building

Melrose, Bronx

No. 614 Courtlandt Avenue , an early multi-use building in the Bronx, was built in 1871-72 for Julius Ruppert and contained a saloon, public rooms, meeting rooms, and a residential flat. Most likely the work of a builder-contractor, the imposing building displays a variety of early to late Second Empire style motifs successfully combined to reconcile the several uses contained within the building with their exterior expression. Hewlett S. Baker's renovation in 1882 only further enriched the facade.

The building is a monument to the first stage of urbanization within what had been the previously rural south Bronx, helping by its presence to establish a sense of place in the new village of Melrose South. No. 614 also has many of the stylistic features which characterized the buildings along the Bowery between Canal and Houston Streets in the area known as "Kleine Deutschland," where Julius Ruppert first established his business before following his fellow Germans to the Bronx. With its varied uses, the building sheltered a variety of German ethnic activities.

Melrose South and its Early Settlers

The majority of the mid-19th century settlers in New York City's future 23rd Ward (1874), the southwest Bronx, arrived from Manhattan's Lower East Side, eager to leave their noisy and dark, cramped and airless tenements. One of their earliest objectives was the sparsely populated freehold manor, seat of the Morris family who had been prominent in colonial government and the affairs of the early republic, which only recently had been opened for development. Though not a model for subsequent expansion, "New Village," the first subdivision, carries with it some of the method and some of the ingredients of those that followed. In 1848 an association 222 members strong, for the most part German and some Irishmen, mechanics and laboring men, met at the Military Hall at 193 Bowery. Represented by their agents, Jordan Mott, Nicholas McGraw and Charles W. Houghton, they had purchased 200 acres from Gouvemeur Morris, _ Jr.

Lots were drawn and assigned with but one proviso: each owner was to erect a house of no less than $300.00 value within three years, and Morris executed a deed to each new owner. In 1850 New Village became Morrisania, when Mott's early development along the Harlem River, (which had been Morrisania) became Mott Haven.

New Village's success inspired Morris to develop his property further. With Robert Elton and Hampton Denman he had Andrew Findlay, a surveyor, lay out several more communities, Woodstock, Melrose and Melrose East and South, in 1850. Melrose South was incorporated as a village a year later, and in 1864 Morrisania was incorportated as a township, embracing these and ten other villages.

At the time of its incorporation as a village, the boundaries of Melrose South were East 160th Street and the Village of Melrose to the north and East 148th Street and Mott Haven to the south. Its eastern boundary was the Old Boston Post Road (Third Avenue) and its western boundary the railroad. But before the Civil War the area was principally farmland. In 1856 the number of dwellings totalled 173; twelve years later there were 488. Like the citizens of New Village, the preponderance of Melrose South's first residents were German, seeking a healthier alternative to life on the Lower East Side.

Courtlandt Avenue, running north and south along a ridge, was the main shopping street, lined by beer halls and the scene of parades by German bands. Intersecting it, from south to north, were Mott, Benson, Denman,Gouverneur, Wilton, Schuyler, Springfield, Mary and Melrose streets.

The Protection Hall, whose members sponsored marching bands and drill teams, had its headquarters — incorporating a beer garden, bowling alley and dance hall — on the west side of Courtlandt between Springfield (154th) and Mary (155th) Streets. Melrose South had its own brewery, J. & M. Haffen's on Elton (152nd) between Courtlandt and Melrose. The Arion Liedertafel Hall was on the west side of Courtlandt between Benson and Gouverneur and so was the Melrose Turn v ere in. There were many beer gardens too. Indeed, Melrose South was compared with the area around Manhattan's Tompkins Square — "Kleine Deutschland," and Courtlandt was called "Dutch Broadway."

For example, in 1871 at the intersection of Courtlandt and Gouverneur (151st Street) — Ruppert's building would occupy the northeast corner — Jacob Sauter, a butcher, lived on the east side of Courtlandt north of Gouverneur; William Langrebe, a tailor, occupied the northwest corner of Courtlandt and Gouverneur; August Schulte had a grocery store on the southeast corner of the intersection. Andrew Schrenk, also listed on the southeast corner, may have lived upstairs. A rooming house occupied the southwest corner, among whose tenants there was an actor and an Irish laundress. August Frenke, a blacksmith in working in Manhattan, dw

Julius Ruppert House, 614 Courtlandt Avenue Building

Julius Ruppert House, 614 Courtlandt Avenue Building

Melrose, The Bronx, New York City, New York, United States

No. 614 Courtlandt Avenue, an early multi-use building in the Bronx, was built in 1871-72 for Julius Ruppert and contained a saloon, public rooms, meeting rooms, and a residential flat. Most likely the work of a builder-contractor, the imposing building displays a variety of early to late Second Empire style motifs successfully combined to reconcile the several uses contained within the building with their exterior expression. Hewlett S. Baker's renovation in 1882 only further enriched the facade. The building is a monument to the first stage of urbanization within what had been the previously rural south Bronx, helping by its presence to establish a sense of place in the new village of Melrose South. No. 614 also has many of the stylistic features which characterized the buildings along the Bowery between Canal and Houston Streets in the area known as "Kleine Deutschland," where Julius Ruppert first established his business before following his fellow Germans to the Bronx. With its varied uses, the building sheltered a variety of German ethnic activities.

Melrose South and its Early Settlers

The majority of the mid-19th century settlers in New York City's future 23rd Ward (1874), the southwest Bronx, arrived from Manhattan's Lower East Side, eager to leave their noisy and dark, cramped and airless tenements. One of their earliest objectives was the sparsely populated freehold manor, seat of the Morris family who had been prominent in colonial government and the affairs of the early republic, which only recently had been opened for development. Though not a model for subsequent expansion, "New Village," the first subdivision, carries with it some of the method and some of the ingredients of those that followed. In 1848 an association 222 members strong, for the most part German and some Irishmen, mechanics and laboring men, met at the Military Hall at 193 Bowery. Represented by their agents, Jordan Mott, Nicholas McGraw and Charles W. Houghton, they had purchased 200 acres from Gouvemeur Morris, _ Jr. Lots were drawn and assigned with but one proviso: each owner was to erect a house of no less than $300.00 value within three years, and Morris executed a deed to each new owner. In 1850 New Village became Morrisania, when Mott's early development along the Harlem River, (which had been Morrisania) became Mott Haven.

New Village's success inspired Morris to develop his property further. With Robert Elton and Hampton Denman he had Andrew Findlay, a surveyor, lay out several more communities, Woodstock, Melrose and Melrose East and South, in 1850. Melrose South was incorporated as a village a year later, and in 1864 Morrisania was incorporated as a township, embracing these and ten other villages.

At the time of its incorporation as a village, the boundaries of Melrose South were East 160th Street and the Village of Melrose to the north and East 148th Street and Mott Haven to the south. Its eastern boundary was the Old Boston Post Road (Third Avenue) and its western boundary the railroad. But before the Civil War the area was principally farmland. In 1856 the number of dwellings totalled 173; twelve years later there were 488. Like the citizens of New Village, the preponderance of Melrose South's first residents were German, seeking a healthier alternative to life on the Lower East Side. Courtlandt Avenue, running north and south along a ridge, was the main shopping street, lined by beer halls and the scene of parades by German bands. Intersecting it, from south to north, were Mott, Benson, Denman,Gouverneur, Wilton, Schuyler, Springfield, Mary and Melrose streets.* The Protection Hall, whose members sponsored marching bands and drill teams, had its headquarters — incorporating a beer garden, bowling alley and dance hall — on the west side of Courtlandt between Springfield (154th) and Mary (155th) Streets. Melrose South had its own brewery, J. & M. Haffen's on Elton (152nd) between Courtlandt and Melrose. The Arion Liedertafel Hall was on the west side of Courtlandt between Benson and Gouverneur and so was the Melrose Turn v ere in. T

here were many beer gardens too. Indeed, Melrose South was compared with the area around Manhattan's Tompkins Square — "Kleine Deut-schland," and Courtlandt was called "Dutch Broadway." For example, in 1871 at the intersection of Courtlandt and Gouverneur (151st Street) — Ruppert's building would occupy the northeast corner — Jacob Sauter, a butcher, lived on the east side of Courtlandt north of Gouverneur; William Langrebe, a tailor, occupied the northwest corner of Courtlandt and Gouverneur; August Schulte had a grocery store on the southeast corner of the intersection. Andrew Schrenk, also listed on the southeast corner, may have lived upstairs. A rooming house occupied the southwest corner, among whose tenants there was an actor and an Irish laundress. August Frenke, a b

roberts flooring houston

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Rendering floor plans : Blown glass floor lamp : Specialty flooring

Rendering Floor Plans

rendering floor plans

    floor plans
  • A scale diagram of the arrangement of rooms in one story of a building

  • (floor plan) scale drawing of a horizontal section through a building at a given level; contrasts with elevation

  • In architecture and building engineering, a floor plan, or floorplan, is a diagram, usually to scale, showing the relationships between rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of a structure.

  • (Floor planning) Floorplanning is the act of designing of a floorplan, which is a kind of bird's-eye view of a structure.

  • A translation

  • A performance of a piece of music or drama

  • rendition: a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc.; "they heard a live rendition of three pieces by Schubert"

  • interpretation: an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious; "the edict was subject to many interpretations"; "he annoyed us with his interpreting of parables"; "often imitations are extended to provide a more accurate rendition of the child's intended meaning"

  • rendition: the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance; "her rendition of Milton's verse was extraordinarily moving"

  • A work of visual art, esp. a detailed architectural drawing

rendering floor plans - Chief Architect

Chief Architect Home Designer Pro 9.0 [OLD VERSION] [Download]

Chief Architect Home Designer Pro 9.0 [OLD VERSION] [Download]

Home Designer Pro 9.0 is the latest release from Chief Architect, the professional software design company and the software of choice by more builders, architects and designers. Home Designer Pro leverages the same professional quality from Chief Architect making it the most powerful and easy to use home design, remodeling and landscaping software. HOME DESIGN * Choose from over 5,000 sample plans * Powerful building tools like automatic roof generation, dormers, stairs, framing and foundations * Draw in 2D and 3D or both simultaneously * Record walk-throughs with the stylized views of Rendering Techniques AUTOMATED & MANUAL BUILDING TOOLS * Create any custom roof or ceiling plan with Roof Design tools * Manual framing tools for fully editable framing, including joists, rafters, trusses, beams, posts * Create custom ceilings of any slope and shape including vaulted and cathedral * Automatic Structural Dormers - builds dormers automatically with walls that reach the floor KITCHEN & BATH DESIGN * Create custom cabinets in minutes by choosing your own colors, countertops and door styles * Generate a custom editable countertop from cabinets that are in the plan * Choose from top name-brand appliances to add to your design * Cabinet Countertop layers allow separate control of countertop displays in 2D and 3D DECKS & LANDSCAPING * Design single or multi-level decks using automatic deck framing and an advanced deck framing option * Distribute objects in garden beds, populate your garden beds automatically * Choose from over 3,600 plants and see what your plants will look like in 0-20 years * Show plants with filled colors in your 2D landscape design SITE PLANNING & COST ESTIMATION * Automatic Cost Estimation and Materials list * Automatic Terrain tools create flat, irregular shaped, or sloped lots * Use a GPS to import terrain elevation data * Create rendered cross-section and elevation views with photo realistic textures

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Professional home design software for the serious home enthusiast. Click to enlarge.
Professional Software
Chief Architect Home Designer Pro 9.0 is professional home design software for the serious home enthusiast. Enjoy the same tools that the professionals use for home design, remodeling, interior design, decks, landscaping and cost estimation.
Home Designer Pro has all the same great features as Architectural Home Designer, Interior Designer, Landscaping and Deck Designer plus advanced CAD tools, advanced building tools, the ability to create blueprints, manual framing and roofing and much more.
Designing like a Professional has never been so Easy!
Home Design and Landscaping Software
Create accurately scaled floor plans that automatically generate 3D models in minutes. Create any detailed view of your design using advanced 3D camera tools like Glass House, Doll House, Framing, Elevation and Cross-Sections. Create the Virtual Look and Feel Before You Build!
Manual framing tools for fully editable framing, including joists, rafters, trusses, beams, posts, and more. Click to enlarge.

Design in 2D and 3D. 3D Views are automatic with a point-and-click of the camera tool. Click to enlarge.

Artistic rendering techniques such as Watercolor, Glass House, and Technical Illustration Click to enlarge.

Powerful deck and patio tools allow you to design and visualize your new deck with 3D models and can help you estimate the costs. Click to enlarge.

Create Back-Clipped Cross Section and Elevation Views to limit your view to relevant details for precise plan editing. Click to enlarge.

Choose from over 3,600 plants with the Plant Chooser. Click to enlarge.

Design the kitchen of your dreams. Click to enlarge.

Glass House View provides a full translucent view of your design. Click to enlarge.

Use the Cabinet Designer tools to create unlimited cabinet styles. Click to enlarge.
Home Design Software by Chief Architect

Choose from over 5,000 Sample Plans
Choose from built-in style templates or create your own custom home design, or use the House Wizard
Powerful building tools like automatic roof generation, dormers, stairs, framing and foundations
Artistic rendering techniques for Watercolor, Glass House and Technical Illustration
Integrated Design Tools
Home Designer Pro makes it easy to design and visualize your ideas on your next home or remodeling project with over 8,000 powerful integrated tools. Use the automated building tools to assist you in your design process. The tools have commonly accepted defaults for most building practices to help you in your home design projects.
Get Started Quickly and Easily

The Quick Startup Options Guide will help you begin with "How-To" tutorials based on your type of project
Use the House Wizard for quick and easy layout of your rooms
Select from the pre-designed Home Design and Landscaping Style Templates complete with colors, cabinets, decks and more
The online help system provides detail information on all types of building projects
Includes over 80 easy "step-by-step" tutorial training videos that will quickly get you started on your next home design project
3D Design Tools

Design in 2D and 3D. 3D Views are automatic with a point-and-click of the camera tool.
Glass House View provides a full translucent view of your design. Choose other Artistic rendering techniques for Watercolor and Technical Illustration views.
Doll House View, a 3D overview without the roof, is an effective tool for space planning of furniture placement and traffic flow
Create a Virtual Tour--draw your record line to Automatically Generate; or record your camera movements
Visualize your home with day and night views
Assemble a scale model of your design with Model Maker
Generate shadows from the sun for realistic 3D views
Point-and-click to remove wall surfaces, or use 3D Cross-Section Elevation Slider to quickly create a 3D slice of your desired view
Automated and Manual Building Tools

Design roofs and walls in 3D
Generate various styles of Automatic roofs or manually design any custom roof including curved roofs
Use the Automatic Dormer tool to quickly place dormers--shed, gable, eyebrow and barrel
Automatic Structural Dormers
Unblock and manually edit Automatic Dormers
Create any custom roof or ceiling plan with the Roof Design Tools. Edit and create roof planes to create a roof of any pitch and shape. Start with an automatic roof and then add custom details, or create the entire roof manually.
Automatic framing tools
Manual framing tools for fully editable framing, including joists, rafters, trusses, beams, posts and more
Choose from several built-in wall styles with individual wall layers or define your own wall style
Ability to read and edit files by Chief Architect Full Professional Software
ICC Residential Design Checklist will allow you to check your plan against national building codes
Kitchen and Bath Design

Design the kitchen of your dreams--move walls, create new cabinets, add appliances--Design your perfect workspace!
Design your new kitchen or bath using the Cabinet Designer tools
Plan the new layout of your bathroom with custom cabinets, sinks, showers and garden tubs. It's easy to visualize your ideas in 3D.
Create custom cabinets in minutes by choosing your own colors, countertops, door styles and more
Use the Cabinet Designer tools to create unlimited cabinet styles. Choose your own colors, countertops and door styles.
Design and edit custom countertop shapes and styles

Chief Architect Product Comparison
Which Chief Architect product best suits your needs? Review this product comparison matrix (PDF file).
Interior Design

Smart Design Objects, Drag-and-drop from thousands of design objects in the built-in Library organized by category
Material Painter lets you apply colors and materials quickly and easily
Choose from thousands of colors and textures or create your own materials using a digital photograph
Design for your lifestyle and personality--change colors, add lighting and choose furniture to accent your new room
Choose from a variety of interior items--including chairs, tables, sofas, fabrics, accessories and more. Resize, change colors and materials to meet your exact needs.
Import your own symbols from 3D file types including .SKP, .OBJ and .3DS
Decks and Landscaping

Powerful deck and patio tools allow you to design and visualize your new deck with 3D models and can help you estimate the costs
Design single or multi-level decks complete with automatic deck framing and an advanced deck framing option for more complicated deck designs
Quickly lay out your deck with stairs and arrange furniture
Deck foundations automatically generate to match sloped lots
Plant Encyclopedia to learn more about the plants in your designs
Choose from over 3,600 plants with the Plant Chooser
Plant Hardiness Zone reference maps
See what your plants will look like in 0--20 years
Pathways--Use the Pathway tool to design curb-appealing landscaping using stone, pavers, or sidewalks--line with trees, shrubs, flowers and more
Site Planning & Estimating

Use Automatic Build Terrain and Terrain Perimeter tools to create flat, irregular shaped, or sloped lots--use a GPS to import or enter elevation data
Create plot and perimeter plans; automatically generate a 3D model of your actual terrain
Export Material List to spreadsheet programs including Microsoft Excel
Save snapshot Material Lists for different stages of the project
Add detail to each individual component in the material list for a comprehensive cost estimate breakdown
Master Materials List allows you to store and manage commonly used material prices
Sprinkler Designer tools to easily layout sprinkler zones
Fences and Driveways--With the Fencing tools you can choose a variety of fencing styles and custom gates. You will also find driveway, sidewalk and curbing tools
Hill and Valley tools make it easy to add gardens, beds and slopes that automatically appear in 3D views. Choose from landscaping style templates or create your own.
Define Terrain Elevation lines, Elevation Regions and Terrain Breaks
CAD Tools

Powerful CAD tools to detail cross-section views with insulation, cross-boxes and more
Advanced CAD editing tools such as replicate, line weights, point-to-point move, custom patterns and more (Compatible with AutoCAD patterns)
CAD-to-Walls allows you to convert CAD lines from DXF file format to walls
Layers can be used to separate key building components such as electrical or framing. Display or hide features of your design, set colors, lock layers and use reference layers for precise editing.
Create Back-Clipped Cross Section/Elevation Views to limit your view to relevant details for precise plan editing
Building Tools

Customize construction methods for walls, floors, ceilings and foundations. Identify the exact placement of framing components, specify wall layers, floor structure platform height, mudsills and more.
Advanced stair tools allow control of shape, starter treads, flaring, tread width and more
Create pony walls and edit wall shape or create a stepped foundation in cross-section view
Multiple-select editing. For example, select all your cabinets and change them all with one command.
Use callouts to reference between details, plans and cross-sections in a blueprint layout
Create blueprint layouts (up to Architectural C drawings 18" x 24") with 3D, CAD, Cross-Section/Elevation and Plan Views
Rotate and Flip Plan
Advanced dimensioning tools include angular, end-to-end and interior dimensions
Fully editable dimension lines and configurable dimension editing allow you to change where dimensions locate walls, windows, doors and other objects

88% (13)

Studio III flloor plan

Studio III flloor plan

Floor plan of a restaurant/bar design project. I imported the CAD file into Photoshop and rendered it. I'm liking rendering with PS because I can take pictures of my materials and clone/paint bucket them on my rendering :).

Interior rendering using Revit

Interior rendering using Revit

Floor plan view of my new apartment at San Mateo. I can't really change much because it's faculty housing. I changed the cabinet and counter top finishing for the rendering though....laminate is just not my thing.

rendering floor plans

rendering floor plans

Physically Based Rendering, Second Edition: From Theory To Implementation

Physically Based Rendering, 2nd Edition describes both the mathematical theory behind a modern photorealistic rendering system as well as its practical implementation. A method - known as 'literate programming'- combines human-readable documentation and source code into a single reference that is specifically designed to aid comprehension. The result is a stunning achievement in graphics education. Through the ideas and software in this book, you will learn to design and employ a full-featured rendering system for creating stunning imagery.
New sections on subsurface scattering, Metropolis light transport, precomputed light transport, multispectral rendering, and much more.
Includes a companion site complete with source code for the rendering system described in the book, with support for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Please visit,
Code and text are tightly woven together through a unique indexing feature that lists each function, variable, and method on the page that they are first described.

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- 20:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Small Ranch House Floor Plans

small ranch house floor plans

    ranch house
  • Ranch-style houses (also American ranch, California ranch, rambler or rancher) is a uniquely American domestic architectural style. First built in the 1920s, the ranch style was extremely popular in the United States amongst the booming post-war middle class of the 1940s to 1970s.

  • a one story house with a low pitched roof

  • Once described a low, one-story house typical of the western United States. The term is now used to describe just about any one-story home.

    floor plans
  • (floor plan) scale drawing of a horizontal section through a building at a given level; contrasts with elevation

  • A scale diagram of the arrangement of rooms in one story of a building

  • In architecture and building engineering, a floor plan, or floorplan, is a diagram, usually to scale, showing the relationships between rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of a structure.

  • (Floor planning) Floorplanning is the act of designing of a floorplan, which is a kind of bird's-eye view of a structure.

  • on a small scale; "think small"

  • Small items of clothing, esp. underwear

  • limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a little dining room"; "a little house"; "a small car"; "a little (or small) group"

  • the slender part of the back

Houses for homemakers

Houses for homemakers

One of many home design catalogs from the post war period. Most featured smaller homes with a mixture of styles, many cape cods and ranches, but some modern styles as well.

Ranch House Cafe, Vaughn, NM

Ranch House Cafe, Vaughn, NM

Ranch House Cafe, Vaughn, New Mexico. They had parking in the rear. Not like there was ever a parking problem in Vaughn.

small ranch house floor plans

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- 20:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Sealing Floorboards. How To Remove Glue From Hardwood Floors. Madonna Confessions On A Dance Floor Cd

Sealing Floorboards

sealing floorboards

  • A long plank making up part of a wooden floor in a building

  • (floorboard) a board in the floor

  • The floor of a motor vehicle

  • Flooring is the general term for a permanent covering of a floor, or for the work of installing such a floor covering. Floor covering is a term to ally describe any finish material applied over a floor structure to provide a walking surface.

  • (floorboard) Any of the long boards laid over joists to make a floor

  • Fasten or close securely

  • waterproofing: the act of treating something to make it repel water

  • (seal) make tight; secure against leakage; "seal the windows"

  • (seal) sealing wax: fastener consisting of a resinous composition that is plastic when warm; used for sealing documents and parcels and letters

  • Prevent something from escaping by closing a container or opening

  • Isolate an area by preventing or monitoring entrance to and exit from it

sealing floorboards - Sealing the

Sealing the Deal: The Love Mentor's Guide to Lasting Love

Sealing the Deal: The Love Mentor's Guide to Lasting Love

Through her bestseller, Love in 90 Days, Dr. Diana Kirschner helped thousands of women find true love. Now she has written the perfect follow-up: SEALING THE DEAL, a unique guide to deepen any love relationship, to move from casual to committed, and ultimately to go from the anxiety of not knowing where things are the security of fulfilling and lasting love.

Love Mentor Dr. Diana offers revolutionary advice for finding-and keeping-the one you love:

Create irresistible attraction and an atmosphere that men love to be around.
Find out the single most important thing you can do to get a sincere commitment from the guy you want.

Keep that crazy-in-love feeling going, no matter how long you've been together.

Learn the secret to instantly resolving conflict with your man.

Know when to have "the talk": Don't think it matters when you bring it up? Think again.

Avoid the biggest mistake women make when he's "not ready" for a commitment

Get your relationship back and better than ever, even if he has cheated

If you have love problems, Dr. Diana has the solutions. This book is your key to creating your own happiest-ever-after now.

Through her bestseller, Love in 90 Days, Dr. Diana Kirschner helped thousands of women find true love. Now she has written the perfect follow-up: SEALING THE DEAL, a unique guide to deepen any love relationship, to move from casual to committed, and ultimately to go from the anxiety of not knowing where things are the security of fulfilling and lasting love.

Love Mentor Dr. Diana offers revolutionary advice for finding-and keeping-the one you love:

Create irresistible attraction and an atmosphere that men love to be around.
Find out the single most important thing you can do to get a sincere commitment from the guy you want.

Keep that crazy-in-love feeling going, no matter how long you've been together.

Learn the secret to instantly resolving conflict with your man.

Know when to have "the talk": Don't think it matters when you bring it up? Think again.

Avoid the biggest mistake women make when he's "not ready" for a commitment

Get your relationship back and better than ever, even if he has cheated

If you have love problems, Dr. Diana has the solutions. This book is your key to creating your own happiest-ever-after now.

85% (10)

A welcoming place...

A welcoming place...

...amidst the greenery of the lush and humid surrounding rainforest..........

Peroba Rosa is a very attractive, insect-resistant, native hardwood tree of the southern Brazilian Rainforest, light brown to pinkish rose-red and often variegated or streaked with pink, purple or brown. All the Peroba wood used in the restoration and construction of our old colonial style home; be it the railings, floorboards, staircases, beams, roofing, cupboards, etc. is old, used wood purchased from demolition merchants who specialize in reclaiming the wood from demolished buildings. We cleaned up the wood, pulled out old nails and screws, worked on it according to our needs in our makeshift workshop on the property, then depending where in the house it were to be used, we either oiled, sealed, wax-polished or painted it. We haven’t used new wood in the house, thus no more precious trees have been cut down to serve our needs.

Unfortunately Brasil has already destroyed 93% of its Atlantic Rainforest, where most of the hardwoods come from, so we can't afford to cut down a single tree. On the contrary, we've planted dozens of trees in our garden and even built around the existing ones, as you can see in the photo above. Hopefully they will attract even more fascinating birds and animals, which so sadly have been rapidly disappearing or even become extinct due to man's constant destruction of this country's natural forests.

Our children need to understand that the Hummingbirds are intimately related to the plants that they help pollinate in exchange for food and that this interaction between bird and plant is a relationship satisfactory to both. The Hummingbirds that feed on the nectar of a flower on the tree or bush in our garden and in exchange accomplish its pollination are enmeshed in a harmonious co-evolutionary relationship, a perfect co-existence.

Our children also need to understand why this indissoluble link must be rediscovered and conquered and that their own existence on this planet depends on such knowledge. That is also why we have created The Hummingbird Project the way we have, in a pleasant, safe and colourful atmosphere, an attractive habitat that is conductive to fellowship with our children.

Domestic Floor Refurbishment

Domestic Floor Refurbishment

Existing pine floorboards, sanded and sealed with Junckers "Strong" (a water-based polyurethane seal).

sealing floorboards

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- 20:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Waxing vinyl floors. Tucson floor mats.

Waxing Vinyl Floors

waxing vinyl floors

    vinyl floors
  • (Vinyl Flooring) A soft flexible and cushioned flooring available in sheets or tiles.

  • Remove unwanted hair from (a part of the body) by applying wax and then peeling off the wax and hairs together

  • the application of wax to a surface

  • Cover or treat (something) with wax or a similar substance, typically to polish or protect it

  • a gradual increase in magnitude or extent; "the waxing of the moon"

  • Make a recording of

  • (of the moon) pertaining to the period during which the visible surface of the moon increases; "the waxing moon passes from new to full"

waxing vinyl floors - Brady ToughStripe

Brady ToughStripe 104408 10" Length, 3.5" Width, B-514 Polyester, Blue Color Floor Footprints (Pack Of 10)

Brady ToughStripe 104408 10

ToughStripe Floor Footprints are designed to be easily applied by hand. These footprint floor stickers can be used to visually direct traffic throughout your facility. Floor footprints are sold in packages of 10. Superior durability, Footprint floor stickers withstand forklift traffic without tearing or lifting. Low-profile design minimizes tears and scratches from skids, pallet jacks, etc. Made with rugged polyester and aggressive adhesive. Does not chip and flake when being removed comes off in one piece. Clean removal without any unsightly adhesive residue or damage to the floor. High-gloss surface shines like new paint. Low profile minimizes debris build-up along the edges that occurs with thicker (extruded) floor marks. Surface resists marks and smudges and cleans up like new. Brady B-514 exhibits a dry slip index of 1.0 when tested using an English XL Variable Incidence Tribometer per ASTM / ANSI F1679. B-514 exceeds safety standards for clean, dry non-slip surfaces per ANSI A1264.2-2006 and OSHA 1910.22. Permanent rubber based adhesive. Polyester substrate. RoHS compliant/Lead free. Not recommended for outdoor use.

78% (17)

IMG 9442 wax on, wax off

IMG 9442 wax on, wax off

i'm cat/house sitting for mom, and have a pile of boxes stored in her basement. some of these boxes i've carted around for 10-15 years. it's time i went through them!
in the process, i uncovered my record player. or - my grampy's record player. when he passed away i got his player and the receiver.
i continued to unpack and found my sweet stereo. in my wine induced brillance, i frankensteined the two and now i am listening to glorious VINYL!

to further my joy, when i lifted the lid of this very old player, i found one of grampy's prized vinyl: don messer's greatest hits.

which is kind of funny because just yesterday someone on freecycle was giving away a floor model player with a bunch of don messer albums. all i wanted were the albums...

life can be pretty awesome.

all rights reserved© do not copy without my permission!

Of Montreal show 2/14

Of Montreal show 2/14

Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?

My first new vinyl purchase in a month! I was disappointed that they sold out the Satanic Twins remixes album by the end of the show, but getting my favorite album of 2007 on wax (with 4 bonus tracks!) isn't a bad consolation.

Also, marvel at how dirty my floor is.

waxing vinyl floors

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- 20:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Wood Flooring Prefinished

wood flooring prefinished

    wood flooring
  • Wood flooring is any product manufactured from timber that is designed for use as flooring, either structural or aesthetic. Bamboo flooring is often considered a wood floor, although it is made from a grass (bamboo) rather than a timber.

  • Most often made from hardwoods like maple, pecan, beech, birch or oak.

  • Most wood flooring is made of hardwoods, such as oak, maple, pecan, beech and birch. There is solid wood flooring and laminated, which combines wood layered in different directions for strength and to inhibit warping.

  • Refers to a material in coil form factory-coated with a paint, or laminate system, prior to delivery to a fabricator.

  • Hardwood floors that are stained with color and sealed with a protective finish by the manufacturer prior to installation.

  • Finish characterized by galvanized steel painted with a primer, then given an oven-baked top coat

wood flooring prefinished - The 2009

The 2009 Report on Prefinished Particleboard and Medium Density Fiberboard Made from Purchased Materials: World Market Segmentation by City

The 2009 Report on Prefinished Particleboard and Medium Density Fiberboard Made from Purchased Materials: World Market Segmentation by City

This report was created for global strategic planners who cannot be content with traditional methods of segmenting world markets. With the advent of a "borderless world", cities become a more important criteria in prioritizing markets, as opposed to regions, continents, or countries. This report covers the top 2000 cities in over 200 countries. It does so by reporting the estimated market size (in terms of latent demand) for each major city of the world. It then ranks these cities and reports them in terms of their size as a percent of the country where they are located, their geographic region (e.g. Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Latin America), and the total world market.

In performing various economic analyses for its clients, I have been occasionally asked to investigate the market potential for various products and services across cities. The purpose of the studies is to understand the density of demand within a country and the extent to which a city might be used as a point of distribution within its region. From an economic perspective, however, a city does not represent a population within rigid geographical boundaries. To an economist or strategic planner, a city represents an area of dominant influence over markets in adjacent areas. This influence varies from one industry to another, but also from one period of time to another.

In what follows, I summarize the economic potential for the world's major cities for "prefinished particleboard and medium density fiberboard made from purchased materials" for the year 2009. The goal of this report is to report my findings on the real economic potential, or what an economist calls the latent demand, represented by a city when defined as an area of dominant influence. The reader needs to realize that latent demand may or may not represent real sales.

89% (9)

Prefinished Red Oak

Prefinished Red Oak

Prefinished oak after sanding

wood flooring prefinished

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- 20:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Wood floor rating - Wedding dance floor decorations.

Wood Floor Rating

wood floor rating

    wood floor
  • Wood flooring is any product manufactured from timber that is designed for use as flooring, either structural or aesthetic. Bamboo flooring is often considered a wood floor, although it is made from a grass (bamboo) rather than a timber.

  • An angry reprimand

  • evaluation: act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of

  • standing or position on a scale

  • evaluation: an appraisal of the value of something; "he set a high valuation on friendship"

Ipe Hardwood Flooring

Ipe Hardwood Flooring

Ipe is an incredibly durable wood. Its dense cell structure serves as a natural deterrent to insects, decay, and molds. Because of this natural resilience Ipe is often the first choice for decking because of its almost unparalleled ability to stand up to the elements. More than just durable, Ipe is also very pleasing to the eye. Its heartwood is light to dark olive brown with contrasting yellowish-grey or grey brown tones accompanying it. With a Class A fire rating, Ipe occupies the same class of fire-retardant materials as steel. For durability, safety, and beauty, Ipe makes an excellent choice.

Tarara Amarilla Hardwood Flooring

Tarara Amarilla Hardwood Flooring

Tarara wood is a colorful exotic located in the forests of Brazil and Bolivia. Its heartwood color can be bright yellow to orange with long distinctive streaks of purple, red, and black. Tarara is durable and hard, but also rated as easy to work with, which is why, combined with its inherent attractiveness, it is often a choice for furniture makers. It's grain is irregular and interlocked, and has a lustrous surface with a medium and uniform texture.

wood floor rating

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- 20:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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