petak, 21.10.2011.


Artificial Flowers Supplies. Flower Design Rings.

Artificial Flowers Supplies

artificial flowers supplies

    artificial flowers
  • Artificial flowers and imitations of natural flowers are sometimes made for scientific purposes (the collection of glass flowers at Harvard University, for example, which illustrates the flora of the United States), but more often as articles for commercial or residential decoration.

  • (artificial flower) a handmade imitation of a blossom

  • Provide (someone) with something needed or wanted

  • (supply) offering goods and services for sale

  • Make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide

  • Be a source of (something needed)

  • (supply) an amount of something available for use

  • (supply) give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"

artificial flowers supplies - The 2009

The 2009 World Forecasts of Artificial Flowers, Foliage, Fruit, and Their Parts and Articles Export Supplies

The 2009 World Forecasts of Artificial Flowers, Foliage, Fruit, and Their Parts and Articles Export Supplies

This report was created for strategic planners, international marketing executives and export managers whose primary concern is the world market for artificial flowers, foliage, fruit, and their parts and articles. With the globalization of this market, managers can no longer be contented with a local view. Nor can managers be contented with out-of-date statistics that appear several years after the fact. I have developed a methodology, based on macroeconomic and trade models, to estimate the market for artificial flowers, foliage, fruit, and their parts and articles for those firms serving the world via exports and foreign direct investment. It does so for the current year based on a variety of key historical indicators and econometric models.

In what follows, this report begins by summarizing the world market for artificial flowers, foliage, fruit, and their parts and articles exports. The total level of exports on a worldwide basis is based on a model that aggregates across over 150 key country markets and projects these to the current year. From there, each country represents a percent of the world market. This market is served from a number of competitive countries of origin. Based on supply-side dynamics, market shares by country of origin are then calculated across each country market. These shares lead to a volume of export values for each country and are aggregated to regional and world totals. In doing so, we are able to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of both the value of each supplier and the destinations (countries served by the supplier country). From these figures, world rankings are calculated. In this way, all the figures provided in this report are forecasts that can be combined with internal information for strategic planning purposes.

75% (7)



Green Large Rose Silk Flower with Tie and Clip:
It has both hair tie and clip at the back and it's pretty large, so it can be used conveniently almost everywhere.
(1)You can use hair tie to tie it on your wrist or hair, and it will be such an eye-catching bracelet or hair accessory!
(2)You can also clip it onto your hair, bags, clothes(as brooch), table cloth, lamp, vase, curtains, windows and doors of your house, and even the front garden if you like!
(3)The most important usage you should remember is this Large Rose Silk Flower fits perfectly with bikini. Remember to take it with you when going to some beaches, and we are sure that you will be the most watched girl by thousands of eyes!



Blue Large Rose Silk Flower with Tie and Clip:
It has both hair tie and clip at the back and it's pretty large, so it can be used conveniently almost everywhere.
(1)You can use hair tie to tie it on your wrist or hair, and it will be such an eye-catching bracelet or hair accessory!
(2)You can also clip it onto your hair, bags, clothes(as brooch), table cloth, lamp, vase, curtains, windows and doors of your house, and even the front garden if you like!
(3)The most important usage you should remember is this Large Rose Silk Flower fits perfectly with bikini. Remember to take it with you when going to some beaches, and we are sure that you will be the most watched girl by thousands of eyes!

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- 10:19 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #



Bach Flower Courses

bach flower courses

  • The way in which something progresses or develops

  • (course) move swiftly through or over; "ships coursing the Atlantic"

  • The route or direction followed by a ship, aircraft, road, or river

  • (course) naturally: as might be expected; "naturally, the lawyer sent us a huge bill"

  • (course) education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings; "he took a course in basket weaving"; "flirting is not unknown in college classes"

  • A procedure adopted to deal with a situation

  • a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms

  • bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

  • Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly

  • reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

  • Induce (a plant) to produce flowers

  • (of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom

  • Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), German composer. An exceptional and prolific baroque composer, his compositions range from violin concertos, suites, and the six Brandenburg Concertos (1720–21) to clavier works and sacred cantatas. Large-scale choral works include The Passion according to St. John (1723), The Passion according to St. Matthew (1729), and the Mass in B minor (1733–38). Three of his sons were also well-known composers: J(ohann) C(hristian) Bach (1735–82), known as the London Bach, J(ohann) C(hristoph) F(riedrich) Bach (1732–95), known as the Buckeburg Bach, and W(ilhelm) F(riedemann) Bach (1710–84), known as the Halle Bach

  • the music of Bach; "he played Bach on the organ"

  • bachelor: lead a bachelor's existence

  • German baroque organist and contrapuntist; composed mostly keyboard music; one of the greatest creators of western music (1685-1750)

Y Clonc Mawr 25

Y Clonc Mawr 25

Y Clonc Mawr 25
Llwybr Arfordir Sir Benfro, Cymru, Mai 2011
Aber Llydan i Hafan Nolton

“Canfod y byd mewn gronyn o laid,
A`r Nefoedd mewn blodyn tlawd,
Dal anfeidroldeb yng nghledr eich llaw,
A thragwyddoldeb ar y Clonc Mawr.”

William Blake, Argoelion Diniweidrwydd

Beth yw`r Clonc Mawr? Taith gerdded Gymraeg ar gyfer oedolion sy`n dysgu Cymraeg a`r Cymry sy`n mo`yn eu cefnogi nhw. `Yn ni`n cerdded rhan fach o Lwybr Arfordir Sir Benfro bron bob mis ac yn mynd o dde`r sir i`r gogledd. Cyfle i oedolion sy`n dysgu Cymraeg siarad Cymraeg tu fa`s i`r `stafell ddosbarth, ac mae croeso i ddysgwyr o bob safon. Dechreuon ni yn Llanrhath hynny yw Amroth yn ne Sir Benfro fis Mawrth 2009 a bennwn ni`r Clonc Mawr ar bwys Traeth Poppit yn y gogledd yn 2013, felly cymerith y Clonc Mawr marce pedair mlynedd.


The Clonc Mawr 25
Pembrokeshire Coast Path, Wales, May 2011
Broadhaven to Nolton Haven

“To see the world in a grain of sand,
And Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity on the Clonc Mawr!”

William Blake, Auguries of Innocence.

What is the Clonc Mawr? The Clonc Mawr is a walk for adults who are learning Welsh and the Welsh speakers who want to support them. We walk a small part of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path almost every month and we`re walking from Amroth in the south to Poppit in the north. It`s a chance for adults who are learning Welsh to use their Welsh outside the classroom, and adult learners of every level are welcome. We started in Amroth in south Pembrokeshire in March 2009 and we`ll finish the Clonc Mawr near Poppit Sands in the north in 2013, so the Clonc Mawr will take about four years.


Ystyr enwau rhai ynysoedd Sir Benfro
The meanings of the names of some Pembrokeshire Islands
Gan/By: Mike Jones

SKOKHOLM (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
SGOGWM (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
stokker (log) + holm (island, islet), “wooded island”, probably referring to its fortifications. Compare `Stockholm` in Sweden. M.J.

SKOMER (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
SGOMER (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
skalm (a short sword) + ey (island), “cleft island”, possibly because of the island's physical appearance of two parts joined by a narrow strip of land. M.J.

RAMSEY (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
Hrafns (Hrafn, a person`s name + genitive `s) + ey (island), “Hrafn's island”. M.J.
YNYS DEWI (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
ynys (island), Dewi (Dewi Sant/St David), “the island of Dewi/Dewi`s island”.

CALDEY (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
kaldr (cold) + ey (island), “cold island”. M.J.
YNYS BYR (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
ynys (island), Byr (Enw abad mynachdy`r ynys canrifoedd yn ol/The name of the abbot of the island`s monastery centuries ago), “the island of Byr/Byr`s island”

GATEHOLM (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
? (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
.............. (................) + holm (island, inlet) ?

TUSKER ROCK (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
CRAIG TUSKER (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`?/the Welsh name today?)
............... (...............) + ey (island) ?

STACK ROCKS ................... (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
CREIGIAU ................... (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`?/the Welsh name today?)

STACK ....................... by the green bridge (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
....................................... (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`?/the Welsh name today?)


Y Clonc Mawr
(English version below)
Fel arfer `yn ni`n cwrdd am 10.30 mewn caffi neu 10.45 os nad oes caffi cyfleus a dechrau`r Clonc Mawr am 11.00. `Yn ni`n cael picnic ar y ffordd ag `yn ni`n cyrraedd pen y daith erbyn 3.00. Lifftiau wedyn yn ol i`r ceir ac i gaffi am glonc a dished. `Yn ni`n aros yn y caffi tan 4.30. Dyma dros bump awr rhwng 10.45 a 4.30 i`r oedolion sy`n dysgu Cymraeg ei siarad hi.

Mae`r Cymry`n bwysig ar y Clonc Mawr i gloncan da`r dysgwyr achos trwy siarad Cymraeg a`r Cymry mae`r dysgwyr yn dysgu`r iaith. Fel mae Dafydd Iwan yn dweud yn ei gan enwog*:

“I`r Clonc! I`r Clonc!
Dewch Gymry hen ac ifanc.
Dewch i`r Clonc!”

So pobol yn dysgu iaith yn y `stafell ddosbarth. Maen nhw`n cael y patrymau sylfaenol yno ond maen nhw`n dysgu siarad yr iaith trwy ei siarad hi a siaradwyr brodorol tu fa`s i`r `stafell ddosbarth. Ar y Clonc Mawr mae`r dysgwyr yn cael y cyfle i ddefnyddio, ymarfer ac ymestyn y patrymau maen nhw wedi dysgu yn y `stafell ddosbarth. Felly mae`r Cymry`n hanfodol i`r broses `ma ac mae`n bwysig iawn i ni gael Cymry ar y Clonc Mawr. A beth mae`r Cymry`n ei wneud ar y Clonc Mawr? Dim ond cerdded `da ni a chloncan `da pawb am y byd a`r betws.

`Yn ni`n cerdded dim ond tipyn bach o`r Llwybr Arfordir bob tro achos mae`r pwys

Y Clonc Mawr 25

Y Clonc Mawr 25

Y Clonc Mawr 25
Llwybr Arfordir Sir Benfro, Cymru, Mai 2011
Aber Llydan i Hafan Nolton
Llun: Druidstone

“Canfod y byd mewn gronyn o laid,
A`r Nefoedd mewn blodyn tlawd,
Dal anfeidroldeb yng nghledr eich llaw,
A thragwyddoldeb ar y Clonc Mawr.”

William Blake, Argoelion Diniweidrwydd

Beth yw`r Clonc Mawr? Taith gerdded Gymraeg ar gyfer oedolion sy`n dysgu Cymraeg a`r Cymry sy`n mo`yn eu cefnogi nhw. `Yn ni`n cerdded rhan fach o Lwybr Arfordir Sir Benfro bron bob mis ac yn mynd o dde`r sir i`r gogledd. Cyfle i oedolion sy`n dysgu Cymraeg siarad Cymraeg tu fa`s i`r `stafell ddosbarth, ac mae croeso i ddysgwyr o bob safon. Dechreuon ni yn Llanrhath hynny yw Amroth yn ne Sir Benfro fis Mawrth 2009 a bennwn ni`r Clonc Mawr ar bwys Traeth Poppit yn y gogledd yn 2013, felly cymerith y Clonc Mawr marce pedair mlynedd.


The Clonc Mawr 25
Pembrokeshire Coast Path, Wales, May 2011
Broadhaven to Nolton Haven
Photograph: Druidstone

“To see the world in a grain of sand,
And Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity on the Clonc Mawr!”

William Blake, Auguries of Innocence.

What is the Clonc Mawr? The Clonc Mawr is a walk for adults who are learning Welsh and the Welsh speakers who want to support them. We walk a small part of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path almost every month and we`re walking from Amroth in the south to Poppit in the north. It`s a chance for adults who are learning Welsh to use their Welsh outside the classroom, and adult learners of every level are welcome. We started in Amroth in south Pembrokeshire in March 2009 and we`ll finish the Clonc Mawr near Poppit Sands in the north in 2013, so the Clonc Mawr will take about four years.


Ystyr enwau rhai ynysoedd Sir Benfro
The meanings of the names of some Pembrokeshire Islands
Gan/By: Mike Jones

SKOKHOLM (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
SGOGWM (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
stokker (log) + holm (island, islet), “wooded island”, probably referring to its fortifications. Compare `Stockholm` in Sweden. M.J.

SKOMER (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
SGOMER (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
skalm (a short sword) + ey (island), “cleft island”, possibly because of the island's physical appearance of two parts joined by a narrow strip of land. M.J.

RAMSEY (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
Hrafns (Hrafn, a person`s name + genitive `s) + ey (island), “Hrafn's island”. M.J.
YNYS DEWI (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
ynys (island), Dewi (Dewi Sant/St David), “the island of Dewi/Dewi`s island”.

CALDEY (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
kaldr (cold) + ey (island), “cold island”. M.J.
YNYS BYR (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
ynys (island), Byr (Enw abad mynachdy`r ynys canrifoedd yn ol/The name of the abbot of the island`s monastery centuries ago), “the island of Byr/Byr`s island”

GATEHOLM (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
? (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`/the Welsh name today)
.............. (................) + holm (island, inlet) ?

TUSKER ROCK (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
CRAIG TUSKER (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`?/the Welsh name today?)
............... (...............) + ey (island) ?

STACK ROCKS ................... (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
CREIGIAU ................... (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`?/the Welsh name today?)

STACK ....................... by the green bridge (yr enw Saesneg heddi`/the English name today)
....................................... (yr enw Cymraeg heddi`?/the Welsh name today?)


Y Clonc Mawr
(English version below)
Fel arfer `yn ni`n cwrdd am 10.30 mewn caffi neu 10.45 os nad oes caffi cyfleus a dechrau`r Clonc Mawr am 11.00. `Yn ni`n cael picnic ar y ffordd ag `yn ni`n cyrraedd pen y daith erbyn 3.00. Lifftiau wedyn yn ol i`r ceir ac i gaffi am glonc a dished. `Yn ni`n aros yn y caffi tan 4.30. Dyma dros bump awr rhwng 10.45 a 4.30 i`r oedolion sy`n dysgu Cymraeg ei siarad hi.

Mae`r Cymry`n bwysig ar y Clonc Mawr i gloncan da`r dysgwyr achos trwy siarad Cymraeg a`r Cymry mae`r dysgwyr yn dysgu`r iaith. Fel mae Dafydd Iwan yn dweud yn ei gan enwog*:

“I`r Clonc! I`r Clonc!
Dewch Gymry hen ac ifanc.
Dewch i`r Clonc!”

So pobol yn dysgu iaith yn y `stafell ddosbarth. Maen nhw`n cael y patrymau sylfaenol yno ond maen nhw`n dysgu siarad yr iaith trwy ei siarad hi a siaradwyr brodorol tu fa`s i`r `stafell ddosbarth. Ar y Clonc Mawr mae`r dysgwyr yn cael y cyfle i ddefnyddio, ymarfer ac ymestyn y patrymau maen nhw wedi dysgu yn y `stafell ddosbarth. Felly mae`r Cymry`n hanfodol i`r broses `ma ac mae`n bwysig iawn i ni gael Cymry ar y Clonc Mawr. A beth mae`r Cymry`n ei wneud ar y Clonc Mawr? Dim ond cerdded `da ni a chloncan `da pawb am y byd a`r betws.

`Yn ni`n cerdded dim ond tipyn bach o`

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- 10:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Asian floral designs : Silk tropical wedding bouquets : Alex flower press.

Asian Floral Designs

asian floral designs

    floral designs
  • (Floral Design) Floral design is the art of using plant materials and flowers to create a pleasing and balanced composition. Evidence of refined floristry is found as far back as the culture of Ancient Egypt.

  • a native or inhabitant of Asia

  • of or relating to or characteristic of Asia or the peoples of Asia or their languages or culture; "Asian countries"

  • (asia) the largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eurasia; it is the site of some of the world's earliest civilizations

  • A native of Asia or a person of Asian descent

asian floral designs - Korean Decorative

Korean Decorative Pillow - Organic Buckwheat Pillow - Stylish Asian Embroidered Calligraphy Design - Zen Floral Pattern / Contemporary Pillow / Modern Style / Therapeutic Pillow - Green

Korean Decorative Pillow - Organic Buckwheat Pillow - Stylish Asian Embroidered Calligraphy Design - Zen Floral Pattern / Contemporary Pillow / Modern Style / Therapeutic Pillow - Green

Add style and panache to your home decor. Adding this Asian Style decorative pillow will make your furnishings stand out. This premium pillow is distinctly designed with three beautiful layers. The outside layer is embroidered with artistic Asian Calligraphy and soothing floral design. Made for super comfort, this pillow is filled with premium buckwheat hulls that may relieve common sleeping problems such as; tension, muscle pain, stiff neck, headache and stress. This pillow includes an inner layer with zipper to allow you the option of removing hulls and adjusting the pillow to fit your exact needs.

Add striking contemporary style in a variety of colors, embroidered Asian Calligraphy and floral pattern for a very modern look.

Mix and match easily and create many exciting combinations. Add in some textured or solid color pillows for a more subtle look.

Will conform and adjust perfectly to your head, neck, and spine; may relieve common tension, muscle pain, stiff neck, headache and stress

Includes premium buckwheat hulls filling / stuffing; allow air to circulate for better ventilation

77% (15)

Floral Ba-Gua Octagon Beaded Hemp Necklace or Anklet

Floral Ba-Gua Octagon Beaded Hemp Necklace or Anklet

The medallions on this necklace are Ba-Gua Octagons; they are one of the tools used in Feng Shui.

This necklace is crocheted from greenish-brown yarn that's 50% wool and 50% hemp, strung with lots of glass, ceramic, wood, plastic, and metal beads. The significant parts to this necklace are three ceramic beads with a floral design on one side and Asian script on the other and two copper Ba-Gua Octagons with a different design on each side (the photos show both sides).

The entire necklace is about 39" (99.1 cm) long (including extra cord to tie with where it isn't crocheted), but the crocheted, thicker part is about 25" (63.5 cm) and the beaded part is 7" (17.8 cm).

It can also be worn as an anklet!

A friend gave me the idea for the name for this necklace- I had no idea the discs had significance. :)

I made this necklace months ago (during the summer) but forgot to upload it. Oops!



NEW DESIGN!!! - finished this yesterday - Today was the first really chilly/rainy day of fall, and this kept me cozy and incredibly comfortable all day. It is made out of a repurposed vintage 80s shirt, along with vintage asian-y floral-printed fabric for the waist, sewn-on appliques, and hood lining. The turquoise is a medium-to-lightweight sweatshirt material for a little extra warmth. I will be coming out with MORE OF THESE in different colors/prints, for sale soon!!!

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- 10:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Flower Shop In Lebanon

flower shop in lebanon

    flower shop
  • Floristry is the general term used to describe the professional floral trade. It encompasses flower care and handling, floral design or flower arranging, merchandising, and display and flower delivery. Wholesale florists sell bulk flowers and related supplies to professionals in the trade.

  • A country in the Middle East, with a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea; pop. 3,777,000; capital, Beirut; official language, Arabic

  • An industrial city in southeastern Pennsylvania, in Pennsylvania Dutch country; pop. 24,800

  • an Asian republic at east end of Mediterranean

  • Lebanon (Hebrew title: ?????) is an Israeli war film directed by Samuel Maoz. It won the Leone d'Oro at the 66th Venice International Film Festival, becoming the first Israeli-produced film to have won that honour. The film has not yet had a wide release.

  • Lebanon is a 2006 award-winning gay pornographic film directed by Collin O'Neal released by Raging Stallion Studios.

"Colban's Sweet Shop"

This corner shop located on Main Street in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, my hometown.

Owned by the Colban family since 1943, it is a bit of a landmark in the Mechanicsburg area. I'm sure in its heyday it was quite the gathering place for gossip and news. Duane and I ventured into the place a few years ago. It was very dingy, dirty and kind of gross, but there was Mr. Colban, sitting in his usual place by the front window hotdog carousel. (by the way, the same hotdogs from 1974, I think?) Mr. Colban could always be found there, sitting and waving at people passing by. I spoke to him briefly...he reminded me of my dad. Such a nice man.

I found out that Mr. Colban had died in December of 2009 and the building was up for sale, "as is". I just hope it's "as is" condition doesn't get it demolished.

Here are the specs: Own a piece of history! Mechanicsburg borough business, formerly Colban's Sweet Shop, owned by Jimmy Colban since 1943. First floor commercial opportunity, with 4 bedroom, 2 bath apartment on 2nd and 3rd floors. Live in one work in the other. Don't miss this great opportunity. See it now! Being sold AS IS

It was first listed at $140K. It's down to $130,000.

Here is Mr. Colban's obit. Rest well, Mr. Colban!

James J. "Jimmy" Colban, 75, of Mechanicsburg passed away Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 at his residence.
Mr. Colban was born in Mechanicsburg, on July 27, 1934, the son of the late John and Margaret (Daudry) Colban.
He was the Owner and operator of Colbans Sweet Shop, and was was employed many years by the Mechanicsburg Club were he was a life member. He was a member of the VFW Post 477 Carlisle, Business Men's League Mechanicsburg, Sons of the American Legion Post 109, Loyal Order of the Moose and Eagles Carlisle.
Jimmy is survived by his daughter Rosemarie of Mechanicsburg and a cousin Frank Promutico of Lebanon.
Funeral Services will be held in the Myers Funeral Home of Mechanicsburg at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 4th.
There will be a viewing Monday from 6 to 7 in the Myers Funeral Home.
Burial will be in Mechanicsburg Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Humane Society of Harrisburg, 7790 Grayson Road, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111.

Old Amish Woman

Old Amish Woman

I spent a morning among the Amish/Mennonite last weekend. I don't think they were old school Amish since they had running water and gas in their homes and shops and they weren't at all shy or bothered about me taking pictures.

I got just one click of this nice older woman walking out through her garden but I was happy with how the light came out.

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Flower bouquet roses - Easter flower designs - Sympathy florists

Flower Bouquet Roses

flower bouquet roses

    flower bouquet
  • A flower bouquet is a collection of flowers in a creative arrangement. There are different kinds including nosegay, crescent, and cascading bouquets. Flower bouquets are often given for special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries. They are also used extensively in weddings.

  • (rose) any of many shrubs of the genus Rosa that bear roses

  • (rose) blush wine: pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began

  • Make rosy

  • (rose) of something having a dusty purplish pink color; "the roseate glow of dawn"

Bouquet with Roses

Bouquet with Roses

It's May and time for some flowers. I painted this watercolor last summer, and took a digital photo of it a few days ago. The bouquet was my daughter's, and the arrangement was more complicated than I thought when I first decided to paint it, which is almost always the case.

bouquet of roses (IMG 2743)

bouquet of roses (IMG 2743)

Bouquet of roses, given to us with the tulips, to thank us for giving up our table.

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China Silk Flower. Photos Of Wedding Bouquets. The Flower Girl Florist.

China Silk Flower

china silk flower

    silk flower
  • Artificial flowers and imitations of natural flowers are sometimes made for scientific purposes (the collection of glass flowers at Harvard University, for example, which illustrates the flora of the United States), but more often as articles for commercial or residential decoration.

  • A fine white or translucent vitrified ceramic material

  • Household tableware or other objects made from this or a similar material

  • high quality porcelain originally made only in China

  • Taiwan: a government on the island of Taiwan established in 1949 by Chiang Kai-shek after the conquest of mainland China by the Communists led by Mao Zedong

  • a communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world

china silk flower - AN AMERICAN



Thirteen-year-old Erin Cochran had the opportunity of a lifetime to travel by plane, speed train, subway, taxi and on foot across greater China. What follows is her detailed journal of the trip that took her around the world to the Great Wall, Terra Cotta Army, the Forbidden City, and in and out of local villages.

This journal will appeal to young and old, anyone who has an interest in China off the beaten path of the tourist attractions, as seen through the eyes of a 13-year-old American teen as she journaled her story across China.

Thirteen-year-old Erin Cochran had the opportunity of a lifetime to travel by plane, speed train, subway, taxi and on foot across greater China. What follows is her detailed journal of the trip that took her around the world to the Great Wall, Terra Cotta Army, the Forbidden City, and in and out of local villages.

This journal will appeal to young and old, anyone who has an interest in China off the beaten path of the tourist attractions, as seen through the eyes of a 13-year-old American teen as she journaled her story across China.

75% (12)

Mikasa China Serving Pieces ‘Silk Flowers’

Mikasa China Serving Pieces ‘Silk Flowers’


-40 Piece Place Setting (for 8): Dinner Plate / Smaller
Plate / Bowl / Teacup and Saucer
Serving Pieces and Accessories:
-5 Piece Completer Set: Creamer / Sugar Bowl w Lid /
Large Serving Plate and Bowl
-7 Piece Matching Cookware: 3 Pots, Lids, Large Pan
-2 Casserole Dishes with Lids – From the oven to the
table to the frig
-2 Storage Containers with Lids
-1 Tea Pot with Lid
-1 Gravy Boat and Stand
Phone: (949) 235-8088

MIKASA CHINA for 8 - ‘Silk Flowers’ + Accessory Pieces - $450

MIKASA CHINA for 8 - ‘Silk Flowers’ + Accessory Pieces - $450


-40 Piece Place Setting (for 8): Dinner Plate / Smaller
Plate / Bowl / Teacup and Saucer
-5 Piece Completer Set: Creamer / Sugar Bowl w Lid /
Large Serving Plate and Bowl
-7 Piece Matching Cookware: 3 Pots, Lids, Large Pan
-2 Casserole Dishes with Lids – From the oven to the
table to the frig
-2 Storage Containers with Lids
-1 Tea Pot with Lid
-1 Gravy Boat and Stand

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- 10:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Life Cycle Of Flowering Plant

life cycle of flowering plant

    flowering plant
  • A plant that produces flowers; an angiosperm

  • angiosperm: plants having seeds in a closed ovary

  • The flowering plants (angiosperms), also known as Angiospermae or Magnoliophyta, are the most diverse group of land plants.

  • a plant with long sword-shaped leaves. Flowers: many-colored. Genus Iris.

    life cycle
  • a series of stages through which an organism passes between recurrences of a primary stage

  • A life cycle is a period involving all different generations of a species succeeding each other through means of reproduction, whether through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction (a period from one generation of organisms to the same identical).

  • the course of developmental changes in an organism from fertilized zygote to maturity when another zygote can be produced

  • The series of changes in the life of an organism, including reproduction

Monarch grasping Milkweed flowers and silky seeds with its black legs

Monarch grasping Milkweed flowers and silky seeds with its black legs

Explore Jan 22, 2011 #495

Unusual to get so close to a Monarch. To see not just the orange and gold Milkweed flowers but also the silky seeds that have been blown from a nearby pod. I always enjoy seeing the fuzzy back and segmented antennae!

A close up look at the butterfly at work... proboscis or drinking straw inserted into the throat of the flower. Notice the black legs and antennae and repeating black and white dot patterns on body and wings. What a gorgeous creature this is with its golden and orange sunset tones and mosaic details.

Metamorphosis is the series of developmental stages insects go through to become adults. Butterflies and moths have four stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult. It takes a Monarch Butterfly just 30 to 40 days to complete its life cycle, with warmer temperatures generally being responsible for faster development.

Monarch females lay their eggs on Milkweed, the only plant Monarch caterpillars can eat. The eggs are laid singly and generally on the undersides of leaves. The eggs are about the size of a period at the end of a sentence and whitish in color. Three to six days later, they hatch.

The newly hatched caterpillar is so small it can barely be seen but grows quickly, feeding on nothing but Milkweed leaves. In 9 to 14 days it's full grown, about 2" long. The caterpillar has eight pairs of stubby legs. The first three pair of legs will become the butterfly's legs. Like a snake or a crab, a Monarch caterpillar sheds its skin five times during the larval stage.

When the caterpillar is full grown it usually leaves the milkweed plant and can crawl 30 to 40 feet from the milkweed) to find a safe place to pupate. The caterpillar creates a silk-like mat, attaches its last pair of legs to it, and allows itself to drop and hangs upside down in a J-shape for approximately one day.

The caterpillar's skin is shed for the last time as it passes from the larval (caterpillar) stage to the pupa (chrysalis) stage of metamorphosis. This time there is a jade green casing (chrysalis) under the caterpillar's skin. Immediately after the skin is shed, the inch long chrysalis is soft. Looking at the pupae, you can still see the ribbed body of the caterpillar inside. Then the chrysalis hardens to a beautiful jade green. Dramatic changes occur inside. The mouth parts transform from those needed for chewing into a straw-like tongue (proboscis) which the butterfly will need to sip nectar from flowers.

Most Milkweeds contain cardiac glycosides which are stored in the bodies of both the caterpillar and adult butterfly. These poisons are distasteful and emetic to birds and other vertebrate predators. After tasting a Monarch, a predator might associate the bright warning colors of the adult or caterpillar with an unpleasant meal, and avoid Monarchs in the future.

The Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is a milkweed butterfly (subfamily Danainae), in the family Nymphalidae. It is perhaps the best known of all North American butterflies. Since the 19th century, it has been found in New Zealand, and in Australia since 1871 where it is called the Wanderer. In Europe it is resident in the Canary Islands, the Azores, and Madeira, and is found as an occasional migrant in Western Europe. Its wings feature an easily recognizable orange and black pattern, with a wingspan of 8.9–10.2 centimetres (3?–4 in). (The Viceroy butterfly has a similar size, color, and pattern, but can be distinguished by an extra black stripe across the hind wing.)

Female Monarchs have darker veins on their wings, and the males have a spot called the "androconium" in the center of each hind wing from which pheromones are released. Males are also slightly larger. Monarchs can be found in open areas in all regions of Florida year-round. Florida's Monarchs are unique in that they do not migrate out of the state during the winter (although they are thought to move further south when cold spells approach). In fact, Florida Monarchs are the most active and most visible here during the winter months. It is also thought that Monarchs from the Northeastern U.S. winter in Florida. It is presumed that these butterflies do not return to the north in spring, but their offspring do.

See my set, Lubbers, Butterflies and Bees. And Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden.

Striped Monarch caterpillar is munching on brilliant Milkweed leaves and flowers

Striped Monarch caterpillar is munching on brilliant Milkweed leaves and flowers

Monarch caterpillars are savage eaters! Nothing... yes, nothing will be left of this Milkweed plant in a few days. Now they are chewing the leaves. Next they'll devour the buds and flowers. Hopefully the roots will survive and send up new leaves and flowers! Look at the stem of the opening bud above the bud cluster. It's hanging and almost cut through.

I love the yellow, black and white stripes of this lovely creature! And the stubby black feet.There are antennae on both ends. Which end is which? That's the question a predator asks. This double-ended design gives the caterpillar some protection! Already the mature Monarchs are laying new eggs on what is left of these plants so the life cycle will continue.

Most Milkweeds contain cardiac glycosides which are stored in the bodies of both the caterpillar and adult butterfly. These poisons are distasteful and emetic to birds and other vertebrate predators. After tasting a Monarch, a predator might associate the bright warning colors of the adult or caterpillar with an unpleasant meal, and avoid Monarchs in the future.

Metamorphosis is the series of developmental stages that insects go through to become adults. Butterflies and moths have four stages: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult. It takes a Monarch Butterfly just 30 to 40 days to complete its life cycle, with warmer temperatures generally being responsible for faster development.

Monarch females lay their eggs on Milkweed, the only plant Monarch caterpillars can eat. The eggs are laid singly and generally on the undersides of leaves. The eggs are about the size of a periods at the end of a sentence and whitish in color. Three to six days later, they hatch.

The newly hatched caterpillar is so small it can barely be seen but grows quickly, feeding on nothing but Milkweed leaves. In 9 to 14 days it's full grown, about 2" long. The caterpillar has eight pairs of stubby legs. The first three pair of legs will become the butterfly's legs. Like a snake or a crab, a Monarch caterpillar sheds its skin five times during the larval stage.

When the caterpillar is full grown it can crawl 30 to 40 feet from the milkweed to find a safe place to pupate. The caterpillar creates a silk-like mat, attaches its last pair of legs to it, and allows itself to drop and hangs upside down in a J-shape for approximately one day.

The caterpillar's skin is shed for the last time as it passes from the larval (caterpillar) stage to the pupa (chrysalis) stage of metamorphosis. This time there is a jade green casing (chrysalis) under the caterpillar's skin. Immediately after the skin is shed, the inch long chrysalis is soft. Looking at the pupae, you can still see the ribbed body of the caterpillar inside. Then the chrysalis hardens to a beautiful jade green. Dramatic changes occur inside. The mouth parts transform from those needed for chewing into a straw-like tongue (proboscis) which the butterfly will need to sip nectar from flowers.

See my set, Lubbers, Butterflies and Bees.

life cycle of flowering plant

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- 10:16 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Paper flowers : All american flowers gifts : Victorian flower print.

Paper Flowers Wholesale

paper flowers

    paper flowers
  • Paper Flowers (Flores de papel) is a 1977 Mexican drama film directed by Gabriel Retes. It was entered into the 28th Berlin International Film Festival.

  • (paper flower) Brazilian vine that tends to flower continuously

  • Kaagaz Ke Phool, (????? ?? ???; ), is a 1959 Hindi film produced and directed by Guru Dutt, who also played the lead role in the film.

  • Sell (goods) in large quantities at low prices to be retailed by others

  • the selling of goods to merchants; usually in large quantities for resale to consumers

  • sweeping: ignoring distinctions; "sweeping generalizations"; " destruction"

  • at a price; "I can sell it to you "

paper flowers

paper flowers

Paper flowers by my co-worker that made the crochet, butterflies. They were SO PRETTY I HAD to take a photo! They are for a baby shower.

paper flower

paper flower

handmade paper flower, with pages taken from an antique book 'wonderland of britain'

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Phoenix flower shops. Tulips bridal bouquet

Phoenix Flower Shops

phoenix flower shops

    flower shops
  • (Flower shop) Floristry is the general term used to describe the professional floral trade. It encompasses flower care and handling, floral design or flower arranging, merchandising, and display and flower delivery.

  • (in classical mythology) A unique bird that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle

  • A person or thing regarded as uniquely remarkable in some respect

  • a legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years

  • the state capital and largest city located in south central Arizona; situated in a former desert that has become a prosperous agricultural area thanks to irrigation

  • a large monocotyledonous genus of pinnate-leaved palms found in Asia and Africa



¦ Phoenix Llewelyn Designs ¦

These earrings are made with some AMAZING vintage German beads. they look crystalized but they are in fact lucite. They have an awesome luster when held in light and just are all around cool because of the flower design on them that is etched with gold. The beads are a jumbo 17-18mm. They are paired with the lovely raw copper ball headpins. The ear wires are french style in a rose gold/copper finish.

Northgate Cart

Northgate Cart

Found against wild flowers growing in the dead Northgate shopping center.

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Pink flower wall decals. Send flowers to saudi arabia. Wholesale silk flowers canada.

Pink Flower Wall Decals

pink flower wall decals

    pink flower
  • Dianthus is a genus of about 300 species of flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, native mainly to Europe and Asia, with a few species extending south to north Africa, and one species (D. repens) in arctic North America. Common names include carnation (D. caryophyllus), pink (D.

  • A design prepared on special paper for transfer onto another surface such as glass, porcelain, or metal

  • (decal) either a design that is fixed to some surface or a paper bearing the design which is to be transferred to the surface

  • (DeCal) The University of California, Berkeley (also referred to as Cal, California, Berkeley, Cal-Berkeley, and UC Berkeley), is a public research university located in Berkeley, California, United States.

  • A decal or transfer is a plastic, cloth paper or ceramic substrate that has printed on it a pattern that can be moved to another surface upon contact, usually with the aid of heat or water. The word is short for decalcomania.

  • anything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effect; "a wall of water"; "a wall of smoke"; "a wall of prejudice"; "negotiations ran into a brick wall"

  • an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure; "the south wall had a small window"; "the walls were covered with pictures"

  • surround with a wall in order to fortify

  • A continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land

  • A side of a building or room, typically forming part of the building's structure

  • Any high vertical surface or facade, esp. one that is imposing in scale

pink flower wall decals - Pink Flowers

Pink Flowers & Butterflies Peel & Stick Removable Home Wall Art Sticker Decals

Pink Flowers & Butterflies Peel & Stick Removable Home Wall Art Sticker Decals

Better than wallpaper, wall stickers are a perfect way to decorate your room and express yourself. They are a fun, easy and removable decor solution. These stickers are pre-cut and will only take you several minutes to apply on any surface - walls, doors, windows, and more. When you want to reposition the stickers, simply peel them off and reapply to wherever you want and they won't damage your paint or leave any mess. Perfect for homes, nurseries, dorms, and anywhere else.

Flowers measure 5.5" to 8.75" in diameter.

81% (5)

pink roses

pink roses

I love how everything glistens like someone took their time to polish each petals and leaves



this flower makes me happy. i love how innocent and delicate it looks

pink flower wall decals

pink flower wall decals

Pink Fun Flowers Sm Retro Flowers Wall Sticker Decals

Love that fabulous look of custom painted wall murals and expensive hand-painted furniture you see in all the best home decorating magazines? Ever wish you had your own personal mural artist or decorator to help you create your very own personalized designs? Wish you had the time, talent, or budget to create exciting, whimsical one-of-a-kind bedrooms or playrooms for the kids? Looking for something easy, but snappy and fun for a couple of dull, boring rooms?These Murals Designs are an exciting and fun new way to personalize and decorate your walls and furniture, create stunning one of a kind accessories and more - let your imagination run wild with possibilities. The peel and stick self adhesive vinyl designs will give you the flexibility of creating a custom look, with all the details of the dry rub transfers but you can remove or reposition them.

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Still Life Flower Paintings - Floral Table Decorations - Grow Flower Bulbs.

Still Life Flower Paintings

still life flower paintings

    flower paintings
  • (Flower Painter) hand painted decorative flowers onto pottery prior to glazing.

    still life
  • Still Life was a British progressive rock band characterized by expert Hammond organ playing, intricate and original vocal harmonies, and an agile and precise rhythm section. They had one self-titled album that was originally released in 1971 and later re-released in 2003.

  • A painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware

  • This type or genre of painting or drawing

  • a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers

  • A still life (plural still lifes ) is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural (food, flowers, plants, rocks, or shells) or man-made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewelry, coins, pipes, and so on) in an artificial

still life flower paintings - Classic Still

Classic Still Life Painting: A Contemporary Master Shows How to Achieve Old Master Effects Using Today's Art Materials

Classic Still Life Painting: A Contemporary Master Shows How to Achieve Old Master Effects Using Today's Art Materials

Classic Still Life Painting shows artists how to create paintings of sparkling brilliance and jewel-like color that look like they have been lit from within-just like the exquisite paintings of the Renaissance masters of the 16th and 17th centuries. Artists learn techniques similar to those used by Rembrandt, Raphael, Rubens, and other master painters of the past, including using glazing with colors over a subtle underpainting of tones to achieve the effect of sunlight passing through stained glass. Through the advent of fast drying mediums artists learn that they will be able to achieve the same richness and luminosity found in the works of the old masters.

• The only source available that covers how to create mixed-media artworks with an extensive range of mediums

• Finished examples provide creative inspiration

• A valuable reference that includes technical information and demonstrations

83% (8)

Still Life with Flowers (after Ambrosius Bosschaert)

Still Life with Flowers (after Ambrosius Bosschaert)

This is my first flower still life, it is based on a work by Ambrosius Bosschaert of 1618.
During the 1600s the Dutch became Europe's leading horticulturists, and exotic flowers became a national obsession, culminating in Tulipmania.
Some of these paintings contained symbols.
Mine contains many.
At 12 o’clock is an Iris crowning the bouquet, it is a reference to disgraced Australian Businessman, Alan Bond who purchased Van Gogh’s Irises in 1987 for a world record $54 million. He then declared himself bankrupt with personal debts of $1.8 billion and was sentenced to 7 years in prison. The fallen iris refers to Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
The Poppy at 1 o’clock refers to my sadly departed dog Poppy, the unopened flower is a symbol of the new puppy which will be born in the New Year.
The fern represents my New Zealand birthplace, the Tulips my passion for Dutch masters.
At 4 o’clock, obscured from clear view, is a Wollemia Pine a remarkable plant that was only discovered in 1994, very close to Sydney, proving that we have much to learn about nature.
The chewed leaves and snail remind us that all things must end; even Flower paintings had Vanitas overtones.
The large pink rose is a reference to our ego, vital to have, but it must be controlled or it will overpower everything. Here I think it is too big, a reminder to me to keep it in check.
The Australian Flowers at the centre of the work refer to my adopted home of Australia. Her exuberant blooms are in stark contrast with the sparse landscape from which they come. I think Bosschaert would have painted these, if they were available to him.
The Caterpillar climbing the leaf at 11 o’clock is a reference to the ultimate futility of ambition.
There are a few other elements to be discovered for those interested in looking.

Still life c.1950

Still life c.1950

An oil painting by my maternal grandfather, Peter C. Ottzen (1903 - 1988) a native of Aarhus, Denmark. He emigrated, as did my maternal grandmother also of Denmark, to the US and lived in Perth Amboy and Staten Island before moving to Upstate NY and largely the Cooperstown, NY area.

My bestafa (grandfather in Danish; bestamor for grandmother) was a master woodworker by formal trade with an expertise in cabinetry. He renovated many of the homes his family lived in over the course of his life and worked for the Clark Estates in later years.

The still life flower painting was done at the family farm on the Otsdawa near the township of Otego in southern Otsego County. The farm has long since been sold.

He was part of the Cape Ann school of artists and created many works in Rockport and Gloucester, MA. An award winning artist, he joined Hartwick Collge staff for a time, and was a member of the Cooperstown Art Association.

Relative to the number of paintings he did during his lifetime only a small percentage are held outside of the family today. A few of his paintings have found their way to Denmark vis-a-vis my sister and her husband who reside there today.

still life flower paintings

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- 10:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Prom Flower Ideas. Gum Paste Flower Sprays.

Prom Flower Ideas

prom flower ideas

  • a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms

  • bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

  • reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

  • (of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom

  • Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly

  • Induce (a plant) to produce flowers

  • A concept or mental impression

  • (idea) a personal view; "he has an idea that we don't like him"

  • An opinion or belief

  • A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action

  • (idea) the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"

  • (idea) mind: your intention; what you intend to do; "he had in mind to see his old teacher"; "the idea of the game is to capture all the pieces"

  • A formal dance, esp. one held by a class in high school or college at the end of a year

  • In the United States and Canada, a prom, short for promenade, is a formal (black tie) dance, or gathering of high school students. It is typically held near the end of junior and/or senior year. It figures greatly in popular culture and is a major event among high school students.

  • Prom is the second solo album by Amy Ray of Indigo Girls, released in 2005 on her Daemon Records label.

  • promenade: a formal ball held for a school class toward the end of the academic year

prom flower ideas - LadyGirl Flower-Shape

LadyGirl Flower-Shape Prom & Party Evening Handbag, Clutch Bag, Gift Ideas--Colors Various, Price/Piece -BLACK

LadyGirl Flower-Shape Prom & Party Evening Handbag, Clutch Bag, Gift Ideas--Colors Various, Price/Piece -BLACK

Material: satin;
Colors: Available in black, beige, white, red, purple ,gray and coffee;
Dimension: 7.87in * 5.51in * 1.57in;
Handle Strap: 14.1in in length;
Shoulder strap: 43.3in in length.

Recommended Features:
** Pure elegance glamorous and feminine clutch bag;
** Made from satin in an elegant classic shape;
** Remarkable quality for the price;
** Comes with two chains so you can also use it as a handheld bag or an over the shoulder bag;
** Holds your purse, mobile phone and other small essentials;
** Perfect for weddings, parties or nights out!
** Great an idea for a gift!

77% (16)

prom photo-sepia

prom photo-sepia

I took my sister's prom pictures for her. The ones taken at the school were way too expensive, and we thought we could do something more interesting.

This one is one of the outtakes--it is almost dramatic the way their bodies are turned, and their attention is off to the side. They were looking at my helper Miss Ashley as she told them something about her dress when I took the picture. It looks like some still from a Lillian Gish silent movie to me.

It was shot on color medium format film with a Mamiya C-something TLR camera, with maybe a 115mm lens. TLR cameras are in my opinion, the sexiest cameras ever designed.

1987 prom Scott and Becky

1987 prom Scott and Becky

Prom pic from 1987. Dress is vintage. Shoes are junky pumps from Savers that I spray painted gold. (they were previously red and spraypainted green.)

A happy coincidence was that my corsage matched the fake flowers of the photo set!

My carefully curled hair was totally ruined by driving to San Francisco for Dinner at Hamburger Marys from San jose and then back to San Jose and then To Solano for the actual prom at some country club. Whose idea was it to have our prom 40 miles from our school?

Malcom Starr is the dress designer, not my date. My date was my friend Scott C. Pfeiffer.

prom flower ideas

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- 10:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Planting flowers in the fall : Send flowers on line : Fresh floral arrangements.

Planting Flowers In The Fall

planting flowers in the fall

  • Place (a seed, bulb, or plant) in the ground so that it can grow

  • Place a seed, bulb, or plant in (a place) to grow

  • putting seeds or young plants in the ground to grow; "the planting of corn is hard work"

  • the act of fixing firmly in place; "he ordered the planting of policemen outside every doorway"

  • a collection of plants (trees or shrubs or flowers) in a particular area; "the landscape architect suggested a small planting in the northwest corner"

  • Bury (someone)

  • Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly

  • (flower) reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

  • Induce (a plant) to produce flowers

  • (flower) bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

  • (flower) a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms

  • (of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom

    in the
  • (in this) therein: (formal) in or into that thing or place; "they can read therein what our plans are"

  • Overview (total time = 00:29:39), I cover some definitions of lean, its roots in the Toyota Production System, and how resource planning and lean work together.

  • “steady state” thermal values obtained from laboratory testing, it is assumed that temperatures at both sides of a wall are constant and remain constant for a period of time, unlike what actually occurs in normal conditions.

  • A move which pins the opponent's shoulders on the ground for a count of three

  • descend: move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again"

  • the season when the leaves fall from the trees; "in the fall of 1973"

  • A controlled act of falling, esp. as a stunt or in martial arts

  • An act of falling or collapsing; a sudden uncontrollable descent

  • descend in free fall under the influence of gravity; "The branch fell from the tree"; "The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse"

planting flowers in the fall - Garden Auger

Garden Auger Bulb Planter 2.75" x 24" Regular Duty

Garden Auger Bulb Planter 2.75

YOU MUST SUPPLY YOUR OWN DRILL TO POWER THIS GARDEN AUGER. This bulb auger fits 3/8'' drills and larger, and any corded drill will provide plenty of power for the garden auger. If using a cordless drill to power this garden auger, we recommend using Milwaukee or DeWalt brand.
Sturdier 3/8'' cold rolled steel shaft features three flats on the end, allowing you to really tighten up your drill chuck and prevent spinning and slipping.
IMPORTANT- please read
This auger will NOT work if your drill is in reverse. If your auger seems to spin on top of the ground and not dig in, check to see if your drill is in reverse.
Check closely when tightening up the drill chuck on the auger. Make sure to match the flats of the drill chuck to the flats on the auger shaft. If you chuck up on the round part of the shaft, the auger could slip or spin in the drill chuck.
Operate your drill in the lowest gear setting possible. Always wear safety glasses and use two hands when operating the drill. Do not pry with the auger. Keep it straight up and down when using it to drill in soil.

79% (10)

The many colors of Fall

The many colors of Fall

This tree is two neighbors away.. I only have a polarizer that fits on my 50mm and it's a must for shooting leafs under the harsh sun. So anyways had to trespass to get this shot but Pauline (our neighbor) doesn't mind I'm always in her yard shooting her beautiful garden and flowers!

Fall Flowers

Fall Flowers

I spotted these very pretty pink flowers at the Captain Wilbur Kelly House
along the Blackstone River Bikeway in Cumblerland R.I. on a late fall day.

planting flowers in the fall

planting flowers in the fall

American Gardener Ebook

This information sold on eBay as
American Gardener Ebook Gardening Tips That Really Work
American Gardener Gardening and Greenhouse Information
The American Gardener. Gardening/Planting/Fencing ebook

If you think people are born with a green thumb, THINK AGAIN!

I used to have a brown thumb. I tried raising all sorts of plants, and no matter what type of plant it was they ALWAYS died!

I tried planting rose bushes, and before the beauties could even bloom the bushes had become dried sticks without a touch of green.

I tried planting corn, squash, beans and all sorts of vegetables and my garden didn't even produce a single kernel. Not even enough food to feed an ant. Believe me, I am sure that the ants and bees were laughing their heads off at me as they searched for food elsewhere. They sure weren't finding anything to eat in MY YARD!

I figured maybe because I was living in Georgia, where red clay was a problem then I would try potted plants instead. I tried flowers, and they died. A friend suggested that I try growing a cactus, so I did, the cactus died. HOW CAN YOU KILL A CACTUS???

Someone else suggested that I try an Aloe Plant, because these things were indestructible. A friend gave me an aloe plant and the poor thing was dead within 3 months. Needless to say my friends quit suggesting things for me to grow. One even told me that if I got a fake plastic plant, with my luck, it would probably die too!

I so desperately wanted to see a little lively green plant growing happily in my home. I wanted fresh vegetables for my table. All I found instead was bad luck, wasted money, and a lot of ceremonies where I would go outside, and somberly say goodbye to yet another dead plant.

The American Gardener provides over 150 pages of helpful gardening how to information, and tips that will help you grow plants with ease without them dying like they did on me!

Even if you're a professional gardener, you'll find many tips to help better your growing success!

This information sold on eBay as
American Gardener Ebook Gardening Tips That Really Work
American Gardener Gardening and Greenhouse Information
The American Gardener. Gardening/Planting/Fencing ebook

If you think people are born with a green thumb, THINK AGAIN!

I used to have a brown thumb. I tried raising all sorts of plants, and no matter what type of plant it was they ALWAYS died!

I tried planting rose bushes, and before the beauties could even bloom the bushes had become dried sticks without a touch of green.

I tried planting corn, squash, beans and all sorts of vegetables and my garden didn't even produce a single kernel. Not even enough food to feed an ant. Believe me, I am sure that the ants and bees were laughing their heads off at me as they searched for food elsewhere. They sure weren't finding anything to eat in MY YARD!

I figured maybe because I was living in Georgia, where red clay was a problem then I would try potted plants instead. I tried flowers, and they died. A friend suggested that I try growing a cactus, so I did, the cactus died. HOW CAN YOU KILL A CACTUS???

Someone else suggested that I try an Aloe Plant, because these things were indestructible. A friend gave me an aloe plant and the poor thing was dead within 3 months. Needless to say my friends quit suggesting things for me to grow. One even told me that if I got a fake plastic plant, with my luck, it would probably die too!

I so desperately wanted to see a little lively green plant growing happily in my home. I wanted fresh vegetables for my table. All I found instead was bad luck, wasted money, and a lot of ceremonies where I would go outside, and somberly say goodbye to yet another dead plant.

The American Gardener provides over 150 pages of helpful gardening how to information, and tips that will help you grow plants with ease without them dying like they did on me!

Even if you're a professional gardener, you'll find many tips to help better your growing success!

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White bouquets for weddings : Table centerpiece flowers : When to plant annual flowers.

White Bouquets For Weddings

white bouquets for weddings

  • (bouquet) a pleasingly sweet olfactory property

  • An attractively arranged bunch of flowers, esp. one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony

  • (Bouquet (wine)) The use of wine tasting descriptors allow the taster an opportunity to put into words the aromas and flavors that they experience and can be used in assessing the overall quality of wine.

  • An expression of approval; a compliment

  • A characteristic scent, esp. that of a wine or perfume

  • (bouquet) an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present

  • (wedding) a party of people at a wedding

  • A wedding is the ceremony in which two people are united in marriage or a similar institution. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes.

  • A marriage ceremony, esp. considered as including the associated celebrations

  • (wedding) the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed

  • a member of the Caucasoid race

  • being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light; "as white as fresh snow"; "a bride's white dress"

  • Paint or turn (something) white

  • whiten: turn white; "This detergent will whiten your laundry"

Flowers, Patel-Vieth Wedding, July 2010

Flowers, Patel-Vieth Wedding, July 2010

I have not been posting for a lot of reasons: I have been traveling, I have had a lot to do, and I have been editing tons of photos from Sheila and Peter's wedding, which I shot in July. I didn't want to share any of the images before they had seen all of the edits, and I have been long in doing them due to my research trip the HMML in Minnesota. Now that I am working on the final edits, I thought I would push a few of them over here to flickr and my weblog, to share some of what I have been doing. It was my first wedding, and any comments or feedback are welcome.

Peter and Sheila made their own bouquets, corsages, and the like, which I appropriated before they were distributed, in order to capture them in their pristine state.

Strobist info: one SB-28 through a shoot-through umbrella, on a stand immediately above and to the right of the camera.

I had awful problems with the color temperature of the shadows in this flash-lit, indoor photo being too blue--after much color correction, I still had to desaturate blues and cyans in order to make it look really white--has anyone else dealt with this specific problem, and has a workaround?

Thoughts and critique welcome--I am looking to shoot more weddings, and learning as much as I can.

Bride and bridesmaids' bouquets

Bride and bridesmaids' bouquets

these are the bouquets for the Bride and Bridesmaids at one of our favourite weddings this summer, everything that was chosen was extremely elegant and a pleasure to arrange.

white bouquets for weddings

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Table Flower Arrangments - Fruit Flower Delivery

Table Flower Arrangments

table flower arrangments

  • (arrangment) Common misspelling of arrangement

  • bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

  • Induce (a plant) to produce flowers

  • reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

  • Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly

  • a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms

  • (of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom

  • Postpone consideration of

  • Present formally for discussion or consideration at a meeting

  • a set of data arranged in rows and columns; "see table 1"

  • postpone: hold back to a later time; "let's postpone the exam"

  • a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs; "it was a sturdy table"

table flower arrangments - Flower Fetti

Flower Fetti

Flower Fetti

Marble Swirl Flowerfetti Decorate clear flower vases and containers for growing bamboo and bulb plants with our Flowerfetti soil substitute. Perfect alone or layered with other colors to create your own design. Create unique tablescapes for any party with Flowerfetti, and great to give away as a party favor too! Soak Flowerfetti beads in water for 4-6 hours and watch them expand. Then place Flowerfetti in vases and containers, and add water. Keep adding water as needed to keep flowers and plants fresh. 1 packet makes 3 quarts of hydrated Flowerfetti beads. Store left over beads in an airtight container and refresh with water as needed. Used Flowerfetti may be rinsed in a colander after each use to freshen it up. Just soak in water again and it is ready for your next plant or arrangement.

84% (6)

Thanksgiving Centerpiece

Thanksgiving Centerpiece

Naturally gorgeous! Fun shapes, rich colors, and pretty textures that nature does best.

Imagine your Thanksgiving table decorated with these beautiful centerpiece. I wish you and your family many wonderful memories of the holidays. Treasure the times you have together and create a legacy in your own home that will last a lifetime and maybe longer.

Photo by Dani Ynad

Spring Flower Arrangement

Spring Flower Arrangement

When you bring spring flowers into your special spaces, you're bringing the lightness and the life of spring with you.The bright and varied colors of spring flowers such as Tulips and Iris make spring flower arrangements uniquely vibrant.

Photo by Dani Ynad

table flower arrangments

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Wedding Flowers Gerbera Daisy. Diy Flower Girl Baskets. Bridal Hair With Flower

Wedding Flowers Gerbera Daisy

wedding flowers gerbera daisy

    gerbera daisy
  • Gerbera ( or ) L. is a genus of ornamental plants from the sunflower family (Asteraceae). It was named in honour of the German naturalist Traugott Gerber, a friend of Carolus Linnaeus.

  • A marriage ceremony, esp. considered as including the associated celebrations

  • the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed

  • a party of people at a wedding

  • marriage: the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel"

  • (of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom

  • (flower) reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

  • Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly

  • (flower) bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

  • Induce (a plant) to produce flowers

  • (flower) a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms

wedding flowers gerbera daisy - 28 Fuchsia

28 Fuchsia Fushia Silk Gerbera Daisy Flowers Bushes

28 Fuchsia Fushia Silk Gerbera Daisy Flowers Bushes

Create the cheerful party atmosphere with our Silk Gerbera Daisies!
With our specialty crafted silk gerbera daisies, there are endless possibilities in creating a bouquet for weddings or simple decorations for events and parties. Super-soft, realistic looking silk gerbera flowers are bright, colorful, inexpensive and economical; a must have for any type of celebration. Each gerbera daisy flower is supported by a stem, and beautifully accented with green leaves. These silk gerbera bushes come in gracious packages, and can be used individually, or in bunches to make your decorating easy and stress free. Available in a variety of colors.

Additional Information:
* Flower size: 7" wide x 3" tall.
* Height of the entire bush - 22".
* Length of Stem for each flower: - 14"-16" (varies).
*Quantity per order: 7 Daisies on a bush. 4 bushes per order. Total 28 Gerbera Daisies flowers.

77% (19)

Gerbera Daisy Wedding Cake with Monogram

Gerbera Daisy Wedding Cake with Monogram

This cake was CRAZY big...and heavy!!! The bottom layer was 16" square, middle is 12" and the top is 8". This was my FIRST paid wedding cake...I'm pretty pleased with the end result.

Silk Daisies

Silk Daisies has 100s of silk gerbera daisies starting at only 49? a stem! Various sizes and colors available.

wedding flowers gerbera daisy

wedding flowers gerbera daisy

Fancy Gerber Daisy Jewel Flower Hair Clip and Headband (16 Pack, 8 Jeweled Gerbers + 8 Matching Headbands) - Will Fit Infant Baby, Toddlers, Youth Girls (Ilifeproducts)

Brand New Assorted Lot of 8 Large Interchangeable Jewel Daisy Flower Hair Clip Headbands. Each flower is 5 inches wide and is intricately layered, dyed and adorned with jewels. You will receive 8 matching colors of soft crochet headbands that you can attach your flowers to (colors will be as shown in photo). Mix and match colors and styles for hundreds of great combinations....always have something to match that perfect outfit! Great for interchangeable looks to headbands, beanies or alone as a hair clip. Each flower is securely attached to a child-safe alligator clip! Cute for all ages! Colors are as you see them in the photo. Look for our other color packages coming soon.

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Wholesale flower leis : Wedding flower seasons : Flower delivery guernsey.

Wholesale Flower Leis

 flower leis

  • Sell (goods) in large quantities at low prices to be retailed by others

  • the selling of goods to merchants; usually in large quantities for resale to consumers

  • at a price; "I can sell it to you "

  • sweeping: ignoring distinctions; "sweeping generalizations"; " destruction"

  • Induce (a plant) to produce flowers

  • (of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom

  • Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly

  • a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms

  • bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

  • reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

  • A Polynesian garland of flowers

  • Low-energy ion scattering spectroscopy (LEIS), sometimes referred to simply as ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS), is a surface-sensitive analytical technique used to characterize the chemical and structural makeup of materials.

Leis and Souvenirs

Leis and Souvenirs

We lived in Hawai'i from 1998 through 2001. This arrangement includes two farewell leis (all told, I think I received about 15 or 16 fresh flower leis from friends before we moved) and some last-m8inute finds--a vintage green tiki drink mug, a hand-made and glazed "banana-leaf" tray, some kitschy hula girl postcards (from Chronicle books) and plaited fiber pencil cup.

Miki Sewing Plumeria Leis

Miki Sewing Plumeria Leis

For Memorial day. These leis are going to be donated to Punchbowl, to be placed on the graves and markers of our fallen Heros.

 flower leis

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Wrist Flowers For Prom. All The Flowers That You Planted Mama. Candy Flowers For Cake Decorating.

Wrist Flowers For Prom

wrist flowers for prom

  • Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly

  • (flower) a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms

  • (flower) bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

  • (flower) reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

  • (of a plant) Produce flowers; bloom

  • Induce (a plant) to produce flowers

  • The part of a garment covering the wrist; a cuff

  • The complex joint between forearm bones, carpus, and metacarpals where the hand is attached to the arm; the carpus in narrow sense

  • The joint connecting the hand with the forearm

  • The equivalent joint (the carpal joint) in the foreleg of a quadruped or the wing of a bird

  • a joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones

  • The junction between the two forearm bones (radius and ulna) and the eight wrist bones (trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate, pisiform, triquetral, lunate and scaphoid).

  • Prom is the second solo album by Amy Ray of Indigo Girls, released in 2005 on her Daemon Records label.

  • A formal dance, esp. one held by a class in high school or college at the end of a year

  • promenade: a formal ball held for a school class toward the end of the academic year

  • In the United States and Canada, a prom, short for promenade, is a formal (black tie) dance, or gathering of high school students. It is typically held near the end of junior and/or senior year. It figures greatly in popular culture and is a major event among high school students.

sweet as candy wrist corsage

sweet as candy wrist corsage

This darling wrist corsage is perfect for showing off your sugary side! Like the most decadent chocolate, this small treat is filled with delight for the senses!

Happy Prom!

Happy Prom!

Today was my friends' junior prom so I helped them get ready and took pre-prom pictures for them! Here are two of their gorgeous corsages.

wrist flowers for prom

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