Ovdje mozete vidjeti jednu Anastacijinu vrlo rijetku sliku!! Uzivajte.
Anastacia (32), ponovo pronalazi sebe; kao modni dizajner stvarat ce garderobu za svoje fanove. Prije 3 godine pobijedila je rak dojke, zatim se vratila sa novim albumom 'Anastacia', a sada radi kao dizajner za S.Oliver. Ima dovoljno ideja jer ''Volim zivot i on me jednostavno inspirira!''
InTouch: Ti si pjevacica, po novome i modna dizajnerica koja je sama svoj model….
Anastacia: Isprva nisam bila sigurna da li bih trebala biti svoj vlastiti model. Ali kada su me snimali osjecala sam se kao za vrijeme snimanja spota. Funkcioniralo je odlicno! Uvjeti u L.A. pustinjama , ove vrucine – samnom je sve uvijek nekako ekstremno.
InTouch: Za koga dizajniras odjecu?
Anastacia: Mislila sam si, ako 3 generacije voli moju glazbu; tinejdzeri, njihove majke i cak bake, onda bi sve te zene trebale moci nositi moju odjecu,. Jer osim majica i traperica tu ce takoder biti poslovnih odijela i glamuroznih topica.
InTouch: Imas li ti puno garderobe?
Anastacia: Da, toliko puno da je skoro postalo nenormalno! I naravno, imam puno, puno cipela…
InTouch: Sto tvoja rodbina i prijatelji kazu o tvojoj novoj karijeri modne dizajnerice?
Anastacia: Moja sestra, koja je moja asistentica je od pocetka uz mene. Ali i moji prijatelji su bili totalno odusevljeni i odmah rekli: 'Odlicno, necemo nikad vise porati kupovati odjecu!' Ali neki su rekli: 'Anastacia, ti jednostavno ne znas stati. Uvijek radis nesto novo!'
InTouch: Na primjer, takoder podupires sve fondove protiv raka dojke.
Anastacia: Da, pokusavam utjecati na to bez obzira sta radim. Kada shvatim da sve manje i manje zena i djevojaka zna o raku, osjecam se odgovornom da proslijedim svima svoje znanje.
InTouch: Sta planiras dalje? Jesi li sretna?
Anastacia: O, da! Zivot je super, zdrava sam. I dobro je malo uzeti stanku od glazbe i pokazati moje druge strane. Takoder i privatno, uzimam lekcije iz tenisa i zelim nauciti kuhati. Za sve ovo nisam imala vremena dok sam samo pjevala!
Austriske dnevne novine 'Kurier' izdale su novi interview sa Anastacijom u kojem je govorila o svojim buducim planovima. Nazalost nije dala previse dobrih vijesti za nas, fanove... nea nove glazbe do 2008. =(
Fans of her voice have to be patient: Before 2008 there won't be a new album by Anastacia. In exchange, her own clothing line will be released in nearly 4 weeks. KULT talked with the singer in Los Angeles.
KULT: You were dressed amazing during your last, hot performance at the Life Ball in Vienna. Did you take that already from your own collection?
Anastacia: Oh - yeah - Vienna! I had such a great time in this beautiful city. No, they were chosen by me but not from my own designed clothes. They just will be released on August 17th.
KULT: How did all this start? And when?
Anastacia: I always had my own fashion-ideas for myself. And I went with them to my favourite fashion designer, Roberto Cavalli and he produced them for me. But I always wanted to do something for my fans too and I searched for the right partnership. And sOliver searched someone too. Two years ago they came to me and I was directly thrilled.
KULT: How is your Cooperation looking like? How much Anastacia is in the collection?
Anastacia: One-hundred-twenty percent. I put my heart and soul into everything I do. But I hadn't expect, how hard it is. I learned more than I ever thought.
KULT: For example?
Anastacia: I knew, it would be difficult to design something for all women, independant from figure and height. Because until then, I had only dressed one woman, me and I wasn't sure if I could assigned that on every other woman out there. Now I know that it is possible if you only do the right cuts and forms.
KULT: How many people work on the collection?
Anastacia: sOliver made a whole Team available to me and I took David Dalrymple, Desinger of Patrice Field, with me. I worked with me often in the past. Mainly for my red carpet appearances. He's a great Designer and very creative. For myself, fashion has much to do with art.
KULT: Who should wear your fashion?
Anastacia: It is my intention to appeal as much women as possible. I know that I can't satisfy everone. My major attention is that everyone should be comfortable. I want to give women a good feeling. The clothes are sensual, feminine and very sexy. Like I love it too.
KULT: Wich world is more difficult, the World of Music or of Fashion?
Anastacia: The fashionworld is much more complicated. There are so much more possibilities to express yourself. On the other hand it is less personal than a song. To be creative with words is clearer; to express yourself with fashion is so much ambiguous. I recognised that a total different part of my brain is dealing with it.
KULT: For promotion you did a photoshoot near a deserted goldmine outside Los Angeles. Do you will be also present at the Launch?
Anastacia: Because sOliver is a german company there will be particularly actions and events in Cologne, Munich and Frankfurt where I will partly participate.
KULT: And how will it go on musical?
Anastacia: Although I realised that fashion and music has much sympolic in common, I want to devote right now completly in fashion. I took a take-off. That means, for a certain time there won't be a new song, no DVD, nothing. Maybe 2008 there will be something new again.
KULT: What will your fans say about that?
Anastacia: I hadn't a break since six, seven years. I need one. Now I toally concentrate on fashion. I have to do every month a new collection, ten per year. I'm already in April next year. Things have to be produced and delievered. That need time. Sometimes I even don't know in which month we are in. I love it.
Hvala anastacia-uncensored.
- I nova slika iz modne linije
Dosle su potpuno nove slike za promociju 'Anastacia by S.Oliver'. 3 nove slike iz pustinje u Los Angelesu. Prva slika vec je iskoristena za reklamu u njemackom casopisu Bunte, a ostale dvije pojavit ce se u mnogim ostalim casopisima kao: Vogue, Amica, Bunte, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Gala, InStyle, Stern...
Takoder, na Anastacia by s.Oliver mozete pogledati slatki video sa Anastaciom i psom njezine sestre, Stellom, tokom photoshoota!
U Wikipediji mozete naci tu jos nepotvrdenu novost. Anastaci bi trebala preraditi pjesmu Bonnie Tyler koja je bila veliki hit u 1983. - Total eclipse of the heart kao soundtrack za predstojeci film koji bi trebao izaci na jesen.
Originalnu pjesmu mozete poslusati ovdje.
Anastacia sa sestrom u Rimu kupuje novi grudnjak!
Sluzbena web stranica Anastacijine modne linije ima par wallpapera, e-cards i screensavere. Takoder mozete poslusati Left outside alone, Paid my dues, One day in your life, I belong to you i Everything burns. A za 32 dana mozete se diviti Anastacijinoj modnoj liniji koja mnogo obecaje!
Posto je jucer zavrsilo Svjetsko prvenstvo u nogometu, podsjetit cu vas kako je to izgledalo 2002. godine kada je Anastacia nastupala sa sluzbenom pjesmom FIFE 2002. - Boom.
Skinite nastup ovdje.
Vec tjedan dana ne zna se nista u vezi Anastacije... nema novosti i pretpostavlja se da je na zasluzenom odmoru. Zato za vas imam neke rijetke Anastacijine slike iz djetinjstva i mladih dana...
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Puno ime i prezime: Anastacia Lyn Newkrik
Datum rođenja: 17.09.1973.
Mjesto rođenja: Chicago, Illionis
Horoskopski znak: Djevica
Ime majke: Diane Hurley
Ime oca: Robert Newkrik
Ime brata: Brian (mlađi)
Ime sestre: Shawna (starija)
Visina: 1.60 m
Težina: 53 kg
Boja kose: plava
Boja očiju: smeđe
- Not that kind (2000.)
- Freak of nature (2001.)
- Anastacia (2004.)
- Pieces of a dream - Greatest hits (2005.)
- Not that kind (2000.)
- I'm outta love (2000.)
- Cowboys and kisses (2001.)
- Made for lovin' you (2001.)
- Paid my dues (2001.)
- Boom (2001.)
- One day in your life (2002.)
- You'll never be alone (2002.)
- Why'd you lie to me (2003.)
- Left outside alone (2004.)
- Sick and tired (2004.)
- Welcome to my truth (2004.)
- Heavy on my heart (2005.)
- Everything burns (2005.)
- Pieces of a dream (2005.)
- I belong to you (2006.)
- DVD collection (2002.)
- Live at last DVD (2006.)
- Live at last (2004.)
- Live at last...Anastacia is back (2005.)
- The Encore tour (2005.)
- "It's not about winning, it's about fighting"
- "I don't sing with my boobs, ya know"
- "Somebody once asked me to describe myself with 3 words, and I said: Loud, louder, loudest"
- "I sing loud, I have glasses, a big scar, and I'm blonde...I'm sorry!"
- "This is the part where I kick you out cos I'm going to go and get Moulin rouge naked"
- "I'm a fighter by nature and nothing will ever change that!"
- "I'm not to fall! I'm not falling at anytime soon! And if I do, you'd better believe I'm gonna go down fighting!"
- "I'm defining all the rules: You can have a scar...you can wear glasses....and you can have boobie cancer!!!"
- "Today is a lovely day, yesterday forgotten, and tomorrow ignored. I plan to enjoy this moment, for time is like virginity; once lost it cannot be re-gained, so enjoy its every second in the hope that looking back on its loss, regrets are non-existant.
- ''A scottish guy could have no teeth, horrible skin and be god damn ugly, but his accent can still win me around''
- "It's not easy to do what I do, and do it in public you know. But thank you all for being here for me. You know, I wear my heart in my sleeve most of my time, and it's part of being real and keeping it real, and i'm not gonna fake the funk"
~ Don'tcha wanna fall in love??!
~ Don't stop doing that thing you do!
~ If you open Pandora's box, you better be aware danger!
~ I'm a freak of nature!
Blog vodi: Sanja
Datum otvaranja: 12.03.2006.
Dizajn by: minna-sama
Online: online