Blog o igrama i anime/manga kulturi

subota, 08.10.2005.


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To begin with -- we're not what you'd call -- human. Over the past two hundred
years--A kind of consciousness formed layer by layer in the crucible of the
White House. It's not unlike the way life started in the oceans four billion years ago.
The White House was our primordial soup, a base of evolution--we are formless.
We are the very discipline and morality that Americans invoke
so often. How can anyone hope to eliminate us? As long as this nation exists,
so will we.

Colnel: But in the current, digitized world,trivial information is accumulating every second, preserved in all its triteness. Never fading, always accessible.
Rose: Rumors about petty issues, misinterpretations, slander...
Colonel: All this junk data preserved in an unfiltered state, growing at an alarming rate.
Rose: It will only slow down social progress, reduce the rate of evolution.

Sta znaci Li-Lu-La-Le-Lo !!!!!

Patriote nekad nazovu Li-Lu-La-Le-Lo,evo vam moje nagadjanje!Evo jedan dokaz kada su raspravljali Emma i Raiden!

The alphabet... twenty-six letters, right? It could've been
thirty letters. What if the 4 deleted letters were controlled by
a program?

Ragovor izmedju njih dvoje daje primer kako moze tajna organizacija -kao Patriote-,mogu lako da promene stvari kao jezik naprimer.Ovo je primer koji dokazuje maternji jezik ove igre Japanski (46 slova u kana sybillars poznate ka o gojuuin )Posle drugog Svetskog rta 4 slova su ibrisana (wi,we,yi,ye).

Romanizovani Japanci isto imaju takvih 5 slova A,I,O,U,E, oni zvuce ovako Ah,Ee,Ooh,Eh,Oh kao naprimer da upacimo R Ra Ri Ro Ru Re,E sada ubacimo L kao u igri La Li Lu Le ali Lo nepostoji kod romanizovanih Japanaca.(u igri Japanskoj Metal Gear Solid alternativno ime Patriota je Ra-ri-ru-re-ro ili ‰Š‹ŚŤu hirigana)

Although Metal Gear Solid 3 does not specifically link the Philosophers to Japan, it is quite possible that the translator intended the romanization of La-li-lu-le-lo to represent the Patriots, because of the connotations to suppression of information by a secret society. This is also quite consistent with Emma Emmerich's example/theory of suppressed letters in English.

Why the Patriots are known as the La-li-lu-le-lo is not fully explained as of Metal Gear Solid 3. However, it is generally assumed that the La-li-lu-le-lo is the term that Raiden (or, more generally, the player) hears whenever the Patriots are mentioned, in order to protect the Patriots' identity. For example, Richard Ames in MGS2, only ever refers to them by this name, despite Ames being affiliated with the Patriots. In a making of documentary only available in Japan, a 'bonus' or deleted scene was shown. It showed Olga speaking to Raiden of the PATRIOTs. When she said PATRIOTs he heard La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo. This suggests that whenever the Patriots are mentioned to Raiden, his nanomachines change it to La-li-lu-le-lo.

But as early as the events of MGS3, the term is used as an alternative name. Major Zero sets Snake's contact password as "Who are the Patriots?" with the answer being "La-li-lu-le-lo". The significance of this is not fully understood. It may suggest actual Patriot interference in the events of the game. But it is also possible that the phrase was intended as nothing more than a password, which somehow leaked out. Or perhaps, it was just a simple reference to MGS2, as Kojima's games frequently contain this kind of "breaking the fourth wall" humor. Major Zero telling Snake the password was the biggest teaser used at the end of the Metal Gear Solid 3 trailers. It is also possible that Ocelot, who was also ADAM, named the American branch of the Philosophers after this password.

08.10.2005. u 20:39 • 7 KomentaraPrint#

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Katalog 16.5.2006

COOL Stuff:
Libary of Baners
Istorija mmorpg igara+ najbolje igre na netu

Istorijat igara:

Metal Gear
Final Fantasy
Spin-OFF i Obrade Final Fantasy

My reviews!:
Resident EVil 413.11.2005
RETRO:Final Fantasy VII-PS,PC + Advent Children-PSP,PS3,UMD17.11.2005
BurnOut Revange PS220.11.2005
RETRO:Metal Gear Solid-PS1,PC,NGC4.12.2005
Tomb Raider:Legend23.05.2006.
Final Fantasy VIII27.05.2006.
Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion03.06.2006.
Kingdom Hearts06.06.2006.

Sta sve mozete videti ovde:

1."Posebne" Igre24.8.2005
2.Pravio sam velike postove ali...24.8.2005
3.Industrija zabave E3 sajam24.8.2005
4.WCG 2005 Turnir (world cyber games)[25.8.2005
5.Sony 3 vs. XBOX 360 i OLD-TIMER28.8.2005
6.World of Warcraft Tajne29.8.2005
7.Recenzija PSP(Play Station Portable)1.9.2005
8.Nadolazece igre2.9.2005
9.Najbolje igre na Netu2.9.2005
10.HAPPY TREE FRIENDS (ludilo sa MTV)4.9.2005
11.TOP-10 najboljih igara za PS15.9.2005
12.Final Fantasy Istorija5.9.2005
13.Jos pet dana do Advent Children-a8.9.2005
14.Najgora Nintenda Reklama8.9.2005
15.Na Zapadu Nesto Novo8.9.2005
16.MGS History9.9.2005
17.Show Me a Proof that Your Not In Colusion13.9.2005
18.MGS 4 Prve Slike15.9.2005
19.Ako neko zna Engleski ovo ce mu biti Zanmljivo i DMC4 Prve Slike15.9.2005
20.1000 Poseta yeeeeeee i Prevod Teksta17.9.2005
21.Final Fantasy Advent Children Sve Epizode18.9.2005
22.XBOX Napada Sony20.9.2005
23.Prvi utisci FF:AC On the way to Smile i Konami,Capcom postaju ista firma23.9.2005
24.Nintendo Revolution Recenzija23.9.2005
25.Evo Baneri24.9.2005
27.Moja nova zrtva1.10.2005
28.Danas mi je Rodjendan4.10.2005
29.Urbane Legende5.10.2005
30.Ko su patriote?8.10.2005
31.Odgovor za Luccu11.10.2005
32.FXIII a.k.a Fan shit12.10.2005
33.Prijave za Chat19.10.2005
34.TGS(tokyo Game Show)2005 Late Report22.10.2005
36.News Flash4.11.2005
37.Glas ScreenFun-a5.11.2005
38.News Flash part 210.11.2005
39.Resident EVil 413.11.2005
40.RETRO:Final Fantasy VII-PS,PC + Advent Children-PSP,PS3,UMD17.11.2005
41.BurnOut Revange PS220.11.2005
42.RETRO:Metal Gear Solid-PS1,PC,NGC4.12.2005
43.Nisam dugo postovao:6.12.2005
44.I'm BACK!!!!! ****UpDATE****24.12.2005
46.Srecna Nova Godina1.1.2006
47.Pre nego sto se sve nastavi!3.1.2006
48.Igre su izvor zla!6.1.2006
49.Serbia 21-st Century7.1.2006
50.Uwe Boll-Bolid Medju igrama!!!9.1.2006
51.New Age of Remenescence !REBORN!17.01.2006.
52.MGS 4 Triler Impresions20.01.2006.
53.MGS Film!!!!22.01.2006.
54.Pocela Skola :(24.01.2006.
55.Special Edition and more....25.01.2006.
56.Kako se pravi banner (odgovor za Acid-Burna)27.01.2006.
57.Godina 2006 >Okrenimo se ka svetloj buducnosti igara<01.03.2006.
58.Wolfs Rain20.3.2006
59.Ponovo ja ali stvarno15.5.2006
61.Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII trailer impressions18.05.2006.
62.Tomb Raider:Legend23.05.2006.
63.Final Fantasy VIII27.05.2006.
64.Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion03.06.2006.
65.Kingdom Hearts06.06.2006.
68.Cetvrtak 27 July 2006, prvi dan:27.07.2006.
69.Petak 28 JULY 2006 Dan II,29.07.2006.

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