Rock`n`Roll from Rivendell

subota, 24.11.2007. fallin`...

24.11.2007. u 00:01 • 14 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 17.11.2007. malo...

"No, pa daj vrati na tekmu."
"Ma još je poluvrijeme, kaj briješ. Čekaj sam da vidim ovo." kaže meni moj kompić Primorac, i s guštom prilijepi oči na telku, jer naravno na Z1 je bio talk shows, s njegvom najmilijom, Vlatkom Kokos, ovaj Pokos (tipfeler, sorry).
"Opet ti je ova fufa važnija od puno potrebnijih stvari. Pa repka nam igra!" kažem ja vidno uzrujan, jer poluvrijeme samo kaj ne počne, a niš nije ljepše neg čut navjače kak pjevuše, bez da onaj dikobraz od Sušeca non stop priča sam sa sobom i kvari navijačka veselja.
"Mrš! Ne vređaj mi Vlatku, ona uvijek ima prava intelektualna razglabanja od kojih bi se i Latin i Stanković mogli postidjeti."
"Ma smokaj mi dik. I daj baci mi jednu žuju."
I tak nakon 2, 3 minute, skuži i on kaj je važnije, i prebaci nazad na tekmu. A ja si sam u glavi mislim, kak je jebeni zadnji put da bu on imal daljinski u rukama dok nam repka igra.
"Evo viš da se niš nije desilo. I dalje gubimo 1:0."
"Ma mama ti gubi 1:0!" Odvratim mu sav crven u faci, jer sad je već počeo vrijeđat boje naše nacije. "To im oni namjerno puštaju, da bude dramatičnije zadnjih 5 minuta. Pazi kaj ti velim: naši budu ih razbili s 2:1."
"Ma ti si idijot. I sam veliš da nam je to zadnja šansa. Ak sad ne pobijedimo, možemo zaboravit Europsko. A kak trenutno stoje ovi drugi iz naše skupine?"
Hitro uključim teletekst i bacim oko na brzaka na rezultate, kak nebi nekaj od tekme propustil. " jebemu! Ovi su poveli s 1:0." Ne piše se na dobro. "Sad moramo pobijedit, i to je jedina šansa koju imamo. Pas mater!"
"Kaj sam ti reko, niš od Austrije. Očito sljedeće ljeto možemo na more, ovaj put." kaže mi kompić.
"Aj odfukaj. Ček sad imamo priliku!" Viknem ja, uvidjevši svojim sokolovim okom, brzinom mungosa i refleksima mačke, da naš vezni red lagano plete mrežu oko protivničkog gola. "Ajmo pucaj, pizda ti materina! Goooooolllllll!!!!! Gol!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dragane, dali smo gol!"
"Vidim, vidim. Aj smiri se, još moramo dat jedan." odvrati mi on dok smo skakali po vrlo skliskim parketima, zahvaljujući uglavnom njemu pošto ima običaj da prolije pivu uvijek kad se neka dobra akcija odigra na tekmi, od ushićenja.
No, i tak je prošlo nekih 20 minuta punih krvi, suza, šaka, pivskih boca, kad odjednom:
"Gol!!!!!!!!" Uzviknem sav hepi, a kad ono: "Ma kurac gol. Prečka!"
"Aj kompa imamo još minuticu, ali...." I tak je moj Dragan ostao s tom slinom u grlu, jer jedna scena na telki mu nije dozvolila da završi tu rečenicu do kraja. Naime, pao je gol, ali ne na onoj strani od koje smo očekivali, neg od protivničke ekipe.
"Koji kurac...?" To je jedino što sam u tom čudnom stanju mogao izgovorit. Ovo se nije očekivalo. Ko bi rekao da ćemo u zadnjoj jebenoj sekundi iz kontra napada dobiti gol? I zbog te zadnje sekunde niš od Europskog sljedečeg ljeta.
Tužan je to dan za mene i mog kompića. Naša zastava se neće vijoriti sa stadiona Arnolda Švarcenigera u Grazu, iliti tam nekog lijevog. Ni ja ni on nismo ni na kraj pameti mislili da bi nas neki manekeni iz Italije pobijedili 2:1, i uzeli nam odlazak u Astriju i Švicarsku, koja je nama Škotima trebala pripasti. Zbog te jedne jebene sekunde.
Sječam se, mutno, da je Dragan od šoka čak zaprijetio da će izaći iz HDZa. Mada mi nije jasno kakve veze politika ima sa sportom.

We'll be comin`
We'll be comin`
We'll be comin` down the road
When you hear the noise of the Tartan Army boys
We'll be comin` down the road

17.11.2007. u 20:08 • 14 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 10.11.2007.

...Will Ye Nae Come Back Again?...

...i tak ti ja čitam u novinama, gledam na Dobro jutro Rvacka, slušam u tramvaju, prisluškujem u busu, i sve to sa blagim podsmijehom spremam u beskrajno duge ladice u mom slatkom, malom mozgiću...
...naime, već zadnjih par dana gradom se širi priča o jednom super junaku i njegovom potrčkalu, ovaj, pomoćniku. Grad Zagreb je dobio svoje super junake, koji se bez imalo straha bore za pravdu. Čak je i naš doživotni gradolnačelnik gljivan banditić dao oglas u novine, da onome tko pogodi identitet tih super junaka, gararantira da će ga zaposlit kao doživotnog člana gradske skupštine. Javilo se već preko tisuću očevidaca, ali svi daju zbrkane informacije: "...videla sam ja njih, onaj jedan je visok, zgodan i plav, a onaj mali kaj trči za njim, hm, pa nije ni on za bacit..."; "sve su to laži, ja sam jedini građanin koji ih je vidio, onaj veliki je non stop vikao ime od nekog političara, al nemrem se sad zmislit od kojeg, mislim da je vikao Ivo Sanader, il tak nekaj, a onaj mali je imal neku čudnu obleku..."; "šjor gradolnačelnik, ja bi bacila svoju desnu ruku u potok, da je ono bio Primorac..."; ", je im ova gospodična praf, ja isto mislim da je to bil Primorac, onaj naš ministar, znate..." ......
...i tak čitam ja ispod oka metro expres u tramvaju, gdje se nabrajaju brojna dobra dijela tog čudnog dvojca (a po nekim izjavama i četvorke): heroj obučen u čudan kostim nahranio gladnog studenta u menzi, dok je čekao u redu; nepoznati junak napisao dijetetu zadaću preko noći kako ovaj nebi pao razred, viđen kako s pomočnikom bježi kroz prozor dijetetove sobe, otac u neznanju napao dobročinitelja, ali je pritom zaradio udarac od državnog pečata u glavu (uspješno se oporavlja na Rebru); "Primorčev alter ego u junaštvu, ili samo iluzija?"; "neki luđak nalik na Primorca pomogao studentu na ispitu";...
...a zatim piše kako su novinari drugi dan u jutro posijetili ured ministra, i zatekli su ga u vidno pospanom stanju; nakon što su ga upitali o toj zacijelo pukoj situaciji, izbacio ih je van iz ureda i počeo se derati: "Sve su to pizdarije! Sve su to pizdarije!!"...
...i tak ti ja to čitam, i mislim si: nemate vi pojma o ničemu, dragi moji novinari; o ničemu....
...i uzmem si mobitel u ruke i počnem pisat poruku: "budalo, oš ti prestat davat izjave, stvaraš nepotrebnu nervozu."...
...i tak ti ja okrenem stranicu, a kad ono na sljedećoj strani: "...jedan naš čitatelj je uslikao ovaj spomenuti dvojac..."

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..."Valjda nečemo trebati čekati dugo, da ovi junaci opet spase nekoga"...

...sranje!!; kaj mi je to trebalo...

will ye nae come back again?
will ye nae come back again?
better lo'ed ye canna be,
will ye nae come back again?

10.11.2007. u 10:22 • 15 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 03.11.2007. neke dečkiće...

...i tak ti ja otvorim stranicu od da dođem do svog bloga, pošto je subota, a toliko gladnih očiju nestrpljivo išćekuje ovaj moj mali tjednik, a kad ono vidjeh temu nečijeg posta o mom best frendu Primorcu i o njegvoj slatkoj željici da u školicu ubaci NAUK (al ne vjeroNAUK) o spolnom odgoju. Ma kak je to sam slatko.
Pitam ga ja jednom na pivi dok smo bili, pošto smo si onak dobri kompići: "...čuj, buraz, kuiš ono, pa kakve su ti to gluposti, pa ko da čak ni ti nisi već u vrtiću maštal o golim klinkama i tetama; pa kaj buš sad mučil onu jadnu dječicu, koja se već zbog globalizacije fuksa na jeftino - nevinim fukodromima još u osnjovnjaku, s još jednim predmetom u školici." I pljunem na donji dio klupice, jer smo sjedili na njoj u parkiću, dok je kraj nas sviral njegov stari, već vidno sjebani kazić, kojeg kad vidim mi se odma zgrči želudac; al ni bed, glavno da radi. I tak baš došao refren od jako poznate pjesme:

So fuck the system
You can bring it down
So fuck the system
We can bring it down

Thousands of homeless
And more each day
The misery continues
Its the government way
Fuck the government

"Pa kaj još uvjek slušaš Exploited?!" pitam ja njega, a on zgasi pljugu na svoj kožnjak, i vidno uzrujan zdere se na mene: "Koji te kurac boli kaj ja slušam, kad je moj kazić... Jel ja tebe jebem kaj već zadnjih 10 mjeseci non stop slušaš keltsku muziku?! Ajd u kurac i ti!..." vidim ja da mi je kompića neko uzrujal, i vidno zabrinut upitah ga da mi da onu predzadnju pivu iz gajbe, i nek mi veli ko ga je naljutio. A on će: " jebe me onaj idijot Ivo, stalno hoće neki kurac! Ma ne pitaj me. Non stop moram radit. Pod pauzom si čak ni frlju nemrem smotat, stalno mi daje posla. I sad oče da u srednju i u peti razred stavim za predmet neke bedastoće o seksu, sam zato kaj se on nije fuksal do 33. godine. Ma molim te!"
"ma pusti idijota, glavno da ti plaća stigne svaki mjesec na vrijeme" kažem ja, ma da uvidjeh odma da ta moja izjava nije napravila niš korisnog, nego je samo razjarila već onako načetu dušu. "Ma cijeli sistem je zakurac!

So fuck the system
You can bring it down
So fuck the system
We can bring it down

Zapjevao je refren i uzeo svoj stari crveni sprej, i otišao do obližnjeg zida neke zgrade, a meni odma suze na oči jer me udario flešbek: sjetih se kako smo ja i Dragan davno prije u našoj pravoj punk fazi cugali pivo, i slušali Exploited, i ispisivali parole s autolakom po zidovima u Novom Zagrebu. To su bila vremena.
"Se nebuš pridružil? Se sječaš kak je to bilo prije?" pita me on, a ja sav crven u faci od sreće, jer uvidjeh da se ON sjeća kak nam je jebeno bilo. I čopim ja svoj mali portabl sprej i nacrtam pijanog Tweetija, a moj Dragan vidno raspižđen na Ivu, napiše: Sanader, smrde ti muda!.
I tak mi ispijemo zadnju pivu, i počnemo se lagano vračati u davna vremena kad smo bili mladi pankeri puni entuzijazma, i nekak se ta vremena više nisu činila tak davnima.
I na rastanku kažem ja kompiću: "Ej, Primorac, nemoj da opet pun kurac vremena prođe, a da ne odemo na pivu!" a on sav smušen od pola gajbe uđe u krivi tramvaj i počne se derat na automat za karte, a ja si mislim: "Dobar stari Primorac. Nebu se on nikad promijenil." i kažiprstom obrišem suzu, i kažem u sebi: treba bit više ovakvih ministara.

Pošto je nedavno bio Dan mrtvih, stavio sam ovo radi uspomene na Johna Bonhama, bubnjara Led Zeppelina, mada se tekst može primijeniti i na stara prijateljstva.

Tangerine, Tangerine,
Living reflection from a dream;
I was her love, she was my queen,
And now a thousand years between.

Thinking how it used to be,
she still remember times like these?
To think of us again?
And I do.

03.11.2007. u 11:05 • 22 KomentaraPrint#

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Ovo je blog jednog prosječnog studenta ("visok, zgodan, plav", i lep u pičku materinu), koji je bezobrazno zgodan, uberseksualac (nema veze sa seksom), idealist, agnostik, eko-socijalist, indigo dijetete, antikapitalist, antihadezeovac, povremeni mizantrop, dislektičar, disflavičar, veseli pesimist, koji sluša rock, voli pročitat neki fantasy romančić, i voli "inteligentan" humor.
Pa kažem:

"...nije sve tak sivo, kad imaš s nekim otić na pivo..."

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"Rock Against Fascism!!!!"

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Svaka podudaranost sa stvarnim događajima je potpuno slučajna. Viđenja i mišljenja ove individue se ne mogu poistovijetiti sa viđenjima i mišljenjima uredništva
Prilikom stvaranja ovog bloga niti jedna životinja nije fizički zlostavljana.

Moj vjerni kompanjon, Dragan (čitaj Draža), koji je uvijek za akciju, kaže:
"Ma sve su to pizdarije."

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"White Man In Hammersmith Palais" (The Clash)

Midnight to six man
For the first time from Jamaica
Dillinger and Leroy Smart
Delroy Wilson, your cool operator
Ken Boothe for UK pop reggae
With backing bands sound systems
And if they've got anything to say
There's many black ears here to listen
But it was Four Tops all night with encores from stage right
Charging from the bass knives to the treble
But onstage they ain't got no roots rock rebel
Onstage they ain't got no...roots rock rebel
Dress back jump back this is a bluebeat attack
'Cos it won't get you anywhere
Fooling with your guns
The British Army is waiting out there
An' it weighs fifteen hundred tons
White youth, black youth
Better find another solution
Why not phone up Robin Hood
And ask him for some wealth distribution
Punk rockers in the UK
They won't notice anyway
They're all too busy fighting
For a good place under the lighting
The new groups are not concerned
With what there is to be learned
They got Burton suits, ha you think it's funny
Turning rebellion into money
All over people changing their votes
Along with their overcoats
If Adolf Hitler flew in today
They'd send a limousine anyway
I'm the all night drug-prowling wolf
Who looks so sick in the sun
I'm the white man in the Palais
Just lookin' for fun
I'm only
Looking for fun

"Stairway To Heaven" (Led Zeppelin)

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who standing looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

"You Shook Me All Night Long" (AC/DC)

She was a fast machine she kept her motor clean
She was the best damn woman that I ever seen
She had the sightless eyes telling me no lies
Knocking me out with those American thighs
Taking more than her share
Had me fighting for air
She told me to come but I was already there
Cause the walls start shaking
The earth was quaking
My mind was aching
And we were making it
And you shook me all night long
Yeah you shook me all night long

I'm working double time on the seduction line
She's one of a kind she's just mine all mine
Wanted no applause it's just another course
Made a meal outta me
And come back for more
Had to cool me down to take another round
Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing
Cause the walls were shaking the earth was quaking
My mind was aching
And we were making it
And you shook me all night long
Yeah you shook me all night long
Knocked me out I said you
Shook me all night long
You had me shaking and you
Shook me all night long
Yeah you shook me
When you took me

You really took me and you
Shook me all night long
You shook me all night long
Yeah, yeah, you shook me all night long
You really got me and you
Shook me all night long
Yeah you shook me
Yeah you shook me
All night long

"My Head's In Mississippi" (ZZ Top)

I'm shufflin' thru the Texas sand,
But my head's in Mississippi.
I'm shufflin' thru the Texas sand,
But my head's in Mississippi.
The blues has got a hold of me.
I believe I'm gettin' dizzy. (Spoken: Help me now.)

I keep thinkin' 'bout that night in Memphis,
Lord, I thought I was in Heaven.
I keep thinkin' 'bout that night in Memphis,
I thought I was in Heaven.
But I was stumblin' thru the parking lot
Of an invisible seven eleven. (Spoken: What was I doin out there?)

Where's my head baby?
Somewhere in Mississippi.

Last night I saw a cowgirl.
She was floatin' across the ceiling.
And last night I saw a naked cowgirl.
She was floatin' across the ceiling.
She was mumblin to some howlin' wolf
About some voodoo healin'. (Spoken: Mmm Baby.)

"The Rocky Road To Dublin (Traditional)" (Dropkick Murphys)

In the merry month of June, From my home I started,
Left the girls of Tuam, Nearly broken hearted,
Saluted me father dear, Kissed me darling mother,
Drank a pint of beer, My grief and tears to smother,
Then off to reap the corn, And leave where I was born,
Cut a stout blackthorn, To banish ghost and goblin,
In a brand new pair of brogues, go rattling o'er the bogs,
Frightening all the dogs, On the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three, four, five

In Mullingar last night, I rested limbs so weary,
Started by daylight, Next morning bright and early,
Took a drop of the pure, To keep my heart from sinking,
That's the Paddy's cure, When he's on the drinking.
See the lassies smile, Laughing all the while,
At me darling style, 'Twould set your heart a-bubbling.
Asked me was I hired, The wages I required,
Till I was almost tired, Of the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three, four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, whack-fol-la-de-da!

In Dublin next arrived, I thought it such a pity,
To be so soon deprived, A view of that fine city.
Decided to take a stroll, All among the quality,
My bundle it was stole, In a neat locality;
Something crossed my mind, When I looked behind;
No bundle could I find, Upon me stick a wobbling.
Enquiring for a rogue, They said me Connacht brogue,
Wasn't much in vogue, On the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three, four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, whack-fol-la-de-da!

From there I got away, Me spirits never failing
Landed on the quay just as the ship was sailing;
Captain at me roared, Said that no room had he,
then I jumped aboard, A cabin found for Paddy,
Down among the pigs played some funny rigs,
Danced some hearty jigs, The water round me bubbling,
When off to Holyhead, Wished myself was dead,
Or better far instead, On the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three, four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, whack-fol-la-de-da!

The boys of Liverpool, When we safely landed,
Called meself a fool; I could no longer stand it;
Blood began to boil, Temper I was losing,
Poor old Erin's isle They began abusing,
"Hurrah my soul," sez I, Let the shillelagh fly;
Some Galway boys were nigh, Saw I was a hobbling,
With a loud hurray, They joined me in the fray.
Soon we cleared the way, O'er the rocky road to Dublin.

One, two, three, four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, whack-fol-la-de-da!
One, two, three, four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, whack-fol-la-de-da!

"Loch Lomond" (The Real McKenzies)

O ye'll tak' the high road and I'll tak' the low road
And I'll be in Scotland afore ye
But me and my true love will never meet again
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond

By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie shore
On the steep, steep side o' Ben Lomond
Where in deep purple hue, the hieland hills we view
And the moon comin' out in the gloamin'

Twas there that we parted in yon shady glen
On the steep, steep side o Ben Lomond
Where in deep purple hue, the hieland hills we view
And the moon comin' out in the gloamin'

The wee birdies sing and the wild flowers spring
And in sunshine the waters are sleeping
But the broken heart, we'll never meet again
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond

"I`m Free" (The Rolling Stones)

I'm free to do what I want any old time
I'm free to do what I want any old time
So love me hold me love me hold me
I'm free any old time to get what I want

I'm free to sing my song knowing it's out of trend
I'm free to sing my song knowing it's out of trend
So love me hold me love me hold me

'Cause I'm free any olf time to get what I want

So love me hold me love me hold me
I'm free any old time to get what I want

I'm free to choose who I see any old time
I'm free to bring who I choose any old time
Love me hold me love me hold me
I'm free any old time to get what I want

"Deuce" (KISS)

Get up
And get your grandma outta here
Pick up
Old Jim is workin' hard this year
And baby
Do the things he says to do
Baby, if you're feeling good
And baby if you're feeling nice
You know your man is workin' hard
He's worth a deuce

Don't put your man behind his years
And baby
Stop cryin' all your tears

Do the things he says to do
Do it

Baby, if you're feeling good
And baby if you're feeling nice
You know your man is workin' hard
He's worth a deuce

And baby, if you're feeling good
Yes baby if you're feeling nice
You know your man is workin' hard

"Children Of The Night" (Whitesnake)

I'm getting ready
I'm in the mood to fool around
It's time for action
Now the boys are back intown

So turn up the music
Make it loud and proud
Let's see reaction
Let the spotlite hit the crowd

Don't hide what you feel inside
Don't let anybody stand in your way
Just let the music take you higher

Now are you ready to rock
Children of the Night
Are you ready to roll
Children of the Night

You got the power
I feel your fire in my soul
You got the fever
Cos you were born to rock an' roll
Don't run for cover
I'm gonna show you what I've learned
Just come a little closer
Come on an' get your fingers burned

Don't hide what you feel inside
Don't let anybody stand in your way
Just let the music take you higher

Now are you ready to rock
Are you ready to roll

Are you ready to rock

Now are you ready to rock
Children of the Night
Are you ready to roll
Children of the Night

I'm getting ready
I'm in the mood to fool around
It's time for action
Cos' now the boys are back in town

Don't hide what you feel inside
Don't let anybody stand in your way
Just let the music take you higher

Now are you ready to rock
Children of the Night
Are you ready to roll
Children of the Night