
nedjelja , 27.05.2007.

It first starts as a disappointment,downing your good mood for the day..Then it starts to hurt - a small twinge of something sharp..and you feel like the biggest scum alive..
But as time passes,you begin to notice that its not your fault entirely..Thats when it really starts to hurt...

"Something takes a part of me.
Something lost and never seen.
Everytime I start to believe,
Something's raped and taken from me..."

A strong wave of pain constructes within your chest and a scraping sensation of tearing flesh spreads through your body,to the point where you can practically feel the abyss engulfing you...

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The light in your eyes gets dimmed and the fake smile slips complitely off.Your whole posture hunches over in a fetal position,as you try to fight off the spasms and the obscurity,the growing darkness that your mind,your cracked heart and broken soul gravitate to...wishing you could lose yourself in there..
Oh,but the searing blinds you with its intensity and chokes your shuddering sobs before they could even pass past your lips.The bitter tears evapoure the moment they resurface,forbiding you to show that you´re hurt..

"Sometimes I cannot take this place.
Sometimes it's my life I can't taste.
Sometimes I cannot feel my face.
You'll never see me fall from grace
Something takes a part of me.
You and I were meant to be.
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me."

Though the pain burns you inside and out,it can never surpass the painful knowledge that no matter what,you´re condemned to haunt the Lands crushed and alone...forever afraid to open yourself to someone who will act just like everyone else..

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After the pain subsides,you get a grip of yourself enough to lock it all back inside for a little while - until it breaks lose again and you stand on a crossway all over again with only two possibilities..

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Yet no matter the beast inside of you,you choose the painful one,already knowing the outcome,already fearing the end...

"You wanna see the light..
So do I.."

....Red roses for the Devil´s whore

četvrtak , 17.05.2007.

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Heh....i da nakon dva mjeseca ničega,vratih se...No,možda je to i bilo potrebno,uzimajući u obzir koliku je prašinu dignuo moj posljednji post...
Čovjek bi pomislio da sam stvarno hladnokrvno mučila,te ubila nekog..Heh,heh...
Bilo je i onih koji me nisu prozivali ludim psihopatom i osobom koja će u bliskoj budućnosti biti odgovorna za pokolj "nevinih"...njima se iskreno zahvaljujem što su (nadam se) pogledali iza površine...iza granice onoga što nas definira kao ljudska bića..
Hvala vam.....

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Kako da vam kažem?...jednostavno sam to trebala izbaciti iz sebe,a jedino "prigodno" mjesto za text takvog karaktera mi se učinio moj blog...(Gods,I hate the fact that everyone know my blog adress....)
Nemojte me krivo shvatiti,ne opravdavam se,a bome niti ne žalim što sam to objavila...Pomoglo mi je da vidim tko me od mojih "prijatelja" uistinu poznaje...

"The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
Soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
As this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
And the Midnightmare trampling of dreams
But oh, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany Death
But it is desire that shepherds it's certainty
As We shall see..."

I pošto nemam apsolutno nikakve inspiracije i vjerujem da sam uspjela otjerati sve svoje "obožavatelja" mojom podužom stankom,novi post uskoro slijedi...*grins widely*

Sad hoću li kastrirati svog susjeda ili probosti slučajnog prolaznika..ostavljam na vama da pogađate!
Ah..the joy of writing... wink

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