12.12.2011., ponedjeljak


Hoteles en la pesca - Extended stay hotel coupon - Underwater hotel in florida.

Hoteles En La Pesca

hoteles en la pesca

    la pesca
  • La Pesca is a small town in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. It is located on the Gulf of Mexico, at the mouth of the Rio Soto La Marina, between the Laguna Madre to the north and the Laguna Morales to the south.

  • ' or ' is the sixteenth letter in many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew ? and Arabic ? (in abjadi order). It is the twenty-first letter in the new Persian alphabet. It represents a sound approximately like a voiced pharyngeal fricative , which has no equivalent in English.

  • En+ Group is an energy-related company owned by Oleg Deripaska. En+ Group owns a controlling interest in United Company RUSAL. It reported revenues of $10.869 billion in 2006.

  • half the width of an em

  • A unit of measurement equal to half an em and approximately the average width of typeset characters, used esp. for estimating the total amount of space a text will require

EN LA ACTUALIDAD, AQUI SE ENCUENTRA SINFONIA DEL MAR (al fondo donde se localizan los arboles)

EN LA ACTUALIDAD, AQUI SE ENCUENTRA SINFONIA DEL MAR (al fondo donde se localizan los arboles)

Fotos antiguas del puerto de acapulco, 1910 a 1940.
Legado de fotos antiguas para los Acapulquenos , y los que aman Acapulco.



La leyenda principia cuando una tribu yope que se habia establecido en las inmediaciones de la bahia, se ve atacada por otra deorigen nahuatl, que los derrota y obliga a huir. La tribu nahuatl era nomada por lo que transitoriamente se establece en el lugar que arrebatara a los yopes. Durante su estadia en la cuenca de la bahia, nace Acatl hijo del jefe de dicha tribu, quien lo encomienda a la proteccion de Quetzalcoatl. Los nomadas abandonan el lugar que ocuparan en busca de otros sitios de caza. Transcurren los anos y Acatl, con el consentimiento de su padre, parte en busca de su futura esposa y en su peregrinar llega al sitio donde se encontraba una tribu y se enamora perdidamente de Quiahuitl, la hija del jefe, sin saber que pertenecia a la tribu yope que su padre habia derrotado.

El padre de Quiahuitl, por el odio y rencor que tenia contra el padre Acatl que lo habia expulsado de las inmediaciones de la bahia, niega el permiso para los esponsales y maldice a Acatl, invocando a sus dioses para que lo hechicen. Acatl entristecido, llega al refugio donde habia nacido y dando paso a su desilusion, sin saber que con ello se cumplia el hechizo, lloro tanto su amargura, que las perlas incontenibles de sus ojos humedecieron su atletico cuerpo, que poco a poco se fue deshaciendo, derritiendose completamente, para convertirse en un charco de lodo y no de sangre, del cual, como hijos de Acatl, brotaron unos carrizos.

Quetzalcoatl, furioso por el dano que le habian ocasionado a su protegido, castiga a los yopes en la persona de Quiahuitl, convirtiendola en una nube. Una tarde la nube penetra por la bocana a la bahia y habiendo localizado los carrizos, hijos de su amado Acatl, la furia y celos la invaden, por lo que se arroja sobre ellos en forma de tromba, destruyendolos y arrasandolos para morir en el lodazal y fundirse en Acatl, compartiendo asi su destino.

De esta leyenda se desprenden las definiciones de Acapulco: "lugar de las canas en el lodo", "en el lugar de los carrizos grandes o de las canas grandes", "carrizal destruido" o "en el lugar en el que fuero destruidos o arrasados los carrizos".

El primer extranjero en Acapulco.

Existe otra leyenda que dice que el primer extranjero que llego a Acapulco era un monje chino con el nombre de Fa Hsien quien visito el pequeno poblado en tiempos prehispanicos, alrededor del 417 d.C, mucho antes que Cristobal Colon hubiera cruzado el Atlantico para descubrir America. De regreso en China, el monje relato sobre el hermoso pueblo que llamo "Ye Pa Ti" o el " Lugar de las Aguas Hermosas". Conto de llegar y encontrar a amigables nativos pertenecientes a la rama de los indios Nahoa, con quienes pudo comunicarse a traves de buena voluntad y senas. Le dio a los nativos su primera probada de arroz y a cambio le dieron a el tortillas de maiz, venado seco y cerdo salvaje. Les dejo muestras de vestimentas de seda y aparentemente logro cruzar en varias ocasiones mas, trayendo cada vez consigo mas articulos para trueque. Esta leyenda habla sobre encuentros y comercio tempranos con la cultura china, pero aunque existe testimonio de esto en varios registros chinos, es poca la evidencia fisica con la que se cuenta.


Para entender a la ciudad Acapulco, hay que entender que hay un complejo proceso historico atras, segun algunos investigadores de la historia de nuestro pais, a dos mil anos antes de Cristo, cuando ya habia habitantes. Hay vestigios de cabezas de arcilla en la "ciudad perdida" en el poblado de La Sabana. Hace varios anos con motivo de la expropiacion de punta diamante se localizo ceramica. En ambos casos con una antiguedad de dos mil anos antes de la era cristiana, lo que quiere decir que es puerto es antiguo aunque modernizado a traves de los tiempos. Acapulco, segun la lengua nahuatl significa en sus raices Acatl, Pol Co, "lugar en que fueron destruidos o arrancados los carrizos".


Abrir la ruta de Acapulco a la colonia Filipinas, tropieza al inicio con varios problemas debido a que lo propuesto por Urdaneta, de proveer al puerto de astillero, madera, equipo y alimentos, no se habia hecho ni se contaba con el elemento humano necesario para la empresa.

Acapulco carecia de todo, era la hermosa y protegida bahia, puerto natural por excelencia que brinda resguardo a las naves y nada mas.

Las mercancias que se embarcaban en Acapulco con destino a Filipinas consistian en grana, cochinilla, anil, en general las plantas tintoreas, pasamaneria de oro, loza, tejidos de lana, vino y aceite, estos ultimos llegados de Espana; la plata acunada que se enviaba para los sitiados para solventar los gastos gubernamentales, asi como, la remitida por los comerciantes para adquirir los productos de la India y China.

Las ventaja



Fotos antiguas del puerto de acapulco, 1910 a 1940.
Legado de fotos antiguas para los Acapulquenos , y los que aman Acapulco.



La leyenda principia cuando una tribu yope que se habia establecido en las inmediaciones de la bahia, se ve atacada por otra deorigen nahuatl, que los derrota y obliga a huir. La tribu nahuatl era nomada por lo que transitoriamente se establece en el lugar que arrebatara a los yopes. Durante su estadia en la cuenca de la bahia, nace Acatl hijo del jefe de dicha tribu, quien lo encomienda a la proteccion de Quetzalcoatl. Los nomadas abandonan el lugar que ocuparan en busca de otros sitios de caza. Transcurren los anos y Acatl, con el consentimiento de su padre, parte en busca de su futura esposa y en su peregrinar llega al sitio donde se encontraba una tribu y se enamora perdidamente de Quiahuitl, la hija del jefe, sin saber que pertenecia a la tribu yope que su padre habia derrotado.

El padre de Quiahuitl, por el odio y rencor que tenia contra el padre Acatl que lo habia expulsado de las inmediaciones de la bahia, niega el permiso para los esponsales y maldice a Acatl, invocando a sus dioses para que lo hechicen. Acatl entristecido, llega al refugio donde habia nacido y dando paso a su desilusion, sin saber que con ello se cumplia el hechizo, lloro tanto su amargura, que las perlas incontenibles de sus ojos humedecieron su atletico cuerpo, que poco a poco se fue deshaciendo, derritiendose completamente, para convertirse en un charco de lodo y no de sangre, del cual, como hijos de Acatl, brotaron unos carrizos.

Quetzalcoatl, furioso por el dano que le habian ocasionado a su protegido, castiga a los yopes en la persona de Quiahuitl, convirtiendola en una nube. Una tarde la nube penetra por la bocana a la bahia y habiendo localizado los carrizos, hijos de su amado Acatl, la furia y celos la invaden, por lo que se arroja sobre ellos en forma de tromba, destruyendolos y arrasandolos para morir en el lodazal y fundirse en Acatl, compartiendo asi su destino.

De esta leyenda se desprenden las definiciones de Acapulco: "lugar de las canas en el lodo", "en el lugar de los carrizos grandes o de las canas grandes", "carrizal destruido" o "en el lugar en el que fuero destruidos o arrasados los carrizos".

El primer extranjero en Acapulco.

Existe otra leyenda que dice que el primer extranjero que llego a Acapulco era un monje chino con el nombre de Fa Hsien quien visito el pequeno poblado en tiempos prehispanicos, alrededor del 417 d.C, mucho antes que Cristobal Colon hubiera cruzado el Atlantico para descubrir America. De regreso en China, el monje relato sobre el hermoso pueblo que llamo "Ye Pa Ti" o el " Lugar de las Aguas Hermosas". Conto de llegar y encontrar a amigables nativos pertenecientes a la rama de los indios Nahoa, con quienes pudo comunicarse a traves de buena voluntad y senas. Le dio a los nativos su primera probada de arroz y a cambio le dieron a el tortillas de maiz, venado seco y cerdo salvaje. Les dejo muestras de vestimentas de seda y aparentemente logro cruzar en varias ocasiones mas, trayendo cada vez consigo mas articulos para trueque. Esta leyenda habla sobre encuentros y comercio tempranos con la cultura china, pero aunque existe testimonio de esto en varios registros chinos, es poca la evidencia fisica con la que se cuenta.


Para entender a la ciudad Acapulco, hay que entender que hay un complejo proceso historico atras, segun algunos investigadores de la historia de nuestro pais, a dos mil anos antes de Cristo, cuando ya habia habitantes. Hay vestigios de cabezas de arcilla en la "ciudad perdida" en el poblado de La Sabana. Hace varios anos con motivo de la expropiacion de punta diamante se localizo ceramica. En ambos casos con una antiguedad de dos mil anos antes de la era cristiana, lo que quiere decir que es puerto es antiguo aunque modernizado a traves de los tiempos. Acapulco, segun la lengua nahuatl significa en sus raices Acatl, Pol Co, "lugar en que fueron destruidos o arrancados los carrizos".


Abrir la ruta de Acapulco a la colonia Filipinas, tropieza al inicio con varios problemas debido a que lo propuesto por Urdaneta, de proveer al puerto de astillero, madera, equipo y alimentos, no se habia hecho ni se contaba con el elemento humano necesario para la empresa.

Acapulco carecia de todo, era la hermosa y protegida bahia, puerto natural por excelencia que brinda resguardo a las naves y nada mas.

Las mercancias que se embarcaban en Acapulco con destino a Filipinas consistian en grana, cochinilla, anil, en general las plantas tintoreas, pasamaneria de oro, loza, tejidos de lana, vino y aceite, estos ultimos llegados de Espana; la plata acunada que se enviaba para los sitiados para solventar los gastos gubernamentales, asi como, la remitida por los comerciantes para adquirir los productos de la India y China.

Las ventajas

hoteles en la pesca

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- 15:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Hotel And Lodging Association

hotel and lodging association

  • the act of consorting with or joining with others; "you cannot be convicted of criminal guilt by association"

  • A connection or cooperative link between people or organizations

  • a formal organization of people or groups of people; "he joined the Modern Language Association"

  • the state of being connected together as in memory or imagination; "his association of his father with being beaten was too strong to break"

  • (often in names) A group of people organized for a joint purpose

  • A plant community defined by a characteristic group of dominant plant species

  • A room or rooms rented out to someone, usually in the same residence as the owner

  • housing: structures collectively in which people are housed

  • A place in which someone lives or stays temporarily

  • the act of lodging

  • lodgment: the state or quality of being lodged or fixed even temporarily; "the lodgment of the balloon in the tree"

  • An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists

  • A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite

  • In French contexts an hotel particulier is an urban "private house" of a grand sort. Whereas an ordinary maison was built as part of a row, sharing party walls with the houses on either side and directly fronting on a street, an hotel particulier was often free-standing, and by the eighteenth

  • A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication

  • a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services

Vikram Singh Speaking at Hotel Nikko

Vikram Singh Speaking at Hotel Nikko

Vikram Singh speaking at CHLA's Basic & Advanced Internet Marketing Training Seminar held in Downtown San Francisco at Hotel Nikko.

Vikram Singh of Evision Worldwide

Vikram Singh of Evision Worldwide

Vikram speaking in San Francisco. Another Basic & Advanced Internet Marketing seminar will be help this June in Long Beach, CA.

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- 15:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Rose City Motel Roseburg - Virginia Suites Hotel Arlington Va.

Rose City Motel Roseburg

rose city motel roseburg

    rose city
  • Rose City is an album by Viva Voce, released May 26, 2009, on Barsuk Records.

  • Red Sox Manawatu is a soccer and netball club in Palmerston North, Manawatu, New Zealand.

  • A roadside hotel designed primarily for motorists, typically having the rooms arranged in a low building with parking directly outside

  • a motor hotel

  • A motel is a hotel designed for motorists, and usually has a parking area for motor vehicles. They are common in the United States.

  • Motel is the debut album by the Mexican soul-rock band, of the same name. The album was released in March 28, 2006, in Mexico, their homeland. And later, after four months, the album was released in countries like Guatemala, Venezuela, Chile, and the United States.

Rose City Roller Derby

Rose City Roller Derby

Rose City Rollers (portland) VS Rat City Rollers (seattle). Break Neck Betties 61 Derby Liberation Front 51 A front line worthy of the Dallas Cowboys.

Rose City Rod

Rose City Rod

Rodney Wallace showing off the new Rose City Red kit. Fashionably accessorized with a No Pity scarf of course.

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- 15:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Dream catcher inn. Budget inn south. Grand central station hotels.

Dream Catcher Inn

dream catcher inn

    dream catcher
  • A net hung over the bed to catch masked baseball players with seven figure incomes.

  • In Ojibwa (Chippewa) culture, a dreamcatcher (or dream catcher; Ojibwe asabikeshiinh, the inanimate form of the word for "spider" or bawaajige nagwaagan meaning "dream snare") is a handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web.

  • The Dream Catcher is a 1999 independent drama film, directed by Edward Radtke. It is a road movie, telling the story of two boys on the road.

  • hostel: a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers

  • Inns are generally establishments or buildings where travelers can seek lodging and, usually, food and drink. They are typically located in the country or along a highway.

  • Indium nitride is a small bandgap semiconductor material which has potential application in solar cells and high speed electronics.

  • An establishment providing accommodations, food, and drink, esp. for travelers

  • A restaurant or bar, typically one in the country, in some cases providing accommodations

Day 126

Day 126

Day 126!
May Fest in the Smithville Village today =D
This is one of my favorite stands, this Hispanic guy runs it each year with all this beautiful South American jewelry and trinkets and dream catchers, too. It was always struck me as ironic, though, that his stand is stationed right in front of the Colonial Inn :giggle: not the greatest picture but, I like it ;)

where dreams come true 4

where dreams come true 4

04 24 2008 - LAKE BUENA VISTA - Toronto C Gregg Zaun (9) dives in to score ahead of the tag of Rays catcher Dioner Navarro (30) in the 3rd inning. BRIAN CASSELLA | Times

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- 15:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Airport hotels heathrow - Blue mountain inn jamaica - Bed and breakfast deventer.

Airport Hotels Heathrow

airport hotels heathrow

    airport hotels
  • (airport hotel) A hotel located near an airport, usually offering shuttle service to and from the airport, as well as meeting rooms, and early checkout.

  • London Heathrow Airport or Heathrow , located in the London Borough of Hillingdon, is the largest airport in the United Kingdom.

  • Heathrow is a census-designated place and an unincorporated suburban community in Seminole County, Florida, United States. Heathrow is located on the I-4 Corridor in Central Florida, 19 miles Northeast of Orlando and 38 miles Southwest of Daytona Beach.

  • A famous airport in west London, England

The superb 4 star Holiday Inn Ariel Hotel London-Heathrow Airport - It's iconic round design was opened by the Queen! Great hotel with Hoppa Bus access from Heathrow! 2008! Enjoy!

The superb 4 star Holiday Inn Ariel Hotel London-Heathrow Airport - It's iconic round design was opened by the Queen! Great hotel with Hoppa Bus access from Heathrow! 2008! Enjoy!

The Holiday Inn Ariel London Heathrow International Airport, we have extensively photographed during our photowalk around hotels in the London Heathrow Airport vicinity, accessible via the Hoppa Bus from the Airport via all Termials. Iconic design and great hospitality mirror the Holiday Inn Ariel London Heathrow incl. as of now it should also sport the new branding identity by new, while i upload these pictures to fans of airport hotels from around the World. Enjoy and be there in 2008 and very very well beyond this date! Thank you from London with the world only a flight or two away!

Heathrow Hotel Hoppa Bus

Heathrow Hotel Hoppa Bus

The bus that takes you (for a price) from London Heathrow airport terminals to local hotels.

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- 15:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Carlton lodge hotel - Budget accommodation langkawi - Cheap hotels in london heathrow.

Carlton Lodge Hotel

carlton lodge hotel

  • Steve (1944–), US baseball player; full name Steven Norman Carlton; nicknamed Lefty. He was the first pitcher to win four Cy Young awards 1972, 1977, 1980, 1982. He played for the St. Louis Cardinals 1965–72 and the Philadelphia Phillies 1972–88. Baseball Hall of Fame (1994)

  • North Melbourne was once listed on the stock market^[when?] and Carlton tried to buy out North and take their top players^[when?]. Later^[when?] there was talk of a merger, or more specifically, Carlton increasing its shareholdings^[citation needed].

  • Carlton was a constituency in Nottinghamshire which returned one Member of Parliament to the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1950 until it was abolished for the 1983 general election. It was then partly replaced by the new Gedling constituency.

  • The Carlton was a golf tournament on the LPGA Tour played in 1976 and 1978. It was played at the Calabasas Country Club in Calabasas, California.

  • A small country house occupied in season for sports such as hunting, shooting, fishing, and skiing

  • club: a formal association of people with similar interests; "he joined a golf club"; "they formed a small lunch society"; "men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today"

  • A small house at the gates of a park or in the grounds of a large house, typically occupied by a gatekeeper, gardener, or other employee

  • A large house or hotel

  • English physicist who studied electromagnetic radiation and was a pioneer of radiotelegraphy (1851-1940)

  • be a lodger; stay temporarily; "Where are you lodging in Paris?"

  • A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication

  • An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists

  • a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services

  • A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite

  • In French contexts an hotel particulier is an urban "private house" of a grand sort. Whereas an ordinary maison was built as part of a row, sharing party walls with the houses on either side and directly fronting on a street, an hotel particulier was often free-standing, and by the eighteenth

Advert in the "Hebden Bridge Times" Dated Friday April 18th. 1890. Hebden Bridge - West Yorkshire - England. Note. mentions the Photographers/Dentist in "Crown Street" and Thomas Binney Gibson RDS Den

Advert in the

The two Gibson Men was Brothers but had the reputation of being very committed rivals as far as their Practice of the Science of Dentistry was concerned - Hence the extravagant claims as to their Prowess as a dentist in their Local Newspaper Advertisements !!!
= Thomas Binney Gibson was also a Photographer, and it was from the "Crown Street Premises" that a very large proportion of the "Glass Negatives" came from that formed the basis of the "Alice Longstaff Collection" these was discovered in a attic when the Premises was refurbish many years ago.

1938 Bournemouth Guide page 248

1938 Bournemouth Guide page 248

Chewton Hotel, 36 Cotlands Road.
Montpellier Hotel, 10 Oxford Road.
Chaseley Hotel, 29 and 31 Knole Road.
Carlhurst Hotel, 8 Carlton Road.
St Crispin Hotel, 12 St Clement's Road.
Ravensdown Hotel, 22 Queen's Road.
Charnwood Hotel, 1 Walpole Road.
Livingstone Hotel, 25 Alumhurst Road.
Sea Dene Hotel, 10 Burnaby Road.
Kelvedon Hotel, 49 Lansdowne Road.
Boscombe Hotel, 48 Granville Road.
Micklehurst Hotel, Argyll Road.
Highclere Hotel, 10 Prince of Wales Road.
St John's Lodge Hotel, 10 St Swithun's Road.
The Knoll Hotel, 20 Walpole Road.
Kelso Hotel, 5 Campbell Road.

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- 15:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Grand Hotel Lund : Motels In Front Royal Va.

Grand Hotel Lund

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  • Grand Hotel in Lund, Sweden is one of the city's oldest and most remarkable restaurant and hotel.

Grand Hotel Lund

Grand Hotel Lund

The Grand Hotel in Lund, Sweden. Taken with a Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta IV on Ilford HP5+ film.

The Chef Mats Persson from Grand Hotell

The Chef Mats Persson from Grand Hotell

Photo: Gunnar Magnusson - The Chef Mats Persson from Grand Hotell

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- 15:50 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Hotel City Walk

hotel city walk

    city walk
  • Universal CityWalk is the name given to the entertainment and retail districts located adjacent to the theme parks of Universal Parks & Resorts.

  • An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists

  • a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services

  • A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite

  • In French contexts an hotel particulier is an urban "private house" of a grand sort. Whereas an ordinary maison was built as part of a row, sharing party walls with the houses on either side and directly fronting on a street, an hotel particulier was often free-standing, and by the eighteenth

  • A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication

Days Hotel Liverpool City Centre

Days Hotel Liverpool City Centre

Days Hotel Liverpool City Centre - Now Open!

Days Inn Liverpool City Centre offers 154 contemporary stylish and spacious bedrooms located in the heart of the business district within walking distance of the Albert Dock, the newly developed ACC and Liverpool ONE. All bedrooms are of the highest standard and quality, making your stay both comfortable and convenient.

Complimentary Wi-Fi in all public areas of the hotel and guest bedrooms.
All bedrooms have a clean and contemporary look and are equipped with LCD Satellite television, free Wi-Fi, tea & coffee making facilities and en-suite bathroom including luxury complimentary toiletries.
24hr dining option including a light bite menu. Our diner has breathtaking views of the Mersey.

Day 45/365 - GordonsBirthday@CityWalk-0019

Day 45/365 - GordonsBirthday@CityWalk-0019

Day 45/365 - Gordon brought his whole family to City Walk to help celebrate his birthday this evening! Technically, my son's birthday isn't until tomorrow, on the 15th, but I will be spending all day out in Daytona at the races with him, so we decided to celebrate with a few family members the night before @ Universal Orlando... Here we all are (except me), taking the enddless people movers into the City Walk area. We later had dinner @ The Hard Rock Cafe, did a little shopping, and then went back to our hotel & let Gordon open a few birthday presents... Happy Birthday Gordon!

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- 15:50 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Luxor Hotel Deal - 2 Star Hotels Rome

Luxor Hotel Deal

luxor hotel deal

    luxor hotel
  • The Luxor Las Vegas is a hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. Ground was broken for the Luxor in 1991, that same year construction began on the Treasure Island.

  • Hotel stayed at by Gaal Dornick after he arrived on Trantor. Place where he first met Hari Seldon.

  • The Luxor Hotel (New York City) was built by the D.P.R. Construction Company and opened in February 1925. The establishment is located at 121 - 127 West 46th Street in Manhattan (New York). Built for $1,250,000, the structure has eighty-four guest rooms with a large bath establishment.

  • a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"

  • cover: act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"

  • Include a new player in a card game by giving them cards

  • Distribute or mete out (something) to a person or group

  • Distribute (cards) in an orderly rotation to the players for a game or round

  • bargain: an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each; "he made a bargain with the devil"; "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"

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ramadan, mohammed

My last night in Luxor I ate in a little restaurant not far from the train station. As I was paying and about to leave, the cashier - mohammed, above - asked if I wanted to buy a cassette of arabic music. Not really unexpected, as most people I'd spoken with in Luxor had wanted to sell me something.

I declined -- I had only a CD player -- but we kept chatting and after he had a brief conversation with the owner -- his father -- he invited me to his house. Ever the wary (american) tourist, I paused briefly, but it seemed all right.

We walked some side streets away from anything touristy, and ended up at a modest house. Tea was offered -- prepared by mother, somewhere off in the distant kitchen. Did I want sugar? It was just a bit later when I saw the pile of suger in the glass that the better question would have been "how many sugars more than 5 would you like?"

I don't recall the conversation, but I did meet his friend Ramadan, above, and several of his four brothers, and helped one with a few phrases in Italian. Seems that many people in Luxor worked in hotels, and dealt with a lot of Europeans (and not too many Americans).

I think I was supposed to send photos, but I can't recall if I did, and unfortunately, I didn't stay in touch. They seemed to be pretty friendly.

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- 15:49 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Hotels at airport. Lauderdale beach side hotel. Hotels near new dallas cowboy stadium.

Hotels At Airport

hotels at airport

  • Relating to or denoting light popular fiction such as is offered for sale to travelers in airports

  • A complex of runways and buildings for the takeoff, landing, and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passengers

  • an airfield equipped with control tower and hangars as well as accommodations for passengers and cargo

  • An airport is a location where aircraft such as fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and blimps takeoff and land. Aircraft may be stored or maintained at an airport.

  • AirPort and AirPort Extreme are local area wireless networking products from Apple Inc. based on the IEEE 802.11 standard (also known as Wi-Fi).

  • Hotel is a dimensional real estate game created by Milton Bradley in 1986. It is similar to Square Mile and Prize Property. In Hotel the players are building resort hotels and attempting to drive their competitors into bankruptcy.

  • HOTELS (ISSN-1047-2975) is a trade publication serving the information needs of the worldwide hospitality industry.

  • An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists

  • (hotel) a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services

  • A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication

Airport Limo bus stop at Narita Airport

Airport Limo bus stop at Narita Airport

This is where we boarded the bus at Narita Airport to the Conrad Hotel in Tokyo. It took about 1 hour and 45 minutes to get to the hotel with a couple stops before our hotel.

Hotel near Waco Regional Airport

Hotel near Waco Regional Airport

Book your stay at Hotel in Waco Texas featuring many business facilities and nearby Waco Regional Airport and TSTC Waco Airport.

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- 15:49 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Luxury Hotels In Usa

luxury hotels in usa

    luxury hotels
  • (Luxury hotel) A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including

  • (Luxury Hotel) Hotel(?a) ? hasRank(?a, fiveStar) ? interiorConditionOfGuestroom(?a, ?b) ? degreeOfKindnessOfLobbyEmployee(?a, ?c) ? degreeOfKindnessOfRoomservice(?a, ?d) ? swrlb:add(?sum, ?b, ?c, ?d) ? swrlb:divide(?average, ?sum, 3) ? swrlb:greaterThanOrEqual(?average, 8) > Luxury_Hotel(?a)

  • are like a small towns in themselves. Luxury refers to combination of facilities and style and something which one don't normally experience at home.

    in usa
  • Frederick Carl Frieseke · Childe Hassam · Willard Metcalf · Lilla Cabot Perry · Theodore Robinson · John Henry Twachtman · J. Alden Weir




As seen off of the right hand side of the 15n about 20mi north of Barstow.

*had a little help translating the last line as I didn't have any shots that showed it much better than this



Russia-USA, Game for rank 9-12, Women’s World Floorball Championship 2011, Russland-USA, Spiel um Platz 9-12, an der Unihockey Damen Weltmeisterschaft 2011, am 9. Dezember 2011, Athletikzentrum, in St. Gallen, Schweiz. (© JDUBOiS PHOTO)

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Quality Inn Suites Reliant Park Medical Center

quality inn suites reliant park medical center

    medical center
  • Illinois Medical District is a station on the Chicago Transit Authority's 'L' system, serving the Blue Line's Forest Park branch. Prior to June 25, 2006, the station was known as Medical Center.

  • Medical Center is a ground-level subway station in the MARTA rail system. It serves Northside Hospital (the country's busiest birthplace), St. Joseph's Hospital, and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite.

  • the part of a city where medical facilities are centered

    reliant park
  • Reliant Park (formerly the Astrodomain) is a complex in Houston, Texas, USA, named after the energy company Reliant Energy. It is located on Kirby Drive at the 610 Loop.

  • Reliant Park is an island platformed METRORail light rail station in Houston, Texas, United States. The station was opened on January 1, 2004, and is operated by the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas (METRO).

    quality inn
  • Choice Hotels International is a hospitality holding corporation which owns several hotel brands and is based in Silver Spring, Maryland. In 2008, Choice Hotels’ total revenue was $642 million, of which $637 million was from Franchise and $4.94 million was from Corporate Items.

  • A set of rooms designated for one person's or family's use or for a particular purpose

  • (suite) apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms used as a living unit (as in a hotel)

  • (suite) cortege: the group following and attending to some important person

  • (suite) a musical composition of several movements only loosely connected

  • A set of things belonging together, in particular

  • A set of furniture of the same design



Medical centre at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka campus (UNN)

Dog Show @ Reliant Park - 7.25.10 124

Dog Show @ Reliant Park - 7.25.10 124

"Auto Adjusted" picture. What a difference!

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Royal st charles hotel. Quality inn hampton.

Royal St Charles Hotel

royal st charles hotel

  • Charles I (1600–49), son of James I; reigned 1625–49. His reign was dominated by the deepening religious and constitutional crisis that resulted in the English Civil War 1642–49. After the battle of Naseby, Charles tried to regain power in alliance with the Scots, but his forces were defeated in 1648; he was tried by a special Parliamentary court and beheaded

  • The name of two kings of England, Scotland, and Ireland

  • King of France who began his reign with most of northern France under English control; after the intervention of Jeanne d'Arc the French were able to defeat the English and end the Hundred Years' War (1403-1461)

  • as Charles II he was Holy Roman Emperor and as Charles I he was king of France (823-877)

  • Charles II (1630–85), son of Charles I; reigned 1660–85. Charles was restored to the throne after the collapse of Oliver Cromwell's regime. Although he displayed considerable adroitness in handling the difficult constitutional situation, religious and political strife continued during his reign

  • King of France from 1560 to 1574 whose reign was dominated by his mother Catherine de Medicis (1550-1574)

  • Having the status of a king or queen or a member of their family

  • Belonging to or carried out or exercised by a king or queen

  • In the service or under the patronage of a king or queen

  • a sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast

  • established or chartered or authorized by royalty; "the Royal Society"

  • of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch; "the royal party"; "the royal crest"; "by royal decree"; "a royal visit"

  • An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists

  • a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services

  • In French contexts an hotel particulier is an urban "private house" of a grand sort. Whereas an ordinary maison was built as part of a row, sharing party walls with the houses on either side and directly fronting on a street, an hotel particulier was often free-standing, and by the eighteenth

  • A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication

  • A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite

  • (St&s) Science and technology studies (STS) is the study of how social, political, and cultural values affect scientific research and technological innovation, and how these in turn affect society, politics, and culture.

  • Stone (in weight)

  • .st is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Sao Tome and Principe. It is also being marketed worldwide as an abbreviation for various things.

  • In written languages, an ordinal indicator is a sign adjacent to a numeral denoting that it is an ordinal number, rather than a cardinal number. The exact sign used varies in different languages.

Winnipeg Hotels

Winnipeg Hotels

From pamphlet issued by the Winnipeg Tourist & Convention Bureau in the late 1920s. The Grange Hotel was at 168 Lombard opposite (as best I can tell) the Grain Exchange. The Brunswick was on Main just north of what is now the Museum. The Royal Alexandra was of course at Main and Higgins. The other six hotels represented here are still in existence, with five continuing to serve as hostelries of some description and the sixth, the St. Charles, standing vacant. The impressive Fort Garry Hotel is conspicuous by its absence.

International Emporium, Mount Royal Entrance, Mount Royal Avenue, Baltimore MD

International Emporium, Mount Royal Entrance, Mount Royal Avenue, Baltimore MD

This building is on Mt Royal Avenue between Charles St. and St. Paul St. It is kind of attractive, but there's something I don't like about it. Anyway, Part of it is hotel, and part is supposedly apartment. I have never met anyone who lived here.

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- 15:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Quebec Hotel Review

quebec hotel review

  • Its capital city, a port on the St. Lawrence River; pop. 167,517. Founded in 1608, it is Canada's oldest city. It was captured from the French by the British in 1759 after the battle of the Plains of Abraham and became capital of Lower Canada (later Quebec) in 1791

  • A code word representing the letter Q, used in radio communication

  • the largest province of Canada; a French colony from 1663 to 1759 when it was lost to the British

  • A heavily forested province in eastern Canada; pop. 6,845,700. Settled by the French in 1608, it was ceded to the British in 1763 and became one of the original four provinces in the Dominion of Canada in 1867. The majority of its residents are French-speaking, and it is a focal point of the French-Canadian nationalist movement, which advocates independence for Quebec. French name Quebec

  • Quebec or (Quebec)According to the Canadian government, Quebec (with the acute accent) is the official name in French and Quebec (without the accent) is the province's official name in English; the name is . In this system, the official name of the capital is Quebec in both official languages.

  • the French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec; situated on the Saint Lawrence River

  • A formal assessment or examination of something with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary

  • A periodical publication with critical articles on current events, the arts, etc

  • A critical appraisal of a book, play, movie, exhibition, etc., published in a newspaper or magazine

  • look at again; examine again; "let's review your situation"

  • reappraisal: a new appraisal or evaluation

  • an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play)

  • An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists

  • A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication

  • In French contexts an hotel particulier is an urban "private house" of a grand sort. Whereas an ordinary maison was built as part of a row, sharing party walls with the houses on either side and directly fronting on a street, an hotel particulier was often free-standing, and by the eighteenth

  • a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services

  • A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite

Au Petit Hotel

Au Petit Hotel

This little hotel at 3 ruelle des Ursulines looks very cute but the guest reviews are a bit shaky. I have never stayed there but was taken by it on an early morning walk

The Silk Stocking Review

The Silk Stocking Review

The Silk Stocking Review, a benefit performance to support the upcoming Montreal Burlesque Festival, unfolds at the Opus Hotel in Montreal, Canada on August 5th, 2009

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Swiss Chalet Hotels. Rica Oslo Hotel Oslo

Swiss Chalet Hotels

swiss chalet hotels

    chalet hotels
  • (Chalet Hotel) Chalet hotels are big chalets (that were often hotels in a previous life), normally sleeping at least 25 people, often run by one of the larger tour operators in the more popular resorts. They can have as many as 100 beds. Accommodation standards vary as with chalets.

  • Of or relating to Switzerland or its people

  • The people of Switzerland

  • of or relating to Switzerland or its people or culture; "the Swiss army"

  • Swiss International Air Lines AG (short: Swiss) is the principal airline of Switzerland operating scheduled services in Europe and to North America, South America, Africa and Asia. Its main hub is Zurich Airport (ZRH).

  • the natives or inhabitants of Switzerland

Grand Canyon National Park, El Tovar Hotel

Grand Canyon National Park, El Tovar Hotel

The El Tovar Hotel was commissioned by the Santa Fe Railway in 1902. The structure, designed by Chares Whillesey, incorporate features of a Swiss Chalet and Norway Villa. Construction on the classic lodge was completed in 1905. The Fred Harvey Company, a partner with the Santa Fe in promoting tourism to the Grand Canyon, operated the hotel. The hotel has been in continuous operation since it opened. The structure is a National Historic Landmark and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Grand Canyon National Park, El Tovar Hotel

Grand Canyon National Park, El Tovar Hotel

The El Tovar Hotel was commissioned by the Santa Fe Railway in 1902. The structure, designed by Chares Whillesey, incorporate features of a Swiss Chalet and Norway Villa. Construction on the classic lodge was completed in 1905. The Fred Harvey Company, a partner with the Santa Fe in promoting tourism to the Grand Canyon, operated the hotel. The hotel has been in continuous operation since it opened. The structure is a National Historic Landmark and is on the National Register of Historic Places

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- 15:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



St Lucia Luxury Hotel

st lucia luxury hotel

    luxury hotel
  • A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite

  • (Luxury hotels) are like a small towns in themselves. Luxury refers to combination of facilities and style and something which one don't normally experience at home.

  • Hotel(?a) ? hasRank(?a, fiveStar) ? interiorConditionOfGuestroom(?a, ?b) ? degreeOfKindnessOfLobbyEmployee(?a, ?c) ? degreeOfKindnessOfRoomservice(?a, ?d) ? swrlb:add(?sum, ?b, ?c, ?d) ? swrlb:divide(?average, ?sum, 3) ? swrlb:greaterThanOrEqual(?average, 8) > Luxury_Hotel(?a)

    st lucia
  • Saint Lucia (Sainte-Lucie) is an island country in the eastern Caribbean Sea on the boundary with the Atlantic Ocean. Part of the Lesser Antilles, it is located north/northeast of the islands of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique.



Caribbean St. Lucia Anse Chastanet
Premium Room (7f) & Pitons view

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jade-mountain-st 018

Infinity pool looking over sea at Jade Mountain hotel in St Lucia

st lucia luxury hotel

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Sirata Hotel St Pete Beach

sirata hotel st pete beach

    st pete
  • St. Petersburg (often shortened to St. Pete or St. Petes) is a city in Pinellas County, Florida, United States long known as a vacation destination for both American and foreign tourists. As of 2008, the population estimate by the U.S.

  • An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists

  • A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consisting only of a room with a bed, a cupboard, a small table and a washstand has largely been replaced by rooms with modern facilities, including en-suite

  • In French contexts an hotel particulier is an urban "private house" of a grand sort. Whereas an ordinary maison was built as part of a row, sharing party walls with the houses on either side and directly fronting on a street, an hotel particulier was often free-standing, and by the eighteenth

  • A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication

  • a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services

  • A pebbly or sandy shore, esp. by the ocean between high- and low-water marks

  • an area of sand sloping down to the water of a sea or lake

  • land on a beach; "the ship beached near the port"

  • A beach is a geological landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea or lake. It usually consists of loose particles which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, waves or cobblestones.

Mary Hanging Out with the Teenagers

Mary Hanging Out with the Teenagers

Some high school lacrosse teams were staying at the hotel for a big tournament. Mary crashed their party in the jacuzzi.

Sunset from St. Pete

Sunset from St. Pete

Sunset from the beach at the Sirata Hotel in St. Pete, FL.

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Top Romantic Hotels. Hotels Near Red Rocks.

Top Romantic Hotels

top romantic hotels

    romantic hotels
  • (Romantic Hotel) Hotel(?a) ? hotelExternalAppearance(?a, ?b) ? interiorConditionOfGuestroom(?a, ?c) ? degreeOfKindnessOfLobbyEmployee(?a, ?d) ? degreeOfKindnessOfRoomservice(?a, ?e) ? swrlb:add(?sum, ?b, ?c, ?d, ?e) ? swrlb:divide(?average, ?sum, 4) ? swrlb:greaterThanOrEqual(?

  • The highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something

  • The end of something that is furthest from the speaker or a point of reference

  • the upper part of anything; "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page"

  • The leaves, stems, and shoots of a plant, esp. those of a vegetable grown for its root

  • exceed: be superior or better than some standard; "She exceeded our expectations"; "She topped her performance of last year"

  • top(a): situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf"

top ten hotels marrakech ,riad dar najat

top ten hotels marrakech ,riad dar najat

I’m not very used with reviews but this time..we had to write some few words as all in this romantic guest house have been more than helpful and kind with us!

Great atmosphere..fantastic to be in the jacuzzi on the roof terrace with a glass of wine..when getting hot!

All since the transfer from aerport until the end of the stay has just been perfect.

I have to say I was a little worried with this experience as I never stayed in any country of africa before this lovely trip.;but after one day of “ethnic choc..”I found all and Marrakech totally incredible..and safe as the location of the riad is just firty meters from the cousin of the king’s palace.

Art work amazing and the food was the real best we ever had in the all holidays.

For sure with out any hesitation,we’ll come back in dar najat for our next trip in Morocco.

romantic boutique hotel

romantic boutique hotel

“I loved it there and hope to come back soon”
I had a short stay in this Riad when it had just opened, and thought it was excellent.. Oliver, the owner made me feel very welcome and met me at the bus station to take me to the Riad. The room was spotlessly clean and comfortable..... Hot water was available at all times....The food was great!!....all freshly cooked while I chatted with friends I met there. Good music too!!...It is very conveniently located in the centre of Essaouira. I am certain that Oliver will continue to provide an excellent service at his Riads in Essaouira and Marrakech and I would always recommend to friends.

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Vanderbilt Beach Florida Hotels - Budget Hotels In France - Cigar Inn New York.

Vanderbilt Beach Florida Hotels

vanderbilt beach florida hotels

    vanderbilt beach
  • Vanderbilt Beach is a several mile long stretch of beach in Naples, Florida. It is a popular tourist destination, with many hotels including the Ritz-Carlton Naples.

  • A state in the southeastern US, on a peninsula that extends into the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico; pop. 15,982,378; capital, Tallahassee; statehood, Mar. 3, 1845 (27). Explored by Ponce de Leon in 1513, it was purchased from Spain by the US in 1819. It is a popular resort and retirement area

  • a state in southeastern United States between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War

  • Florida is the debut full-length studio album by producer and DJ Diplo.

  • Florida is a Barcelona Metro station in the municipality of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, served by L1 (red line). The station opened in 1987 as part of the newly-built extension of the subway line further into L'Hospitalet.

  • HOTELS (ISSN-1047-2975) is a trade publication serving the information needs of the worldwide hospitality industry.

  • An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists

  • A code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication

  • (hotel) a building where travelers can pay for lodging and meals and other services

  • Hotel is a dimensional real estate game created by Milton Bradley in 1986. It is similar to Square Mile and Prize Property. In Hotel the players are building resort hotels and attempting to drive their competitors into bankruptcy.

IMG 0184

IMG 0184

NASHVILLE: Carlton R. Young, keynote speaker for RETHINKING WORSHIP & SONG, March 1st at Lowe's Vanderbilt Plaza in Nashville leads singing and speaks on the topic of Methodist hymns. Young was the editor of both the 1966 and 1989 Methodist Hymnals. Singing from left are H. Douglas Posegate of First UMC of Carbondale UMC, Carbondale, PA, Joan Averett of Memorial UMC in Fernandina Beach, Florida and (in back) Philip Star of Our Lords UMC in New Berlin, Wisconsin.

A UMNS photo by Kathleen Barry.

The Casements and Coleus

The Casements and Coleus

John D. Rockefeller was among the first plutocrats to enjoy spending time in Ormond Beach. His presence caused others to follow. Among them, the Astors, Goulds and Vanderbilts, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, the Duke of Windsor, Will Rogers and even Al Capone. Many stayed in the old Ormond Hotel which was directly across the street from Mr. Rockefeller's home. The Ormond Hotel stands no more; The Ormond Heritage Condominiums are on the site, now.

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