Sahara je nekoć bila plodna

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Sahara je prije nekoliko tisuća godina bila vlažno tropsko područje s bujnom vegetacijom, u kojem su živjeli nosorozi, žirafe, slonovi i krokodili, a biljni i životinjski svijet nestajali su postupno, utvrdili su njemački znanstvenici.

Mnoštvo biljnih i životinjskih vrsta nije odjednom nestalo iz Sahare, kako se dosad smatralo, nego je njihov nestanak bio postupak, ustanovio je Stefan Kroepelin i njegovi kolege sa sveučilišta u Koelnu.

Njihovo istraživanje, objavljeno u najnovijem broju časopisa Science, pokazuje da je Sahara u svoje sadašnje stanje došla prije 2700 godina.

U doba "zelene Sahare", koje je započelo prije otprilike 10.500 godina i potrajalo do prije 7300 godine, današnja najveća svjetska pustinja bila je posvuda naseljena, izjavio je Kroepelin, koji već 30 godina istražuje promjene klime i okoliša u istočnoj Sahari.

Na kraju dugog procesa preobrazbe Sahara je postala ono što danas jest, prava pustinja bez oborina.

Pretpovijesni nalazi pokazuju da je južni dio Sahare prije nekoliko tisućljeća bio prekriven šumom, a sjeverni travom, tvrdi geoarheolog Kroepelin. U južnom su dijelu brojne riblje vrste živjele u rijekama i jezerima. Današnje Čadsko jezero svojedobno je bilo najveće na svijetu, a danas je od njega preostalo manje od jedan posto izvorne veličine.

Najvažnije spoznaje Kroepelinova je ekipa dobila bušenjem u 26 metara dubokom jezeru u predjelu Uunianga u Čadu, najdubljem jezeru u Sahari. Nalaz u bušotini služi za rekonstruiranje razdoblja od 6000 godina.

Pretpovijesni nalazi dokazuju da su prije nekoliko tisuća godina gotovo posvuda u Sahari živjeli ljudi, koji su svršetkom doba "zelene Sahare" postupno selili na njezin južni rub. Slično se dogodilo i sa životinjama, koje su prije otprilike 7300 godina počele selidbu na jug.

Stoljetni proces prirodnog širenja pustinje obustavljen je u proteklih 20 godina zbog globalnih klimatskih promjena. "Na rubovima pustinje sve je više oborina, a u nenaseljenoj pustinji možemo promatrati trend ponovne pojave biljaka", izjavio je Kroepelin.


Iran misli da je Barbie destruktivna

Uvoz lutaka Barbie i drugih zapadnih igračaka imat će razorne kulturne i društvene posljedice po Iran, izjavio je u ponedjeljak glavni iranski tužitelj.

Iranske islamske vlasti često ustaju protiv opasnosti koje vide u kulturi i potrošačkom društvu koje potiču Sjedinjene Države, označujući ih kao "trovanje Zapadom".

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Mladi Iranci, međutim, gorljivi su potrošači takbe glazbe, filmova i drugih roba sa Zapada. Poznate igračke mogu se kupiti u dječjim prodavaonama u Teheranu i drugdje.

"Pojava likova poput Barbie, Batmana, Spidermana i Harryja Pottera i ...računalnih igara i filmova su poziv na opasnost za dužnosnike u kulturnoj areni", rekao je glavni tužitelj Ghorba Ali Dori Najafabadi u pismu potpredsjedniku Parvizu Davoudiju objavljenom u dnevniku Mardom Salary.

Najafabadi, visokopozicionirani svećenik, kazao je kako je Iran treći po količini svjetski uvoznik igračaka i ukazao kako to predstavlja opasnost na "osobnost i identitet" mlade generacije.



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28.07.2007., subota

Tips on How to Get Positive Attention from Your Boss

Nothing will boost your climb of the corporate ladder like getting positive attention from your boss. Mind you, this is not as easy as it sounds. For a variety of reasons, bosses are hardwired to respond to problems, and thus much attention - albeit negative - is lavished on those who either create the problems or are affected by them, while those who do their jobs quietly, consistently, and without fail usually seem to disappear into the wallpaper.

Some have attempted to make up for this lack of notice by doing little favors for the boss. This is oftentimes dramatically embellished in office humor skids and plays as the "yes-man" who will fetch coffee, pick up the dry cleaning for the boss, and laugh at all of her or his jokes. Obviously, this will not get you positive attention from your boss - or coworkers - but instead may earn you quiet derision and snickering behind your back.

Tips on how to get positive attention from your boss usually focus on doing your job well, and coming up with great ideas. While this is true, there is a lot more to positive attention than just doing that for which you get paid.

Here are some tips that you may not across all that often:1. Find out what your boss' personality type is and learn how to deal with and impress such personalities. A type "A" personality must be treated differently than somebody who is laid back and relaxed. Similarly, while some bosses respond well to the little acts of service - coffee, dry cleaning, and so on - others will forever disrespect you because of it. Some bosses will respect you for speaking your mind while others will be horrified by this. Learn your boss' personality and use this knowledge to your advantage.

2. Be productive, not just active. It is never a good idea to be cooling your heels when the boss walks in, but showcasing a flurry of activity might backfire as well. You need to hone your productivity and find the quickest possible ways to get your work done. Then, after everything is finished and the boss runs across you perusing an industry magazine, white paper, or conducting research on the business on the Internet, you will be able to calmly showcase how everything has been taken care of and how you are now continuing to educate yourself about taking the business to the next level.

3. Stand out from the crowd by dress. This does not mean that you should wear pink pants and a blue polka dot shirt, but if you become known as the guy with the quirky (yet always tasteful and appropriate) ties or the gal with the out of this world (yet always tasteful and never too big) earrings, you will have created a bit of a niche. Since there is nothing objectionable to your mode of dress, your little eccentricity will intrigue your boss and she or he will want to know what might make you tick and how you think.

This is simple human nature that may garner you a lot of positive attention from your boss and co-workers as well. Obviously, if you are out to impress, you will need to have something with which to now take that attention you are given and work it in your favor.

- 10:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

23.07.2007., ponedjeljak

Three Ideas That Can Bring in More Money to Your Business

Increased profits and a larger company base is the goal of any business. If you notice your profits declining slightly over time, you may need to rethink your business plan or try to find ways to generate more interest online. One way to do this is to create a marketing campaign that targets specific groups on the Internet. If you have built a customer base, you should know more about which people are more likely to buy your products. Targeting specific groups saves money, time, and energy on increasing visitors to your site.

Begin your new marketing campaign by creating a list of groups you would like to target. After deciding on a specific group, find out where they are located online. Find out which web sites they visit, which blogs they read, and where they spend their money. Create a marketing campaign around these areas by paying for advertising on web sites frequented by your target group, posting comments on blogs with your web address, and write articles and press releases that will published on websites where your target group shops.

Another way to bring in more money to your business is targeting those who are on your mailing list. Hopefully, you have created a mailing list by asking people to sign up for a newsletter, email alerts, and other special items. With this list, you can target those who have not made purchases in a long time by sending a coupon, updating them on a new product, or announcing any changes you have made to the website.

Marketing your business to those who are already familiar with your products, customer service, and other aspects are much more likely to make future purchases. You will not need to coax them as often as you would new visitors to the site. Sending periodic reminders that your business is still online will prompt more people to make purchases.

The third way to increase your sales is by introducing new products as often as you can. Having a fresh inventory will attract new customers and entice old customers into making a purchase. Everyone loves a new product. If you feature it on your homepage, your sales will increase. Make sure you include a full description of your new product and offer it at a discounted price for a short time as this will give people more reasons to make a purchase.

Before sales begin to drop, you should consider ways to increase sales. This will make less profitable months seem more bearable. Marketing is the key to any businesses success online and off. If you cannot entice customers to buy from your website, then your business will not be successful. Use the ways mentioned above to quickly increase sales.

- 09:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

19.07.2007., četvrtak

Here's How You Could Be Starting A Home Business

Did you ever wish you could get paid just to tell someone how to do something? That's called management, right? Well, it extends beyond that. You can't pick up a magazine today without seeing the phrase "Experts Say..." Who are these so-called "experts?" What makes them an expert? Webster's Dictionary defines expert as "having, involving, or displaying special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience." How will knowing this help you in starting a home business?

I bet if you think about it for a minute, you have a special skill or knowledge derived from training or experience. Maybe you know some tricks to making the perfect model airplane. Maybe you know the best way to get a used car for a great price. Maybe you even have a talent for explaining anything to someone so that they can understand it... say, providing instructions for "dummies"?

If you have this "special skill" or "knowledge" in a particular field, you might consider starting a home business as a consultant. Your target audience would be easy to determine, it's the people who do the work that pertains to your area of expertise. Now that you know what you have to sell, and who to sell it to, all you have to do is sell it. You might advertise in the paper, phone book or online. You can sell your consulting services on Ebay for a fixed rate.

An example would be to list an auction with a "Buy it Now" price of "x" amount of dollars for either a phone call, an email, a demonstration or what have you. Make fliers and pass them around town or put them in your local newspapers. Tell them why they need your expertise. Tell them how you came to know what you know and why they can't afford to not have your information.

Thinking outside the box when starting a home business is a huge part of your success. If you try to work at home selling the same thing everyone else is, or selling the same information as everyone else, you'll soon run into a wall that will never seem to remove itself. When starting a home business- be unique, be yourself, be successful.

- 11:08 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

16.07.2007., ponedjeljak

Running a Successful Home-Based Business with Children

Have you ever felt guilty because you feel that your home-based business takes too much precious time away from your children? Do you sometimes feel frazzled because you think that caring for your children interferes with your home-based business? You are not alone. However, if you set some ground rules and adhere to them, you can have a successful home-based business as well as contented children. Here are seven guidelines to make sure your home business is a happy home.

1. Children thrive on routine. You will find that when you have a routine you are more productive as you work at your home-based business. If your children know that you work between certain scheduled hours and should not be interrupted unless it is an emergency, then you will find that your interruptions will lessen.

2. Have your kid's routine part of yours. Whether it is telling a bedtime story, helping your children for an hour with homework, eating breakfast with your children, they appreciate predictability. If you schedule regular time with your children, then you will avoid getting too obsessed with home-based business demands. When you schedule daily time with your children, this will help you to realize that they are just important as the activities associated with your home-based business.

3. Organize child care. You must accept the fact that you cannot run a business from home and be a full-time mother. Some home-based business owners only work when their children are in school or in bed for the evening. If you have a spouse, then you may be able to arrange your schedules so that one is working at the home-based business while the other watches the children. You may have to pay for child care. However, the increase in productivity that is generated by your home-based business will be well worthwhile.

4. Set ground rules for your business and share them with your children. Your children should be aware that you run a home-based business, and they should know how to act accordingly. Lay down basic rules which will allow you to be as professional as possible in your home-based business. Include rules that will allow your home-based business to be as productive as possible.

5. Include your children in your home-based business. No matter what your home-based business is, there is always something your children can do. Making your children part of your home-based business will allow you the opportunity of spending more time with them and teaching them such things as handling money.

6. Try to find creative ways of combining your home-based business with your children. If you have a client who is agreeable, you may try holding a business meeting at MacDonald's or some other restaurant that is designed for children. Take your children with you when you run business-related errands.

7. Think of all of the regular working people who have full-time jobs and long commutes. One of the great benefits of running a home-based business is that you have many opportunities to be with your children. You not only get to run your home-based business, but you get to live there as well.

- 10:47 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

11.07.2007., srijeda

How to Begin a Home-Based Business

People have all sorts of reasons for wanting to start a home-based business. Maybe you are tired of the 9 to 5 grind, maybe you finally think you deserve to make what you are worth, maybe you are fed up with working for someone else or perhaps you want more time for yourself and your family. One way of making a good income is to utilize the power of the Internet. Here are ten points to ponder before actually signing on the dotted line:

1.If you plan to join a certain company, make it your business to look at its policies and procedures. You must research the reliability, credibility and all of the hidden things before you join.

2.Make sure that you communicate with your upline sponsor. If you are not satisfied with their answer, then go to the top! The top people in networking companies are just like us. If they are too busy to talk to you now, then they will be too busy later as well. It would be best to move on and find a reputable company to deal with. It is better to find this out sooner than later.

3.Make it your business to explore your upline's web site. Do not only look at it from a human perspective but from a business point of view. See that the web site has a good title, good keywords and a good metatag description. If it does not, then you will have to purchase a domain name to build your own web site in order to promote that affiliate link. This must be done in order to become a successful business person.

4.Make note of the customer support team. In case a problem arises, is this team reachable?
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5.Does the company you are planning to join offer training? The most sophisticated and best companies have online web conferencing. The trainers should have excellent reputations and should be highly qualified to be able to train people to begin and succeed with a home-based business.

6.Is this company simply trying to sell you leads for your home-based business? You should never buy leads. They will never be worth the money you pay for them.

7.You must join a company that has its own successful lead generation system in place. This is a must. In order for your home-based business to be a success, you must be able to contact people about your new business.

8.Are you good on the telephone? If this is not your cup of tea, then hire a professional to talk to your prospects. This person will be able to generate sales for your online business.

9.Make sure the program you are joining is not only backed up by written but audio testimonials as well. You will find that you will gain more customers if they can actually speak to people who are having success with this business.

10.Check out the company's owner. He or she should always be accessible and willing to answer any questions you may have.

These are the ten steps to follow to begin your home-based business. This is not just a dream but a reality. Follow these steps, work hard, and you will soon be the owner of a successful online home-based business.

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10.07.2007., utorak

How to Begin a Home-Based Business

People have all sorts of reasons for wanting to start a home-based business. Maybe you are tired of the 9 to 5 grind, maybe you finally think you deserve to make what you are worth, maybe you are fed up with working for someone else or perhaps you want more time for yourself and your family. One way of making a good income is to utilize the power of the Internet. Here are ten points to ponder before actually signing on the dotted line:

1.If you plan to join a certain company, make it your business to look at its policies and procedures. You must research the reliability, credibility and all of the hidden things before you join.

2.Make sure that you communicate with your upline sponsor. If you are not satisfied with their answer, then go to the top! The top people in networking companies are just like us. If they are too busy to talk to you now, then they will be too busy later as well. It would be best to move on and find a reputable company to deal with. It is better to find this out sooner than later.

3.Make it your business to explore your upline's web site. Do not only look at it from a human perspective but from a business point of view. See that the web site has a good title, good keywords and a good metatag description. If it does not, then you will have to purchase a domain name to build your own web site in order to promote that affiliate link. This must be done in order to become a successful business person.

4.Make note of the customer support team. In case a problem arises, is this team reachable?

5.Does the company you are planning to join offer training? The most sophisticated and best companies have online web conferencing. The trainers should have excellent reputations and should be highly qualified to be able to train people to begin and succeed with a home-based business.

6.Is this company simply trying to sell you leads for your home-based business? You should never buy leads. They will never be worth the money you pay for them.

7.You must join a company that has its own successful lead generation system in place. This is a must. In order for your home-based business to be a success, you must be able to contact people about your new business.

8.Are you good on the telephone? If this is not your cup of tea, then hire a professional to talk to your prospects. This person will be able to generate sales for your online business.

9.Make sure the program you are joining is not only backed up by written but audio testimonials as well. You will find that you will gain more customers if they can actually speak to people who are having success with this business.

10.Check out the company's owner. He or she should always be accessible and willing to answer any questions you may have.

These are the ten steps to follow to begin your home-based business. This is not just a dream but a reality. Follow these steps, work hard, and you will soon be the owner of a successful online home-based business.

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Amerikanka čeka osamnaesto dijete

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Uz skorašnji Majčin dan američki mediji objavili su priču o 41-godišnjoj ženi iz Arkansasa, koja nosi svoje 18. dijete koje bi se trebalo roditi na 1. siječnja.

Michelle Duggar majka je sedam djevojčica i desetorice dječaka, a među njih 17 dva su para blizanaca. Najstarijem djetetu je 20 godina, a najmlađem devet mjeseci. Brzorastuća obitelj živi u Tontitownu na sjeverozapadu Arkansasa u domu od 650 četvornih kvadrata. Imena sve djece počinju slovom J i djeca ne pohađaju školu već nastavni program prate u vlastitoj obitelji.


Istraživanje će dokazati trebaju li žene u menopauzi jesti čokoladu svaki dan

Čokolada bi mogla spasiti život nekim ženama, kažu znanstvenici. Oni, naime, vjeruju da bi određena vrsta čokolade mogla biti korisna određenom tipu žena.
Ova će teorija biti ispitana posebnim istraživanjem tijekom kojeg će 150 dobrovoljki jesti čokoladu svaki dan, i to godinu dana.

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Znanstvenici Sveučilišta East Anglia vjeruju da bi čokolada bogata posebnim biljnim spojem mogla pomoći ženama koje su prošle menopauzu, a imaju dijabetes tipa 2. Njima bi čokolada mogla pomoći očuvati srce.

Flavonoidi, biljni sastojci koji se nalaze u kakau i soji, dokazano smanjuju rizik od izloženosti srčanim bolestima. Stručnjaci za dijete uposlili su tako belgijskog proizvođača čokolade da proizvede čokoladice bogate flavonoidima. Klasičan postupak proizvodnje čokolade, naime, uništava većinu flavonoida.

"Postoje neke stvari za koje smo sigurni da smanjuju rizik od bolesti srca. Jedenje čokolade nije nešto za što bismo mogli pomislili da ćemo raditi svaki dan", rekao jedan od sudionika istraživanja.

Potvrdi li teorija, dakle, čokolada bi mogla biti uvrštena među obveznu hranu za zaštitu srca žena nakon menopauze. Ovo bi, konačno, bio "recept" koji bi sa zadovoljstvom poštovale mnoge žene.


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